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User:Gbawden assumes copyright violations for images in this category.

This is a personal User category of User:Gbawden, where images are temporary categorized before official actions might be taken. Images in this category might even be speedy-deleted, without proper discussion.

Official actions (such as deletion) could follow, but must be well explained. However already adding an image to this category should be well explained, to avoid confusion.

If you find a image without copy-right violation in this category:

  1. save the file on your disk, and a screenshot of the page including description (when File is deleted, you can't access the image any more and due to lack of infromation, it is difficult to argument against an admin still seeing the image)
  2. remove the category (otherwise it might get deleted)
  3. (optional) infrom User:Gbawden and the User tagged this image, that there is no copyright-violation, otherwise the image might again end up in this category

There are no pages or files in this category.
This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more).