Category:§ 175 StGB

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Deutsch: Der § 175 des deutschen Strafgesetzbuchs (StGB) existierte vom 1. Januar 1872 bis zum 11. Juni 1994 und stellte sexuelle Handlungen zwischen Personen männlichen Geschlechts unter Strafe.
English: Paragraph 175 of the German Penal Code was on the books from 1 January 1872 until 11 June 1994 and criminalized sexual practices between male persons, placing them under penalty of imprisonment.
<nowiki>Paragrafo 175; 德國刑事法第175條; Paragraphe 175; Paragraf 175; Paragraf 175; Параграф 175; Paragraful 175; Paràgraf 175; Параграф 175; 175. paragrafus; § 175 StGB; Parágrafo 175; Paragraph 175; پاراگراف ۱۷۵; 德國刑事法第175條; Параграф 175; § 175 Strofgesetzboch; 刑法175条; Artículo 175; Paragraf 175; กฎหมายอาญา มาตรา 175 (เยอรมนี); Paragraf 175; סעיף 175; Paragraaf 175; Paragraf 175; Paragraf 175; Paragraf 175; 형법 175조; Paragraph 175; Artikolo 175; Mellad 175; Параграф 175; disposición del Código Penal alemán que prohíbe los actos homosexuales, derogada en 1994; ドイツの法律; article du Code pénal allemand qui interdisait les actes homosexuels, abrogé en 1994; tysk strafflag mellan 1871 och 1994; антыгомасексуальнае палажэнне крымінальнага кодэкса Германіі; část německého trestního zákoníku; История уголовного преследования гомосексуальных контактов в Германии; provision of the German Criminal Code forbidding homosexual acts, repealed 1994; frühere strafrechtliche Verfolgung homosexueller Handlungen in Deutschland; 동성애 행위를 금지하는 독일 형법 조항, 1994년 폐지; provision of the German Criminal Code forbidding homosexual acts, repealed 1994; medida do Código Penal Alemão que criminalizava a homossexualidade; 德國刑事法律條文; артыкул нямецкага заканадаўства да 1994 року; 刑法175条 (ドイツ); Paragraph 175; 독일 형법 175조; § 175 StGB; § 175; § 175 StGB</nowiki>
Paragraph 175 
provision of the German Criminal Code forbidding homosexual acts, repealed 1994
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Instance of
  • paragraph
Part of
  • Strafgesetzbuch
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Applies to jurisdiction
  • 1 January 1872
End time
  • 11 June 1994
Dissolved, abolished or demolished date
  • 11 June 1994
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.