User:MalcolmGin/Body morphology model release sample

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Below is a sample model release, provided for your use as a participating project photographer.

See this discussion for various reasons you may or may not wish to use a model release. For this project, I recommend some form of model release. Even though you may be photographing a friend, I think it's ethically sound to get meaningful consent about posting them to the Internet, anonymized or not.

I am not a lawyer


This document is provided as a sample, but carries no legal guarantees. It has not been reviewed by a lawyer for lawfulness. If you use this sample in whole or in part, you are personally obligated to have it double-checked and vetted by a legal professional. If you do not have it double-checked, I assume no liability. Malcolm Gin 00:02, 27 March 2007 (UTC)

Sample model release form


Body Morphology Project release form for Photographer <Photographer Name>

I, the Subject of this series of photographs, <Subject Name> (henceforth to be known by my Project Serial Number, <Photog Initials>_<S/N>), release my project photographs ( <total number of project photos for subject> photographs) to the Photographer to be published at Wikimedia Commons by the Photographer under free use licenses (specifically the GNU Free Documentation License, the Commons Atttribution-Share-Alike license and the copyleft license) for use by Internet users at large for whatever purpose, public or private, commercial or non-profit.

I understand that while the main purpose of the Body Morphology Project (for which these photographs were taken) is to provide freely usable images that establish the breadth of normal human variation of body types in humans, and that other data about me that I provide will be used for informal comparison and statistical purposes by those who view or use the images, the licenses allow for any possible use of the photographs .

Aside from the anonymizing of my records (except for this release form), I also require the following privacy measures (check all that apply):

  • ___ Blank out my face/entire head with some neutral color.
  • ___ Blur or remove identifying marks on my body (unique skin pigmentation, body modification/tattoos).
  • ___ Remove identifying visual cues of my location.
  • ___ Remove identifying visual cues of the brands of my clothing.
  • ___ If possible, remove unique camera-related EXIF data from the digital images used.

I have viewed and approve for publication under the free licenses specified above, with the previously-specified anonymizing features, to Wikimedia Commons (check all that apply):

  • ___ My pos01 picture (full frontal, fully clothed, whole body)
  • ___ My pos02 picture (profile, fully clothed, whole body)
  • ___ My pos03 picture (full frontal, torso naked, whole body)
  • ___ My pos04 picture (profile, torso naked, whole body)
  • ___ My pos05 picture (full frontal, fully clothed, torso only)
  • ___ My pos06 picture (profile, fully clothed, torso only)
  • ___ My pos07 picture (full frontal, torso naked, torso only)
  • ___ My pos08 picture (profile, torso naked, torso-only)
  • ___ My pos09 picture (full frontal, torso naked, chest closeup)
  • ___ My pos10 picture (profile, torso naked, chest-closeup)
  • ___ My posA01 picture (full front, torso unclothed, chest area, arms raised above head)
  • ___ My posA02 picture (profile, torso unclothed, chest area, arms raised above head)
  • ___ My posA03 picture (full front, torso unclothed, chest area, hands on hips)
  • ___ My posA04 picture (profile, torso unclothed, chest area, hands on hips)
  • ___ My posA05 picture (subject facing 45 degrees away from camera, to left, torso unclothed, chest area, arms relaxed at sides)
  • ___ My posA06 picture (subject facing 45 degrees away from camera, to right torso unclothed, chest area, arms relaxed at sides)

For purposes of the project here are my informal statistics:
My age: <Subject's age in years>
My sex: <Subject's sex> (i.e. male, female, intersex, etc.)
My gender: <Subject's self identified gender> (i.e. man, woman, transgender, etc.)
My height: <Subject's height in cm> (cm)
My weight: <Subject's weight in kg> (kg)
Any notes about medical conditions that might affect my appearance/body shape:
<Appearance-affecting medical notes for subject, if volunteered>

I agree to the publication of these photographs of me for the Body Morphology Project on Wikimedia Commons, under general the free-use licenses specified above, by photographer, <Photographer Name>.
Subject S/N: <Photog Initials>_<S/N>
Print Name: <Subject Name>
Sign Name:
Date: <Current Date>