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IN less than 100 years, from how much we have changed the planet our survival will be put to the test we might loose the population of humans WE need to take action or we might come face to face with the end of the world sooner then you expected and that will happen because of us If we can change the world for the worse, we also have the ability of changing it for the better. WE have converted light to energy using solar panels WE have made wastelands but turned them to forests And even air into water And with us creating pollution WE are the biggest threat to Earth And the most dangerous living species on the entire planet Millions of species are dying every year Because of us That makes us the most biggest threat to Earth WE are killing animals just for their parts WE need to minimize this affect some species we rely on animals For many things. Millions of humans are dying because of us 4.3 million people are dying because of Air Pollution 4 million dying from water pollution And in 30 years we will not have water for everyone on the planet As people keep multiplying and giving birth We will not have enough water because of our selves Because the freshwater we have is getting polluted And I know we can get from the ocean but it takes sometime to Remove all the salt particles and other minerals From the water for it to become pure and suitable for drinking And carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide levels Are sky rocketing in the atmosphere And destroying it and also the ozone layer which is protecting us From space debris and also many things that can damage the Earth seriously and we have not yet discovered a new home in the lucky enough that Earth formed in the Goldilocks zone around the sun This is the zone where life can thrive In the universe If we destroy earth e do not know where we can settle So we need to stop polluting Please whoever is reading this we need to Or we will have a dark future and it will not be fun trust me So please do everything you and here are some tips on how to do that

Don’t use cars if the distance is less than 5km Throw your garbage in recycling bins Do not throw your garbage in the oceans or on land If you are on a busy street stay a lest 30 feet from the cars to not breath carbon dioxide If you are in a room and it is daytime do not turn on the lights you will be wasting energy and turn off the lights once you leave a room If you see any person littering tell them to pick their trash up and put it in the trash can trash cans were not invented for nothing If you are a smoker throw your cigarette in a trash bin once you have put it out completely

I hope this will show you how we should treat our planet By doing these simple steps you will be saving millions of lives You will be a planet hero please do whatever you can Have a good day\night\afternoon\evening