Category:Map projections with Tissot's indicatrix/Templates

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Template images of equirectangular maps with Tissot's indicatrices of several resolution

Povray source code for these images:

#declare DEG=2;
#declare NUM = 720/DEG;
#declare R= (2*pi / NUM)*0.5;

#declare Kugel  = sphere { <0,0,1>, R  pigment { color rgbt<0.9,0,0,0.5> } finish { ambient 1 } }

#declare X=0;
#declare LAMBDA=-180;
#while( LAMBDA<+180 )

#declare PHI = -90 + DEG;
#while( PHI < +90 )

#declare SNIP = int( (R*NUM)/(cos(PHI*pi/180)*pi)+0.5);
#if( (SNIP > 1) & ( mod(X,SNIP)>0) )
  // omit sphere
        rotate x*PHI
        rotate y*LAMBDA

#declare PHI=PHI+DEG;

#declare X=X+1;
#declare LAMBDA = LAMBDA + DEG;

object { Kugel rotate x*90 }
object { Kugel rotate x*-90 }

        location <0,0,0>
        look_at <0,0,1>
//      sky <1,1,0>  // for oblique maps

Media in category "Map projections with Tissot's indicatrix/Templates"

The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total.