User talk:Blofeld

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Hello, you are the author of one of the images in the category Grande Arche. This category has been recently proposed for deletion under the pretext that there is no FOP in France. I believe not all the images in this category deserve to be deleted, some of them do not present copyright issues. You can express your opinion on this page Commons:Deletion_requests/Category:Grande_Arche if you believe the category should stay. I noticed this deletion request after one of my images (also featured picture) belonging to this category has been proposed for deletion here. Best Regards. --Atoma 16:33, 21 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Deletion discussion


I have proposed at least one image you uploaded for deletion at Commons:Deletion requests/Images of skyscrapers in France. Jackaranga 22:20, 7 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]