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This is not much, but its my user page.

9 DThis user enjoys thinking in nine dimensions
Artificial PhotosynthesisThis user sees sustainability in roads, buildings and vehicles doing photosynthesis better than plants
Christianity from BuddhismThis user believes that Jesus probably knew about Buddhism

Corporate MarriageThis user hopes to see corporations married to public goods


My Approach to Editing Wikipedia

First, I am in awe of what Wikipedia and its dedicated editors have achieved for the sustainability of human knowledge. In human history the destruction of knowledge (as with the burning down of the great libraries at Alexandria and Nalanda) has heralded dark periods for civilization. Wikipedia makes a repetition of this much less likely, regardless of what calamity befalls the human race.

Second, my approach to editing has been to fine tune the harmony of that knowledge. I've made far less edits and contributions to articles than many of the editors I encounter. I like to think, however, that those articles I have worked on are linked by their value to a idealistic and hopeful future for our species on this planet.

Third, I am strongly motivated against injustice and against destruction of the environment and frequently insert edits on these types of subjects as moved by conscience.

Fourth, I try to follow wikiprocedure. I do this not simply because I think that things work better that way, but because I am developing the view that Wikipedia could become a prototype for a more genuinely democratic world government.

Fifth, my experience with Wikipedia has generally been positive. I have been involved in conflicts, even edit wars. But I hope these are about things that matter, issues where getting the facts right will assist humanity and its environment. I do get frustrated by the process whereby disputes are decided initially by calling for a debate and then having an editor seemingly arrange a group of 'mates' to agree without really debating the issues. Also, although not wishing to be misunderstood on this, I have come to the view that it is likely vested interests have 'hired' editors to check that the content of certain Wikipedia articles remains favorable to their private purposes. Nonetheless, it seems important to me that Wikipedia editors are allowed a certain distance from their private lives as they can become targets if disputes here get out of hand.