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The mechanism of thinking circuit is based on comparison one data with other data by third data. In thinking circuit is made up of many screens i.e. visual, audio, olfactory, gustatory somatic, motor, total understanding screen, thinking screen, output screen, bridge &initiator. These screens are connected to each other in a specific manner. There is one rigid screen which is a most important part of thinking circuit. Screen: Screen is imaginary plane which separate one type of neuronal circuit from other neuronal circuit. After leaving a one type of screen neuronal stimulus takes the other shape. It divides a thinking circuit in many parts. Visual screen: Primary visual cortex of the brain is similar to the visual screen of a thinking circuit & visual association area is resembled to visual understanding screen of thinking circuit. Visual understanding screen (VUS) is one of the parts of the total understanding screen (TUS).the impulses from the eye stuck on to the visual screen of thinking circuit. Impulses from visual screen form rigid area on rigid screen. How rigid area is form? It is discus in the topic of bridge. Auditory screen: It is analogous to the visual screen. Primary auditory cortex is resembles to the auditory screen & auditory understanding screen is similar to auditory association area of the brain. Auditory understanding screen (AUS) is one of the parts of the total understanding screen (TUS).the impulses from the ear stuck on to the auditory screen of thinking circuit. Impulses from auditory screen form rigid area on rigid screen. Olfactory screen: It is analogous to the visual screen. Primary olfactory cortex is resembles to the olfactory screen & olfactory understanding screen is similar to olfactory association area of the brain. Olfactory understanding screen(OUS) is one of the parts of the total understanding screen (TUS).the impulses from the nose stuck on to the olfactory screen of thinking circuit. Impulses from olfactory screen form rigid area on rigid screen. Gustatory screen: Primary gustatory cortex of the brain is similar to the gustatory screen of a thinking circuit & gustatory association area is resembled to gustatory understanding screen of thinking circuit. Gustatory understanding screen (GUS) is one of the parts of the total understanding screen (TUS).the impulses from the tongue stuck on to the gustatory screen of thinking circuit. Impulses from gustatory screen form rigid area on rigid screen. Somatic screen:

It is analogous to the visual screen. Somatosensory area is resembles to the somatic screen & auditory understanding screen is similar to somatosensory association area of the brain. Somatosensory understanding screen (SUS) is one of the parts of the total understanding screen (TUS).the impulses from the skin stuck on to the somatosensory screen of thinking circuit. Impulses from somatosensory screen form rigid area on rigid screen.

Motor screen: We are discus motor screen with output screen. Total understanding screen: The all above screen are simple screens. But the understanding screen is complex screen.TUS has three components that is type1 component, type2 component & Ic Type 1 component: It is the area of the brain in which primary signal is store in the form of memory. They are basic signal which are first time experience to brain. Hence they act as a positive potential for other signals. In TUS they act as comparator. (Ic) compare this singles with other signals. Type 2 component: It is the area of the brain in which secondary signals are store. Secondary signals are comparable single with primary signal. Both the singles neutralize in Ic and experience by it. (Ic) component: It is the circuit which present in between type1 and type2 component.

NEURONAL BRIDGE When any stimulus to the brain is converted in some potential .it is fixed in the form of membrane potential. Each stimulus has its own membrane potential .at a time brain receive a multiple stimulus, this related information is connected to each other by neuronal circuit called neuronal bridge. Neuronal bridge is responsible for organization of nervous system. In thinking circuit, neuronal bridge plays important role in word formation, picture formation and integration. That is in language development &thinking process. When two or more neuron is stimulate at a same time, then are connected by neuronal bridge. when one neuron is stimulated, it stimulates the other neuron which is connected to stimulated neuron. Rigid screen: Rigid screen is nothing but the primary door for all signals which entered into total understanding circuit. the neurons after the sensory screen are connected to each other by vertical neuronal bridges. These vertical bridges form vertical inverted pyramid. The ends of vertical pyramid form the thinking screen. Thinking screen: Thinking circuit is cyclic circuit form by the neuronal ends of the pyramidal bridges. According to outer surrounding stimulus, the neuronal ends of pyramidal bridges are connected to each other by cyclic bridges. There is an initiator which starts the thinking process. Initiator is depends on outer stimulus. Hence the working of our brain is depends on working of others brain or environment not on you.