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Category:Space (as of Dec. 2 04)

  1. Category:Astronomy 14 articles
    1. Category:Astronomical objects 0 articles
      1. Category:Celestial bodies 0 articles
        1. Category:Galaxies (see below)
        2. Category:Planets 0 articles
          1. Category:Sol System planets (see below)
        3. Category:Category:Planets 0 articles
        4. Category:Stars 0 articles
          1. Category:Sun (see below)
      2. Category:Solar system 0 articles
        1. Category:Moons 1 articles
          1. Category:Moon 1 articles
        2. Category:Sol System planets 6 articles
          1. Category:Earth 0 articles
            1. Category:Earth sciences (just linked here as addon)
            2. Category:Landscape (just linked here as addon)
            3. Category:Moon (see before)
        3. Category:Sun 2 articles
    2. Category:Astrophysics 0 articles
      1. Category:Cosmology 0 articles
        1. Category:Large-scale structure of the cosmos (see below)
    3. Category:Large-scale structure of the cosmos 0 articles
      1. Category:Galaxies 0 articles
        1. Category:Galaxy clouds (see below)
        2. Category:Galaxy clusters (see below)
        3. Category:Galaxy filaments (see below)
        4. Category:Galaxy superclusters (see below)
        5. Category:Spiral galaxies 0 articles
          1. Category:Barred spiral galaxies 0 articles
            1. Category:Milky Way Galaxy 0 articles
              1. Category:Orion arm 0 articles
                1. Category:Solar system (see before)
      2. Category:Galaxy clouds 0 articles
        1. Category:Canes Venatici Cloud 0 articles
          1. Category:Local Group 0 articles
            1. Category:Milky Way Galaxy (see before)
      3. Category:Galaxy clusters 0 articles
        1. Category:Local Group (see before)
      4. Category:Galaxy filaments 0 articles
        1. Category:Local Filament galaxies 0 articles
          1. Category:Virgo Supercluster (see below)
      5. Category:Galaxy superclusters 0 articles
        1. Category:Virgo Supercluster 0 articles
          1. Category:Canes Venatici Cloud (see before)
  2. Category:Space travel 6 articles
    1. Category:Astronautics 5 articles
    2. Category:Spacecraft 0 articles
      1. Category:Satellites 1 articles
        1. Category:Satellite photos (just linked here)