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User talk:Dirtsc/Archive/2017

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Berge und Hügel

Ich habe gerade gesehen, dass du meinem Foto des Falkenstein die Kategorie Hills of Hamburg hinzugefügt hast. Beim weiteren Stöbern bin ich darüber gestolpert, dass z.B. Waseberg und Süllberg sowohl als Mountain, wie auch als Hill kategorisiert sind. Ist das Absicht oder ensteht hier ungewollt eine Doppelstruktur?--Hinnerk11 (talk) 22:57, 14 February 2017 (UTC)

Das ist mir noch gar nicht aufgefallen. ;-) Hört sich aber eher nach einer Doppelstruktur an. Wenn ich Zeit habe, versuche ich mal heraus zu bekommen, wie in Commons "Mountain" und "Hill" definiert sind. Spontan würde ich sagen: für Hamburg nur "Hills". Gruß --Dirtsc (talk) 07:45, 15 February 2017 (UTC)
Klarer Fall von mangelndem Lokalpatriotismus ;) --Hinnerk11 (talk) 15:53, 15 February 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! St. Nicolaus Hamburg-Alsterdorf Südwand 01.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 10:16, 21 February 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! St. Nicolaus Hamburg-Alsterdorf Chorseite.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 10:16, 21 February 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:19, 24 February 2017 (UTC)

Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey

(Sorry to write in Engilsh)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Gemeindehäuser michel krayenkamp 4a 04.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 17:07, 23 February 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Gemeindehäuser michel krayenkamp 4a 10.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 17:02, 23 February 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:14, 26 February 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Gemeindehäuser michel englische planke 9 06.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Tilted cw, please correct! --Uoaei1 19:53, 23 February 2017 (UTC)
 Comment Please take a look at the new version. Greetings, --Dirtsc 19:44, 24 February 2017 (UTC)
 Support Fine now, good quality. --Uoaei1 17:07, 25 February 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:14, 28 February 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Gemeindehäuser michel englische planke 1b 05.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Oversharpened, excessive NR and some parts overexposed. I'm not sure if you can fix it, please try. I would also crop a bit on the left to get rid of the cut-off chimney. --Basotxerri 19:04, 23 February 2017 (UTC)
 Comment Please take a look at the new version. Greetings, --~~~~
Weak  Support. --Basotxerri 20:45, 26 February 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:22, 1 March 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Cn überseering 35 skulptur 22057.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Quality high enough for Q1 --Michielverbeek 09:20, 1 March 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Gf kd 1848 70 71 Denkmal 18047.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 10:58, 1 March 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Hamburg bismarck-denkmal 04.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --A.Savin 12:16, 1 March 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:18, 4 March 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Cn überseering 30 02 22054.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Poco a poco 17:31, 12 March 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Cn überseering 10 10a 09 22054.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 20:31, 12 March 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:14, 15 March 2017 (UTC)

Du hast Post

Gruß, --Alchemist-hp (talk) 08:00, 27 March 2017 (UTC)

Katinger Watt

Hallo Dirtsc, kannst du Mal bei File:Katinger Watt Wiesenteil 10.jpg gucken in welche Richtung du das fotografiert hast? Der Aufnahmestandort ist direkt an der Grenze vom FFH-Gebiet bzw Vogelschutzgebiet (Blick nach Westen = Schutzgebiet, nach Osten = außerhalb). Die andren Bilder ließen sich gut zuordnen, hier leider nicht. Holger1959 (talk) 20:01, 6 May 2017 (UTC)

Ich kann das auch nur aus der Erinnerung angeben, weil ich damals noch keine GPS-Tracks aufgenommen habe. Aber es ist in diesem Fall die andere (rechte) Seite des Wasserlaufs in File:Katinger Watt Wiesenteil 11.jpg. Der Blick geht damit auch grob nach Westen und also ins Schutzgebiet hinein. Vielen Dank, dass Du dir die Mühe gemacht hast, das detailliert zuzuordnen. Ich habe viele Aufnahme an der Grenze vom Schutzgebiet gemacht, ich hätte das klarer darstellen sollen. ;-) Gruß --Dirtsc (talk) 22:09, 6 May 2017 (UTC)

Wiki Loves Earth 2017

Hallo Dirtsc,

bald startet wieder Wiki Loves Earth Deutschland, unser Fotowettbewerb rund um das Themengebiet Naturschutz. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Du wieder mitmachst.

Bilder können vom 1. bis 31. Mai 2017 eingereicht werden.

WLE Deutschland kooperiert dieses Jahr mit der Deutschen UNESCO-Kommission (DUK). Die bestplatzierten Bilder von Biosphärenreservaten, Weltnaturerbe und UNESCO-Geoparks sollen auf http://www.unesco.de präsentiert werden.

Die allgemeinen Wünsche der Organisatoren haben sich nicht geändert: Schutzgebiet oder -objekt angeben, Originalauflösung, keine Signaturen oder ähnliches im Bild.

Die Suche nach geeigneten Motiven erleichtern unter anderem neue Listen aller deutschen Naturwaldreservate oder Listen der Naturdenkmale in Baden-Württemberg, im Saarland, Hessen und Brandenburg. Stöbere einfach mal bei Wikipedia, z. B. auf der Karte.

Eine Vorjury wird die Vorauswahl der Bilder übernehmen. Hier kannst Du Dich ebenfalls gerne beteiligen. Bei Interesse bitte unter WLE-Vorjury eintragen, das Passwort kommt per E-Mail.

Viel Spaß und Erfolg wünscht im Namen des Organisationsteams,

--Blech (talk) 22:00, 2 April 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Maria Magdalenen Klein Borstel 10.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality for me. Tournasol7 14:41, 6 June 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Maria Magdalenen Klein Borstel 08.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 12:46, 6 June 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Maria Magdalenen Klein Borstel 03.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments The picture could have been a bit sharper on the left, but good for me.--Famberhorst 15:28, 6 June 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Gf beselerstr 8 18041.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. Keine sehr elegante Nummernschildösung. --Ermell 12:52, 6 June 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:20, 9 June 2017 (UTC)

Wiki Loves Earth 2017 - Danke, und wie geht es weiter?

Hallo Dirtsc,

vielen Dank für Deine Teilnahme am Fotowettbewerb Wiki Loves Earth Deutschland. Damit hast Du ein Stück Natur in Deiner Region dokumentiert und Wikipedia geholfen, andere darüber zu informieren.

Dieses Jahr wurden 24.000 Fotos eingereicht, im vorigen Jahr waren es noch 18.000. Bei der Teilnehmerzahl (1063) wurde der Rekord vom Vorjahr nur knapp verpasst.

Um die große Zahl von Bildern angemessen zu bewältigen, suchen wir weitere Helfer für die Vorjury, zum Kategorisieren oder zum Einfügen der Bilder in die Artikel und Listen der Wikipedia.

Eine Jury wird Anfang Juli auf einer Sitzung in Fulda die besten Bilder auswählen. Nach dem Zeitplan sollen die Top100 am 15. Juli 2017 veröffentlicht werden. Kurz danach werden die Gewinner benachrichtigt.

Wir möchten auf Wiki Loves Earth Biosphere Reserves hinweisen. Bei diesem Wettbewerb können bis Ende Juni Bilder von Biosphärenreservaten aus aller Welt eingereicht werden. Selbstverständlich darf man das ganze Jahr über Bilder zu beliebigen Themen bei Wikimedia Commons hochladen, nicht nur wenn ein Wettbewerb läuft...

Freundliche Grüße.

--Blech (talk) 21:56, 12 June 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Nsg halloher moor nordrand 09.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 09:52, 9 June 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:28, 13 June 2017 (UTC)

Vielen Dank für Deine Teilnahme bei Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 in Deutschland!

Wiki Loves Monuments Deutschland

Hallo Dirtsc!

Vielen Dank für Deine Teilnahme am Wettbewerb Wiki Loves Monuments 2017! Das Organisationsteam freut sich über mehr als 20.000 Bilder von deutschen Bau- und Kulturdenkmalen, die in diesem Jahr hochgeladen wurden, und möchte sich ganz herzlich bei Dir für deinen Beitrag zum weltweit größten, von Ehrenamtlichen organisierten, Fotowettbewerb bedanken!

Du hast noch bis zum 15. Oktober die Gelegenheit, Wettbewerbsbeiträge anderer Fotografen im Rahmen der Vorjury zu sichten und zu bewerten. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Du dich daran beteiligst und mithilfst, die besten Bilder des diesjährigen Wettbewerbs auszuwählen. Gern kannst Du auch deine und andere Bilder in Wikipedia einbinden.

Nochmals vielen Dank für deine Beiträge. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Du auch in Zukunft die Wikipedia bebilderst! Solltest du Fragen haben, so kannst du dich gerne an info@wikilovesmonuments.de wenden.

(Martin Rulsch (WMDE) im Namen des Organisationsteams von Wiki Loves Monuments Deutschland, 9. Oktober 2017) 09:00, 9 October 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Leuchtturm Amrum dt 04.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 07:21, 20 October 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Kirche nusse orgel 02.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 07:20, 20 October 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Kirche nusse 08.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments The shadow left is a pity. But good quality for me.--Famberhorst 09:00, 20 October 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Friedhof blankenese grab fam harmstorf.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Acceptable now --Poco a poco 16:06, 20 October 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:28, 23 October 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Sdf sülldf kirchenweg 252.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments A bit dark but good quality. --Selbymay 09:15, 23 October 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Sdf sülldf kirchenweg 254 16090.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 08:39, 23 October 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:27, 26 October 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Friedenskirche Eilbek 01.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments The sky is a bit noisy, could you try to get that better? Otherwise OK for me. --Basotxerri 18:41, 20 October 2017 (UTC)
 Comment The feathery clouds in the sky may look like noise. Everything I notice are the clouds. I doubt, that the sky can be made much clearer. Greetings --Dirtsc 07:36, 24 October 2017 (UTC)
I've checked it again, maybe I was too critical, I think it's OK for QI. Thank you. --Basotxerri 18:50, 24 October 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:26, 27 October 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Michaelskirche sülldorf süd 02.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. Obviously the lawnless time is best for this perspective. --Milseburg 13:30, 27 October 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Michaelskirche sülldorf südtür.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 16:51, 27 October 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Michaelskirche sülldorf west 02.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Cayambe 10:28, 27 October 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Sdf sülldf kirchenweg 274 02 17421.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 09:26, 27 October 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:27, 30 October 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Kirche nusse friedhof 01.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 16:45, 28 October 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Sdf sülldf kirchenweg 268 17420.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good Quality -- Sixflashphoto 01:01, 29 October 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Sdf sülldf kirchenweg 264 01 17422.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good Quality -- Sixflashphoto 01:01, 29 October 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Sdf sülldf kirchenweg 262 01 17423.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Selbymay 16:55, 28 October 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Michaelskirche sülldorf west 03.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Sehr gut --Capricorn4049 15:00, 28 October 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:21, 31 October 2017 (UTC)


Guten Morgen, Dirtsc! Habe auf Ajepbahs Talk-Seite deinen Vorschlag zur Sortierung der Speicherstadt-Fotos gesehen, was ich als mengenmäßige Bestandsaufnahme der einzelnen Unterkategorien grundsätzlich richtig gut finde! Hatte bei Hamburg-Ohlsdorf bzgl. dem Friedhof auf mehreren Seiten sehr diffuse „Schüttungen“ gesehen und daraufhin versucht, diese durch Umsortierungen und neuen Unterkategorien zu entwirren. Natürlich nur recht laienhaft, aber nach bestem „Wissen und Gewissen“, wobei ich (immer noch) von der Sichtweise eines ungeübten, von extern Suchenden ausgehe.
Also: ändert bitte ggfs. Überflüssiges oder Fehlendes, z. B. bzgl. Parallel-Kategorien, gerne Commons-gerecht ab! Es grüßt --Vitavia (talk) 08:28, 1 November 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Sdf gutshaus marienhöhe 30 01 15608.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --KaiBorgeest 23:10, 31 October 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:16, 3 November 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Kirche nusse 01.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Quality high enough for Q1, only the lightfall might have been better --Michielverbeek 08:00, 1 November 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:21, 4 November 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Dunnottar Castle dt 2017 27.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Photo could have been a bit sharper. but ok for me.--Famberhorst 16:26, 3 November 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Dunnottar Castle dt 2017 23.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support OK. --Agnes Monkelbaan 17:14, 3 November 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:13, 6 November 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Dunnottar Castle dt 2017 37.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Weak support Bordeline sharpness, but otherwise good. --C messier 13:36, 5 November 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:14, 8 November 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! M luther kirche alsterdf 05.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Poco a poco 19:48, 6 November 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! M luther kirche alsterdf 04.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 19:00, 6 November 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:19, 9 November 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Sdf sülldf kirchenweg 198 38900.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Agnes Monkelbaan 06:03, 7 November 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:24, 10 November 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Sdf sülldf kirchenweg 259 16089.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments A bit too much of DxO ClearView in this Shot, but overall technically o.k. --Granada 08:43, 9 November 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:25, 12 November 2017 (UTC)

Valued Image Promotion

Your nomination has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! The image you nominated was reviewed and has now been promoted as a valued image. It is considered to be the most valued image on Commons within the scope:
Incinerator Stellinger Moor main building....
If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Valued images candidates.

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Friedhof blankenese kapelle west.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. PumpkinSky 14:59, 20 November 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Friedhof blankenese kapelle turm.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. PumpkinSky 14:59, 20 November 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Friedhof blankenese kapelle süd 01.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. PumpkinSky 14:59, 20 November 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Friedhof blankenese kapelle seitentür.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. PumpkinSky 14:59, 20 November 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Friedhof blankenese kapelle detail 01.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. PumpkinSky 14:59, 20 November 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:23, 23 November 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Trinitatis Hohenhorst West 2.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. PumpkinSky 17:38, 24 November 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Trinitatis Hohenhorst Süd 2.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 17:59, 24 November 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:15, 27 November 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Hamburg Süd Gebäude 2017 07.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 16:42, 1 December 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Hamburg Süd Gebäude 2017 03.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Basile Morin 15:03, 1 December 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Hamburg Süd Gebäude 2017 02.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Basile Morin 15:03, 1 December 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:17, 4 December 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Hamburg Süd Gebäude 2017 01.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Crisco 1492 05:54, 2 December 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:16, 5 December 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

File:Vck kruzifix.jpg
Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Vck kruzifix.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality, nice framing. --Akela NDE 12:09, 14 December 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Isb schenefelder landstr 102 16103.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 09:38, 14 December 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Isb schenefelder landstr 104 02 16096.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 09:35, 14 December 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Isb schenefelder landstr 102a 01 16113.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 09:37, 14 December 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:21, 17 December 2017 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Ex shell überseering 35 07.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support - Good quality and interesting. Was it just never judged the last time? -- Ikan Kekek 19:55, 17 December 2017 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Zentrale zone mexikoring 02.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Quality high enough for Q1 --Michielverbeek 19:47, 17 December 2017 (UTC) CommentThere's a dust spot on top of the left building in the middle between the antennas on the right and left. Otherwise good quality. --Granada 19:53, 17 December 2017 (UTC)
Yes indeed, I have found something and made a note; it is quiet easy to remove --Michielverbeek 20:04, 17 December 2017 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:43, 20 December 2017 (UTC)

Auswahl Ü-Bild

Wie ich überrascht sehe, hast du ein Bild von mir heute gewählt. Das finde ich nett, aber ich hatte vor kurzem ein Advents-/Weihnachtbild eingestellt, das (noch) nicht berücksichtigt wurde. Wäre das nicht was für die Feiertage? File:Fährenpfortenturm Münden Weihnachtszeit illuminiert von Tilly Schanze.jpg oder File:Hann Münden Tilly Schanze Fährenpfortenturm schwarz.jpg --AxelHH (talk) 23:46, 20 December 2017 (UTC)

Ah, das Bild war von Dir! Ich nehme eigentlich immer irgendetwas, und achte selten auf den Ersteller. Die anderen Bilder hatte ich schon registriert, dachte aber, sie wären am besten an einem Adventssonntag oder kurz vor Weihnachten geeignet. Am Wochenende bin ich selber aber meistens gar nicht dabei, die Ü-Bilder auszuwählen, weil mir dann die Zeit fehlt. Ich denke aber gerne dran, vor Weihnachten wäre schon sinnvoll. Gruß --Dirtsc (talk) 08:02, 21 December 2017 (UTC)