User:Pacha Tchernof/Motd managment

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7 September 2024
Un documentaire sur les études expérimentales de géothermie par l'université de Californie à Berkeley.
Документальне відео про експериментальні дослідження геотермальної енергії Каліфорнійським університетом у Берклі, США.
Template:Motd/2024-09-07 (ru)

The purpose of this page is to build Motd managament tool that would include: 1) several descriptions for each Motd; 2) smaller media preview; 3) different layout, this is, two columns of two months of Motd placed on one page (or one month placed in two columns); 3) the system of tracking necessity and availability of closed captions for Motd.


Текущий месяц


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30

As part of the 2021 La brède day and on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Persian Letters, round table around "Limits and Conditions of freedom of expression" with Barbara Stiegler, professor of political philosophy at Bordeaux University -Montaigne, honorary member of the Institut Universitaire de France, Jean-Marie Burguburu, lawyer, former President of the Bar of Paris, President of the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights and Bertrand Favreau, lawyer, former President of the Bar of Bordeaux, President of the Institute of Human Rights of European Lawyers. Meeting moderated by Christophe Lucet.
(Video in French without subtitles)
V rámci dne La brède 2021 a u příležitosti 300. výročí Perských dopisů se konal kulatý stůl na téma „Meze a podmínky svobody projevu“ s Barbarou Stiegler, profesorkou politické filozofie na Bordeaux University-Montaigne, čestnou členkou Institutu Universitaire de France, Jean-Marie Burguburu, právničkou, bývalým předsedou advokátní komory v Paříži, předsedou Národní poradní komise pro lidská práva a Bertrandem Favreau, právníkem, bývalým předseda advokátní komory v Bordeaux, předsedou Institutu pro lidská práva evropských právníků. Setkání moderovala Christophe Lucet.

Template:Motd/2024-09-01 (es)

Dans le cadre des journée de La brède 2021 et à l'occasion des 300 ans des Lettres persanes, table de ronde autour de "Limites et Conditions de la liberté d’expression" avec Barbara Stiegler, professeure de philosophie politique à l’Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, membre honoraire de l’Institut Universitaire de France, Jean-Marie Burguburu, avocat, ancien Bâtonnier du Barreau de Paris, Président de la Commission Nationale Consultative des Droits de l'Homme et Bertrand Favreau, avocat, ancien Bâtonnier du Barreau de Bordeaux, Président de l’Institut des Droits de l’Homme des Avocats Européens. Rencontre animée par Christophe Lucet.
(Vidéo en français)

Template:Motd/2024-09-01 (ru)

У рамках «Дня Ла-Бред» у 2021 році та з нагоди 300-річчя «Перських листів» круглий стіл на тему «Межі та умови свободи вираження поглядів» з Барбарою Штіглер, професором політичної філософії Університету Бордо–Монтень.

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

"The Impact Of Wikipedia" – volunteer Wikipedia editors on the platform, their motivations, the meaning of their work, and how they got started contributing.
"The Impact Of Wikipedia (Dopady Wikipedie)" – dobrovolní editoři přispívající do Wikipedie popisují svoji motivaci, smysl své práce a jak začínánali pracovat.

Template:Motd/2024-09-02 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-02 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-02 (ru)

«Вплив Вікіпедії» – добровільні редактори Вікіпедії, їх мотивація, значення їхньої роботи та те, як вони почали робити свої внески.

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

An explanatory video about antibiotic resistance and the fight against it by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Vysvětlující video s tématem antibiotické rezistence a boj proti ní v USA v centrech Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Template:Motd/2024-09-03 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-03 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-03 (ru)

Роз'яснювальне відео про стійкість до антибіотиків і боротьбу з нею Центрами контролю та профілактики захворювань США (CDC).

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

A video explaining the basic concept of 'continuous sidewalks' that are used extensively in countries like the Netherlands and Denmark, being safer and more consistent with sustainable transport goals.
Vysvětlující video s tématem základní koncept 'nepřetržitých chodníků', které jsou široce používány v zemích jako Nizozemí a Dánsko a jsou bezpečnější a konzistentnější s koncepcí udržitelné dopravy.

Template:Motd/2024-09-04 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-04 (fr)

Видео, объясняющее основную концепцию "непрерывных тротуаров", которые широко используются в таких странах, как Нидерланды и Дания, будучи более безопасными и соответствуя целям экологичного транспорта.

Відео, що пояснює основну концепцію «безперервних тротуарів», які широко використовуються в таких країнах, як Нідерланди та Данія, оскільки є безпечнішими та більш узгодженими з цілями збалансованого транспорту.

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

An explainer video by Terra X about the persecution of alleged witches in history. Since around the 15th century, many people have been afraid of black magic. They feared supernatural powers and believed in a conspiracy of witches. (German narration with English subtitles)
Vysvětlující video německého projektu Terra X o čarodějnických procesech v relativně nedávné historii. Zhruba od 15. století mělo mnoho lidí strach z černé magie, báli se nadpřirozených sil a věřili ve spiknutí čarodějnic. (výklad v německém jazyce s anglickými titulky).

Template:Motd/2024-09-05 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-05 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-05 (ru)

Пояснювальне відео від «Terra X» про переслідування ймовірних відьом в історії. Приблизно з 15 століття багато людей боялися чорної магії. Вони боялися надприродних сил і вірили в змову відьом.

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

The Hubble space telescope was used in the first detection of an organic molecule on an exoplanet in 2008. This video explains the discovery.
Hubbleův vesmírný dalekohled jako první detekoval přítomnost molekul organických látek na nějaké exoplanetě roku 2008 a toto video vysvěluje, jak k tomuto objevu došlo.

Template:Motd/2024-09-06 (es)

Le télescope spatial

a été utilisé pour la première détection d'une molécule organique sur une exoplanète en 2008. Cette vidéo explique cette découverte.

Template:Motd/2024-09-06 (ru)

Відео про те, як космічний телескоп Габбл був використаний для першого виявлення органічної молекули на екзопланеті в 2008 році.

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

A documentary video about experimental studies for geothermal energy by the University of California, Berkeley.
Dokumentární video o experimentálních studiích na téma využití geotermální enrgie na Kalifornské univerzitě v Berkeley.

Template:Motd/2024-09-07 (es)

Un documentaire sur les études expérimentales de géothermie par l'université de Californie à Berkeley.

Template:Motd/2024-09-07 (ru)

Документальне відео про експериментальні дослідження геотермальної енергії Каліфорнійським університетом у Берклі, США.

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

Video of a man singing a specific 18th century nursery rhyme from England.
Template:Motd/2024-09-08 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-08 (es)

Vidéo d'un homme chantant , une comptine anglaise.

Template:Motd/2024-09-08 (ru)

Відео чоловіка, який співає дитячий віршик 18 століття «Лондонський міст падає», Англія.

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

A video of people demonstrating various exercises of strength training. It also shows how power racks can be used for safety.
Template:Motd/2024-09-09 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-09 (es)

Une vidéo de démonstration d'entraînements musculaires.

Template:Motd/2024-09-09 (ru)

Відео людей, які демонструють різні вправи силового тренування. Це також показує, як силові стійки можна використовувати для безпеки.

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

Today is the 227th anniversary of Mary Wollstonecraft's death, this video is an overview of her thoughts and life. (Subtitles available.)
Template:Motd/2024-09-10 (cs)

Hoy se cumplen 27 años de la muerte de Mary Wollstonecraft, este vídeo es un repaso a su pensamiento y su vida. Subtítulos disponibles.

Aujourd'hui marque le 227e anniversaire de la mort de Mary Wollstonecraft. Cette vidéo présente sa vie et sa philosophie.

Template:Motd/2024-09-10 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-10 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

A compilation drone video of the nature of the Scottish Highlands.
Template:Motd/2024-09-11 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-11 (es)

Compilation de vues aériennes des Highlands.

Template:Motd/2024-09-11 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-11 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

Template:Motd/2024-09-12 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-12 (es)

Marmottes au parc national du mont Rainier, aux Etats-Unis.

Template:Motd/2024-09-12 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-12 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

Template:Motd/2024-09-13 (en)
Template:Motd/2024-09-13 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-13 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-13 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-13 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-13 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

Animated video explaining an experimental study. The video summarizes the study "Harm to Others Acts as a Negative Reinforcer in Rats".
It found rats show harm aversion with a brain region being activated that is also associated with harm aversion in humans. Rats stopped choosing candy they preferred over other candy when it meant hurting an unfamiliar, neighbor rat.
Template:Motd/2024-09-14 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-14 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-14 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-14 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-14 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

Wild male red deer checking if a female is ready to mate in the Aletsch Forest Nature Reserve. A male red deer in charge of a herd of females will intensively monitor the different individuals in the herd in preparation for mating, as females can only be impregnated for a period of 24 hours a year.
Template:Motd/2024-09-15 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-15 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-15 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-15 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-15 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

A time-lapse video of the Webb Space Telescope's history.
(The complete "mega time-lapse" showing several assembly and transport processes.)
Template:Motd/2024-09-16 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-16 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-16 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-16 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-16 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

Video of the Aurora Australis taken on board the International Space Station on 17 September 2011.
Template:Motd/2024-09-17 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-17 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-17 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-17 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-17 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

A time-lapse video (2003-04 to 2015-08) of MediaWiki development, the wiki software that powers websites like Wikipedia.
The video was made using the software Gource. The MediaWiki software is open source, enabling developers all over the world to contribute.
Template:Motd/2024-09-18 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-18 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-18 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-18 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-18 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

Demonstration in support of Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram Messenger, in Berlin at Pariser Platz in front of the French Embassy.
Template:Motd/2024-09-19 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-19 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-19 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-19 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-19 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

Short documentary video about Archives New Zealand, its collections and how the government archives are being used by researchers and the public.
Template:Motd/2024-09-20 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-20 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-20 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-20 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-20 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

Panel discussion at Wikimania 2023 about challenges and opportunities in harnessing generative AI for Wikimedia projects like Wikipedia.
Template:Motd/2024-09-21 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-21 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-21 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-21 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-21 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

Video documentating destructions in Lviv after an attack by Russian invaders' missiles and drones in the night on 4 September 2024. According to a report at least 7 people were killed and 64 injured.
Template:Motd/2024-09-22 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-22 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-22 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-22 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-22 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

Brief explainer video about microplastic pollution and consumption.
Template:Motd/2024-09-23 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-23 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-23 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-23 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-23 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?







Stabilized video of the final 5½ minutes of the DART spacecraft's intentional collision with asteroid Dimorphos.
The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft streamed these images back to Earth in real time on 26 September 2022.
Dimorphos is 177 meters in diameter and the final image shows a patch of Dimorphos that is 16 meters across.
From this mission, scientists hope to gain insights for planetary defense against asteroids.
Template:Motd/2024-09-25 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-25 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-25 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-25 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-25 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

Extinguishing a fire in Odesa region after a Russian drone attack on September 26, 2023. Port infrastructure in Izmail district was damaged, including Orlivka checkpoint on the border with Romania, warehouses and about 30 trucks.
Template:Motd/2024-09-26 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-26 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-26 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-26 (ru)

Один рік назад Росія вчинила чергову терористичну атаку на пункт пропуску «Олівка», у тому числі і на портові зернові склади, Україна.

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

A retrospective video on the Montreal Protocol. The video about the policy documents the collaboration between policy-makers, scientists, and industry leaders to regulate CFCs to protect humans from further ozone depletion and the ozone hole, a rare case of successful international environmental policy.
Template:Motd/2024-09-27 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-27 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-27 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-27 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-27 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

A video explaining how to use Wikipedia's History page which every article has. This revision history page shows a chronological list of edits made to the page which can provide useful information about past changes to the article.
Template:Motd/2024-09-28 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-28 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-28 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-28 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-28 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

An animated video explaining the function of the thymus, an essential organ of the immune system. The video about the organ shows how T cells, a type of white blood cell, go through a complex journey in the thymus to become mature immune cells ready to fight off infection.
Template:Motd/2024-09-29 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-29 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-29 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-29 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-29 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

Elmer Yuen explains how Chinese nationals have never seen ballot, how ruthless the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is, and his plan to promote democracy in Hong Kong.
Template:Motd/2024-09-30 (cs)

Template:Motd/2024-09-30 (es)

Template:Motd/2024-09-30 (fr)

Template:Motd/2024-09-30 (ru)

Template:Motd/2024-09-30 (uk)

Original : Has/Needs?
Translated : Has/Needs?

Следующий месяц

