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The page's purpose is to introduce the user to Wikimedia community and is not an advertisement of any kind.

My name is Tadej Persic (or Tadej Peršič to be precise, well, and sometimes even Ivan Tadej Peršič-Kandus) and I am a 36 years old male. I was born on July 13 1980 and grew up (and live here to this day) in Ljubljana, my country's capital city. The country where I was born is Slovenia, a very small country (20,273 square kms, 2.06 million residents) located near the center of Europe. In general I see myself as a pretty liberal and open-minded person, yet also as a critical thinker, rationalist, skeptic and somewhat a pacifist. Professionally I am an ex Architecture student who has switched to IT field. Namely, I graduated on Information technology|Information technology college on November 24, 2015, while here are the links to my diploma work:ščita and to its presentation:ščita-prezentacija on Scribd portal.


With regard to computers, I am interested in just about everything related to basic programming and scripting, like batch programming, Vbscript, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Python, ABC, etc.), while I also enjoy customizing and tweaking my operating systems and similar. I mainly use Windows XP, but occasionally I also use Linux (the Slackware distribution). Otherwise I like mystics and stuff, I like to listen to various types of music, watch movies and television series, while South Park, Dilbert, Futurama, and Simpsons are currently my favorites. In my spare time I like to browse the World Wide Web (news and tech websites, post on various Internet forums), go to the nature, meet with my friends, and smoke herbs. In the paragraphs further below, there are also listed links to my various Wiki profiles (account home or user pages), to my blogs, and to the various variants of my three different websites.


There are of course my many accounts' pages on various social networking internet portals such as my Tadej P. (@satyr) | Twitter: on Twitter which is also some sort of a blog (micro-blogging), then there's my Tadej Peršič profile page: on Facebook community, my personal page Tadej Persic - MySpace: on MySpace portal, and my user page satyr / Tadej Peršič (1689473): on Fubar portal. For many other such account pages rather see my-accounts.html page: on my main personal website.

My blogs

My main English blog is titled Tadej's Tumblr: on Tumblr has become my new blog at the beginning of 2015, when I also published my first post at the end of January 2015 (click here:, while the other English blog of mine is my Tadej Persic's Blogger blog: on Google's Blogger (or "Blogspot"), because the previous one: was on Posterous (it contained quite a few posts already) was acquired by Twitter early in 2013 and closed permanently. I also have a blog titled Tadej Peršič Blog: written in Slovene, which is my new blog on WordPress, and contains content imported from my old blog:



I am a proud member of Wikipedia from March 11 2005 onward and as of March 16 2016 the number of my edits is 1,621 on English Wikipedia, where I contribute the most. The Contributions page contains the list of all my edits on it. A few days later I registered an account also on Slovene Wikipedia‎ and as of the number of my edits is 655. About that same time back in 2005 I created an account at Wikinews too and wrote "Slovenian alpinist in rescue on Nanga Parbat" and "Slovenian alpinist rescued from Himalayan peak" news articles in August 2005. For even more of my user pages on various other Wiki-type websites you can also check out the "My Wiki Stuff" section below.

Wiki sites

There are of course other Wiki-type sites on which I mainly use a nick "Satyr-wayfarer"; that's because my nick-name on "Lost In The Box", "MozillaZine", and "CastleCops" forums is satyr and while on all the Wikis it's Wayfarer (except for the last two created Wiki-accounts). The links below are ordered by the date of registration. At first here is a link to my account's page User:Satyr-wayfarer: on "Mozilla" Wiki, and my user-page User:Satyr-wayfarer: on "Mozilla Developer", and finally links to User:Satyr-wayfarer: on "bb4win" Wiki, and to User:Satyr: on "Ghisler" Wiki.

Me on Wikia

My Websites

General website

Firstly, here is a link to Tadej Persic's website: website (and to its Slovenian Tadej Peršič stran: variant), which is my new personal website that I have created in April 2007. This particular website has now become my main general personal website, meaning that it's not strictly computing, nor strictly non-computing related, and is basically just a some sort of a navigational website that (with the exception of my-projects.html page:, which similarly to the projects.html page: on my main computing-related website lists various distributed computing projects that I participate in) only describes and lists links to my other websites and blogs and interesting articles I've written and other notable sections on them, and is therefore not the site with actual interesting content. The site doesn't contain popups or banner-ads, and its XHTML and CSS code is valid by W3C standards.

Then secondly a link to Tadej's computing homepage:, which is my main computing-related website that's generally about important computing-related things that I've discovered so far (mostly via "trial and error"), like for instance in it I list my various personal computing-related articles, hints, principles, rules, tips, my various favorite programs and their usages and so on. Especially interesting are my numerous discoveries and various experiences of tinkering with the PC to the extreme.

Site's (b)log

The website contains also some sort of a blog or in other words a personal ever-growing computing-related set of pages with important current news and events. I started with it in 2005, so I am adding also the two links, from the oldest to the most current. As first a link to the first events1.html page:, and as second to the last/current events12.html page:

Note that this site exists only so that all the ideas I have, and all the interesting things I discover regarding my computer or on the Internet don't go into the "oblivion" by not writing them down, while on the other hand I've tried to make an unique site, which would express those other practical things that you learn after using your computer for some time. Simply put, I just didn't want to make another site with well-known "tweaks" and widely-used security programs listed like there are too many out there already. The site is licensed under a "Creative Commons" license, and was created and is maintained only by me, mostly typed-by-hands with a bit of copy/paste in a few cases of JavaSript. The site doesn't contain popups or banner-ads, and its XHTML and CSS code are valid by W3C standards.

Clarinet info site

Thirdly is a link to my Clarinet informational website:, which is as its title hints my clarinet instrument related website that contains mostly technical and history information about the clarinet musical instrument, and a few of my personal experiences with it. Also note that the emphasis is not on the site's outlook but on the site's content, therefore I only use HTML/JavaScript and a bit of CSS. I've simply tried to make the website as simple and as fast-loading as possible. None of my websites are more or less crafted by hand was made with the use of pre-built templates or even worse, written with "make-your-webpage-in-5-minutes" type of program. Further, you may notice that on all of my websites I don't use underlying for "normal" words (i.e. not links) to prevent the confusion and to follow the standards. And finally note that like almost every other website on the Internet, this one is also always under construction. The site doesn't contain popups or banner-ads, and its XHTML and CSS code is valid by W3C standards.


This is a place for any messages that you may want to send me; although I highly recommend you rather use my talk page...

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