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Greetings! Being a Marxist-Leninist (Hoxhaist in particular) most of, if not all, my edits, contributions, etc, are of a left-wing or communist nature. Not really sure what else to put here, just a Hoxhaist who enjoys Marxist and revolutionary literature, history, revolutionary emblems and insignia, and studying the five classics (Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Hoxha).

Final notes (mostly controversial or trivial in nature): believe Stalin did nothing wrong; believe Holodomor was a natural famine made worse by kulaks hoarding grain; believe the USSR post-1956 wasn't socialist; believe the only socialist state in existence, post-1956, was the People's Socialist Republic of Albania; believe Mao and China as a whole, North Korea, Cambodia, Laos and Cuba were never socialist; believe the massive death toll in Cambodia was caused by American bombs and a resulting famine caused by farmers fleeing the countryside into the city, the evacuation of Phnom Penh was necessary (that said, I do not believe Pol Pot or the Khmer Rouge were communists); believe the Bolshevik example, and the examples of Lenin, Stalin, the Party of Labour of Albania, and Enver Hoxha are model examples for all communist and proletarian movements, parties and organizations around the world.

Workers and Oppressed Peoples of all Countries, Unite!