Category:Apollo 17 EVA at Station 1

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From the Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report, Chapter 5 (NASA SP-330, 1973):

Station 1 is located on the northwestern flank of Steno Crater about 150 m from the Steno rim crest. Subfloor basalt was collected as small fragments from the soil and as chips from two vesicular 0.5-m boulders on the rim of a 10-m crater. As at Camelot Crater, the large boulders are bounded in part by tabular faces and contain parallel parting planes. A distinct planar boundary between coarsely vesicular basalt and finely vesicular basalt is oblique to a set of parallel fractures in one of the boulders.

The 10-m crater presumably reexcavated basalt blocks from within the upper 2 m of the ejecta blanket of Steno Crater. Steno Crater is 600 m in diameter; the maximum depth from which rocks might have been excavated in the Steno impact is about 120 m. The sampled blocks occur approximately one-fourth crater diameter from the Steno rim, however, and probably were derived from some intermediate depth in the Steno target.

Media in category "Apollo 17 EVA at Station 1"

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