Alexej Rodionov, St.-Petersburg. Email:
Since 2006 he investigates the work and life of the artist Robert Genin (1884-1941). The monograph on Robert Genin and the respective catalogue-raisonné are in preparation.
The private collectors are kindly requested to report their works by email.
Alexej Rodionov is author of the following contributions:
Rodionov, Alexej. Robert Genin. Auf der Suche nach dem Paradies: Bali, 1926. St-Petersburg, 2013, 96 S. (book versions in German and in Russian).
Родионов, Алексей. Художник Роберт Генин (1884-1941). Творчество и судьба// Бюллетень Музея Марка Шагала, 2011, №19-20, с. 137-156. (Proceedings of Marc Chagall Museum in Vitebsk, 2011 in Russian).
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