User talk:Sandshoe

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Well it took three goes to upload the image because the first time round told me that MPEG files are no good, the second time told me that I wasn't logged in (even when I was logged in before, must have timed out) and the third time worked. Kind of annoying. Would probably make sense to have the upload system work like:

  • Setup the meta-data first (including filenames)
  • Check the meta-data against all known things that are going to break
  • Then provide a link from the meta-data page to a "start the upload" page.

Nevermind. There's the upload for what it's worth. After conversion into MPEG and back into OGG there are encoding artifacts all over the place. Might be time to study the libtheora API and try encoding direct from the animation algorithm... project for another day.

Underwater Photos


Glad I bought the Olympus Mju digital, top little camera. Came with a free offer of an underwater kit which I picked up because it was free, not because I wanted it. However, it's excellent for photos on shallow reefs like Lord Howe Island so now I'm really glad I got it.

Takes a lot of practice to hold the camera steady with even weak wave action and the cloud cover was patchy so the light was on again off again. Best method is brute force -- buy a big memory card and lots of spare batteries and just keep taking photos. I've picked through the best of them and so I offer to the world under Copyleft so that everyone can enjoy and maybe use these photos in games, movies or whatever.