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[[1]]GEOMETRISM... Art , Life and Everything...

There are 64 codons in life's genetic code which is the maximum number of 3 'letter' words that can be made from the 4 bases or letters (A, C, T, G) i.e. adenine, cystosine, thymine and guamine. A long string of these codons (eg AAG, ACT, CTG, CTT, GTA ...) make up genes…the basis of the D.N.A. double helix…the blueprint for all living things. R.N.A. (the messenger from the blueprint) is transcribed from D.N.A. and is made up of anticodons. A becomes U (uracil), C becomes G, G becomes C and T becomes A. Thousands of codons make a gene and hundreds of thousands of genes make a chromosome. Between a few and just under one hundred chromosomes are needed for every species of life. This mathematical coding system is the basis of all living things and, with the advance of genetic mapping, it is possible to see how closely related we are to all living things ... which gives us more reason to have empathy with all the creatures and plants that inhabit the earth ... and possibly places beyond. By using a binary system based on the hydrogen bonds of the 64 codon/anticodon pairs, it is possible to create a 8 x 8 magic square. The game of chess is played on an 8 x 8 board, which many mathematicians have used as a starting point into arithmetical/geometrical enquiry. It is possible to traverse the 64 squares of a chessboard once only by making a series of knight moves…There are thousands of ways to do it and a small number of these 'tours' are closed i.e. the last move is a knight's move from the first. Additionally there are hundreds of millions magic squares that can be created from a 8 x 8 square. A magic square is made up of a grid of smaller squares i.e. 3 x 3, 4 x 4,5 x 5,6 x 6... with the numbers starting from 1 to the squared number e.g. 9,16,25,36... arranged in such a way that the sum of numbers in any row, column or diagonal all add up to the same number (the magic number). The following 4 x 4 square with the magic number: 34 is one of an infinite number of magic squares...From top to bottom: 16-3-2-13... 5-10-11-8... 9-6-7-12... 4-15-14-1... The numbers arranged in a 4x4 square where all the horizontal, vertical and diagonal numbers add up to 34! The 3 x 3 has just one solution (discovered by the Chinese about 3,000 years ago), the 4 x 4 has 880 solutions, the 5 x 5 has over 20 million…The numbers start shooting up-astronomically ... Then there are magic cubes, hypercubes and multi-dimensional cubes that need thousands of computer days to find solutions... Back to 8 x 8 magic squares... Just a few of these can be generated from a knight's tour but none are perfect magic squares (the diagonals do not have the magic number). The following is a link to the phenomenal Closed-Semi-Magic knight’s tour by Wenzelides that has a magic sum of 260...

Now we come to the I-Ching, the ancient Chinese method of divining... Using 64 hexagrams ... A binary system consisting of 6 broken or continuous lines. Again it is possible to transpose the 64 codons from D.N.A. to the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching ... Is this all by chance or design? The most profound ratio in the universe can be expressed with just the number one ... Take one away from it and it equals itself divided into one, i.e. x-1 = 1/x, a very simple formula where x = (v5+1)/2=1.61803398 ... This is the 'Golden Ratio' and the 'Golden Rectangle' has sides of (v5+1) and 2. This ratio can also be expressed using the fibonacci series of numbers 1/1, 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, 13/8, 21/13 - As the numbers of the ratios get bigger, the closer they get to expressing the golden ratio but this series of numbers are Irrational & go on to infinity. The ratio can only be expressed accurately using geometry. What follows is truly profound but can be understood by a 5 year old: Draw an equilateral triangle and on its base a square and circumscribe the square with a circle ... Draw a vertical line through the centre and, using this line as an axis, rotate the 3 shapes through 180 degrees. The following forms are created: cone, cylinder and sphere and their volumes are in the ratio of 1, 2, 3... which is absolutely amazing but simple to comprehend. I must just add the following: 3 cubed + 4 cubed + 5 cubed equals 6 cubed... 11 cubed + 12cubed + 13cubed + 14cubed = 20cubed Plus: 112.393.17cubed + 201.891.435cubed = 159.363.450cubed + 161.127.942cubed ! IS THAT CUBISM?