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Newer graphs (uncategorized as of yet)


Desargues graph

Pappus graph

Foster graph

Shrikhande graph

Heawood graph

In graph theory, a fullerene graph is a cubic 3-connected planar graph with exactly 12 pentagonal faces and an optional number of hexagonal faces. Fullerene graphs are the Schlegel representations of the corresponding fullerene compounds.

20-fullerene (dodecahedral graph)



60-fullerene (truncated icosahedral graph)


Tower of Hanoi (1-disk) All Paths


Tower of Hanoi (2-disk) All Paths


Tower of Hanoi (3-disk) All Paths


Tower of Hanoi (3-disk) Longest Path


Pascal's Triangle with various numbers shaded

Pascal's triangle with odd numbers shaded Pascal's triangle with numbers not divisible by 3 shaded
Pascal's triangle with numbers not divisible by 4 shaded Pascal's triangle with numbers not divisible by 5 shaded

Pascal's triangle graph showing the 4 paths to the number 4


Complete graph showing number of possible moves from each position An Euler solution to the knight's tour poblem

Connected Dynkin Diagrams


Euler Method
