User:West avan

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I started writing poetry dark poetry am getting really good at it I don't wanna become a poet I want to be a rapper I can rap now I have been listening to Eminem song's sia and motor head am trying to use poetry when I rap but it just doesn't sounds as good as it sounds in my head when I rap I hope I can make it as a rapper I really have no idea what I would do If I do succeed in rap music I mean am 15 years old I need to make something happen I don't wanna leave with my parents when I turn 16 am not saying something is wrong with but i okay i just don't wanna leave with my parentsi hate it how do i even make this happen am 15 years old i have no job no money how do i get some studio time this is starting to seem impossible i got a lot of talent i now it but the are other 15 or 16 year olds with ten times the talent i have and are being supported by there family's they have a 100% chance of succeeding in the music industry and raising to fame which leave's me 50% chance of succeedingin the music industry and raising to fame because am trying to make it on my own