User talk:Hichem smb

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Welcome to Wikimedia Commons, Hichem smb!

-- Wikimedia Commons Welcome (talk) 21:19, 11 April 2016 (UTC)[reply]




Starting Points

The world as we view it is much like a dance, you can take what is coming and live it by chance... Or seek answers to questions and live it by choice, just follow your heart and answer its voice.

Chance brings that karmic phenomenon, manifested reactions from what you have done. Look for a place that’s hidden within, search for the message, that’s where to begin.

Talk to yourself, have conversation inside, it’s a matter of choice, create from the mind. Picture yourself in a world all your own, then bring it to life from the seed to the sown.

Search & discover the source of white light, don’t settle for anything, reach for the heights. Your goals are the answer to what you achieve, and it’s almost like magic when you start to believe.

Truth & intuition ...bring gifts to rejoice, go it by chance or live it by choice! Beginning from children we search for the cure, that will change our opinions from doubt to secure. A miracle potion that just takes one drink, turns dreams to reality the time of a wink.

You want in an instant ~ what takes a lifetime, not willing to study or develop your mind. But if you're a traveler on a search for the truth, you could glimpse that illusion, that Fountain of Youth.

It begins as an image that seems inside-out, with depth and with substance when clearly thought out. Some think the fountain is a place you can find, and spend their life searching ...when it's all in the mind.

Start on a journey that will change your whole life, look inward, with eyes closed ~ to master foresight. Change lessons to harmony, and deception to truth, you can attain all you search for ~ that's the Fountain of Youth! The search for the answers to life and its laws, is rooted in everything, since effects have their cause. It's as easy as saying when words hit a wall, they come back at the speaker like a red rubber ball.

You can't hide any garbage, or mess up in this dream... all your actions are viewed from beyond the mainstream. The ancients all looked for that place ~ Shangri-La, and reflected in the knowledge of what is known as Karma.

You can study the ancients for all that's concealed, or you can look toward intentions to have all be revealed. It's as simple as saying that your thoughts are alive, they create actions & reactions unseen to the eyes.

It's difficult understanding that life's a charade, or that fears create reality ...if you're slightly afraid. A guru can teach you the path that's unsaid, these words try to show you that it's inside your head.

The effect of knowledge is about to unfold... the missing link in this puzzle is not seizing your goals. The Art of Looking Look clearly at life and not just your own, how much is reality, and how much is unknown. It's not measured in beauty, possessions or wealth, but measured in consciousness and judged by yourself.

Do you wonder if this is your chance, to examine the future and all that might last? Material things just gather the dust, whereas thought becomes life force and this is the thrust.

A look in the mirror at the start of each day, a vision of emptiness ...but a nice résumé. It's all in the cards ~ but its not yet a deck. sit back and slow down, take the time to reflect. Look clearly at life and into your own, understanding the choices that cannot be postponed. When you think of your past and remember that day, just think of the choices that sent you this way. Try to comprehend how the pieces fit in, realizing the enigma as the shadows wear thin.

Timing is everything to see the next step, a wrong choice or decision is a long non-stop trip. If we could see answers to all life's little ways, it wouldn't be so hard to see through the haze.

Seeing is learning and that is the test, if you made the right choices at the start of this quest. Live in the real world, a life and a goal, good friends and true meaning ~ let love feed your soul.

So be careful of false signs, of tricks and of strife, you'll remember those choices when you look back at your life. The right things in life are here by your choice, you made this yourself, now sit back and rejoice.

Don't cry over spilt milk, the past or the curves, your choices just bring you to the place you deserve.

Mother Nature I once read a book about the secret of things, only to start wondering about truth & meanings. It was a vision of life that came from within, and it filled me with destiny about the world we live in.

It was written in symbols, in numbers and forms, the nature of perfection, from the seed to reborn. All the aspects of life you must discover in self, and rise to accomplish all you hope to yourself. But the path to the answer is traveled within, revealed to the mind by a study of Yin. The Yang is the outer and a view of contradictions, you're fighting & struggling all of life's oppositions.

Yin power is quiet & peaceful and still, and your mind is in focus to understand ...and it will. As the road curves in and your purpose is changed,'s to give you the viewpoints from both youth & old age.

The Road to Travel Success is a journey not a destination, ...the fortune cookie said.

I wonder what's in store this life, whatever the future ahead. I met a 'Seer' along the path, and all his predictions came true, is life just so easy in fact, that I don't even have a slight clue?

The road to travel is long & strange, with dangers at every bend, it will make you strong & very wise, and the test is right at the end... You can go off the path, and make mistakes; but you'll pay the price if you do, should you be wise and not hypnotized, anything in this world can come true! Do you look at your horoscope that's printed each day? it's amazingly accurate in a paradox way. It has little to do with the planets at all, but it's a form of symbology ...for things to recall.

You could slip through this life with your head up your past, never realizing potential, like a piece of drift glass... Or you could study life's meanings and where you could be, astrology is in symbols master destiny.

It can show you direction ...a fate overhaul, the way to change reality is not drift or think small. If you're looking for answers, start from within, the circle of life needs a point to begin.

Your view of the world and the life that you see, is totally the opposite of what it appears to be. It's not in the real world that we see all the time, but it's quietly happening in the back of your mind.

An opportunity is growing understanding yourself, and you can't even read it from the books on the shelf. Light enters darkness, when you go that next step. here's something unique you must learn to accept.

The world as you see it ...that great illusion, is totally the opposite, and you must reach this conclusion. You only go outward to get further in, you only get further, when you see life from within. Attempts to learn the golden rule, beyond the well read educated fool. True colors ~ they reflect what you see, contradictory images that show harmony.

Mind over Matter

Is everyone's life really that different, or is there a thread that connects us all? The experiences we have seem oddly connected, you'll understand my friend at the end of the long haul.

You say to yourself "What a coincidence" you're asking yourself "Is this just a clue" All things that have happened before this moment, are connected correctly ...spooky, but true!

To get to a place that you want to be, set your thoughts on it and then magically... This place in your mind suddenly appears, as long as you're not just plain insincere.

It's mind over matter at work in your life, irony and destiny but hopefully not strife. Mind over matter is a powerful tool, use it correctly and follow the rules.

You've got to know where you are trying to go, you've got to know why or the answer is no. But all things are possible through mind in this life, from money & fame to the spiritual life.

Just decide on the things you want as your goal, use mind over matter and bring shape to the whole. You'll see life's connections in all that you do, re-living the future's like déjà vu.

...But you've got to hold on to that feeling inside, of wanting and striving and direction and pride, or mind over matter becomes words on a page, and life in this miracle becomes lines on the stage.

Have you begun to question the rules of this game, reflect on your actions and take some of the blame. For all that just happens there must be a cause, to find it ...the answer, sit back and just pause.

Feel what you’re thinking ~ investigate all. think what you’re feeling ~ grow to stand tall. Look at yourself then ponder the facts, it’s a positive attitude that makes you attract.

All is in harmony’s a quieting sound, the secret of life is very profound. The reason is curious, as above so below, and knowledge is hidden at the end of rainbows. Calming your mind and the tiger within, all is not viewed by the color of skin. Outward appearance is not genuine, it's not what you look like ~ but from where it begins.

Thoughts are like mirrors ~ just slightly bizarre, and it all comes from wishing each night on a star.

It's all in a Word

Change the significance of life with one word, its spelling, its meaning, its message unheard. Wake up the vision ~ come push or get shoved, open your mind with the power of love.

A positive reflection of your life it will show, the opposite meaning to the word known as NO. That two letter word which closes all doors, shows clearly affliction ...and causes much more.

The inevitable direction for lost in the crowd, since that word brings on karma when spoken out loud. The impending destruction of a place to outgrow, change results of the negative ~ with the wisdom of KNOW.

Seeing is believing ~ blind as you are, if you don't see for yourself, you won't get very far. You're on your own now ...there's no turning back, knowledge is primary ~ that is the knack.

A complete transformation that all undergo, live in the magic ...and the comfort of know. So wise a concept when finally thought out, the results of your efforts is what it’s about.

Life is as subtle as the words you have heard, substitute know for no's all in that word! The Mystery of Life The time has come to face up to the truth, whatever the consequences, those are the rules. Nothing happens by luck or by chance, the timing is perfect and your world is enhanced.

You're reading this message because of a light, that has guided you inward, to see toward what's right. Some of the travelers who get on this ride, are not ready to see it, to think or decide.

They just need a push, a shove or a guide, the great illusion is inward, and not just outside. It's the secret of life that flows in us all, but why understand it and why climb this wall?

Nothing is simple as we hide under our beds, all is a paradox and it's all in our heads. Fantasy is lucid on this trip through the dream, the path travels inward ~ building high self esteem. Overcoming all images of fear and of strife. thought creates reality ...that's the Mystery of Life! What ever happened to goals and the truth, the things that you wanted & believed in your youth. And what has become of innocent times, the world can be puzzling if it starts to unwind.

Where did we go wrong to end up in this mess, give up on performance and settle for less. The answer should not be a surprise... you made this yourself with the power of mind.

The future began as a beautiful dream, turned into reality and is not what it seems. You started a succession of powerful sources, thoughts are like lightning & magical forces.

Your words are the structure to what is achieved, you make your own future, it's part of the scheme. But negative thinking on a regular basis... believe me you're playing in dangerous places.

Set into motion only positive thoughts, fly high and don't give up, all those goals that you sought. Think into being is the gift of this life. it's so simple, you could miss it ~ and pay dues all your life!

A haunting feeling knocks at the door,

if only to scare you and make you unsure. In with the new & out with the old, a meaningful story about to unfold.

A series of opposites at a moment in time, a glimpse of reality as it starts to unwind. Caught in the emotion of fear in your heart, controlling the feelings from the end to the start.

Been there before and it certainly gets old, a place we all frequent ...a story untold. In toward the new and beyond your threshold, fire turned to ashes, your life put on hold.

Learn how to touch the secret inside, as you travel through time with no thoughts in your mind. Examine those feelings from stress & hard times, and find new directions in the back of your mind.

...Or to constantly repeat life with the same dues to pay, is like waking each morning on that same Groundhog Day! So remember the future ~ now there's an odd twist, see through illusion ...just make one wish.

Feast on the intellect, accept not demand. a striking resemblance to new lines in your hand. It can't be so bad to accept change and grow, karma's the lesson... you reap what you sow.

You move to new places, designed from inside, and it all flows from visions that began in your mind Look in towards the mirror ...focus & behold, see beyond illusion while removing the blindfold. Life is a Circle

I tried it once and I'll try it again, I saw what was missing, and I knew it right then. What's missing is trusting, what's there's incomplete, since life is a circle, our paths were to meet.

We've tried it together and we tried it alone, and now it's not happening, guess I'll go it my own. I'll find it ~ the future, without you or with, since life is a circle, I create my own myth.

Your life is like the circle, all things are near complete, you learn the perfect lessons, and create from what you reap. Life is like the circle, of love and hate and fear, sometimes happy, sometimes dismal; it's never very clear.

Glimpse the cosmic causes, that make all life come true, and choose your partners carefully, there's an awful lot to view. Lust is like the circle, it begins right where it ends, you start out being lovers, will you end up being friends?

Choice is just the factor, that makes all life renew, you'll get what you have asked for, since it's destined here for you. Life is just a circle, and dreams are all too real, if you think that you're unhappy, then that's how you will feel.

Life becomes a circle, all fears you have come true, you've got to be so careful, it will happen here to you. Love completes this circle ~ paradise or wonderland, it's written in these words for you... What I want from this life is not money or fame, just to find the right person who won't make this a game. Who cares what you do to waste time in your life, are you looking for something... like a husband or wife.

Clock time has no meaning, it's long and just there, a search for your partner could find them ~ your pair. But what does success mean if you spend life alone... with no one to share with, is a house not a home?

Think about your past today, that love you lost along the way... the broken heart, the wasted years, it's all about your hidden fears. The things you gave without a thought, the lesson that it should have taught. Lost and found is on display ~ pay the price, it goes away... hand it over, let it go, forget the life you used to know.

Are you looking for something to make life complete... or searching for someone that you just cannot meet. Don't count on another to answer your prayers, you must do this yourself, or yours becomes theirs.

Attracting your soulmate is a fabulous thing, it should last to forever, not an overnight fling... When you finally meet them, like the waves crashing down, music is the answer ~ as the circle comes around. Everybody has a song ~ they hold within their heart the words, the beat, the sound, the drive your feelings tell you is alive.

It brings back the past, and it shows you the way it makes you feel love, nights and all day. Music is alive, meaning everything music is alive, painting all your dreams.

Songs take you back, it's a phenomenon it could bring her back, although she's long gone. Songs make you feel that you're on the mend, it brings you even closer to the word transcend...

Everything you dream & strive songs show the world ~ music is alive. The path to love and happiness, is really not outside, it's born from truth & honesty, and not within a lie. It grows within the feelings, that centers in your heart, it feeds on trust & loyalty, and does not tear apart.

It lifts you when you're burdened, and holds you when you're sad, it secures you when you're jealous, and laughs when you are mad. And through the joys and sorrows, of love and hate and fear, the memories created, should last throughout your years.

Loving is the answer, it grows from what you learn, your thoughts create the future, the Point of no Return.

When you go off center, and lose your sense of pride, the negative surrounds you, with bitter words and lies. Sometimes indecision, and sometimes in regret, sometimes insecurity, and sometimes as a threat.

Because of constant pressure, because of fear of why, because of all the questions, and because of all the lies. You need to touch your center, is what I can suggest, get hold of faith & confidence, this is the last request.

You need to start things over, starting with the truth, you need to start to change the past, began within your youth. You're just a fish in water, swimming for your life, a thinking feeling person, looking for what's right. You need to touch the child, held deep within us all, escape through truth & honesty, not up against the wall. Our pets show us this secret, they give love without concern, the message here is giving, with no thought of your return.

Written as an omen, about the quest for life, a thought provoking commentary, about searching for what's right. You can be a martyr and destroy what you have learned; or you could be in ecstasy, a place that you must earn.

Your thoughts become the future ~ The Point of No Return. It’s about dreams & directions as you start to unfold, creative & thrilling, an elusive Pot of Gold. Searching for acceptance on a road that's aimed toward fame, Is it really an enigma... or the nature of that game?

Heard it before and it sounds mighty smug, success and the mountain, is a most popular drug.

Don’t quit your day job is the first rule of thumb, delusions-of-grandeur, or cruise until you’re numb. Something that happens on that mountain all the time, it's about fame and its paradox, playing tricks right in your mind.

You’re thinking you want it, the approvals from all, but it’s surely an illusion of a place that’s very small. Life craves accomplishment, it gives a mighty tug, success and the mountain is the most powerful drug.

From the few who have been there and found it too real, to the hordes who still strive it, see all that it conceals. A series of opposites, secure a strong foothold... a collection of ego trips, bringing vain up to a goal.

The hardest reflection at the top there after all, is watching it slip away, the beginning of the fall. Pleasures of the flesh, fit the human body snug, success and the mountain, is the world’s oldest drug. Look in toward the inside, finding comfort in the mind, seeking hidden meaning, all illusion left behind. Success and the Mountain ...but a vision for the blind. Empty Shell

Perfection is a feeling that seems never complete, a lesson in living that some try to cheat. Doing things correctly ~ the very first time, avoids all the karma that comes from this crime.

Some try the shortcuts, but failed & destroyed... they were thinking improperly and ignored all the joy. By doing things halfway you can never excel, and you’ll feel like you’re empty ~ missing part of your shell.

Put in the time, the energy and work, strive not to get caught up ...or act like a jerk. Try not to judge, nit-pick and find fault, those are the pitfalls that come by default. Keep these thoughts inside... it’s just you that must see, perfection is a pathway to achieve harmony!

Do you know what’s important about finding a place, somewhere in time where your mind can unlace. Where the beauty of visiting slows down the pace, and the senses are exposed to a sharp ‘about-face’.

The point is well taken and called introspect, a world all in harmony that is picture perfect. A place drawn from visions like those seen as a kid, images that are breathtaking ~ appear enchanted.

Nature & Beauty that are right on the track, bring on the feeling ~ take up the slack. Slow down the real world from inside the mind, and reflect in the pleasure of eternal time.

It takes just one visit to want to come back, to a place where there’s safety and not an attack. Enjoying the moment and the feeling within, your life becomes peaceful and all genuine.

Worry and mind games and thinking too much, results in much clutter ~ then used as a crutch. Learn how to wind down and calm down instead, ...develop the eyes in back of your head. That place we all search for should be easy to find... and it’s created from images within our own mind. Meditate on this vision and reside in that place, a feeling of comfort ~ Pressure Erased. Reflections of the Mind Behold the beauty of each day, watch its graceful harmony. Balance shows its master plan, effortless to understand.

Belief is knowing there is more, than what you see beyond the door. Alone together in constant time, subtle feelings undefined.

Countless thoughts that can come true, displayed in everything you do. Living things in vivid haze, beginnings in their final phase.

Unicorns and what you see, a simple visual irony. Explained in dreams that can transform, perceptions from beyond the norm.

Images born within the mind, evolve the lessons left behind. Appreciate the vast collage, understand beyond mirage.

Join the source ~ look to find, reflections from within the mind. Search and locate who you are... seek the path beyond the door. -Capture the Moment Sunset becomes the start of each day, youth grows with age as all time slips away. Nature & beauty dance with the flow, light blends with colors elegant show.

Waves from the water of perfect design, visions & images appear in the mind. Thoughts become real if you’re looking inside, meaning & destiny as its time has arrived.

Dismiss all the feelings that are holding you back... capture the moment, that is the knack. Create for yourself what is most in your thoughts, appreciate & cherish and look toward its source.

Going to detail but beginning from scratch, embracing the moment, making the catch. Dreams of the future show what loving can bring, and it comes from the energy in all living things! The Way Home

Some think the moment is beyond what can change,

they are plain sick & tired ...of the hard and the strange. Taking your medicine and calling it fate, without trying to change it ~ is the first clear mistake.

Feeling life’s problems, its lessons & wrath, is the first step to finding your way down this path. All things that happen begin in your mind, manifest in reality at just the right time....

Touch on the causes that start deep within, below even consciousness ...well under the skin. Look at your thinking about love, fear & death, and you’ll see the foundations that must be addressed.

It's like psychic healing for your body & mind, reach into the future ~ affecting mankind. Embrace a new concept ...start and replace, fate is the adversary that the mind can erase!

I hope you’re not thinking that all this is bunk, or that people who believe this all must be drunk. Poetic justice ~ comes with knowledge and faith, the secret of living is beyond commonplace!

Beauty of the Fury

It's not all that easy to see beauty in fear, frozen in time as your world disappears. It is part of the message required by life, to see the reality ~ sometimes played out as strife.

Why take a ride that is not very clear, placed in the position of a forced volunteer. Trying to taste the unquenchable thirst, learning the lessons for better or worse.

It's actually an experience like cause & effect, the power of fury …not yet learned to direct. Most say the vision is hard and intense, some see the light from its harsh consequence.

It's part of the test spent in this paradigm, to feel the hot summer in the cold wintertime. Seeing life's opposites is a lot to digest, the inverse reflection that has not manifest. Signals... The mind tends to ponder, reflect & decide, on what happens in limbo at the end of this ride. The subject is beyond what the senses detect, who makes the crop circles and who can connect?

Those beyond this illusion are still here to provide, signals and messages ...from the far other side. It comes through those sensitive to the edge of the void, crossing over to spirit ~ not a realm to avoid.

That place we must visit ...can't be just left to fear, it's a look at your destiny when your mind becomes clear. Those who have touched this and report back the facts, are like guardian angels for the aware to contact.

What you've done with this life is all up to you... see through illusion and toward a new view. And when you are ready to gain the insight, the 'secrets of all things' is revealed in clear light! Wise Words

The journey's near finished but it's not the last word, and do you understand this ...from what you have heard? This great illusion is paradox, the path's hard to find, shadows in clear light ~ the heart and the mind.

The fact that you question, not sure what is true... doesn't make things quite ready for a changed point of view. It's difficult to see answers when you've never been there, but you can't afford to miss this... the chance comes so rare.

Count all your blessings ~ not gold or position, knowledge is wealth to the mathemagician. Doubting is trouble and ignorance a curse, strive for enlightenment ~ not a ride in a hearse.

Gone to the Max

A poem about death is a major ordeal, to expose all that content it was meant to conceal. It should hint at the story without a fanfare... but should it show you the answers and strip all the truths bare?

But it's hard to understand death and it's no place to be, and no one who has been there has come back to tell me. So you've got to have proof and study the facts, you've got to have faith or you're 'Gone to the Max'.

Reincarnation is a popular thought, it gives meaning to something that's rarely been taught. Death brings the option to do or to be, images of clear light is all you can see.

Life in this miracle is not like the Earth, you better know what's important for all that you're worth. Beyond life is the judgment of all that we fear, but it doesn't quite happen the way that we hear.

No person or being judges your life, you do it yourself and decide what is right. Reincarnate as another to try a new life, or join the supreme and bask in the light.

Gain freedom from life & freedom from death, exist for all time without taking a breath... Or come back as a baby to try it again, fulfill all of life's karma till you view death again.

But fight for this life ~ there is no other way, fear of death is the hardest you will question today. And if you don't trust this and you're not really sold, you'll come back as another learn ~ that's the goal. Prime of Life Life is so fragile, gone in a wink, all that was visible, right down the sink. Searching for answers that will never be found, find only questions, with meanings profound.

Taken with wonder about how could this be, gone is our innocence ...a gross tragedy. Right at this moment, in the prime of our life, our symbols of majesty ~ taken down so precise. Why did this happen achieve martyrdom? something so final that can’t be undone. The question arises that is unbearably sad, those refused life’s ambitions, when clearly prepared.

Fairness is absent and fate intervenes, has karma been finished behind all the scenes? Looking for meaning that’s been lost in absurd, angels are singing with sounds still unheard... The message must be to somebody else, gain wisdom & insight inside of yourself. Compassion or vengeance ...the time has begun, and it started like clockwork as we reached 911. Time Warp

Time is the lesson to be understood, it brings sequence to images ...and blame if it could! Are you looking for excuses that are holding you back? it's not unfamiliar to lose sight of the track.

Time is a concept created in thought, erase from your memory what has improperly been taught. Caught in this time warp is a place in your mind, the past and the future just illusions of time. There is nothing in future ~ and nothing in past, the world of the conscious is just now & vast. How did this happen and why am I here? am I really in charge ~ it's not all that clear.

Accepting reality to get to the point, creating not escaping is the mind’s counterpoint. Make sense of the real world that’s just happening now, releasing past boundaries and growing somehow.

Try to be logical ~ not judge or find fault, it’s all in the positive and the energy sought. Compassion and forgiveness is rooted in now, Love is the healing ...that the mind will endow! What sums up the meaning of life put to words... is the thoughts that lead inward toward music unheard. Found only by travelers who search for this path, the Nagual, the passive ...not petulance or wrath.

An astounding paradox that’s born in the mind, the parallel reflection of external time. Reach for the sun, the moon and the stars, gain all that you search for without going that far!

Don’t settle or doubt, close-up or give-in, it takes loving & knowledge and extreme discipline... At the end of this path is enlightenment of mind, where all is in harmony for the rest of all time! Close your eyes and go inside, breathe the air and clear your mind. Changing colors lead the way, not a thought to slip away. Search the darkness for a light, see the sunshine in the night. Inside-out is on display, a paradox that hides the way. A twist-of-fate is there to find ~ create the peace found all inside.

Get beyond your point-of-view, those limitations hinder you. Anything can be achieved, the mystery behind the scenes. Déjà vu of long gone times, past ignorance that closed the mind. The secret path is locked within, it's opposite to where you've been.

Contemplate what life can be, the rhetorical question of reality. Dreams appear that do come true, your LOVE will bring them all to you. Manifest and do pursue, it attracts the higher side of you. Karma that is never known, the oxymoron twilight zone. A parallel of life in rhyme, the great illusion of all time.

Behold the threefold flower ~ the eye, the heart, the hand... revealed is all the wisdom that the mind can understand. Believe, Achieve, Receive. this book is collection of others books talk about the illusion of the world and i want you to know It's not what you do, but what you think... the concept of purpose is the found missing link. -it's all in the mind -what's real will prosper -you are the persone that you desire to be

  -the past and the future just illusions of time

It's difficult to see answers when you've never been there, but you can't afford to miss this... the chance comes so rare. Those beyond this illusion are still here to provide, signals and messages ...from the far other side. this book made in 10.04.19 by S.M.B in memory of Richard Bach

           Note: do not abandon this book it's worth more than you think
         the day i die you will find the answer,  life is a lie death is the truth
 i've seen things...

what proof that you and me we're alive what proof that you and i we're alive and we're not in a big dream

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