User talk:Gryffindor/Archive1

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Hi Gryffindor,

sorry für die verspätete Antwort. Leider weiß ich nicht, von welchen Bildern Du redest. Kannst Du mir ein Beispiel verlinken? Bitte bedenke, dass ich für den Commons:File upload service einige Tausend Bilder für Dritte hochgeladen habe, ich habe da nicht so den genauen Überblick.--Eloquence 02:47, 18 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Please don't upload copyrighted images such as logos or trademarks. See Commons:Licensing for details. These images will be deleted. --EugeneZelenko 02:56, 29 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for your response and pointing the information out. Yes, this is really confusing to me, I'm still new and not too familiar with all these copyright rules.
So apparently I am allowed though to load that Logo up on the english.wikipedia page, correct? Do you know under what copyright rule it would fall, which tag would I have to put? I don't want to be doing anything wrong.
Fair use. You could use {{Logo}} in description. --EugeneZelenko 14:18, 29 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]
In that case if Logos are not allowed on the Commons, could you take a look at these images I've uploaded as well:

Image:Logo vis gross.jpg Image:Deutscher filmpreis.jpg

Do they also not qualify for Commons here? In that case I can load it on the en.wikipedia section, however User talk:AndreasPraefcke told me it cannot be shown in the German Wikipedia? Even if the owner explicitly stated that it can be shown? This all very confusing to me, I would welcome it if you or someone could help me out with all these details... kind regards Gryffindor 11:09, 29 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Commons hosts only images which everybody could use for any purpose which include commercial use and derivative works. If any limitation like educational use only or no modification exists - images could not be uploaded on Commons or several Wikipedias (includeing German). --EugeneZelenko 14:18, 29 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Kleine Bitte


Hallo, könntest Du das hier nochmal unter einem richtigen Namen hochladen? Das ist die Ludwigstraße, nicht die Maximilianstraße. --AndreasPraefcke 17:51, 4 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Old Postcards


hello EugeneZelenko, I have a question: I have some old postcards with photographs of Berlin. These images were all taken before 1914. Do the Commons allow them to be scanned and added here? I was thinking about using them for some Berlin-Articles later.... I would greatly appreciate a response, or maybe you know someone who could help me out? thanks alot... Gryffindor 15:45, 4 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I saw that User:AndreasPraefcke answered your question and I think he know German copyright law better then me. --EugeneZelenko 04:40, 5 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Please add your files to appropriative pages and/or categories where other users could easily find them. For example to München or Category:München, Germany. --EugeneZelenko 04:37, 5 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Bilder aus der de wp


HI, Gryffindor, bin durch die verlinkung von Image:Administrative Divisions in Germany (Deutsch).png in der de wp aufmerksam geworden. welchen sinn hat es auf Deutsch beschriftete Bilder hier unter englischen Namen hochzuladen? Ich bin schon genervt genug von der blöden Diskussion um Bilduploads in der de wp aber bitte lade wenigstens deutsch beschriftete Bilder auch unter ihren deutschen namen hier hoch. sorry für evtl. fehler bin müde. danke & gruß -C.Löser 18:16, 8 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Gryffindor, danke für deine Antwort und bitte entschuldige dass ich gestern etwas genervt war. Die Commons sind für mich momentan ein ungeliebtes Thema, da in der deutschsprachigen WP derzeit diskutiert wird, die deutsche WP für Bilduploads zu sperren und Bilder nur noch auf die Commons hochzuladen. Das finde ich in vielerlei Hinsicht problematisch:
  1. Die nochmalige für die Commons erforderliche Anmeldung. Viele Benutzer die froh sind, sich gerade mal in der deutschen WP auszukennen wird es davon abhalten, ihre Bilder beizusteuern. (Ich weiß nicht ob ich ein repräsentatives Beispiel bin, aber selbst mir als auch hier seit längerem (über Cookies permanent) angemeldeter Benutzer ist es lästig, zwischen den Projekten hin- und herzuwechseln.)
  2. Die Kategorien hier haben englische Namen. Für mich ist das kein Problem, ich habe gute Englischkenntnisse. Aber es gibt in der deutschen WP auch ältere Herrschaften, die wahrscheinlich darauf verzichten werden, sich hier und auf Englisch zurechtfinden zu müssen. Und nicht nur die älteren Benutzer: In den ostdeutschen Ländern wurde während der Zeit der DDR nur Russisch als Fremdsprache gelehrt; das ist selbst jetzt vereinzelt noch so.
  3. Das was ich bis jetzt von einigen Kategorien hier gesehen habe erinnert mich stark an die oft ziemlich sinnfrei durcheinandergemischten Kategorien in der englischsprachigen WP. Ich habe keine Lust auch noch in einem zweiten WikiProjekt auf eine vernünftige Kategorisierung aufpassen zu müssen. Doch genau dazu wird man genötigt, wenn die eigenen Bilder hier auf den Commons liegen, ganz besonders wenn die deutsche WP wirklich für Bilduploads gesperrt werden sollte.
Als ich dann gestern in der deutschen WP auch noch sah, dass ein ehemals dort liegendes und auf deutsch beschriftetes und mit deutschem Namen versehenes Bild auf die Commons verschoben worden war und nun der englische Bildname in den deutschen Artikeln stand obwohl selbst das Thema des Bildes ein originär deutsches ist war mir das irgendwie zuviel. Das ganze hatte auch nicht direkt mit dir zu tun sondern vielmehr mit der ganzen Situation als solcher. Ich bin froh dass du nicht alle Bilder unter englischen Namen hochlädst. Bleibt nur zu hoffen dass sich die ganze Geschichte mit den Bildern nicht negativ Entwickelt, ich jedenfalls habe wenig Lust und vor allem demnächst auch kaum noch Zeit, mich argumentativ gegen solche meines Erachtens negativen Entwicklungen zu wehren und überlege auch, mich insgesamt nur noch sporadisch an den Wikiprojekten zu beteiligen. Gruß -C.Löser 14:43, 9 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Nein nein, du brauchst das Bild natürlich nicht durch eine deutschnamige Version ersetzen, so pingelig möchte ich garnicht sein. Es ging mir nur um die Handhabe allgemein und du sagst ja selbst dass du die Bilder meist unter ihrem muttersprachlichen Namen hochlädst. Die Diskussion in der WP findet unter de:Wikipedia Diskussion:Meinungsbilder/Bilder hochladen nur noch in Commons statt. Du sagtest, dass manche Bilder garnicht auf die Commons hochgeladen werden dürfen. Meintest du damit die allgemeinen Regeln für das Hochladen von Bildern oder gibt es hier auf den Commons noch spezielle Regeln, was für Bilder hier hindürfen? Gruß --C.Löser 10:12, 11 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, ich glaube sogar bei den Logos kann ich Licht ins Dunkel bringen. Logos sind meist markenrechtlich geschützt und - zumindest nach deutschem Urheberrecht - oftmals aufgrund geringer Schöpfungshöhe nicht urheberrechtlich schützbar. In der deutschen WP und nach dem was du sagst auch hier auf den Commons wird das streng gesehen, und es werden nicht nur urheberrechtlich geschützte, sondern auch markenrechtlich geschützte Bilder abgelehnt. Im angloamerikanischen copyright gibt es das Konstrukt "fair use", für das es im deutschen Recht keine Entsprechung gibt. In der englischen WP hat man sich dazu entschieden, auch solche "fair use"-Bilder aufzunehmen. Der Grund warum dies auf den Commons nicht der Fall ist könnte darin liegen, dass ja auch Wikiprojekte, die an ein Publikum in einem Land ohne "fair use"-Möglichkeit gerichtet sind von hieraus versorgt werden.
Ich bin inzwischen übrigens über mein Motivationstief hinweg, werde aber trotzdem seltener in den Wikiprojekten unterwegs sein, da nächste Woche die Uni wieder los geht. Wünsche noch einen schönen Abend! --C.Löser 19:32, 12 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Da die Commons scheinbar ebenso strenge Maßstäbe setzen wie in der de WP erscheint es zumindest erstmal rechtlich nicht problematisch. Obwohl ich mir bei manchen Sachen dann eben doch nicht sicher bin: Zum Beispiel basieren meine drei Kollagen auf jeweils einem Hintergrundbild und dem Bild einer Iris, die ich allesamt irgendwann mal aus dem Internet heruntergeladen habe. Durch meine Zusammenstellung und Bearbeitung sind die daraus entstandenen Werke nach deutschem Recht gem. § 3 UrhG eigenständige Werke, an denen ich jeweils das alleinige Urheberrecht habe. Ob das nach dem Recht anderer Länder ebenso ist weiß ich nicht.
Ja, das mit den Galerien habe ich bei einigen Städtebildern auch schon gesehen. Ich würde es auch besser finden, wenn ausschließlich Kategorien verwendet würden. Mal sehen wie sich das entwickelt. Gruß --C.Löser 13:29, 13 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Bei Veränderungen eines gemeinfreien Werkes wäre das Resultat dann dein Bild. Bei Veränderung (deine Veränderung muss das Bild dominieren) eines "all rights reserved"-Bildes wäre das daraus resultierende Bild imo auch deins. Bei zB in Museen gemachten Fotos oder Scans muss man teilweise auch aufpassen, aber da weiß ich auch nichts Näheres. Und wenn dann zum Urheberrecht noch das allgemeine Persönlichkeitsrecht kommt differieren die verschiedenen Rechtsordnungen noch stärker. Da blickt man zum Teil schon auf dein einzelnen Wikiprojekten nicht mehr durch, und hier muss man ja eigentlich auf alle Rechtsordnungen Rücksicht nehmen. Ich habe jetzt jedenfalls einige selbsterstellte Strukturformelbilder hochgeladen und zur uneingeschränkten Nutzung freigegeben, da kann nichts schiefgehen :-) Gruß --C.Löser 09:09, 14 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]



Hi Gryffindor, bei Logos ist zu unterscheiden zwischen markenrechtlich geschützten Bildern, Schriftzügen etc. und etwa Siegeln von Universitäten. Zumindest in Deutschland ist es so, dass Universitäts- oder Fakultätssiegel wohl wie Wappen amtliche Werke im Sinne des § 5 UrhG und somit gemeinfrei sind, da Universitäten und Fakultäten Körperschaften des öffentlichen Rechts sind.

Den Hinweis unter dem Bild in der de WP ("Dieses Bild stellt ein Logo (Firmenlogo o.ä.) oder einen anderen markenrechtlich bzw. namensrechtlich geschützten Gegenstand dar") halte ich daher für falsch.

In jedem Fall aber ist die Kennzeichnung des allein auf das Siegel beschränkten Bildes als GNU FDLizenziert sowohl in der de WP als auch hier falsch. Wahrscheinlich wurde dies aus dem Herkunftsbild übernommen, wo dies allerdings noch korrekt ist.

Gruß --C.Löser 15:52, 20 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Trentino Alto Adige


Hi Gryffindor; I've change the category Trentino-South Tyrol, because we've want to use the italian names and not the english one; that's way Roma and not Rome or Firenze and not Florence. We put the english name on the pages themselves. For the page names we use the official name, so the cities of south tyrol are written in german. The same way the official name is Trentino-Alto Adige but of course there is also the province ( not a region that are listed in regions of italy ) of suedtyrol. Tanks for the german infos. —Mac9 10:32, 27 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I take in account that tyrol is a german language, this way the town names are in german; i didn't touch anything about south tyrol, because i'm not interested in it, but in my opinion it should be named as suedtyrol (german) as well all the city of austria. But imho the official namen is Trentino-Alto Adige, and Trentino-Suedtyrol is the official name only in suedtyrol. Can I propose to post the german translation on this category? Tschus ( schreibt es man so? ) —Mac9 11:23, 27 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I made a mistake; on the italian costitution the name is Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol. —Mac9 11:31, 27 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

If you agree we can use the official one, Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol. —Mac9 11:53, 27 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Sold\verkauft\venduto ;-) see you around. —Mac9 12:07, 27 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

SVG flags


SVG flags are far better than PNG versions. The PNG versions are redundant to the SVG versions, never the other way around. Jon Harald Søby\no na 17:06, 29 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

If you see what is happening with other flags atm, you will see that PNG flags are all being replaced by SVG flags. The reason they are better, is that SVG flags are fully scalable, and that they only use a few percent of the size PNG flags use. Jon Harald Søby\no na 11:33, 30 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Austrian flags


Unfortunately, that's all I was able to collect. There's a lot of images of flags on Austrian official websites, but I'm not sure, whether they are copyrighted or not. Usually - in other European countries - they are not, but Austria seems to have a different copyright regime for flags and coats of arms. Pardon my English - PM 19:50, 1 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Please find a solution for Image:Niederösterreich Wappen.png, Image:Niederösterreich Wappen.jpg and Image:Lower Austria CoA.png. The file format jpg isn't a good solution for CoAs. --Saperaud 03:08, 2 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Saperaud,
I don't know what the solution is. I can't remember the Image:Niederösterreich Wappen.png, but it probably was the same as Image:Niederösterreich Wappen.jpg. The Image:Lower Austria CoA.png is really nice, however you included in the source that it came from the Niederösterreichische Landesregierung, same source as the Image:Niederösterreich Wappen.jpg. Can you verify that? Because I did not download that image, and I have no idea where the user got the image from. So before you tag my downloaded image for deletion, you should have checked the source of the other one first. I prefer the larger image obviously as well, however if the source is not clear, well then... I'm still trying to get a hold of someone at the Niederösterreichische Landesregierung to send me a better image with a higher resolution, they are still not responding, i'm sorry that is all i can do at this moment. Gryffindor 03:25, 2 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
You also mention the coat of arms format, which format should coats of arms be?
The format should be png or svg. I can't remember why I changed the description page of Image:Lower Austria CoA.png but I think this filename would be the best way. This image there now has no source so we can't use it. Anyhow if there's a better version in future we can copy it in withour using new filenames. So the main question is: which filename? --Saperaud 04:11, 2 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]



Please mark redundant images as {{redundant|...}} and not as speedy deletion candidates, especially not on their discussion pages. --Saperaud 20:51, 26 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Gryffindor, Du hast ein großartiges SVG hochgeladen: Image:Austria_Bundesadler.svg. Es befindet sich gerade in der Wahl zum featured picture (siehe COM:FPC). Einem Nutzer ist allerdings in der dazugehörigen Bildbeschreibung der englischsprachige Verweis aufgefallen, dass die Grafik nicht für kommerzielle Werbung genutzt werden darf. Das ist etwas verwirrend, da davon a) im deutschsprachigen Text keine Rede ist und b) das Bild laut Lizenzbaustein public domain ist und damit keinen Beschränkungen unterliegt. Es wäre schön, wenn Du das aufklären könntest. Davon ist nämlich der Verlauf der Abstimmung und evtl. auch der Verbleib dieser Grafik auf den Commons abhängig. Gruß, schöne Feiertage, norro 10:49, 20 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Soeben habe ich bemerkt, dass user:SPUI ein Löschantrag für dieses Bild gestellt hat, da non-commercial-Beschränkungen für die commons nicht zulässig sind. Bitte gegebenenfalls in der Löschdiskussion aufklären. Gruß, schöne Feiertage, norro 17:02, 21 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Gryffindor, mir ist nicht ganz klar, warum das .png nicht als redundant gelöscht werden soll, nachdem alle Verwendungen korrigiert worden sind? Das .svg wird schließlich direkt von den WP-Servern nach .png gerendert, in jeder beliebigen Größe. Ob die User-PCs direkt .svg können, spielt zum Glück gar keine Rolle. Insofern verstehe ich deinen Kommentar auf der Diskussionsseite des .png nicht. Für mich sehen .png und .svg identisch aus. --Raymond de 15:59, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

hallo Raymond de,
also wenn Du Dir den Artikel auf der Englischsprachigen Wikipedia anschaust für en:Coat of arms of Austria, dann siehst Du vielleicht was ich meine. Ich habe es mit svg. mal probiert, aber leider sah das Resultat total gequetscht aus, die Wörter reichten bis ganz knapp an das Bild selbst, es mußte in png. (der Abstand ist verändert) gezeigt werden. Es sei denn es gibt eine Möglichkeit genau das gleiche Resultat von der Optik her mit der svg. Version herzustellen. vielleicht kennst Du Dich da besser aus und kannst helfen? lg Gryffindor 16:25, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Hallo Gryffindor, bitte nicht zwischen den Diskussionsseiten hin- und herspringen, das verwirrt nur, antworte mir bitte dann auch hier. Danke.
Ich habe es mir auf en: angeschaut, das Problem ist weniger das svg, das wird korrekt angezeigt. Es fehlt aber ein ansprechender weißer Rand, damit das nicht so "gequetscht" ausschaut. Eine Lösung auf der Schnelle habe ich leider auch nicht, werde es mal im Chat ansprechen. Solange lasse ich das png mal in Ruhe :) --Raymond de 16:59, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

ich befolge das englischsprachige Format, nicht das deutsche, aber hier mache ich mal eine Ausnahme

Genau, es ist der Rand. Und mit der SVG. version konnte ich keinen Rand zustande bringen, leider. Danke für Dein Verständniss. Falls sich eine Lösung finden sollte, gib mal kurz bitte Bescheid. Gryffindor 17:05, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sehr geehrter Herr Gryffindor, Sie haben meine Antwort auf Ihre Anfrage vom 25.11.2005 als "Permission" abgeleitet, die Grafik für einen Wikipedia-Artikel zu verwenden. Von einer Erlaubnis meinerseits kann jedoch keine Rede sein! Ich habe Ihnen lediglich den technischen Rat gegeben, den Bundesadler aus der Vektorgrafik (.cdr) zu extrahieren. Bitte entfernen Sie daher meine Mailantwort als "Permission" sowie meinen Namenseintrag (und Mailadresse). Mit freundlichen Grüßen und danke für Ihr Verständnis, Alexander Lintenhofer.

bitte schick mir die Datei per E-Mail. Welche Farben hat die Kärntner Regierung denn angegeben? Meiner Erfahrung muss man mit solchen Farbangaben immer sehr vorsichtig sein, zum einen weil sie meist Druckfarben (z.B. Pantone) betreffen und nicht Bildschirmfarben (RGB), zum anderen weil die offiziellen Stellen meist eh keine Ahnung haben und sich dann auch keiner daran hält.--Mevsfotw 11:20, 23 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Re: convert svg. image to svg.?


Hi there Eugene,

I see you have been adding the template to convert current images into the svg. format. However, why did you do that on Image:Schifffahrtswimpel Austria.svg, it already is in the svg. format, or is there something wrong with it? with kind regards Gryffindor 18:10, 16 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I'm very sorry for trouble. It's my fault. May be I added {{ConvertToSVG}} to many images in this day :-) --EugeneZelenko 04:00, 17 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

France artois.svg


This was not a candidate for speedy deletion. Nor were the other duplications you listed. These images were used on the Castilian wikipedia and now must be replaced.

I made an error in not checking the first one and now I have to replace the image. Please use {{Redundant}} from now on for duplicate images. Thank you. Bas parler voir 16:40, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Got it. sorry for the trouble. Gryffindor 18:07, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Normandy flags


Hello! Unless I've missed some news, the two Normandy regions in France both use the two-leopard flag, rather than the three-leopard one. Do you know different? Thanks! Man vyi 18:11, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The situation is that the St. Olaf flag (with the Nordic cross) is a cultural flag of Normandy and is generally used by associations and societies. The three-leopard flag is historical and is used by some associations and some municipalities (and in Jersey and Guernsey). Both mainland regions use the two-leopard flag. See en:Normandy#Symbols. Hope this helps! Man vyi 18:34, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Both the three-leopard version and the two-leopard version are historical - but the two-leopard version is the one used officially by Basse-Normandie and Haute-Normandie. Can't help on sourcing an image file, sorry. Man vyi 18:40, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Motorcycles categorization


Hi, Gryffindor. I saw your edits on Category:Puch motorcycles and Category:Puch vehicles. I did not change anything, but I would point out that motorcycle categorization is actually organized in a slightly different way. An example:

                      +- Suzuki [not 'Suzuki vehicles']
Suzuki motorcycles ---+- Motorcycles by brand
                      +- Japanese motorcycles

the structure aims to separate four-wheeled vehicles from motorcycles, while joining them with respect to the manufacturer.

Consider, if you think so, to adopt this categorization strategy. I won't change anything, anyway. Wikipedia must stay a real Democracy. Have a good time and excuse me. Amux 02:21, 1 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ungarische Botschaft in Berlin


So sieht die Ungarische Botschaft aus: Ungarische Botschaft, Foto: S. Röpke! Dein Bild zeigt ein anderes Gebäude. Grüße --David.wintzer 08:33, 7 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Stimmt! Danke für den Hinweis, werde ich umgehend korrigieren. Gryffindor 12:27, 7 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Hallo Gryffindor, danke erstmal für deine Berlin-Bilder. Eine Bitte aber an dich: bitte platziere deine Bilder in die jeweiligen Galerie-Artikel soweit diese bereits vorhanden sind. Es nützt wenig wenn du (weil es zugegeben einfacher ist und weniger Arbeit macht) eine Kategorie parallel zur Galerie anlegst, um da deine Bilder abzulegen. Ich habe jetzt eben einige Bilder in den Artikel Gendarmenmarkt einsortiert. Der Bereich Berlin wird von engagierten Mitarbeitern betreut, die versuchen dort Ordnung in das Commons-Chaos zu bringen, z.B. Bilder aus der nichtssagenden Kategorie:Berlin in einzelne Unterartikel zu sortieren etc. Und wenn dann wieder jemand kommt und es "anders" machen will, erhöht das (unnötig wie ich finde) deren Wikistress. Ich wäre dir sehr dankbar, wenn du dich also an dem jeweils bestehenden System orientierst (entweder Bilder in Kategorie sammeln oder im Artikel ablegen) und ich sach mal "nicht alles durcheinander würfelst". ;-) Du verstehst was ich meine? Danke für dein Verständnis und viele Grüße. -- 14:45, 8 February 2006 (UTC) P.S.: bitte hier antworten, ich behalte die Seite im Auge. ;-) [reply]

Ich finde Kategorien aber sinnvoller und einfacher als Artikel. Wenn jemand meine Bilder in Artikel umsortieren möchte, kann er dies gerne tun. Mir fehlt aber leider die Zeit (das ist jetzt keine böse Absicht, ich habe wirklich keine Zeit) in jeweiligen Artikel es einzusortieren. Sorry für die Umstände, ich kann es gegebenfalls später einsortieren, aber jetzt geht das bei mir leider nicht. lg Gryffindor 14:50, 8 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

oh, sehr schnelle Antwort, sehr schön. Na da bin ich aber erleichtert, dass du es den Leuten, die sich die Mühe mit Artikeln machen, dann nicht krumm nimmst. Was dir aber auch nicht viel mehr Arbeit machen würde, aber den Aufräumern enorm Arbeit sparen würde, wäre es, wenn du einfach in die bestehenden Artikel ganz am Ende einen Eintrag etwa nach folgendem Schema hinzufügen könntest:

== unsorted pictures ==
... Aufzählung der Bilder

Vielleicht kann ich dich ja zu diesem Kompromiss überreden, die Aufräumer würden's dir danken!! Oder im Notfall ginge es auch noch, auf die Diskussionsseite des betreffenden Galerie-Artikels per Copy&Paste den Auszug aus deinen Benutzerbeiträgen für die jeweiligen Bilder zu kopieren, das wäre auch noch vertretbar. Und wird auch in kurzer Zeit auf die Vorderseite übernommen, versprochen. Dann hätte man zumindest diese elendige Kat-entfernen nicht mehr. Bei neuen Themen (Gebäuden, Parks etc.) ohne Galerie-Artikel hat natürlich niemand was dagegen, wenn du erstmal ne Kat anlegst, hauptsache die zusammengehörigen Bilder sind erstmal beisammen. ;-)
Ganz schlimm finde ich es nämlich, wenn zu einem Objekt sowohl Kategorie und Galerie-Artikel existieren, aber die einen Bilder nicht Bestandteil des anderen sind. Dann verliert man nämlich komplett den Überblick =)
nochmal grüße -- 15:05, 8 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Mach dir bitte keine Sorgen. Danke für den Tipp, ich schau mir das dann genauer an. Ich arbeite aber nicht von zu Hause aus und stehe gerade unter enormen Zeitdruck, mir geht es darum wenigstens die Fotos hochzuladen, ich muss eh noch einiges mit denen verbessern (crop, mehr Info, bessere Kategorien bzw. Artikel zuordnen) aber ich muss die Dinger erst mal hochladen. Dann kann ich mich um die Feinheiten kümmern, aber kein Foto wird vergessen und jedes wird dementsprechend nochmals behandelt. lg Gryffindor 15:11, 8 February 2006 (UTC) ps: to anyone sorting out my pictures: I'm really under time-pressure at the moment, I will sort them all out and add more information, and do corrections later, however this is not immedeatly possible at the moment. with kind regards Gryffindor 15:13, 8 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]



To all users: If you are going to re-sort my images from categories that I have created, please get in touch with me first about the order-procedure. If you are going to replace a category, please do not delete it without replacing it with an identical gallery, with all the links included. I'm still in the process of uploading and will sort the images out later, as well as improve their quality when needed. I think it should be pretty self-evident on the Commons to communicate first in order to avoid confusion later. thank you. Gryffindor 16:38, 14 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Image:Flag of Austria (state).svg


Yeah, I was just looking at that image and thought I missed something. Thanks. Denelson83 00:29, 8 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

3:4 variant now available under Image:Flag of Austria (state, variant).svg. Denelson83 00:10, 10 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Unfortunately, the aspect ratio of the original PNG is not very manageable, so I had to go with the closest manageable value of 3:4. And all SVG flags of Austria have to have exactly the same shade of red. Denelson83 03:55, 10 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for your message, and I'm sorry for my late reply, since I've been very busy lately. I was following the colours at Image:Flag of Austria.svg which are a bit darker, though I must admit I know nothing about Austrian flags, so feel free to change to another colour if I'm wrong. Thankfully I didn't delete Image:Stander Bundesregierung Austria.png.

I'm going to go on an extended Wikibreak, so please don't be offended if I don't reply for a very long time.

Greentubing (en:WP talk) 23:14, 13 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Helen Rubinstein


I don't know the adress of this house, but I am sure that it is located on Szeroka street at Kazimierz in Cracow. btw, Have a look at [1] - this house is located half way from numbers 6 to 7 on the image. Sblive 21:04, 15 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Hello! I can't upload the files at commons? why? --Sheynhertz-Unbayg 08:03, 16 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I could at [2]. why? --Sheynhertz-Unbayg 08:06, 16 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Gryffindor! Ich möchte dich bitten, bei Artikel und Bildern zu Schlössern und Palais die Castle-Kategorie nicht einfach durch die Palast-Kategorie zu ersetzen, sondern Palast als zusätzliche Kategorie zu ergänzen, denn die Abgrenzung von Schlössern und Palästen ist nicht einfach wenn nicht sogar unmöglich. Die gleichzeitige Verwendung beider Kategorien erhöht dann die Auffindbarkeit. Gruß -- Sir Gawain 14:40, 19 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Image:Plume 150F8E2BF.jpg



could you please state what the licensing status on your wonderful image is going to be? is it public domain, gnu, which one...? merci beaucoup.. <font color="red">Gryffindor</font> 15:59, 4 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

i made it my self and i am not verry aware about wat to do. but as i alredy put it ere i supose i can let it on public domain.

ps escuse my bad english --Za 11:49, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Re:Emax, Witkacy, Matthiasrex


The first two of those users are inactive, the second rarely uses talk. You may also want to leave us a note at w:Wikipedia talk:Polish Wikipedians' notice board, especially if a large batch of images is to be deleted. I - and others on that board - would very much liked to be notified in case of image deletion, as we are happy to look for the source and help keep the image - but we don't have time to keep tabs on their talk pages - and some images are often tagged without a comment on their pages...--Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus Talk 17:41, 10 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

CoA civ ITA bolzano.png


I made the image "CoA civ ITA bolzano.png" that was uploaded with GFDL. Bye -—Massimop 13:07, 21 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]



You are now an administrator here on the Commons. Congratulations! Just remember that images can't be undeleted like articles, so please be careful when deleting them. User:dbenbenn 04:10, 30 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Best wish for your adminship.--Jusjih 15:43, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Congratulations! Now that you're an admin, could you please delete all revisions of Image:User-Nightstallion.png except for the current (question mark) one? Thanks! —Nightstallion (?) 18:39, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks! —Nightstallion (?) 06:47, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Congrats, remember if you ever need any advice or want to ask something, my talk page is always open! :) pfctdayelise (translate?) 01:38, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Removal of categories


I just reverted a lot of your edits in which you needlessly removed sensible category entries from some files without any explanation and without adding any better categories. You seem to think that if files are linked from pages, categories aren't needed anymore. This is not true. A lot of work on commons only works with files at least or also being in categories. Please abstain from removing sensible category infos in the future or explain your actions better. --Melanom 06:06, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I usually end conversations where I started them but I have now answered you on my talk page. Let's continue and / or end it there. --Melanom 16:10, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

User:Gryffindor said on User talk:Odejea :

Bonjour Odejea,
thank you for creating the coats of arms of the Holy Roman Emperors, it's really good work. However could you do me a favour? The current category is called Category:Coats of arms of holy emperor. I don't want to mess around with your work, could you please rename the category into "Coats of arms of Holy Roman Emperors", in order to make it consistent with the other categories concerning the Holy Roman Emperors, for example "Coronations of Holy Roman Emperors"? Could you also please list the corrected category with a |* in order to have it appear first. Your help is greatly appreciated, merci beaucoup, if you have further questions or need help feel free to ask me. Gryffindor 01:30, 8 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
It's done. Odejea 21:09, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



I'd like to give you credit for this PD image of the Schloss Nymphenburg gardens [3]. Should I use a real name? I was going to use this image on Please leave any comments here [4]. Thanks. - Andrew Haggard



Thanks for the compliment. I'd do the rest if I had the time... this is mainly just a free time/casual thing---I look in the "Images the need to be vectorized" category, fire up Notepad and off I go. I'll make sure I look for the Austria-Hungary flags first. Yaddah 23:02, 24 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

SVGs von Steiermark, und auch ganz Österreich


Hallo, Gryffindor, da ich gesehen habe dass du Deutsch als Muttersprache sprichst erspar ich mir das Englische mal. Ja, ich denke dass ich auch die restlichen Wappen der Bundesländer Österreichs als SVG erstellen kann, doch das wird Zeit brauchen. Außerdem sind seit N3MO's post auf User_talk:David Liuzzo bzgl. des Wappens von Bremen auf der Wappenportalseite der deutschen Wikipedia auch wilde Diskussionen über das Format SVG, Vorteile und Nachteile und vermeintlich bessere und schlechtere Versionen von Wappen in jeweiligen Formaten im Gange. (Würde empfehlen da mal vorbeizusehen) Um es hier mal schnell zusammen zufassen: N3MO nannte meine Version des Bremer Wappens schlampig und enthielte viele Fehler, da sie (von seiner hochgeladenen) PNG an einigen Stellen abweiche (u.A. dunklerer Rotton des Wappens und andere Linienführung) Einige Kritikpunkte hatten dabei ja ihre Existenzberechtigung (und wurden demzufolge auch bei der nochmaligen Bearbeitung beachtet) andere waren völlig fadenscheinig, denn seine PNG Version war ja ebenfalls nur eine eigene und keine amtliche Zeichnung und kann daher auch keinen Anspruch auf absolute Richtigkeit erheben. Und (online verfügbare) amtliche Zeichnungen des Wappens waren/sind zu klein als dass man dort wirkliche Details erkennnen könne bzw. weichen selbst auch sehr ab (bspw. in der Farbe) Folgt man dieser Diskussion, so müsste man auch das Wappen der Steiermark, das du ja gelobt hattest, als schlampig bezeichnen, da es auch an einigen Punkten von der verfügbaren png Version abweicht (u.A. ist der Löwe in Form und Größe leicht anders geraten und die Farbe der Flammen differiert). Dass der Löwe in seiner Position und Größe leicht abweicht, ist einfach mit der Zeit irgendwie passiert (ist auch schon ewig her dass ich das gemacht hatte, das Wappen lag bei mir in einer Adobe Illustrator Datei vor.) Letzteres aber, dass die Flammenfarbe sich von der png unterscheidet und einen Farbverlauf bildet war meine bewusste Entscheidung, da ich es so ästhetischer empfand und ich es als einen gewissen Grad künstlerischer Freiheit ansah, die Farben so zu wählen. Und bevor nicht ganz geklärt ist, welche Dinge als einfache Abweichungen, welche Abweichungen als solche im Rahmen künstlerischer Gestaltungsmöglichkeit und welche als wirkliche Fehler zu gelten haben; halte ich mich mit weiteren Einsendungen erstmal zurück, da ich nicht schon wieder mein Tun als 'schlampig' gebrandmarkt sehen möchte. --David Liuzzo 15:42, 30 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Question regarding Licensing


Hello Gryffindor, I have finished some new vector coats of arms. They are now ready for their upload onto the commons. Among them are the coats of arms of Tyrol, Upper Austria, Hungary, the Main-Kinzig-Kreis and the city of Frankfurt am Main. Due to the extensive amount of time and effort I spent on their creation, I would like to reserve my rights on the depictions as far as possible. But do I have a personal right on those by myself created depictions of state/city coats of arms at all? At least I assume that, since pages like are making their money with it and raster-image versions of their work exist on wikipedia with an own copyright tag for their images. Well, now to my question, in how far is it possible to reserve my rights on self-created depictions/interpretations of coats of arms and yet release them on the Commons? Which license gives me the the farest possible degree of control over my own vector-creations?

This seems important to me especially for my version of the arms of Hungary, which shows a really high-detailed vector version (perhaps the most detailed one you could find) of the St. Stephens crown on top of the shield. Because of these insecurities I released by now only the arms of Tyrol as bigger raster image replacing the older raster-file instead of uploading the vector version.

I hope you can answer my questions. Best regards --David Liuzzo 00:43, 10 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Well, you won't find the specified images, because I did not upload them yet, as I was not sure about their Licensing. And you'll see that your version of the Tirol coats of arms is the preversion of Image:Tirol Wappen.PNG. I am the author of the present version. --David Liuzzo 01:21, 15 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]




Could you please upload Image:Flag of Venezuela (civil).svg over the protected Image:Flag of Venezuela.svg? It's obvious that the (civil) file is more correct when comparing it to other flags in the category, but the main svg is still protected... —Nightstallion (?) 17:27, 12 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Actually, there's no real reason it should continue to be protected, I believe. Could you undo that, too? Thanks! —Nightstallion (?) 17:28, 12 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Could you please read my comment about yours? Thanks, read you soon. ;) El ComandanteHasta ∞ 13:24, 18 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

COM:FPC new nomination method


Wooo! You're the first person besides me to use it. :) How did you find it? Was there anything it missed or you had to fix/change? --pfctdayelise (translate?) 17:30, 20 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Commons-l subscription


Hello Gryffindor,

as per Commons talk:Administrators, I am asking all admins to subscribe to commons-l, a mailing list for Wikimedia Commons policy and project discussion. Since many admins are only on Commons infrequently, this is a good way to alert people about important happenings. The mailing list is nominally multilingual, but predominantly English.

If you are already subscribed to commons-l, I apologize for bothering you, and you are free to ignore this message. If you don't want to use your regular e-mail account, feel free to leave me a message, and I can send you a GMail invite. Traffic on the mailing list is relatively low, and we do not expect admins to read all messages to the list, but it would be nice if you could check on it at least every few weeks. Thanks for your time,--Eloquence 23:01, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Beautiful pictures


Especially alt Alt-Berlin. Regards.

This alleged BOT has left me some nice messages too. Is there anything you could do about him/her/it in your capacity as an admin? I would be most obliged. Regards, Bravada 23:58, 2 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks! For a moment I was wondering where did I mess up with copyright tags, but after the third message I knew what's cooking, as I upload car pics almost exclusively, and however nice or even exciting they are, they are hardly pornographic. Or perhaps somebody has a strange fetish. What-EVER. Regards, Bravada 00:06, 3 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Admin news



If you consent for statistics to be published about your actions as an administrator, please sign here: Commons:Administrator permission for statistics. (I expect that most people will not have a problem with it unless you are especially concerned with privacy.)

Also, please be aware that we now have a Commons:Administrators' noticeboard. Please put it on your watchlist, if you haven't already!

cheers, pfctdayelise (translate?) 05:33, 7 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Gryffindor.

I have had a go at improving your Vienna images as they had 'cleanup' tags on them but have only uploaded the one above ATM. I have done the others so have a look at the linked one and if it looks better than before let me know and I'll upload the rest. Otherwise, if it looks worse then just revert it and again let me know and I'll forget the others. Regards, Ian Dunster 18:10, 9 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks! - I prefer to do the editing at night but those I did Saturday afternoon and it's possible to over-compensate on the brightness and contrast sometimes during daylight - it's actually been quite sunny here the past few days.
I'll see if I can tone down the others a bit and then I'll upload them but it may take a while.
BTW, they're done using Photoshop CS2. Regards, Ian Dunster 09:41, 11 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I forgot to say - if you are taking a lot of digital pictures then it's a good idea to set your monitor's gamma so that it shows colours and mid-range detail correctly. I use a utility that comes with Photoshop but there are some others that you can use here:
I haven't used them myself but they should let you set the monitor so that your pictures look the same when they're printed as they do on the monitor. Once you have the monitor set correctly (I use a gamma of 2.2, which is the recommended gamma for web images) it will make a big difference to working with images. If you have any questions then let me know.
BTW, thanks for the offer - if I need anything done on Wikipedia I'll give you a shout! :) Ian Dunster 12:06, 11 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Hi again Gryffindor. I've uploaded the new ones - have a look and see if they're OK (you may have to refresh your browser to get the new images) - I have left the cleanup tags on them just-in-case they're not. Regards, Ian Dunster 18:36, 11 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]



hi gryffindor. i'm from israel and i'm intresting in east berlin's architecture. can you please add more photos of Hochhaus an der Weberwiese in Berlin? thanks.

Thank you for your message, I will see if I have further pictures left however I think I uploaded all that I have. Gryffindor 22:53, 17 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Category:Regierungsgebäude, Vienna


Hi, First of all, thanks for all the nice pictures of Vienna and for the nice welcome.

I think the above category should be changed to Category:Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Wirtschaft, Austria. Is there an easy way to do this, without having to manually edit all the pictures? The pictures should probably be also added to a new category Category:kuk Kriegsministerium or something like, at least I think that would be a good idea :)

I am kinda new to commons, so im not really sure if this is possible without having to edit all the pix by hand. thanks for you help. --Werckmeister 09:34, 15 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

hmm, you're right of course. I thought only the Wirtschaftsministerium had it's seat there. Are you sure this is the official name though? Because this is definitly not the only Regierungsgebäude in Vienna..
About naming conventions, I noticed that there isn't a standardised format. I normally use X, Vienna myself. But with those administrative buildings I am not sure. Afterall those ministries are for all of Austria and not just for Vienna. But I guess it depends from which side you see it.. ;)
Btw, I noticed you're a admin. There are a few too many Radetzky articles/categories around, for my taste. (Category:Count Johann Joseph Wenzel Radetzky von Radetz, Josef Radetzky and Joseph Radetzky von Radetz). What's the easiest way to get those articles merged? --Werckmeister 10:06, 18 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
hmm, yeah, Regierungsgebäude just means governmental building translated. I guess the name slipped through, 'cause there really wasn't a name for the building. I am trying to investigate though ;)
Naming Guidelines like in Wikipedia would be helpful for Commons too. It's not only about government building. If you look at the articles at Category:Buildings_and_structures_in_Vienna you see three (Wien), one (Vienna) and one Wien without brackets. The Wiener Flacktürme could probably also be changed into Flacktürme (Wien) or something like that. Btw is there an official language for commons (English) or is there no such thing?
I'm not sure if we should translate everything into English. I think it's more likely that people search for the german name of the building. We could change it all to full german, using Wien instead of Vienna and Österreich instead of Austria. Maybe that's more consistent and we could add redirects for the english name. Or we could do english names and create german redirects ;) I'm not really sure what's better.
Brackets look better than a comma, so that's ok with me. I think brackets are also used in WP..
I looked through other city categories and it looks like we're not the only ones facing this problem. Look at Category:München, Germany or Category:Madrid. I liked the Warszawa article though, but that seems like a lot of work to do..
I thought you could create redirects only as an admin. Strangely I wasn't able to find anything about creating a redirect in the help files. But finally I was able to figure it out myself :) --Werckmeister 13:51, 18 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
The use of Vienna and Austria is fine with me. But shouldn't we also use brackets for buildings, streets, etc.? I think it would look more consistent if we used brackets for everything. Instead of using comma for streets and building and brackets for the rest. For unique buildings (like Schönbrunn) of course there is no Vienna-appendix needed. I'm trying to improve the Vienna article, so it looks a bit more like the Warszawa one :) --Werckmeister 07:30, 19 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
hmm, maybe you're right ;) though I'm not sure if the other stadtparks are as crowded with statues as the Vienese one ;)
Isn't 'Vienna Stadtpark statues' like totally going against the naming convention we agreed on? Shouldn't it be something like 'Stadtpark statues, Vienna' or 'Stadtpark, Vienna statues'?
btw, I noticed there are bots around to convieniently change wrong categories. I don't remember the name of the bot, but I'll look into the matter, once we agreed on a cat. name ;)
I already wanted to write you a msg about our naming convention debate, but hadn't the time to do so. I want to look through the village pump forum first, maybe I find something about this subject there. This could take a while, but hopefully, I find some time tomorrow, to do so.. --Werckmeister 18:19, 28 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
well, I was kidding about the naming convention thing ;) I guess 'Vienna Stadtpark statues' is fine.
about work, wasn't able to get much done on friday, hopefully monday *crosses finger*. I'll try to write a few more Palais-articles for the german wikipedia, if I find the time for it, that is ;). btw, I'll try to make a photo tour through Vienna, probably the next weekend, if the weather is fine. Any suggestions, what we'd need a photo of, or any requests?
About the flag, I wasn't aware that the Austrian flag is used here for the language.. I thought the german flag was probably more widely known, especially by all those non-german-speaking people. If it keeps you happy I'll use the Austrian flag from now ;) --Werckmeister 20:33, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Image deletion warning Image:Hoheitszeichen Austria.png has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this image, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. If the file is up for deletion because it has been superseded by a superior derivative of your work, consider the notion that although the file may be deleted, your hard work (which we all greatly appreciate) lives on in the new file.
In all cases, please do not take the deletion request personally. It is never intended as such. Thank you!

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slady 10:19, 18 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Admin news



If you consent for statistics to be published about your actions as an administrator, please sign here: Commons:Administrator permission for statistics. (I expect that most people will not have a problem with it unless you are especially concerned with privacy.)

Also, please be aware that we now have a Commons:Administrators' noticeboard. Please put it on your watchlist, if you haven't already!

cheers, pfctdayelise (translate?) 05:33, 7 September 2006 (UTC) P.S.: Pardon if this is a repeat (bot debugging...)[reply]

Berlin-Bilder 2


Hallo ich erinnere dich an deine Aussage in #Berlin-Bilder: "Wenn jemand meine Bilder in Artikel umsortieren möchte, kann er dies gerne tun." MfG --BLueFiSH 12:10, 24 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

re: User talk:Fedejr7wc


No, he's OK now, thanks. Erina 06:11, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Phototour through Vienna


hmm, I heard the weather should be fine on the weekend here, hopefully the sun comes out. Haven't decided on what to visit, but I'm sure there will be a few Palais on my list ;) I already knew about the webpage, it is a good site to look for information, though I'm sure the guy doesn't even have half of the available Palais in Vienna listed there ;)

I'm not sure if I want to visit the ugly train stations ;) I uploaded a few images from various wps. Flickr is also a good site for finding good images, for example look at [5] or [6] or [7]. They also have other stuff there for example look at [8] or [[9]], even with interior shots. Just as long as the pictures are CC, there shouldn't be a problem. There is even a bot around for uploading pictures from flickr, see User:FlickrLickr, but I wasn't able to get an account for that. Maybe you have more influence to get an account as an admin ;)

I thought I had already seen pictures of the börse on commons, strange. I tranfered one pictures from the german wp here (see Image:WienerBörse01.jpg). I'll also ask around about historical images of train stations. btw, do you know if people are allowed to take pictures at museums (like the wien museum)? --Werckmeister 09:15, 2 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I edited your image, can you take a look to see if that's what you wanted? btw, the copyright tags are a bit strange. you're using pd, gfdl and cc all in one, does this really work? --Werckmeister 13:58, 2 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

hmm, probably a good idea to use the pd tag ;)
I got a reply from de:User:Otto Normalverbraucher, he said he had the following pictures:
   * 3 Fotos vom Staatsbahnhof (=Ostbahnhof) (darunter 1 von der Baustelle 1870 und 1 von der Kassenhalle)
   * 2 vom Südbahnhof (=) um 1875 (ebenfalls inkl. Kassenhalle)
   * 1 mal den Nordbahnhof um 1866 (ähnlich dem bereits bestehenden Foto, aber bessere Qualität und nicht nachkoloriert)
   * 2 mal Westbahnhof (=Kaiserin Elisabeth-Bahnhof)
   * dann noch die Drahtseilbahn auf die Sophienalpe
   * zwei Mal Kahlenbergbahn
   * eine Pferdetramway

so what should it be? :) --Werckmeister 16:55, 2 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

hmm, you're getting greedy ;) I'll see what I can do --Werckmeister 17:11, 2 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

For your awareness


Hi, please be aware of this thread: Commons:Administrators'_noticeboard/Attention#PLEASE_HELP. I'm not sure how best to help, but is there anything I can do to help everyone work through this and defuse any issues that might arise? In looking at what is being requested, near as I can tell the images are the same or very close, it's just the file names that are in dispute? two of teh three images have been nominated for deletion with a view to replacement. Thoughts? Either here or on the admin notice board, or in the deletion discussions themselves? (you can answer here, I watch talk pages when I start threads) ++Lar: t/c 19:04, 5 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Vienna historical station pictures


I guess you already noticed Ottos pictures. Image:Staatsbahnhof Wien 1870.jpg, Image:Staatsbahnhof Wien 1873.jpg, Image:Staatsbahnhof Wien 1880.jpg, Image:Südbahnhof Wien 1875.jpg, Image:Suedbahnhof Wien 1900.jpg, Image:Schottenring Wien 1875.jpg.

I said thanks on your behalf too.

Unfortunately I hadn't time to do my photo tour. But at least I put a list together what I want to visit. I'll do a tour through the 3rd district. If you have any suggestions what else I can visit there, let me know :)

           Dreifaltigkeitssäule            Radetzkystraße 1
           Beethovenhaus                   Landstraßer Hauptstraße 31    (Gedenktafel Honoré de Balzac)
           Theater im Rabenhof 
           Haus Wittgenstein               Parkgasse 18
           Schweizergarten                 Landstraße
           Palais Redlich                  Jauresgasse 3
           Palais Windischgraetz           Strohgasse 21-21a
           Palais Hoyos                    Rennweg 3            (Otto Wagner)
           Palais Rasumofsky               Rasumofskygasse 23-25
           Palais Salm                     Salmgasse 2
           Palais Sylva-Tarouca            Salmgasse 4
           Palais Bourgoing(Palais Rothschild-Springer)  Metternichgasse 8
           Palais Nassau                   Reisnerstr. 47
           Palais Seybel                   Reisnerstrasse 50
           Palais Fanto                    Schwarzenbergplatz 6
           Palais Wertheim                 Schwarzenbergplatz
           Hofmannsthal v., Hugo           Salesianergasse 12
           Kraus, Karl                     Hintere Zollamtsstraße 3
           Mahler, Gustav                  Auenbruggergasse 2 und Lothringerstraße 20
           Musil, Robert,                  Rasumofskygasse 20
           Schubert, Franz                 Erdbergstraße 17 (Hof)
           Seipel, Ignaz                   Keinergasse 37
           Stifter, Adalbert               Beatrixgasse 4B und 18
           Strauss, Richard                Jacquingasse 8-10

Probably won't be able to do it all in one take, but we're in no hurry, I guess ;) --Werckmeister 07:32, 9 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

hmm, let's see how much of that list I can get done over the weekend ;) What pictures did you take on the weekend? :) --Werckmeister 07:06, 11 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
hmm, same problem here ;) I have to work all day and I'll be kinda busy on the weekend too. Hopefully though, I can get some pictures done on Sunday...
So does this mean you're living in Vienna? I though you were, uhm, farer away ;) --Werckmeister 09:47, 13 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Coats of arms of Austria PD


Hi! You added a new licence to some of the coats of arms I have created. There it says that they are PD because of §7 UrhG. I have to disagree with you because §7 covers works "...der im § 2 Z. 1 oder 3 bezeichneten Art...". In §2 it says "...sofern sie nicht zu den Werken der bildenden Künste zählen.". I think coats of arms are works of visual arts. Do you have any further resources on your interpretation of §7? --Mglanznig 21:19, 10 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Image deletion warning Image:SPÖ election poster Sept 2006 003.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this image, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. If the file is up for deletion because it has been superseded by a superior derivative of your work, consider the notion that although the file may be deleted, your hard work (which we all greatly appreciate) lives on in the new file.
In all cases, please do not take the deletion request personally. It is never intended as such. Thank you!

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Hi Gryffindor, the title and description of the picture contain a little mistake (shall be Kommandantur). It would be nice if you can correct it. Thanks and greetings from Berlin --Erik Dunsing, 19. October 2006

I have changed the information and put up a request for renaming. thank you for your attention. Gryffindor 11:19, 20 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Stop! Please not writen category type "Category:High buildings in Vienna" or "Category:High buildings in Bratislava". Category:Skyscrapers by city = Category:Skyscrapers in Vienna or Category:Skyscrapers in Bratislava. This is standard in Commons and Wikipedia. LUCPOL 20:27, 7 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

STOP, STOP, STOP. Not written category type "Category:Buildings and structures in Bratislava". STOP. See: Category:Buildings in Slovakia, Category:Buildings by city, written Category:Buildings in Bratislava, not Buildings and structures. LUCPOL 20:36, 7 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Image deletion warning Image:GRÜNE election poster 2006 003.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

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Svencb 15:48, 12 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Categories / Galleries


I know about this ( keeps deleting categories) talk about the use of categories and galleries. But there were just three images sorted in the category and by the other images the categories were permanently deleted. The subcategories of Category:Berlin contains many galleries but just a few categories about buildings, streets, cementaries … Need there really to be a category if there are just three images in it and all other ones in the gallery? (Sorry for my English) --Bo-rhein-sieg 14:47, 24 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You didn't read carefully Commons:Language policy, which states clearly that categories are in English. This rule is regularly reminded in the village pump. The hyphenated form you suggest for the Category:Bolzano does not regard English language, the w:Talk:Bolzano page has confirmed that. --Juiced lemon 19:05, 27 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hey there, you sure it really is 'Villages in the Tyrol'? Sounds a bit strange to me, on the other side you're the native speaker, so what do I know :P --Werckmeister 08:26, 28 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

hey, hmm, I'm doing fine, no time for taking pictures though :/ how are you?
Your link points to tyrol, the region. the state tirol can be found here: en:Tyrol (state), the term 'The Tyrol' isn't used there. on the other side, I found a few sites on google using 'the tyrol' also for the state. maybe that was a mistake though, who knows ;)
about languages, Using english is ok with me, if everyone would use his preferred language, things could get a bit messy ;) --Werckmeister 14:55, 4 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Image:Frankfurter Tor Turm Berlin 5.jpg


Hi, Someone asked to cleanup and rotate your pictures because it's tilted. I've done it for one but it's a job... Could you do something or speak with the other users ? Thx.--Patricia.fidi 13:42, 17 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Could you please explain me why you deleted as "extra category" the category "Savoia" to all members of this House? --G.dallorto 17:10, 2 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Gryffindor, I am obviosuly very happy to refresh your memory. Please clic here and you will have a record of what I mean. You deleted all of five categories (not just "Savoia"). And you did the same in every and each image of the Savoia I had categorised.
If the question is that "English is supposed to be used", then Savoia is NOT a region, since its name in English is Category:Savoy, therefore no problem would arise for this with "Savoia". If you merely thought the category had to be fixed, you were supposed to do so, not to delete other people's work leaving the images uncathegorised as a result of your "genial" action. I remind you that removing other people's work without any reason is considered vandalism, and that categories are supposed to be present (please read).
I did the work anew. If you feel that "House of Savoia" be better suited, please feel free to move the whole ot the category into the new case. But if you delete agai my categorisation work, neest time I shall report the adms a Vandalism action. Best wishes. --G.dallorto 14:15, 3 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Berlin cats


Thank you for the link. As we say in French, nous avons affaire à un multirécidiviste.

Just a question on that subject: when a cat (C) and an article (A) both exist, what is the policy for categorizing? Put the article A in the single cat C, or put the article A in the same cats as C?

Regards. Bibi Saint-Pol (sprechen) 13:46, 17 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

C'est noté, merci bien. Just a pragmatic point now: if an article is quite empty (1 or 2 images) whereas the category is quite full (about 20 images), is it allowed to create a redirection from the article to the category? In that kind of case, that seems more efficient and user-friendly to me. Bibi Saint-Pol (sprechen) 14:35, 18 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
All right. I will act as you suggest from now. Thanks again for your advices. Bibi Saint-Pol (sprechen) 15:15, 18 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

hi! you tagged this flag because it needed some correction. I moved the inner crown/flag more to the centre as in the original gif file. also I corrected the crown and the small flag below the crown so it is more closely as in the gif file. hope its okay: --Amada44 14:59, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

POTY 2006 competition


The arrangements for the Commons Picture of the Year 2006 competition are almost complete, and voting will take place between 1st and 28th Feb. All the featured pictures promoted last year are automatically nominated. As the creator of one or more images nominated for the election we invite you to participate in the event. Alvesgaspar 19:56, 26 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

RE: languages for categories?


hello there, you had a question once on the usage of local language over English in categories. I have started a discussion page on this topic, maybe you want to drop by and give your thoughts? Commons:Language for categories. sincerely Gryffindor 12:49, 3 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi! Here are several proposals about this in Commons:By location category scheme. Maybe you could give your viewpoints about this in the talk page. Thanks. --Joanot Martorell 10:06, 28 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The image you tagged for cleanup, Elisabeth of Romania 1.jpg

File:Elisabeth of Romania 1.jpg
The old...
And the new.

I saw this image had been tagged for cleanup, and I though you might like to see the result of my edit to it. I cropped and straightened it, then corrected colour and levels and uploaded it under a new, more suitable name. I have tagged the old image as superseded and nominated it for deletion. See you around. — Vanderdecken ξφ 15:59, 29 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Not joking, I used a very little-known feature of Photoshop, cropping in perspective - it allowed me to manipulate the crop-box in the same perspective as the painting, then when I cropped it, it lined up straight. All I had to do then was some serious colour correction, cut the figure out from the background, sharpen the figure, reduce colour noise on the background and voila. I think it's an improvement ;). The other image though: difficult. I think the other user has done as much as possible - I was lucky with the other image, only a small corner of the frame was cut off, so I could clone that. I wouldn't be able to rebuild the frame on this pic - I can't bring back information that's not there. However, if a version exists that is more zoomed out, but still from an angle (like the Elisabeth image) it would be no problem to straighten it and improve the colour. — Vanderdecken ξφ 10:23, 31 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Ooh, didn't realise you were an admin, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the compliments, I realise how important Commons is. I usually hang around Images for Cleanup (I find I'm good at paintings :p) and I usually do things like transferring images from Wikipedia to here. I'm quite good at cleaning up, and I keep track of stuff that I do in my Gallery on my userpage. That trick I used on the image in question is very use for exactly that purpose - to reduce glare, intentionally take the painting from an angle, then crop it! Anyway, thanks for the compliments, and have a look at my Wikipedia userpage. — Vanderdecken ξφ 10:21, 1 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
There, recategorised. Better? — Vanderdecken ξφ 19:35, 2 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Category South Tyrol


Hi; I saw your revert of the category South Tyrol; I proposed to move it to Province of South Tyrol, because the standardization with english named categories started by LemonJuice. What's your opinion with this matter? --mac 11:25, 7 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I agree with you; there is no urgent need, but only a reasonable reason for standardization. As you know, all italian provinces are named something like "province of...", all except South-Tyrol. Do you see any obstacle to adopt such as standard also for this cat? Ciao, --mac 11:36, 7 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Just to keep talking....Aosta Valley has no province at all, so it has no sense make an empty category and yes, there are several categories named like messina (prov) and about these was the concern of LemonJuice; he started to move these categories but he simply didn't finish the work. I'm continuing but not a regular base. You right when you said South Tyrol is a special province, in Italy it has a large autonomy. Nevertless there is an administrative entity called provincia do you mind if I start a pubblic discussion on this matter?--mac 14:47, 7 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I continued here and I re-introduce the request just a sort of "spot" to persuade other users to give their opinion. See you around, --mac 09:29, 8 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Royalty of Belgium


Please would you stop changing al categorys in royalty of belgium; you are making it to complicated. And the categorie Category:Empress Carlota of Mexico schould be renamed to Charlotte of Belgium. Cause of your action everything is double categorised, this is rediculous. when you look at this [10], you see that Queen Maria hendrikka is double. As well you changed the name wrong; it schould be cat:Maria-Hendrika of Austria. Carolus 15:20, 8 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Please rename Category:Empress Carlota of Mexico to Charlotte of Belgium, Empress of Mexico. This is standart use see the interwiki's.Carolus 12:58, 9 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
thanks for the action, though it is very unusual, please see: de:Charlotte von Belgien,en:Charlotte of Belgium, es:Carlota de México, nl:Charlotte van België .You see they al name her Charlotte OF BELGIUM, and nothing else.Carolus 13:12, 9 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

You're right, I spelled the tag wrong... it should be {{RemoveBorder}}; my spelling was "removeborder" with lowercase, which is why it didn't work. Thank you for pointing it out to me! - Editor at Large 18:24, 14 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hello again! I was just wondering why you deleted the original version of this image. My intermediate version is not necessary, but the original should be kept; the changes in the current version are significant and someone may wish to see/edit/use the original. Thanks :) -- Editor at Largetalk 22:48, 21 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I understand what you mean about the border and copyright. The second version, though, had the border cropped out; I think with edits such as the one made by Dcoetzee the original version (or a less-edit version, at least) should be always be saved if it doesn't conflict with copyright. They might not be noticeable to the naked eye and when un-zoomed, but he edited a lot between lightening, covering blemishes, smoothing the background, removing artefacts, etc. You never know when in the future someone may be able to edit it better or a new tool will become available to edit such images in a better way. Copyright issues mean it makes perfect sense to delete old versions, I certainly agree with you there, but other than that old versions I think should be kept so the average user has access to them just in case. Saves the admins from being bothered to get access to old versions :-p -- Editor at Largetalk 20:06, 23 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, there were two versions deleted: the old one and my version with the border removed . I think Gmaxwell restored it, though, so no worries! You probably didn't see my version, as dcoetzee edited it within a few hours and uploaded his. No harm done! :-D -- Editor at Largetalk 12:39, 24 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]



what you are doing with the odonata pictures doesn´t make sense...where is the benefit of a category, that contains an artikle with again the pictures showen in the category? you could use your efford for categorizing subfamilies or genera instead, that would make more sense, if you got so much time to waste...--Kulac 11:09, 15 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Gryffindor, may I turn your attention to this discussion? --Olei 13:41, 15 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

If you emailed me the source pictures for Image:Putrajaya panorama Jan 2007.JPG, I could probably fix it for you. --Digon3 00:49, 16 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Same with Image:Putrajaya panorama Jan 2007 b.JPG or any other panorama you have a problem with :) --Digon3 00:52, 16 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Uploading the individual pieces might be a waste of space, but it would work. Emailing the picture seems the best way for now. By the way, what stitching program did you use? --Digon3 19:25, 17 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I would try [hugin] or [emblend]. I didn't even know you could do that on Paint. By the way, do you need my email address? --Digon3 18:09, 18 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Category deletion

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Paucabot 19:28, 16 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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BLueFiSH 00:37, 28 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]



voulez vous arreter de categoriser des personnes? J'ai fait un grand efort de sorter tous les images, par type, par medium. Si vous categorisez tout bannalement tout le travail est perdue!Voyez par exemple Louis XIV, Il y des portrait et des gravures. Si vous categoriseze bêtement, il n'y a plus de diference.Carolus 18:48, 5 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hello, I was looking at your request to éake the border of the image mentionned in the title transparent, but as you probably know, it is not possible with a jpg I can do it but I will have to import another version of the image in it ok for you ???--Emmanuel Boutet 11:04, 6 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Museum images


Hello, and thanks for the congratulations, no matter how belated! I can remove the background on those images, yes, but it will mean converting them to PNG as JPEG does not handle transparency; that was the problem with the round/oval portrait pictures having their backgrounds made transparent. It increases the filesize a great deal, and generally speaking photographs really should be in jpeg format.

If I converted your photos at their current size (note the portraits were small) to png and made the backgrounds transparent you'd almost double the filesize; plus, PNG thumbnails are shown as PNGs and if they are large it takes too long to load for it to be useful for modem users. I can make the background white, or solid black, and leave it as a JPEG, or I can make them transparent PNGs and you will just have to ensure that when the thumbnail used is large they use the jpeg instead so the thumbnails aren't the large pngs.

Your images may also have to be edited somewhat to fix lighting issues that would look odd when the background is removed. I'm certainly willing to do it, I just thought I'd let you know before I went ahead! -- Editor at Largetalk 00:08, 8 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Forgot to mention: there's some more info on JPEG vs. PNG here. -- Editor at Largetalk 00:13, 8 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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Reply on "correct usage of categories"/ overcategorising Vienna


Hi Gryffindor, thanks for you remark. My idea was not to overcategorise alreday listed items. But on the WIKIPEDIA page about Vienna you can find a LONG list of the MAIN sights /places/things in Vienna. Most of them where not to be found on the corresponding COMMONS Category, but somewhere hidden in a sub or subsub category.

I was born in Germany and live now in Vienna for quite a while. So I claim to have a insider/outsider view what is really IMPORTANT and what not (although, I admit, from still a very personal point of view) about Vienna. I think for someone, who is not very familiar with the subject "Vienna" and is looking for "Schloss Schönbrunn" on the category page has to plough thru "Buildings in Vienna" > "Palaces of Vienna" to get there.

Have you looked into the category "sights of Vienna" and what have you found? Stefansdom, Schloss Schönbrunn, Belvedere... - NOPE, you find Gasometer, Hundertwasserhaus(!), Lainzer Tiergarten, Prater. AND THAT'S ABOUT IT.

Waiting for your proposal for a BETTER/MORE USABLE solution. Waiting for your reply/diskussion, sincerely Yours Zyance 2007/03/19, 08:30

PS: I looked into Rome, Paris, New York City. ALL these "category:city" are not realy useful as a hub for more info/fotos. But the "city" pages often also lacks a lot of connecting links and are cluttered with fotos of little interest. What is the whole system about anyway. Labeling things and putting them on shelfs/into closets or make them to be found easily? A bit confused now. Zyance 2007/03/19, 08:50

Thanks for your speedy reply. I'm gonna read the page about categorysing tonight. I uploaded a lot of pictures in Commons Italy, where a city like Todi is in the Category: Umbria | Cities in Umbria | Cities in Italy | Province of Perugia. So these Italiens seem to have a different system (by nature ?), which to me was also quite understandable/natural. The problem to me seems that Commons has to serve at least two masters. One that realy wants depth in information and don't mind to take a few steps more into the dungeon (and knows enough to find his way). The other, who has a limited knowledge and wants a quick overview of only the MOST important things (which to me is more Internet). Like I go to Vienna over the weekend - what are the MUST SEE/DON'T MISS. Anyway, I have to think about it...Zyance 2007/03/19, 14:21
Thanks again for your new posting. Oh, what a relief! (-: But still another question: Yesterday I removed all the Klimts, that were restituted from the Östrr. Galerie Belvedere and opened a new subcategory (sic) there with these paintings (is the Munch case setteled already?) You changed it to en: (OK with me) and have put them back eventhough they are gone, not on display anymore, some other places, finished for Belvedere/Vienna/Austria. May I kindly ask simply out of curiosity, what where your reasons doing so? Zyance 2007/03/19, 21:11
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