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Lord Vicar Dashwood was destined to take his seat in the House of Lords. He pursued his military career in India but preferred to paint, spending his his frequent leave periods in Cornwall and Denmark. His achievements in military administration were suddenly curtailed, he resigned his commission.

A change in career path followed his inclination in religion and interests art and the natural sciences.

On arrival in Nigeria in 1898 a few years before it was declared a British protectorate in 1901, he joined the the SMA (Society of African missions or Societas Missionum ad Afros). The SMA was founded at Lyons (France) in 1856 by Monsignor Melchoir de Marion Brésillac.

A significant achievement in his new career was the discovery of an extinct example of the Pandyan Vipera a Caleidoscopio hitherto having been declared extinct. His more famous protege Father Kevin Carroll, anthropologist, linguist, ornithologist and photographer, was a member of the Society of African Missions also discovered the nest of an extinct species of bird, the details of which have been lost in the fog of time.

Lord Vicar Dashwood

Pandyan Vipera a Caleidoscopio