Wiki Academy Kosovo Photo Contest

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Wiki Academy Kosovo


Last additions were made on 10 February 2013.

This is a page showcasing photos submitted to Wiki Academy Kosovo competition.

Wiki Academy Kosovo is an initiative to improve the quality and quantity of coverage of Kosovo in Wikipedia.

The Academy will bring together active online citizens and content experts and help them develop into skilled editors to write high quality articles regarding Kosovo in categories such as culture, heritage, social issues, geography, institutions, economy and tourism. In parallel, the organizers are running a photo competition to source quality photos from Kosovo on the topics mentioned above.

For those that want to take part in the competition, please see the rules and application form on archive copy at the Wayback Machine . Deadline for photo submissions is 22 February 2013. When submitting photos, please categorize your photos at the minimum under "Kosovo" and "WikiAcademyKosovo" categories. If you are a true Wikipedian, you may even add your photos submitted to the bottom of this page yourself.

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Arben Llapashtica


Agon Hasani


Irvi Hyka


Afrim Saphiu


Bujar Gashi


Shkumbim Rama


Brilant Pireva


Shkumbin Saneja


Abdurahim Abdushi


Arian Ramaj


Shkumbin Vula


Agron Murtezi


Kaltrina Misini


Berat Hoxha


More Contestants


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