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About Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Gaafar

A 1989 Philosophy student fell in love with languages, and machines. Obtained a bachelor, worked afterwards as a foreign purchase employee but that did not work for me. Felt nostalgic toward my PC and my first love. I started to study coding, put some database applications using DBIV and clipper for several exhibitions selling commodities. Then was fortunate to find a teaching job for three years that made me discover that I need to learn before I can teach?!! So I used the money to study languages, obtained a second bachelor degree in translation & linguistics plus a TEFL diploma in five years. Thus went freelancing for two years. End of 2004 I was lucky and were offered a decent job in a multinational company, and became an in house translator/interpreter for two years. My daily duties were doing translation of all important High level management documents, these varied between political, regulatory, legislative, legal, financial, and beverage industry related material, plus interpreting all meetings with high level/profile customers and officials. Back in 2008 returned to freelancing in translation/subtitling and interpretation (guess I missed it); accepting thousands of assignments in different fields and genres with millions of words translated up to date.