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Babel user information
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
es-1 Esta persona tiene un conocimiento básico del español.
Users by language

A little about me


To be clear, I am a nerd and I am proud of it. I do a lot of my work in virology, immunology, anatomy & physiology, organic chemistry, and biochemistry (to a lesser extent). If you have any requests, questions, or would like me to change the licensing of my work feel free to do so (as a general rule, most of my work is in the public domain, but this does not apply to all of my work). If you'd like me to post the original vector files for images I will do so upon request but sometimes the files can get lost but usually, I keep them on hand if you need them. Feel free to attribute me but it's not required, and if you've used my work I'd love to know what you used it for because I always love seeing videos with my stuff in it from time to time (sometimes just randomly).

On Licensing


I put my work on Wikimedia Commons because I believe that content creators need more free quality resources. This is a passion of mine and I firmly believe that content creators should have tons of freedom in making content, so that's why I'm not very strict when it comes to licensing.

Here are my terms for using my work (not legally, but I ask that you respect these)

  1. When using my content, please try to use it respectfully and not for making conspiracy theory videos
  2. Just as I have given my content to you for free, please use it not for your own benefit and try to make whatever you're using it for free if you can
  3. Do not falsy attribute the content to yourself, you DO NOT have to give an attribution to me, but don't take credit for something you didn't make
  4. Treat my content kindly and respectfully, I put work into this and do not get any money out of it, this is a passion for me that I work hard on
  5. Use this content to make the world a better place, whether it's for education or for informing people, use it to make a net positive in the world