User:Pixelmaniac pictures

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Template:Pixelmaniac pictures

Welcome to Pixelmaniac's file sharing page!
●Videos ●Illusions ●Elements ●Science

  • Here you can download videos available on Youtube and much more.
  • You are not required to give me credit if you use any material (marked CC0 or PD) uploaded by me in your work.
  • This is a growing page. If you have any requests, feel free to ask me. I'll see what I can do.
  • All videos on this page are of the ogv format. You can convert them easily here. This converter is recommended by Wikimedia Commons.
  • You can find all uploaded files here!


Babel user information
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This user has been on Wikimedia Commons for
10 years, 7 months and 29 days
This user comes from Sweden.

Video miscellanea


Animated optical illusions


These illusions require a grid to activate them. To explain how these illusions work, you'll need to imagine that the images are made out of lines. The grid picks out every sixth line and displays it. When it's moved, it will jump to the next lines, showing a different picture.

These are all guaranteed to be PD, since they were made in Photoshop (and Google SketchUp) using self-made figures or PD images. It should also be added that the 3D models only are represented in a 2D format with shapes of (what I believe is) simple geometry. A simple shape is not eligible for copyright protection.

How to use animated illusions

These illusions require two components; an illusion template ("blurry" image) and an activator grid. Place the grid on the illusion template and move it sideways, which creates an animation effect. Here are some tips to succeed in making good effects:

  • The two images have to be the exact same size for the illusion to work. All illusions have a resolution of 900x1200 pixels to make matching images as easy possible.
  • The activator grid has to be printed on a transparent plastic film (overhead projector paper) while the illusion template is best printed on white paper.
  • There are two different grid types with different line densities. Make sure to use the correct activator grid type with the correct illusion. Grid type 1 and 2 consist of white and black lines proportioned 1:5 (20px black per 4px white for grid type 1, 10px black per 2px white for grid type 2.).

Moiré patterns


Pictures with elements


A lump of metal doesn't tell you very much, does it? Isn't it more fascinating to see where they are found?



Luminescence and light


Platonic solids


All faces in a platonic solid are regular polygons of the same size and shape, with the same number of faces meeting at each of its vertices. Only five polyhedrons comply with these specifications; the tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron and the icosahedron.

Interactive optical illusions

Some information about Pixelmaniac

I started a YouTube channel on November 5th 2013 to publish a couple of videos I'd made in advance. The 15th and last of these was uploaded a couple of days ago (as of May 30th). I originally planned to create one video each week and upload them on Mondays, but the idea was soon abolished. The channel is now more of a mix of random videos than the strictly scheduled layout planned in the beginning. The videos are subjected according to my interests, which include chemistry, video making, illusions and science in general.

Ever since the first video, it has been my intention to dedicate (when possible) all material I create to the public domain. I am not interested in earning money or stand in the way of others to be creative. This is why I share files here on Wikimedia commons and have my license setting set to Creative commons (reuse allowed) on all of my videos on YouTube.

Oh yes, this logo is in the public domain, too!
Oh yes, this logo is in the public domain, too!