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Dare To Know. Sapere Aude is a Latin phrase meaning "Dare To Know"; or even more loosely "To dare think for yourself." Originally used in the First Book of Letters (20 BCE), by the Roman poet Horace, associated with the Age of Enlightenment.

Premier Magazine, Philippines 🇵🇭, Sapere Aude is a digital magazine for the entertainment business and tech industry published monthly on the ISSUU platform. It showcases information from the perspective of the "end-user / reader and the provider/ business owners". Premier, was created by ReDLark, Manila, a marketing and business development agency owned by Dorcas Grace Lectura which began in the latter part of 2020, the year of Covid. The opportunity to explore the digital world came at a time when personal interactions were a threat to billions of lives globally. However, it also signaled the process for creative thinking and learning to find ways and stay connected with the world.

It was a challenge to the Premier team and a commitment to the public. For them, the world deserves a well-informed generation not driven by the mere gain on returns but the aim to serve its readers by providing "real" and future stories that will educate and empower readers for advancements in entertainment, business, and technology.

A special highlight is extended to Filipinos from different places and countries and is part of the "concept" magazine with unique and innovative ideas that inspire and "dare readers to know" more. Every issue since its inception took on a style and theme of its own. With a sense of mystery in every cover, Premier concocts a content mix that makes every issue uniquely stand out; from architecture to music, to books; similar to a curated art form.

Premier Magazine Philippines was established on January 31, 2021, during a very trying time and this made them even more driven to go the distance and pave the way for more creative and valuable content and partnerships.

The platform is available on