User:Multichill/Quality indication template

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On Commons we want the search results to be influenced by quality. The (very) best images should show up higher than the lower quality images. This improves the user experience on Commons.

It is possible to influence search ranking with templates. This is called boosting. Every search result is normally on 100%. To have files with a certain template show up higher, you give the template a higher percentage (over 100%) and if you want files with a certain template to show up lower, you give the template a lower percentage (under 100%). Multiple templates seem to be cumulative (needs to be checked).

Currently we only do increase boosting. It would probably be good to also introduce decrease boosting for the cases where we probably have better images available. This might also help to reduce unwanted behaviour like nominating old images for deletion for low quality or overwriting images with "better" images. Care should be taken that this decrease boosting is done in a positive way. Good: Better image is available, bad: you image sucks.

We probably need to split the lower quality indication into two parts:

  • Lower quality issues that can probably be fixed in the same file (for example red eye or watermark)
  • Lower quality issues that are permanent (for example historic lower resolution photo taken with an early digital camera)

Template overview


Overview of templates that give an indication of quality.



Lower that can be improved



Lower permanent


The actual configuration is done on MediaWiki:Cirrussearch-boost-templates