User talk:JOAQUIND

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Welcome to Wikimedia Commons, JOAQUIND!

-- Wikimedia Commons Welcome (talk) 23:13, 1 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Photo challenge signature


Hi JOAQUIND. Your voting time stamps do not correspond with the page history, and appear to be after the deadline according to the page history. Are you entering your signature manually? Do you know how to sign your posts with Wikimarkup code? You can type in four tildes or use Edittools. I use Edittools (see menu above editing box) and click on the signature button (appears as ~~~~ for me, between § and <s></s>) to avoid mistakes. You may have different icons dependings on your settings. HelenOnline 06:23, 1 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hola HelenOnline, muchas gracias por su explicación y perdone que le escriba en mi idioma nativo, de todas formas le dejaré una traducción de este mensaje realizado con un software de traducción que espero sirva. Soy bastante nuevo en Commons, y no estaba seguro que mi firma se mostrase bien haciendo click con las 4 tildes, pues no se mostraba un link a mi pagina de discusión, solo mostraba link a mi pagina de usuario principal, por eso es que firmo tal cual usted comenta, de forma manualmente. Lo corregiré para ir aumentando mis conocimientos. Lo siento y le reitero mi agradecimiento ante su explicación. Un saludo,JOAQUIND (talk) 12:04, 11 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hi HelenOnline, thank you very much for his explanation and forgive that he writes on my native language, in any case I will let you a translation of this message accomplished with a translation software that I hope for serve. I am rather new in Commons, and I was not sure that my signature give the appearance of being well making click in four tildes , because a link to my page of discussion did not show up, only link was showing my page of main user, that's why I sign just as you make a comment, of way manually. I will correct it to keep on increasing my knowledge. I'm sorry, and I reiterate my gratitude before your explanation to him. A greeting, JOAQUIND (talk) 12:04, 11 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]