Category:Grave Reimarus at Friedhof Ohlsdorf

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Relicts of the two original gravestones each for German scientist “Joh. Alb. Hinr. Reimarus“ of 1814 (some of his decendants were members of the Sieveking family) and his wife, German pioneer in the Age of Enlightement Christiane Sophie Louise Reimarus. Original location was the ancient burial ground of St. Petri (part of the old Hamburg “ Dammtorfriedhöfe”), nowadays integrated in the grave area of the Sieveking family at Hamburg Friedhof Ohlsdorf, map S 25 / S 26 (Waldstraße/Kapellenstraße).
Details: Eberhard Kändler: Begräbnishain und Gruft. Die Grabmale der Oberschicht auf den alten Hamburger Friedhöfen. Christians Verlag, Hamburg 1997, ISBN 3-7672-1294-3 S. 130-131, as well as Barbara Leisner, Heiko K. L. Schulze, Ellen Thormann: Der Hamburger Hauptfriedhof Ohlsdorf. Geschichte und Grabmäler., Verlag Hans Christians, Hamburg 1990, page 23, Kat. 63 (including historical picture).