Category:Estey Piano Corp

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See also Wikipedia article: en:Estey Organ#Estey-Welte, an unrelated competitor. See also category: Estey Organ Co..


  • "ESTEY PIANO CO." in (1922) The Purchaser's Guide to the Music Industries, Music Trades Corporation, p. 132
    "ESTEY PIANO CO.—Manufactures the popular "Estey" piano at its extensive and imposing factories on the corner of 133d street and Lincoln avenue, New York. General offices at factory. This company, incorporated in 1885, is the direct successor to a well-known piano manufacturing concern that was established in 1869. The officers and directors of the Estey Piano Co. are Colonel J. G. Estey, president; A. V. W. Setley and M. C. Lorini, vice-presidents; George W. Gittins, treasurer; A. Dalrymple, secretary; Robert H. Gittins and Valentine J. Faeth. During the year 1917 Mr. Gittins acquired a controlling interest in the company. He is a man of long and wide experience in the industry. His strong and aggressive personality showed itself immediately in the way of important changes and improvements, including an extensive addition to the factory, which resulted in a great expansion of the business. Grands, uprights and player-pianos are made, and the plant has a capacity of 6000 pianos per annum. The "Estey" pianos received an award at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893, and were highly commended by the judges for tone, workmanship and reliability. The name of "Estey" has been before the public for nearly three-quarters of a century in connection with the most successful and popular make of reed-organs known. The Estey Piano Co., to manufacture an "Estey" piano, while entirely distinct from the great reed-organ firm, was formed to meet a strong demand from the agents and friends of the house. It was decided at the start to make a first-class instrument in every respect, an instrument that should be worthy a name that long ago became a household word in this country. For this purpose a large and finely equipped plant was put up in the Bronx, whose tower can be seen from all directions. This concern has standardized its output by reducing the number of styles to four including a baby grand, an upright, a player-piano, and the famous Welte reproducing piano. This development is in line with Mr. Gittins' well-known ideas on "standardization." The change in the manufacturing policy of this house has proven highly acceptable to their numerous dealers all over the country. The financial and commercial standing of this house is of the highest. Represented by prominent dealers all over the country. The Estey Co. has increased by large additions its factory facilities. "


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Media in category "Estey Piano Corp"

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