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By Yoconda Matute Poem and Narratives

Poem and Narratives

I would like to dedicate this book to family and friends 
 Who share knowledge and 

experiences in my daily life.

CONTENTS Chapter 1 The poem The Pandemic Hurts my feeling 6

By Yoconda M.                                                                                                                         7                            

Plot 8


Analysis 10 Chapter 2 11

Story of An Hour  By Kate Chopin                                                                                          12                

Questions of the analysis 17 Tentative Thesis 18 Close reading questions: 19


Further reading 21 Acrostic 22


“She’s got some sort of notion in her head concerning the eternal rights of women”. By Kate Chopin


Poem and 


This is a seed that many teachers have planted since I started at LaGuardia Community College in English classes. I’m grateful for them because they have made this job possible.


I wrote this little chapter book for my English class, and I took the challenge of focusing on society's isolation and issues.

Chapter 1

Poem The Pandemic hurts my feeling Pandemic time has caused isolation It makes me feel weird, it impacted my daily life I look up at the sky in the hazy day and it reminds me, I have to survive alone. I don’t like to be in isolation, I do not know how to live like this!

Some aspects changed that now look normal. I miss a little smile that made me feel happy; I can’t see if a person is sad, or happy I can’t see those expressions of kindness, empathy, and the feeling of the individual and compassion.

I walk on the sidewalk, with mask covering their face, and only seeing their eyes Eyes with tears, eyes with disappointment, eyes with fear My eyes can only look and empathize, But my soul and heart wants to hug and tell them everything is going to be okay. My spirit cries out loud saying everything will be okay.

More computers, they said, more technology they pled, Leading us to become soulless like robots and machines, While others are hungry for love, and looking for where to find like how a homeless person asks for bread.

Pandemic hits people’s lives and isolates us, Who’s thirsty for love hoping to fly to stay close to the stars.

Those are bright to make them bright,
here are some revelations about systematic and structural racism: 

those complicated feelings are perfectly normal.


When Covid-19 began to spread globally, government officials had put a mandated law to quarantine for fourteen days. Authorities of each state also put a curfew law in effect as well. The majority of the population was in agreement of being quarantined and some were in shock that quarantine lasted for a period of time. As time passed, society continued to be in complete lock down, which affected peoples activities and their daily lives, such as going to school, work, being with families and socializing. As Covid-19 continued to spread globally, the media would report lives lost and also report positive results of people being contaminated. The media would constantly advise society to wear masks, social distance, stay 6 feet apart and to not have large gatherings. This affected the daily activities of local restaurants, schools began to close, supermarkets were limiting the amount of people inside. This also caused individuals to stock up on food and water in order to maintain themselves during quarantine. People began to act selfishly towards buying and stocking up on toilet paper, food, and water. This act made it difficult to find toilet paper and other necessities for other families. People also began to avoid each other because of the fear of catching the virus; for example, if another person did not have a mask, the second party would get frustrated, scared and angry. According to the news, elderly were more vulnerable because of their weak immune system which led to that population being more isolated. Since the quarantine, it caused people to lose empathy for others.

 During quarantine, society began using technology to keep themselves occupied.  For example, certain employers used Zoom to be in contact with their workers, schools began to use virtual learning, and children began to play more video games. Children and families were affected by the pandemic because everyone had to adapt to this new change, children were not getting the best out of their school’s education, and certain people felt imprisoned in their own home because they were in fear of stepping outside.  This led to isolation and not being able to communicate with one another. This also led to people losing their jobs which led to depression and anxiety because no money was being made.  The population began to struggle with paying rent and their bills, causing more stress and anxiety.      

In addition to the pandemic, certain events caused protest and riots throughout the country. Black people were getting murdered by police which led to looting and aggressive behaviors towards police officers and small businesses. The ongoing issues that people of color were facing were brought to light with the Black Lives Matter movement due to the protests and riots that were happening all over the world. The pandemic had a huge effect on everyone globally, and the virus will continue to spread if the population does not follow the rules in place to slow down the spread. Society needs to return back to the way it was in order for individuals to begin to have feelings and empathy for those around them. Children need to socialize in order to develop good social skills, and to be able to continue their education. If the country works together, we can restore what was lost and come back greater and stronger.

By:Yoconda Matute

Analysis The poem “The Pandemic Hurt My Feelings” describes the world’s current situation. It describes how globally people have become more isolated, and lost feelings for each other. In the poem it mentions how society is asking for more technology and doesn’t realize that we are being controlled by our latest gadgets. The current young generation is losing the skill of how to communicate and not developing good social skills. I compare the homeless man being hungry for bread to people who are hungry for love and engagement. Covid-19 has changed the lives of many people and will continue to change how society behaves towards each other.

Chapter 2 Kate Chopin

By Wikipedia.

Contex for Kate Chopin’s “Story of an Hour” :Women in the Nineteen Century Kate Chopin “The story of an Hour” is based on the idea of female independence. It is assessing the concerns on how women are supposed to behave in the 19the century. The death of Louise’s husband shows how women were able to have independence, which was the only way it was able to happen. Regardless of Louise’s sorrow from her husband’s death, she still feels happy at the same time because she realizes she is independent and free. In the end of the story, shockingly Louise’s husband returns home and we are able to see that she is in great shock and heart stops and dies. She dies because of the joy that kills, happy to see her husband but, upset because her freedom is gone. In the 19th century the American society believed that women had to depend on their husbands. Women had to submit to their husband, maintain the household and adjust their lives to their husbands. Women also had no financial income and relied on their husbands for income as well. The “Story of An Hour” was published in 1885 when women started to show organized movements rising. And in the 1920 women were finally given the right to vote.

In the article “Women in the nineteen century“ published in New York, Saturday, February 15, 1845, by Broadway Journal, it displayed that Margaret Fuller was an influential and a critical American writer activist who trusted that women have to get higher in education and talent to accomplish goals together with their husbands. Women should be partners and be able to comprehend their husbands. In those times, it was considered a “tabu” for men in society between women’s rights and women's commitment who suffered oppression from their husbands. The author attempted to comprehend as women were living in times of oppression. Women in society were seen as individuals that were made fun of and also seen as an imposter. Women are human beings with feelings and rights, like men. However, women were abused and did not have a voice to speak out and the majority of them did not have any education. Furthermore, women needed to marry in order to start their lives independently without their parents. Women also were not able to work in essential places and have power. On the contrary women had to raise their kids and have a house wife role. Women were scolded by their husbands, seen as maids and were house wives for many years. The author states that men who worked for the government did not voice for women’s rights and showed no support towards them. The author felt the world was unfair towards women in society. Fuller, an unspoken woman, tried to find the truth to teach women that they should not be forced to live with a man unhappy. Fuller also spoke about being able to get a divorce if they’re not happy with their husband. It was also taught to change the world by teaching their children to have a different mindset towards women and generations to come. Women suffered all kinds of abuse, such as emotional abuse and physical abuse. Husbands also forced their wives to have children even though they did not agree on having a child. Furthermore, they got married at an early age and were forced to marry and have children. Fuller believed in freedom, she indicates in the article that women were treated unfairly and like slaves. In society there are three different types of status such as lower class, middle class and high class. In these times Men had complete control over Women and owned them as well in each level of status. However, the middle and lower classes were more affected than the high class because women had to stay home, abide by the rules and do housework. Additionally, if they were slaves they had to do field work. Men made decisions for the family and women were forced to follow those decisions even if they were wrong. Women couldn't argue toward the man’s decision. Women attempted to be good wives in order for society to view them as their traditional good wife. In the 19th century women were treated unfairly in society; men were controlling and manipulators in society. However women held power when it came to their natural beauty and men were not able to resist. Women were able to move towards music which made men vulnerable. Women were able to have power over men with regards to their beauty, Fuller explained if women were able to have freedom and rights that they can be a support system towards their husband in order for them to accomplish their goal In America, some women could be free. Kate Chopin was a feminist of the 19th century as well as Fuller. Both Fuller and Chopin were known writers who taught women the necessity to change society toward the individual. In conclusion, women in the 19th century suffered because at those times all men occupied essential strategic jobs in the government, and they were against women. Men created law to victimize women and did not use their power to fight for women’s rights. However, women were being educated in society and were passing it down to their children. Feminists made many changes; however, women do not get the same wages as men even though some women are more prepared than men. Women must continue to fight and stand up for their rights in order for them to be treated equally. -

“The Story of An Hour“ 1-. What does the Story of An Hour mean? The title represents that Mrs. Mallard’s life is being lived in one whole hour. She is going through major changes in the story. In the time frame of an hour, Mrs. Mallard has a normal life and she’s shocked by her husband’s death. Then realizes that she is free and is living differently within that hour. The author is trying to show with the title that the protagonist goes through huge mental and emotional states during this hour. 2.- What does it mean that Mrs. Mallard is happy that her husband has died? What does it tell us about her society? Mrs. Mallard is happy that her husband has died because she enjoys the feeling of being free. This tells us that she lived in a society where men are dominant and women submit to their spouse. 3.- What does it mean when Mrs.Mallard is isolated in her room? What does it mean when she is isolated in her marriage? Can one be isolated when one is surrounded by people who care about oneself? During the story Mrs. Mallard isolates herself in the room because she is mourning and weeping of her husband's death; however while being in her room she looks outside the window and sees how beautiful it is outside. Freedom is represented because Mrs. Mallard finally is free and is viewing the positive side of her husband’s death. An individual needs independence in order for personal self growth. Mrs. Mallard goes through isolation and realizes that freedom can lead to her own personal self growth. 4. Is Mrs. Mallard’s isolation caused by the role society imposes on her?

Mrs. Mallard’s isolation was caused by the role of society because Mrs. Mallard enjoyed the idea of being free and not oppressed by her husband even though she understood that even if she was out of love people would oppress each other.  In the 19th century, women had to dedicate their life to their husbands, to raising a family, and to be able to take care of the home.  By being able to isolate herself Ms.Mallard shows her freedom.  

5. What does the ending have to tell us about what the community does/has done to Mrs. Mallard? The ending shows that the community comforts Mrs. Mallard with her emotions. It shows that Mrs. Mallard is showing dependency on the community to comfort her. Even though she wants her freedom, the arrival of her husband causes her to get emotional and people around her to comfort her. By the community comforting her shows that women can’t be independent and need to rely on other individuals for their needs.

6.  What does Mrs. Mallard's husband represent? 

Her husband represents what society was in the 1800s. In those times, men were the dominant in that culture and women were obligated to abide by their husband. Her husband also represents a type of dictatorship, because when her husband passed away, Mrs. Mallard felt happy and free.

Tentative Thesis In the narrative “The story of An Hour “ by Kate Chopin the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard is like a bird in a cage. Ms. Mallard is being compared to a bird in a cage. She stares outside her window like a bird looks outside his cage to be able to fly and be free. The bird cage also displays her sorrow that she feels inside her heart. Ms. Mallard has lost her freedom when she got married and is not able to take care of herself because she is too focused on her husband’s well being. In the beginning of the story, Mrs. Mallard receives a notice about her husband's death and is able to feel free and fulfilled. However, she feels fear of the pleasure of being alone because she has never felt the feeling of being free. In comparison to the bird in the cage, Ms. Mallard has a glimpse of freedom when she hears of her husband's death; however, then she realizes her husband is alive and no longer feels free. Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” dramatizes the expectations of society on married women. The story is written in 1894 by Kate Chopin who expresses the expectations of society on married women. For example, a married woman gave her social status, however, she was obligated to care for him and follow his rules. In “The story of an Hour” Mrs.Mallard is a beautiful white young woman who has the characteristics of what a good woman is Mrs.Mallard chooses her as his wife because she fulfills his expectations on what a good woman is. Even though she fulfills his expectations, Mrs. Mallard lost her identity because she is forced by society to meet the requirements of a good woman which leads to her being owned by her husband. Therefore, Mrs. Mallard doesn’t feel free and instead she feels trapped in her body and soul. In those times parents encouraged their children to get married at any age in order to have social status. Social status represents wealth, good health and stability; in the story “Story of an Hour” Mrs. Mallard was married for many years which shows Mrs. Mallard had good stability and good social economic status. Even at the time of her death, she had doctors in her home indicating she had died from the joy that kills. As times changed women began to have more education, were able to fight for their rights and not be forced to be married. In today’s society people choose their partners based on who they care and love for. If women are not happy they are entitled to a divorce. Also, nowadays couples share with each other, and grow together. When it comes to being married, it is not mandated that women take their husband’s last name however; some women do decide to change to their spouse's last name. As you can, see times have evolved and will continue to change. As times change, women will continue to gain more rights and be treated equally. Close reading questions?

Mallard is described as “of joy that kills”. Is this statement describing that after realizing her husband was still alive Mrs. Mallard had a heart attack and died or the shock and disappointment from discovering her husband was still alive caused her to have a heart attack and die?

1- What is the irony of the joy that kills in “The Story of An Hour”? The irony of the joy that kills in the story of an hour, Mrs. Mallard finds out that her husband was alive, and then dies because she is in distress that she lost her freedom. 2.- How does the story describe Louise's feelings toward marriage? Louise's views towards marriage is that she does not like the idea of being controlled. In the story it shows she enjoys freedom and dies because she is in distress of losing her freedom when she realizes her husband is alive.

3.- How does Louise feel towards her husband's death? In the story it shows she mourns and weeps because of her husband’s death. However, she also enjoys the idea of having her freedom. The story shows that she looks outside the window and realizes how beautiful it is outside which represents freedom.

Close reading questions: 1- What is the irony of the joy that kills in the “story of An Hour”? The irony of the joy that kills in the story of an hour, Mrs. Mallard finds out that her husband was alive, and then dies because she is in distress that she lost her freedom. 2.- How does the story describe Louise's feelings toward marriage? Louise's views towards marriage is that she does not like the idea of being controlled. In the story it shows she enjoys freedom and dies because she is in distress of losing her freedom when she realizes her husband is alive.

3.- How Louise feels towards her husband's death? In the story it shows she mourns and weeps because of her husband’s death. However, she also enjoys the idea of having her freedom. The story shows that she looks outside the window and realizes how beautiful it is outside which represents freedom. Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” dramatizes the expectations of society on married women


Further reading Other stories by Kate Chopin -The awakening, Female Sexuality Other really good stories about women’s oppression Dramatizations of “The Story of an Hour”

More information on the roles of 19th century women in the U.S.

Acrostic Youthful spirit rainbow, Outstanding sunset. Clever thoughts, she has sweet dreams of bees in her head. Objective stay ready for the next day ahead. Noble companion having empathy and grace. Daring is a challenge to be adventurous. Appealing Rubi.

Analysis I have liked my name since I was a girl, it has made me feel unique. My father chose and put the taste in my life.

APA citation Chopin, K. (1894). Story of An Hour. Retrieved 2020, from Fuller, M. (1845). Woman in the Nineteenth Century. United Kingdom: Greeley & McElrath.Retrieved 2020, from

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