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I want to help other learn topics that I struggled with as an undergrad/graduate and in life. Time domain based physics and in particular transient analyses, are my strongest contributions. I find it insufficient to learn about time based phenomena without the use of actual time based solutions.

If you have a query, leave a message on my talk page.


Electric field (top) and magnetic field (bottom) of an electric-SRR under resonant electrical excitation, from a zero-field condition. The magnetic response arises from the symmetry of the current loops. Split-ring resonator
The electric field of a dipole antenna driven at its resonant frequency. Dipole Antenna
Transient analysis of a silicon (n = 3.4) Fabry–Pérot etalon at normal incidence. The upper animation is for etalon thickness chosen to give maximum transmission while the lower animation is for thickness chosen to give minimum transmission. Fabry–Pérot interferometer
False color transient for a high refractive index, dielectric slab in air. The thickness/frequencies have been selected such that red (top) and blue (bottom) experience maximum transmission, whereas the green (middle) experiences minimum transmission. Fabry–Pérot interferometer
Electromagnetic vectors for , and with along with 3 planar projections. The light is always s-polarized in the xy plane. is the polar angle of and is the azimuthal angle of .
Electromagnetic vectors for , and with along with 3 planar projections and a deformation surface of total electric field. The light is always s-polarized in the xy plane. is the polar angle of and is the azimuthal angle of . Polarization(waves)
Transient solution to a phase array containing 7 emitters spaced a quarter wavelength apart. The phase between adjacent emitters is switched from 45 degrees to -45degrees. Phased array
Simulation of the electric field inside a microwave oven for the first 8 ns of operation. Microwave Oven
Transient solution for an AC induction motor from a complete stop to it's operating point under a varying load. Induction motor

Animated gifs

Electric field (top) and magnetic field (bottom) of an electric-SRR under resonant electrical excitation.
Electric field (top) and magnetic field (bottom) of an electric-SRR under resonant electrical excitation. Split-ring resonator
Transient to standing wave
Transient analysis of a damped traveling wave and a reflecting boundary. Standing wave
mode-locked, fully reflecting cavity supporting the first 30 modes. The upper plot shows the first 8 modes inside the cavity (lines) and the total electric field at various positions inside the cavity (points). The lower plot shows the total electric field inside the cavity.
mode-locked, fully reflecting cavity supporting the first 30 modes. The upper plot shows the first 8 modes inside the cavity (lines) and the total electric field at various positions inside the cavity (points). The lower plot shows the total electric field inside the cavity. Mode-Locking
Phase array
A phase array of 15 emitters spaced a quarter wavelength apart. The phase between adjacent emitters is swept between -120 degrees and 120 degrees. Phased array
AC Drude Response
Drude response of current density to an AC electric field. Drude Model
Fourier transform of a time shifted signal
Animation showing the Fourier Transform of a time shifted signal. [Top] the original signal (orange), is continuously time shifted (blue). [Bottom] The resultant Fourier Transform. Note how the higher frequency components revolve in complex plane faster than the lower frequency components Fourier Transform.
Inverse Transform Sampling
An animation of how Inverse transfrom sampling generates random values.
Polarization of waves
Animation showing four different polarization states and three orthogonal projections. Polarization (waves)
Aliasing example
Animation showing how aliasing occurs for sampled waveforms. Aliasing