User:Robbiemuffin/The tenses/The Absolute-Relative tenses

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* note there is no future in the future tense. That is because no natural language has one. Internet memes die hard.

Future Perfect

Future Perfect
The future perfect tense is used to describe an event that has not yet happened but which is expected or planned to happen before another stated occurrence.

Language with a Future Perfect (by inflection) Latin

Past Perfect

Past Perfect
The pluperfect tense (from Latin plus quam perfectum more than perfect), also called past perfect in English, is a perfective tense that exists in most Indo-European languages, used to refer to an event that has completed before another past action.

Language with a Past Perfect (by inflection) Galician

Future in the Past

Future in the Past
Refers to a time located in the future, relative to a contextually determined temporal reference point that itself must be located in the past relative to the moment of utterance.

Language with a Future in a Past (by inflection) Romanian

Future Perfect in the Past

Future Perfect in the Past
Expresses a past action which is future with respect to a past action which itself is prior to another past action. An example might help: John left for the front; by the time he should return, the field would have been burnt to stubble.

Language with a Future Perfect in the Past Tense (by inflection) Bulgarian