User:Szymon Górnicki

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Jestem paleoartystą freelancerem i paleontologiem (Eng. I am a freelancer palaeoartist and paleontologist).

Moja praca zawodowa (my professional work):

Obrazy, które dodałem (Images I've Contributed)



Restorations of Stagonolepis robertsoni, after skeletal by Hartman, 2016
Comparison of two Smok reconstructions by Szymon Górnicki
Restoration of Cyclotosaurus by Szymon Górnicki
Life reconstruction of Paleorhinus (Szymon Górnicki)
Life restoration of Lisowicia bojani (Szymon Górnicki)
Reconstruction of Polonosuchus by Szymon Górnicki
Restoration of Metoposaurus krasiejowensis by Szymon Górnicki
Silesaurus opolensis by Szymon Górnicki
Charging woolly rhinoceros by Szymon Górnicki