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Adams Albany Albina Amity Antelope
Arlington Ashland Astoria Athena Aurora
Baker Bandon Banks Barlow Bay City
Beaverton Bend Brownsville Burns Butte Falls
Canby Canyon City Carlton Cascade Locks Centerville
Central Point Clatskanie Condon Coquille Cornelius
Corvallis Cottage Grove Creswell Dallas Dayton
Drain Dufur Eagle Point Echo Elgin
Empire Enterprise Estacada Eugene Falls City
Florence Forest Grove Fossil Gardiner Garibaldi
Gearhart Gervais Gladstone Glendale Gold Hill
Grants Pass Grass Valley Gresham Haines Halsey
Harrisburg Helix Heppner Hermiston Hillsboro
Hood River Hubbard Huntington Independence Ione
Island City Jacksonville Jefferson John Day Joseph
Junction City Kent Klamath Falls La Grande Lafayette
Lakeview Lebanon Linkville Madras Marshfield
McMinnville Medford Merrill Mill City Milton
Molalla Monmouth Moro Mosier Mount Angel
Myrtle Creek Myrtle Point Nehalem New Pine Creek Newberg
Newport North Bend North Plains North Powder North Yamhill
Nyssa Oakland Ocean Lake Ontario Oregon City
Pendleton Pilot Rock Portland Powers Prairie City
Prineville Rainier Redmond Reedsport Richland
Riddle Roseburg Saint Helens Saint Johns Saint Paul
Salem Sandy Scappoose Scio Seaside
Shaniko Shedd Sheridan Sherwood Silverton
Sodaville Springfield Stanfield Stayton Summerville
Sumpter Sutherlin Taft The Dalles Tigard
Tillamook Toledo Turner Umatilla Union
Vale Vernonia Wallowa Wasco Weston
Wheeler Willamina Woodburn Yamhill Yoncalla
Town County Volumes Sheets From To
Adams Umatilla 5 5 1893 1932
Albany Linn 5 69 1884 1908
Albina Multnomah 3 6 1884 1887
Amity Yamhill 6 8 1884 1931
Antelope Wasco 2 2 1910 1928
Arlington Gilliam 5 12 1888 1932
Ashland Jackson 6 53 1884 1911
Astoria Clatsop 7 239 1884 1956
Athena Umatilla 6 20 1890 1932
Aurora Marion 2 6 1922 1933
Baker Baker 8 139 1884 1959
Bandon Coos 5 53 1898 1931
Banks Washington 2 8 1921 1928
Barlow Clackamas 2 2 1893 1922
Bay City Tillamook 3 10 1912 1928
Beaverton Washington 3 15 1916 1931
Bend Deschutes 3 34 1913 1920
Brownsville Linn 6 21 1884 1931
Burns Harney 1 2 1912
Butte Falls Jackson 1 2 1927
Canby Clackamas 3 18 1913 1931
Canyon City Grant 2 4 1911 1930
Carlton Yamhill 3 9 1893 1931
Cascade Locks Hood River 2 2 1928 1950
Centerville Umatilla 1 1 1888
Central Point Jackson 4 14 1890 1930
Clatskanie Columbia 3 12 1911 1943
Condon Gilliam 1 4 1910
Coquille Coos 8 53 1891 1957
Cornelius Washington 4 6 1888 1928
Corvallis Benton 5 49 1884 1912
Cottage Grove Lane 6 45 1893 1920
Creswell Lane 2 6 1920 1931
Dallas Polk 7 55 1884 1939
Dayton Yamhill 3 9 1893 1931
Drain Douglas 7 14 1888 1931
Dufur Wasco 2 4 1910 1931
Eagle Point Jackson 2 2 1911 1930
Echo Umatilla 2 4 1910 1932
Elgin Union 2 7 1900 1910
Empire Coos 3 6 1891 1907
Enterprise Wallowa 5 28 1890 1941
Estacada Clackamas 3 13 1911 1931
Eugene Lane 9 309 1884 1962
Falls City Polk 1 5 1913
Florence Lane 2 6 1920 1930
Forest Grove Washington 6 38 1884 1939
Fossil Wheeler 1 1 1910
Gardiner Douglas 3 5 1898 1930
Garibaldi Tillamook 1 20 1929
Gearhart Clatsop 2 16 1921 1928
Gervais Marion 6 11 1884 1928
Gladstone Clackamas 2 4 1917 1930
Glendale Douglas 3 10 1912 1931
Gold Hill Jackson 5 11 1898 1930
Grants Pass Josephine 6 51 1888 1911
Grass Valley Sherman 3 6 1905 1931
Gresham Multnomah 3 28 1911 1941
Haines Baker 2 4 1911 1930
Halsey Linn 5 13 1888 1931
Harrisburg Linn 6 16 1884 1931
Helix Umatilla 2 2 1917 1932
Heppner Morrow 9 37 1884 1932
Hermiston Umatilla 1 2 1910
Hillsboro Washington 7 81 1884 1948
Hood River Hood River 5 33 1893 1916
Hubbard Marion 3 11 1913 1928
Huntington Baker 5 11 1894 1930
Independence Polk 6 24 1884 1913
Ione Morrow 2 4 1910 1932
Island City Union 1 2 1910
Jacksonville Jackson 6 11 1884 1930
Jefferson Marion 5 7 1890 1931
John Day Grant 1 1 1911
Joseph Wallowa 4 8 1901 1941
Junction City Lane 5 13 1884 1908
Kent Sherman 2 2 1910 1931
Klamath Falls Klamath 4 66 1898 1921
La Grande Union 6 75 1884 1910
Lafayette Yamhill 4 8 1888 1931
Lakeview Lake 5 24 1890 1941
Lebanon Linn 6 32 1884 1944
Linkville Klamath 1 2 1890
Madras Jefferson 1 1 1913
Marshfield Coos 6 72 1891 1945
McMinnville Yamhill 5 33 1884 1912
Medford Jackson 8 237 1888 1950
Merrill Klamath 1 2 1915
Mill City Linn And Marion Counties 2 14 1921 1931
Milton Umatilla 6 29 1888 1955
Molalla Clackamas 3 15 1915 1951
Monmouth Polk 4 9 1888 1913
Moro Sherman 3 9 1905 1931
Mosier Wasco 2 2 1920 1928
Mount Angel Marion 3 24 1913 1931
Myrtle Creek Douglas 3 8 1912 1950
Myrtle Point Coos 7 23 1891 1951
Nehalem Tillamook 2 6 1921 1931
New Pine Creek Lake 2 2 1915 1930
Newberg Yamhill 7 93 1891 1934
Newport Lincoln 4 25 1890 1940
North Bend Coos 5 39 1903 1949
North Plains Washington 2 6 1921 1931
North Powder Union 2 4 1910 1930
North Yamhill Yamhill 2 2 1893 1902
Nyssa Malheur 3 10 1911 1949
Oakland Douglas 9 19 1884 1931
Ocean Lake Lincoln 1 3 1951
Ontario Malheur 3 22 1900 1949
Oregon City Clackamas 6 61 1884 1911
Pendleton Umatilla 7 73 1884 1910
Pilot Rock Umatilla 2 6 1922 1932
Portland Multnomah 12 1154 1889 1950
Powers Coos 2 4 1920 1931
Prairie City Grant 2 6 1911 1930
Prineville Crook 1 4 1913
Rainier Columbia 3 22 1911 1931
Redmond Deschutes 2 3 1913 1920
Reedsport Douglas 1 4 1920
Richland Baker 2 4 1911 1930
Riddle Douglas 2 4 1920 1931
Roseburg Douglas 10 96 1884 1948
Saint Helens Columbia 4 33 1911 1948
Saint Johns Multnomah 2 44 1905 1911
Saint Paul Marion 1 3 1922
Salem Marion 4 91 1884 1895
Sandy Clackamas 2 6 1922 1931
Scappoose Columbia 1 3 1950
Scio Linn 4 8 1890 1931
Seaside Clatsop 3 50 1914 1949
Shaniko Wasco 2 4 1910 1931
Shedd Linn 3 3 1898 1928
Sheridan Yamhill 3 19 1893 1913
Sherwood Washington 2 6 1921 1929
Silverton Marion 7 53 1890 1939
Sodaville Linn 2 2 1898 1913
Springfield Lane 3 19 1907 1960
Stanfield Umatilla 3 3 1910 1932
Stayton Marion 2 9 1913 1931
Summerville Union 5 5 1888 1917
Sumpter Baker 2 8 1900 1911
Sutherlin Douglas 1 2 1915
Taft Lincoln 1 6 1951
The Dalles Wasco 6 54 1884 1909
Tigard Washington 1 3 1950
Tillamook Tillamook 5 50 1902 1943
Toledo Lincoln 2 3 1912 1919
Turner Marion 4 4 1898 1931
Umatilla Umatilla 2 2 1915 1932
Union Union 6 15 1884 1930
Vale Malheur 3 15 1911 1949
Vernonia Columbia 3 4 1922 1926
Wallowa Wallowa 2 9 1910 1917
Wasco Sherman 3 9 1905 1931
Weston Umatilla 8 17 1888 1932
Wheeler Tillamook 2 12 1921 1931
Willamina Yamhill 2 6 1921 1928
Woodburn Marion 6 26 1890 1913
Yamhill Yamhill 3 15 1913 1931
Yoncalla Douglas 2 4 1920 1931