Category talk:Endemic flora

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I think this category is odd at Commons. It seems to work for Wikipedia as there they don't categorize images with different locations. Plain species categories with specimens from all over the range or world don't depict the nature of any specific contry. So plain species categories as subcategories of "Category:Endemic flora of <country>" are as messy as they are as subcategories of "Category:Flora of <country>". Also we shouldn't clutter species categories with tens or hunders of location based categories. This might work if we categorize images (not plain species categories) as endemic to some area. So these images actually depict the flora and nature of a specific country with their background, scene and varietes. Plain species categories here without specified location seem extra odd as all species must be endemic to some area. I'd rather keep the distribution info at Wikipedia (and there too preferably in another form than categories) to keep the things simple and clear. 09:22, 4 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]