User talk:Noah Kastin

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This user talk page is for discussion with user Noah Kastin.

Only Commons-related discussions should go here; all other discussions related to this user should be posted at his Wikipedia talk page.

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Wikimedia Commons: Welcome!

Welcome to Wikimedia Commons, Noah Kastin!

-- Wikimedia Commons Welcome (talk) 05:40, 6 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]

CC 3.0 unported changed to CC 4.0


This cannot be done. See the Compatible Licenses page. I see that you asked at the help desk and someone told you it was alright however, I have changed the license and attribution to better reflect the work I put into creating that original SVG of the stork (that took me hours sir) and stay within the copyright of the commons license;

Version 3.0

Your contributions to adaptations of BY-SA 3.0 materials may only be licensed under: BY-SA 3.0, or a later version of the BY-SA license. Ported versions of the BY-SA license, version 3.0 or later. A license designated as a “Creative Commons Compatible License” as defined in BY-SA 3.0. Currently, no non-CC licenses have been designated as compatible with BY-SA 3.0. Other licenses may be added to this list at any time according to the established process and criteria. Once a license has been added to this list, it will not be removed.

This is not your own work sir. It is a copy of the work of several people for whom you did not give proper attribution to. I believe the authorship is not yours as you did little more than adapt the work with no additional original input. --Mark Miller (talk) 18:43, 6 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Mark Miller: Thank you for fixing the attribution! I apologize for mismanaging it, and will try not to do so in the future.
Unfortunately, I can't find an appropriate guideline to help me figure out what attribution to give. If you can help me do so, I would greatly appreciate that!
Would it be acceptable for me to tweak the wording slightly on the attribution? The specific change I have in mind is to change "Created by Amadscientist adapted/altered by Noah Kastin" to "Created by Amadscientist and adapted/altered by Noah Kastin". Would it be reasonable for me to do that?
Again, thank you for fixing the attribution, and I sincerely apologize for not giving attribution where attribution was due.
Noah Kastin (talk) 08:53, 7 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]
The wording you suggest is fine. Please understand that anytime someone takes the work of another on Commons, attribution is more important than almost anything else. Even a public domain work must be attributed to the proper people. With CC3.0 unported it is always best to keep that license with future works.--Mark Miller (talk) 19:14, 7 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]