User talk:Hariyo Wibowo

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Welcome to Wikimedia Commons, Hariyo Wibowo!

-- Wikimedia Commons Welcome (talk) 08:04, 2 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Do you have a better version of File:Bunga merah muda.jpg?


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Thank you for your submission of File:Bunga merah muda.jpg. While all submissions are useful, do you think you might be able to supply a better quality version of the same, or similar, content? In many cases, the largest and highest resolution possible is the most useful version to have available. (MediaWiki has automatic resizing functionality, so there is no need for multiple versions of the same image at different sizes, users can select any size and the software will generate and cache the needed resolution on the fly.)

If you can supply the same exact image as File:Bunga merah muda.jpg at a larger resolution (or media at a higher bitrate, etc.), please just upload it over the original, users will get the new higher quality version with no further effort on your part. If on the other hand, the content is only similar, it is best to select a new image name, as there may be uses already where some aspect of the existing media was key to the usage. In the latter case, if you can provide a crosslink reference to the new image in the older one and vice versa, that will be extremely helpful.

Again, thank you very much for your contribution, it is appreciated.

··· 🌸 Rachmat04 · 13:39, 3 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Konfirmasi peserta


Halo Peserta Wiki Cinta Alam Indonesia 2017,

Saya mewakili panitia WCAI 2017, ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas partisipasi kalian dalam kontes tahun ini. Kami juga ingin meminta informasi untuk nomor kontak yang bisa dihubungi dan rincian alamat lengkap beserta kode pos untuk pengiriman cendera mata (pin, stiker) beserta sertifikat. Silakan kirimkan informasi lengkap dengan format berikut:

  • Judul surel (e-mail): [WCAI17] Nama Asli - Nama Pengguna
  • Isi surel (e-mail):
    • Nama lengkap
    • Nomor telepon
    • Alamat lengkap

Surel mohon dikirimkan ke

Salam hangat --Biyanto Rebin (talk) 04:39, 26 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Wiki Loves Earth 2019 in Indonesia


Halo! Kompetisi Foto Wiki Cinta Alam kembali hadir. Unggah foto terbaik Anda pada tanggal 1-31 Mei 2019 ke Wikimedia Commons. Partisipasi Anda membantu kami mendokumentasikan foto bentang alam, flora, dan fauna di Indonesia.

Kunjungi Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2019 in Indonesia untuk ketentuan mengenai lomba.

Terima kasih,
Panitia Wiki Cinta Alam 2019
--20:08, 23 May 2019 (UTC)