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learned classic massage and bones muscles.

in 2023 Folklore Contest

the most recently

Wikimedia invited to celebrate women or with women:

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a wolf runs with natural flow

wolves are running with women

women are running with wolves

tell stories within allowance

lbnt dwells inhabits in stnbl

man goes fishing in bosphorus

fish are flowing from throats

going men in a blink instance


Wikimedia invited to join to celebrate women. step one, i opened an account in wikimedia. step two, flow is with hope in pealim. i will have a hopeworks probably with "saraswati".

i read lately Thiaoouba Prophecy from "chestfully" Michel Desmarquet, met in "zoboko" for women by women. i made up my mind within "shekhinah" Meditations in CE5 Application from Dr. Steven Greer in one and a half hours to be homosapienssapiens aware of awareness, awake conscious.

meanwhile in otiot, the letters "lgbt" mean "are you ready to learn to take your heart your learning house to the awesome sustaining providing land".

oh, i read from K.R. Norman's Books Articles on Wikipedia and learned about the language of children and hearkening.

"rega" is in pealim with tranquility, calmness, silence, moment, as are in manager, egalite, regalite, regularity, laug regual laughter daughter, lough loughter doughter. "laug" is in pealim, to bend, to circle, to teach and learn.

"asher" is in pealim, to stand up, take steps, walk, happy. and then to talk, speech, mind and body, dzogchen.rigpa.awareness with lots of Breakthrough Energy from Bill Gates.

we may pass the light from stars through our meridians to Earth through our "creditcards", milkywave polariswave soapwave also and collect neutrinos.

if Earth was with Saturn and Saturn was from Sagittarius then Altarf is the way from Earth to Moon Mars and Saturn, powered with Artemis.

(sirius orion aldebaran pleiades s.o.a.p., aldebaran "andr, lander" dabarim things words in pealim, neu-ander-thalamus, happy amusing meander-chamber and cheering "halacha malacha", within Spacex and Twitter.)

oh, celebrating women, enjoying "shabbath", the football.mexicanwave from Newzealland to Hawaii, the milkbutter in potatoe whether from the corner of or right into the middle (in lengthening Lent), taking some peanutbutter to the slice of bread (in Purim).

leben.deutsch, in this lnt.lent, and also in otiot, the letters in "stnbl" are in "mezuzah.movement".

in "internet of things" there are "dabarim", "otiot" and words, too. "dubito" in "cogito" of Descartes might be "budito", having read the words from right to left in the whole sequence of from Descartes.

"dubito ergo cogito ergo sum" and also from right to left, sum ergo cogito ergo budito in budotiot.

in istanbul, over the internet, you might meet "pazarama" in commercials pronounced as "pa-za-ra-ma". in "pazar" there are "market" and "sunday", announcing "pazar pazar pazar pazar arama", meaning "are you looking for something market after market on this very sunday where all are closed, come on, come here on the internet on pazarama".

text above on typewriter, mathspaper or in couriernew font, is with "Women Running With The Wolves" from Clarissa Pinkola Estes.