User:Llywelyn2000/List of Welsh Government COVID-19 videos

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Daily briefings (later referred to as 'press conferences') were set up by Welsh Government as a way of dispersing new information to the people of Wales regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in Wales. In October 2020, the Government placed these videos, on an open Creative Commons licence, as well as the OGL licence. As health is devolved, all matters relating to Wales are decided upon by the Welsh Government. The following is a chronological list of Welsh Government Covid-19 announcements:[1] Crucial info and points made relating to governments outside Wales are in bold.

Uploaded videos
Date Video Government Ministers etc Some of the main points / Notes
27.05.22 Mark Drakeford
First Minister
1 in 55 have Coronavirus. Numbers in hospital is the lowest since December last year. Welsh specific Coronavirus enquiery - no, I don't intend to launch such an enquiery. The UK enquiery will do the job and will make sensible decissions. Sue Grey report and it's "grim details". I don't think the Prime Minister can escape his responsiblity... right at the heart of government, that people conduct themselves in the ways people behaved. The Prime Minister Boris Johnson can't escape his resposibility by apologising, by saying that people wear eating and drinking, sitting on each other's laps... that he didn'r realise that this was consistent with rules he was setting. That's not credible.
24.05.22 Jane Hutt
Minister for Social Justice
1.20 Cost of living; inflation rose to 9%; era of cheap food is over. In my last press conference I announced a £300 million package of support to help households. We need the UK Gov to act now: introduce windfall tax on energy companies, increase benefits. UK Ministers tell people to work longer hours, to learn to cook, to buy cheap food or move to find a better paying job. Instead of action, we get insults.

2.30 Women domestic violence, sexual abuse; today we're publishing our strategy, so that women can live pain free. Tackling male violence, misogyny and gender inequality is how we will break the cycle.

10.00 Refugees.

- - - -
03.05.22 Jeremy Miles
Welsh Language Minister
No audio for the first few seconds.

2.17 Covid-19 has not gone away. Education + advise to learners.

4.15 Exams. Funding is weighted towards disadvantaged learners; this year they will not be charged for appeals. Free school meals.

8.20 Face coverings in schools - now NOT mandatory, but schools can decide themselves through a health and safety report.

13.20 Low pupil attendance: JM to make a statement to Senedd this afternoon, with a set of measures. 14.45 - fines for parents - no change in the law, but we have discouraged the issuing of fines. Education authorities should now revert to pre-Covid rules.

26.04.22 Eluned Morgan
Health Minister
0.55 Planned care includes appointments, tests, treatments or surgery usually in a hospital, prearranges by the GP. The pandemic has not gone away, it's impact continues: 1,357 Covid patients in NHS beds and > 1,800 NHS staff absent. It will take at least 4 years to return to pre-Covid scenario.

5.00 We need 35% of new appointments to be delivered virtually. My commitments:

a. increase the capacity of the health service. b prioritise cancer... c dedicated facilities to separate planned care from emergency care d targets to reduce waiting times. No one will wait > a year for an op by Spring 2024...

11.20 £1 billion pounds will be injected by the Welsh Government into addressing the backlog.

30.03.22 Mark Drakeford
First Minister
Adam Price
Leader of Plaid Cymru

3.50 The 3 year Cooperation agreement between Plaid Cymru and Labour. Adam Price (AP) £200 million over the next 3 years to ensure free school meals for all primary pupils in Wales. 7.30 Expert Panel instigated looking at care, child care etc.

8.30 Mark Drakeford (MD) - learners, cost of living. 20 years ago we started giving free breakfasts at our primary schools: Wales were the first part of the UK to do that. Over the Pandemic, we were the first country in the UK to offer free school meals over the school holidays.

14.00 free universal free school meals (ie for all pupils) by removing the threshold ensures that all those which need food will be given a free meal. One of the best investments we can make in Wales.

16.45 Plaid + Labour Cooperation - confusing the voters? MD - voters are more sophisticated than that; they like to see parties working together + public response to the agreement was very positive. AP Politics is not being competitive, but working for the common good of the people of Wales.

22.30 AP Having more AS members is absolutely essential - it's essential for us to deliver. MD Reform by 2026.

30.50 Extending free school meals to secondary schools as suggested by Plaid Cymru.

22.03.22 Eluned Morgan
Health Minister
1.14 Since end of January there's been a steady decline, but now there's an increase. Over 320 per 100,000 people driven BA2 variant, even more transmissible than the last variant.

2.54 Slide 1 shows the % of the population and that that Wales has less % of the population than all the 3 other nations. 1 in every 25 person is infected. Slide 2 - BA2 subtype. Most new cases are caused by this subtype, with it's mild symptoms.

6.30 It's never too late to be vaccinated in Wales.

08.03.22 Jane Hutt
Minister for Social Justice
0.58 International Women's Day. Women are still disadvantaged. We will work with businesses to eliminate the blocking of women from progressing and which stifle their potential.

2.00 Wales stands in solidarity with Ukrain. UK Gov must make it easier for women and children to come to Wales. We're prepared to support all those who do make it. We are a nation of sanctuary.

28.30 No way is the UK Government a nation of sanctuary. Their environment policies and nationality and borders bill are expressions of hostility and not a nation of sanctuary, which we in Wales want to be.

04.03.22 Mark Drakeford
First Minister
1.50 3-week review of the Coronavirus.

3.00 Slide 1 - overall case rate in Wales, showing that the Omicron Wave spike has been falling, with a downwards trend. '160 cases per 100,000. ONS survey shows (Slide 2) the % of pop of all 4 nations - Wales has the lowest. 830 in hospital is stable. Alert Level 0 will remain.

7.00 Over 6.9 million doses of the vaccine doses has been given since it started almost a year ago. 5-11 year olds will also be given the vaccine.

8.05 We can move beyond some of the measures, and start to think how we can live with the virus. Today we announce a plan regarding this. Legal requirements will end on 28th March. We will continue to publish guidance.

16.30 We have in Wales one of the best genomic sequencing centres through the world. 31.20 The IP5 laboratory in Newport is to be closed by the UK Government - that's a resource lost for Wales...Barnett formula.

32.10 Simon Heart. It's shocking that Simon Heart feels no responsibility for a decision in which he was a part. The Boris Johnson's Government has been muscular Unionism, in which the powers and the financial resources available to devolved governments has been under attack. We need respectful relationships that recognise that the powers of the Senedd were confirmed in two Referendums, and that raids on the Senedd is not the way.

01.03.22 Jeremy Miles
Welsh Language Minister
-Today is St David's Day.

2.36 Today we celebrate our Welshness in all its diversity. Welsh belongs to us all and is an integral part of our history and identity, whether we speak it or not. We as Welsh Government have plans to reaching a million Welsh speakers by 2050.

4.48 We need to increase Welsh education. Free education to the education sector. Today I announce grants of £30 million to 11 projects including £5.6 million for a new Welsh school at Buckley / Mynydd Isa, £4.4 for Welsh immersion centre. Also a £2.3 million to the Urdd, disrupted by Covid.

12.30 We stand with the people of Ukrain. Welsh Government will announce a package of support later on today.

16.30 We've had a long term campaign in making St David's Day a Bank Holiday.

15.02.22 Rebecca Evans
Minister for Finance and Local Government
1.15 New support package (worth £330 million) to help people facing the cost of living crisis. 1/3 of Welsh household can only afford essentials, and things will get much harder.

4.20 The package is twice the payments given in England. These grants will be available until March 2023.

8.30 We need to see a change of approach from Westminster: we need it to listen, learn and step up to help people. Last month we outlined 5 actions the Westminster Government should take, including a windfall tax on oil and gas producers, the removing the social energy costs. We still have not had a response from the UK Government.

11.02.22 Vaughan Gething,
Economy Minister
2.30 First Minister is isolating at home. 3 week review. Gradually we will relax the protections in place.

3.25 Slide. Cases in Wales. Infection rate is declining, but at 400 cases per 100,000, that is still high. 5.00 slide 2: Cases in all 4 nations: Wales has the lowest number of Covod and is declining - data from the NOS.

6.00 There are just under 1,100 related Covid-19 related patients in hospitals; 12 in intensive care. People are still dying of Corona virus.

7.45 Changes to relax some protections, including the Covid pass, face coverings in some places (not retail). Self isolation rules will not change.

16.25 The laws of Wales apply when you're in Wales. If you come accross the border from England, if you're tested positive then you need to isolate.

17.00 UK Government not discussing changes with the other 3 governments. "We are ambushed by surprise changes".

19.17 England are very different to the rest of the UK.

08.02.22 Eluned Morgan
Health Minister
1.30 Long Covid varies widely and range in severity: fatigue is the main symptom, as well as loss of smell, shortness of breath and difficulty in concentrating. 1000 are suffering in Long Covid.

3.00 Support and care is available (Project Adferiad). Someone with Long Covid will can visit their GP and treatment given to their individual needs. Referrals to secondary consultants can be made by the GP.

5.40 I've now set up the Covid Evidence Centre as part of Health and Care Wales. The Adferiad Programme tells us that just over 2,400 have been diagnosed with Long Covid. Only 3.5% were referred to secondary Care Services.

7.00 Our Covid Recovery App helps people manage their own symptoms and has been downloaded over 10,000 times.

16.20 Scenes outside Westminster yesterday were disgusting. MPs words have an afect, and the must understand that their words have an effect; democracy only works when treated with respect and dignity.

01.02.22 Jane Hutt MS
Minister for Social Justice
1.0 - We are in the middle of a cost of living crisis; inflation is here to stay. Households have to decide: heat or eat. There's little sign of hope coming from Whitehall at the moment. Instead of practical solutions to help millions in crisis we have a (UK) government more focused on one person: Boris Johnson. When they have acted, they've made problems worse. They cut the Universal Credit £20

uplift which was such vital lifeline during Covid...

3.10 We've called on the UK Governmnt to better support lower income; we echo the words of the Devolved governments, charities and people across the country and call on the UK Government to listen and act.

4.15 Here in Wales we have entered a £51 million (Household Support Fund) which included a £100 payment to households to help pay the fuel bills. I now announce that this will now double to £200.

18.10 Pension credit.

28.00 Homelessness, unpaid carers...

25.01.22 Jeremy Miles
Education Minister
0.45 - On Friday the First Minister announced that Wales will be moving to Alert Level Zero. I will now announce plans to remove Covid measures in schools.

1.06 - graph of case rates of children and young people. It remains steady, based on positive PCR tests. It's vital that children and young people are in schools: that's our priority. On 10th - our 3 week review.

3.38 By half term I expect all schools to revert to their normal timetable. Face coverings will remain in classrooms and communal areas (8.30), as they do in all public places at Alert Level 0.

4.20 Every classroom in Wales has a CO2 monitor, which helps monitor ventilation.

5.30 Exams will go ahead this year.

21.50 - I agree with what Mark Drakeford said on the radio this morning re. Boris Johnson's parties, and what he should do.

21.01.22 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
We've passed the peak of the Omicron wave in Wales.

3.25 Slide of cases. 500 cases per 100,000 people. 4.45 ONS Infection survey graph. Wales (red line) with less infection than all 4 countries; England has the worst. That gap represents thousand and thousand of people which would otherwise have fallen ill. We are now at Level 0, yet the COVID Pass is still in place, here in Wales. Self isolation and face covering in indoor places and transport also still in place. Review in 3 weeks. 13.33 - We move step by step, according to the data and scientific advise. 18.44 UK Coronavirus Act - The Regulations in Wales have not relied extensively on that act; we have used under The Public Health Act of 1984 (Wales) - that's where we root our measures and regulations. If an UK Act will lapse, will not make any different as we have our own legislation. 20.43 - our technical and medical advise is published by us. We have followed this advise exactly. I 22.00 Everything happening in Westminster is seen entirely through the lens of 'How can we get something else reported other than the dire difficulties the PM [Bois Johnson] has created for himself. 22.50 - Covid Pass - may remain; we'll see in 3 weeks. 24.7 - PartyGate at Downing St - Everything that goes on at Whitehall and Westminster at the moment is seen through the lens of 'How does this make a diference to... shore up the position of Boris Johnson. That means the (UK) Government is simply not functioning. It is a government as a normal, ordinary government... this is a government which is overwhelmed by the dreadful events that went on in Downing St. 30.55 - Chester Football Club. The ground is in Wales, the games are played in Wales, therefore Welsh rules must be followed. 32.10 - The PM (Boris Johnson) has been sacked twice for lying. His history is catching up with him. 33.00 I'm the Prime Minister of Wales. 56.00 Welsh independence; Westminster Gov is dysfunctional with an incompetent group of people... Independence referendum could be held.

18.01.22 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
Over the next few weeks, we will return to Level 2. To support Welsh businesses, I'm announcing a package of support: £120 m - in addition to £116 m already confirmed; this package will start today, to help return to Level 0.

[6.26] Many economic challenges include: absence of UK Government plan for replacing European funding. The people of Wales have not given a mandate for the UK Government to hide that money and those decisions out of Wales. [7.30] Cost of living - made worse by the UK Government. Last UK budget was a missed opportunity. 8.00 by April 2022 we will see a broad based cost of living catastrophe; UK treasury must step up... recipe for 'levelling down'. 15.50 - isolation period (possible reduction) depends on scientific evidence. 17.00 - poverty and UK gov cutting Universal Credit.

14.01.2022 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
This week, early signs of improvement. Our timetable for return to Level 0 follows. 3.04 - graph showing case tests falling. 6.00 - infection in all 3 countries are lower than England. 1,100 people in hospital with COVID-19; started to fall. 7.00 - 1.8 m vaccination delivered - fastest booster programme across the UK. As from tomorrow (15 Jan), the number of people at outdoor events will rise from 50 to 500; from 21 Jan all outdoor activities will move to Level 0. Covid Pass required for large events. 11.00 28 Jan - indoor will return to Level 0; Covid Pass required only for large indoor events.

15.00 ONS slide shows that measures were necessary and effective. 29.10 (WG) have not been part of any culture that believes that you're above the rules. The report on Downing Street parties should have been given to someone entirely independent from (Westminster) Government eg a judge led, independent position.

11.01.2022 Eluned Morgan
Health Minister
> 1.000 Covid-19 patients in our hospitals; impacting staffing levels. Over 8% NHS staff are off work: highest number since 2020. We've now committed to over £12 million extra funding for care and pharmicists...

14.18 - Boris Johnson has a responsibility to lead from the front, and lead through example. We've seen once again that he has failed to give clear answers to very simple questions. Public deserves to know... he was involved in some way in parties going on... He is simply not following his own rules. [24.00] Business support packages. Covid-19 rates in London 10%; only 6% in Wales. Hospitalisation rates are lower than in England.

07.01.2022 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister

Today Omicron is the dominant form of the virus. 3.00 Graph of COVID-19 rising (confirmed cases). Next slide showing expected behaviours (4.15). > 2,300 / 100k of the population. 994 COVID-19 patients in our hospitals. Highest since March last year. 40 people in critical care, majority of which are NOT vaccinated. In the last week, 38 people have died. There will be extra protections in schools throughout Wales. We are having weekly reviews. 1.7m have had their boosters. 23.25 The outlier here is not Wales as countries right across Europe and the globe; the one country that stands out as not taking action to protect its . The question is... why is England such a global outlier from countries elsewhere. Here in Wales we have a Government which is acting and determined to act to protect our population. In England we have a Government that is politically paralysed, where the PM is unable to get an agreement to take his advisers' recommendations. 30.24 Furlough 44.30 You earlier called England an "outlier". WRU. Boris Johnson says "Ride it out!" Sage does not say that. England is an outlier.

22.12.2021 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Number of cases has risen sharply; we expect this trend to continue and accelerate. By Boxing Day we expect many thousands of cases through Wales. Closure of some public places from Boxing Day

Rule of 6 will apply; face coverings at all times at hospitality. Large events will not be allowed. We are moving to Level 2. £120m grants to support hospitality. [15.00] I join my colleagues in Northern Ireland and Scotland to call on the UK Treasury to fund furlough. [18.40] Sky News - 'You're introducing fines for people who don't work from home...' That's the story without substance; designed to protect workers.

[32.30] People of Wales recognise that they have a Government capable of making difficult decisions; a real contrast with the paralysis of the UK Government which is unable to react.

17.12.2021 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
500 cases per 100,000 people. This is the calm before the Omicron storm. There are 100 Omicron virus in Wales. By Christmas, it will be the dominant form. We will change the law to make sure people work at home wherever they can. We will also introduce more measures on 27th December, drawing elements of Level 2. We will return to the 2 meter rule; shops and businesses must therefore change their ways of working; nightclubs will all close. [9.00] > £60 million is not announced to businesses.

[9.30] We're limited by the UK Treasury and its refusal to open Furlough to Wales N. Ireland and Scotland, which should be available to all nations, not just when needed by England. Also [17.30]. We are dealing with people's lives. Again on [31.00]. [52.00] Welsh Covid Pass: UK Gov just introduces a new Covid Pass based on the Welsh model.

14.12.2021 Eluned Morgan
Health Minister
Omicron emerged 3 weeks ago in South Africa. We're accelerating our booster programme. We need to protect our NHS. It's never too late to be vaccinated in Wales. Focus of the NHS needs to shift for a short time to vaccination centres. These will be expanded to their maximum capacity. They're already open form 9.00 am to 8.00pm. 1.1 million have already received their boosters.

[28.-5] Welsh Government's priority is to the people of Wales.

10.12.2021 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Omicron numbers in Wales is low, but we need to be prepared. It's fast moving. 1 million boosters have been given. WHO has said that the vaccines continue to protect people. Take a Flow before you go! Lateral flow testing should be taken before going out. Face coverings must be worn, that's still the law, and work from home whenever possible, otherwise you may be fined.

[15.00] Pressures on hospitality. £45 m a week ago was announced. [16.00] Action from the UK Treasury will be needed when things get worse. [23.45] Do I urge the UK Gov to take the actions to meet the Challenges of Coronavirus? Yes indeed, I've done that time and time again on this platform.

7.12.2021 Eluned Morgan
Health Minister
3.15 Take up of the vaccines and booster programmes; over 80% have had the booster vaccine. 5.5 million vaccines.

20.22 We're expecting a significant wave of Omicron to hit Wales, peaking towards the end of January. 28.44 - Testing - "Lateral Flow before you go!" 31.28 Unvaccinated patients - we do track.

30.11.2021 Eluned Morgan
Health Minister
Dr Gill Richardson
Vaccination Prog.
[15.25] Omicron has not yet arrived in Wales.

To slow the spread of Omicron we have placed several measures including 10 red list countries with 10 days self isolation in the managed hotels. 5.00 Scotland and Wales have called on the UK to go further. Gill will explain how we will expand the booster rollout in Wales. We will reduce the minimum interval between the second jab and the booster to 3 months. 8.00]Over 12 year olds are also vaccinated.

23.11.2021 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
2.20 Reaching our Net 0 targets depends on Government and businesses; our plan makes clear that by 2025 we should expect 4% decrease energy use in industry, an increase in electrification and growth of hydrogen as a fuel.

3.00 List of business problems due to Covid-19; business support packages went further than those in England. 4.50 From our steel industry to tidal power, UK Gov must show that "Levelling Up" is not over before it began. Also 7.47 - UK funding leaves Wales will less money than previously. 5.30 New jobs; reducing carbon; new jobs.

16.11.2021 Rebecca Evans MS
Welsh Government Finance Minister
1.38 £51 million new Household Support Fund announced today

2.06 our budget in Wales is flatlined over the next 3 years; historic EU funds stolen away (by UK Government).

3.10 No response by the UK Chancellor for storms, flooding, and coal tip safety issues... 3.38 I've been listening to people all over Wales... getting to net zero, a more sustainable Wales.

4.30 Social justice will be at the heart of our proposals... and those individuals on lowest incomes who have been failed by the UK Government spending review, cuts to Universal Credits etc.

9.11.2021 Eluned Morgan
Health Minister
4.20 Graph of cases / 100k. Modelling carried out by Swansea University. 5.17 c. 800 Covid-19 related patents hospitalised. 7.51 Making good progress with 12 - 15 year olds. Coronavirus has NOT gone away, to take the booster when offered. 9.15 Graph of takers of the booster vaccine.

9.55 Covid Pass shows your vaccination history to enter clubs, games etc. 11.00 Today we extend the Covid-19 Pass to ticketed indoor venues. 12.30 95% of our health care workers have been vaccinated. I find it shocking that the UK Government insist that people in the NHS (England) be vaccinated and yet the PM (Boris Johnson) can walk into a hospital without a face mask. This underlines the hypocrisy going on amongst the (UK) Conservative Government.}

2.11.2021 Lee Waters
Deputy Minister for Climate Change
2.26 COP26 in Glasgow. Wales was a leader in the Industrial Revolution can help reduce impact of man made climate change today.

2.54 We shall be going to Glasgow this week. Last week we launched our Net Zero plan. 3.40 First net zero school will have it's own power generator. All schools will soon follow, and the whole of the public centre by 2030.

4.43 Green PPE in Gwynedd. We are a world leader in recycling, where waste is used as a waste. 6.20 Heat pumps, insulation 9.54 £150 million pounds announced for retrofitted houses, especially rented homes and social housing. Again 14.10. 14.42 Covid-19 600,000 boosters delivered

18.54 Bishop of Canterbury's comments, and apology. 21.00 Green spaces; increase of forestry + Coed Cadw. Benefits are multiple. We've planted 15 m trees already, in Uganda.

29.10.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
1.04 3 week review; rising Coronavirus rates, driven by infection in younger people and homes. 1.58 Mistakes at a laboratory in England where 1,000s of people were wrongly told their tests were negative. 2,000 cases of the Delta virus here in Wales. 2.46 Slide showing actual cases. and Swansea Uni estimated modelling. 370 cases per 100k - the highest ever. > 820 beds occupied by Cv patients. Rise in deaths.

6.50 If tested positive, then self-isolate for 10 days. Covid passes (see also 21.30) are compulsory in nightclubs etc. We now include theatres, concerts etc. 9.45 Working from home; face coverings in shops. 40% of 12-15yr olds have been vaccinated.

16.39 - We regret the decisions the UK Government is making in relation to international travel. Sage says we're 'almost certain' to see a new variant emerge in the UK. There is a possibility that the variant will be more resistant.

19.10.21 Vaughan Gething
Economy Minister
UK Government needs to keep it's promise made on EU successor funds for Wales. The UK Renewal and Levelling Up Funds have excluded the Welsh Government. Our plans are in the programme Team Wales, and builds on years of experience with the EU. I call on the Chancellor that Wales decides how the replacement funding is spent, as promised. We need funding to remediate our coal tips etc. Team Wales will help businesses to plan ahead, and will build our apprenticeship programme. Fair work, action on climate change...
12.10.21 Eluned Morgan
Health Minister
Dr Gill Richardson
Vaccination Prog.
Diweddariad ein rhaglen frechu. Updated version of our vaccination strategy. We face our 2nd pandemic winter. The anti-vaccination protests: adults bullying children and harassing their parents is despicable. NHS has given > 4.7 million doses of the 3 main Covid vaccines. 87% of people aged 12 and over has had their 1st dose and over 81% of the population have had two doses. Falls in the rates are seen; we have passed the peak of the Delta wave.
8.10.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Keeping Wales safe and open. Rate: below 500 cases per 100,000; but there's been a reductions in the number of people in hospital. The NHS is still under immense pressure. Wales will remain at Alert Level 0. Slide shows most likely senario - prediction has been very good so far.
5.10.21 Jeremy Miles
Education Minister
Chris Jones
Deputy Chief Medical Officer
530 cases per 100,000 per week; this falls from 650, two weeks ago. Rates highest amongst the under 25. Slide shows case rates for different ages. Sharpest increase among 12-16 year olds, but has slowed. The vaccination has started for this age group. Under 18 do not need to self-isolate if they come to contact with someone with Covid-19. Students are now advised to take flow tests... Other tests / ages. In higher education, cases are low.
28.09.21 Rebecca Evans
Minister for Finance
Coal tips subsidence; collaboration with the UK Government. Landslides; UK Gov needs to increase finance to high risk coal tips - Wales has 40% of the UK's coal tips. Cost needed now = £500-600 million.
Lesley Griffiths
Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales

The UK Government must replace EU funding in full... This means the UK Government must reverse its approach to replacing EU funding in the UK... There will be a cut in funding at £137m this financial year.

17.09.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
In the last 4 weeks, things have worsened. We can keep Wales at Level 0 for the next 3 weeks. However, we need to do 5 things:
  1. get the booster off; it began yesterday
  2. vaccinate 12-15 year olds;
  3. we have to reinforce the importance of working from home. This is England's Plan B; here in Wales, it is on our Plan A.
  4. legal face coverings indoors, on public transport etc.
  5. introduce the COVID Pass in high risk areas will be . For events and services: indoor non-seated events for more than 50 people eg concerts; outdoor non-seated events of >4,000 ad any event with >10,000 eg football or rugby - will be compulsory from the 11 October. This is NOT vaccine certification.
14.09.21 Eluned Morgan
Health Minister
Julie Morgan
Social Care. How the sector is dealing with Brexit and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Vaccination for children 12-15 age: Welsh Government now recommends vaccination. Advise also accepted for the booster campaign: vaccine booster will start rolling out for front line staff and health care conditions as from next week.
10.09.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Today, as all get back to work after the summer break, I have information which the Cabinet will use next Friday. Modelling work carried out by Swansea Uni. For the last 6 weeks Wales has been in Level 0. This does not mean the Pandemic is over. Cases have risen, as in the rest of the UK and the world. Slide shows cases has gone down, then up again. Case has risen since June, as we lifted the restrictions. Around 520 cases per 100,000 people. Position is serious, and will get worse. Our vaccination programme in Wales has helped us to manage the increase. 420 cases of Covid-19 in hospitals. Our helath and care staff are exhausted. 90% have had their 1st doze and 74% have had 2 doses.
6.08.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Cases are once again falling. 130 cases per 100,000/ people. 82% adults have had both vaccine. We will be moving to Alert Level 0 tomorrow. The changes we do today will not be changed for 6-weeks. We still need to act carefuly, people shoul work from home, face coverings in indoor places will still be a legal requirement. No limit of people at events. As from today invitations to vaccinate are going out to 16 and 17 year olds. Those on low incomes who need to self isolate will be raised from £600 to £750.
14.07.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Today we publish our CV Plan. Cases have been rising sharply since May; cases are at 145 per 100,000 people, but this does not translate to hospital patients or deaths. Our high vaccination rates have weakened the effect of the virus. We need more people to be vaccinated in all age groups. 3-week review: we have headroom to Level 1 indoor changes. From this Saturday, up to 6 people can meet indoor; 1,000 people sitting, 200 standing. Outdoor sports can continue. We expect that by 7th August, 85% adults will have had both vaccines. In Wales we will NOT abandon the measures that have kept us safe. Employers must protect both customers and staff. Face coverings, indoors, is still a legal requirement on transport, health settings and indoor. I deeply regret the UK Government's requirement decision to remove the requirement for adults who have been fully vaccinated to self-isolate when returning from countries on the Amber list. PCR test MUST be done if returning to Wales.
12.07.21 Frank Atherton
Gill Richardson
Frank Atherton, Chief Medical Officer for Wales and Dr Gillian Richardson, Co-Chair of the COVID-19 Vaccine Programme Board. Case rate is 136 per 100,000. [Slide] Cases are doubling every 6.5 days. R number is between 1.8 and 1.9. This 3rd wave is mostly in young people; that's down to the vaccination programme. 9 / 10 adults have had 1 vaccine, and 7 / 10 have had both.
5.07.21 Eluned Morgan
Health Minister
Andrew Goodhall
Today NHS is 73 years old. Nye Bevan, the founder, was a son of Wales. Cases rising [slide], lowest in May. Case rate of 95 cases per 100,000 of population. Possible new wave of Coronavirus on the way in mainland Europe. Small increase in people hospitalised by COVID-19; today the number is 100 patents. Vaccination rates still the best in the UK. 2/3ds of population have been double vaccinated.
28.06.21 Jeremy Miles
Education Minister
I've asked ESTYN not to visit schools. This summer's assesments: provisional grades have been given to all learners. 2.25 million have received the first dose. Wales has lowest rate in any of the 4 nations. COVID-19 frameworks for all ed. sectors will be published shortly, with 4 levels: low, medium, high, very high.
25.06.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
No changes to the restrictions for the next 3 weeks. We're in a serious situation; the delta variant is spreading freely throughout Wales. Today > 1100 cases now in Wales. Coronavirus case rate is now 37 per 100,000 people: highest in the North. Positivity stands at 3.9%. These rates are around 3 to 4 weeks behind England and Scotland. Ventilation, wearing masks, keeping our distance etc are more important today than ever. % of people under 25 getting Coronavirus is much higher than the adult population. This possibly shows the positive effect of vaccinations.
21.06.21 Eluned Morgan, new Health Minister
Chris Jones
We're facing a serious situation because of the Delta variant (1st identified in India). This is the 3rd peak; but vaccination is working. Public Health England confirmed at over 70 people have died from the Delta variant. No changes to the Regulations. Wales has the highest % of double vaccination, through the UK.
18.06.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Since February, things have been decrease in Coronavirous, until today. The Delta variant has now taken hold. 23 cases out of 100K people. 2.4% positivity Rate. 8 / 10 are Delta variant. We will not relax regulations regarding indoor activities. There is therefore 3-week pause. We hope that the effect of this will be to half the hospital admissions.
14.06.21 Vaughan Gething,
Economy Minister
Case rate is 18 cases per 100,000, the lowest of all 4 nations. Vaccination: 1.4 million having had both jabs; that's 54% of the adult population. All adults have been offered both vaccines. Wales has 315 cases of the delta variant. Last year Welsh Gov provided 400 million more than / over and above UK Government share of support in England. Indoor attractions will be given financial support.

Wales should get £375 m / year in EU replacement funding. The UK will make the financial decisions, ending 20 years of Welsh decision making and support for businesses. This UK funding is needless confrontation, and should respect Welsh devolution. These funds should be provided for Wales by decisions taken in Wales. We have not provided a mandate for the UK Gov to wrestle monies out of Wales.

07.06.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
-These briefings are held every Mondays, with the regular 3-week revue happening on Thursdays. From today we are on Alert Level A. % of population vaccinated, we lead the globe. Slide shows vaccination data; nearly 1.25 million have had their 2nd vaccination. The % takers of the vaccine is higher in Wales that any other nation of the UK. We will complete the second vaccination programme by the end of September. 97 cases of the Delta variant.
04.06.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
7-day case rate is around 10; positivity is less that 1%. Number of deaths in the last 9 days = 0. 1.2 million have had 2 jabs. 97 cases of the Delta virus in Wales, in England there are > 10,700 confirmed cases. Monday: we go to Alert Level 1: especially outdoor. Up to 30 people indoor; outdoor: 4,000 people in a standing venue, 10,000 in a seating venue (subject to our normal restrictions). Households: from Monday: 3 households can come together.
24.05.21 Eluned Morgan
[New] Health Minister
Mark Atherton
Chief Medical Officer
One million have had their 2nd dose vaccine. We still need to keep 2m social distance and always wear a mask. We strongly advise only going abroad if it's essential. 8 per 100,000 cases. 57 cases of the Indian variant. Long Covid is a concern, as is mental health.
14.05.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
1st press conference since the election. Rates are low: less than 10 cases per 100k of population; R rate < 1, and only 3 people with Coronavirus in Critical Care. Wales has one of the best vaccination rates in the whole world. We will move to Alert level 2 on Monday. Only 26 cases of Delta virus in Wales; >1,500 in England. Up to 50 people can take part of outside activities. International travel - we shall use the same traffic lights system as used in Scotland and England. Amber countries - we will not adopt the same regulations as England.
23.04.2021 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Today we conclude the 3-week review. Rates of Coronavirus continue to fall, with the 7-day rate now 14.7 cases per 100,000 population; 3-weeks ago, that figur was 35. Positivity rate of 1.7 - Wales has the lowest rates of Coronavirus in the whole of the UK. Numbers in hospital halved in the last 3 weeks. Wales also has the most successful vaccination programme in the UK: >1.7 million adults have had their 1st dose and >6,70,000 have had both doses.

From tomorrow "the rule of 6" will apply from Monday: 6 people from 6 different households will be able to meet outdoors. Many cafes will open on Monday, as will wedding receptions and funeral wakes will reopen, outdoor swimming pools, parks etc (up to 30 people). More flexibility for care homes. By 3rd May Wales will have moved to Alert Level 3.

Senedd elections to be held 06.05.2021
01.04.2021 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Frank Atherton,
Chief Medical Officer of Wales
1 in 5 have had two doses - significantly better than the other countries of UK. By Sunday we will have offered the vaccine to all in the first 9 priority groups (adults over 50 etc). Transmission rate stable. Most cluster cases are due to meetings indoors. We will now continue to lift restrictions week by week. All pupils will have returned to schools and colleges by the 12 April. Also on that date: all shops will reopen, travel into / out of Wales will be allowed, also weddings, canvasing for elections. Outdoor sporting piloting will happen.

Looking further ahead (end April and start of May): Monday 26th April: pubs, restaurants will open, meetings of up to 30 people, gyms, extended households will have contact indoors. 17 May: indoor activities (up to 15 people). All these are subject to the public health position at the time. Wales has the lowest level of Coronavirus of all 4 UK nations, and the highest rate of vaccination.

22.03.2021 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
NHS recovery. Over 50% adult population in Wales have had their vaccine; 350,000 have had both vaccines. Over the last year, 200,000 people have ben tested positive and there have been > 30,000 of Coronavirus hospital admissions. This has led to delays and the waiting list is > 540,000 people; 60% of which are out-patients. New ways of working: more people sent for tests before seeing a consultant; and more virtual diagnosis. £1.6 million to develop new technologies. Long COVID - guidelines and pathway is now in place, this is 1 in 4 of our priorities.
19.03.2021 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Due to the coming election, I'll be back in three weeks. Slide shows great progress we have made with vaccination; > 318,000 have had 2 doses - the highest vaccine rate in the UK. 1% of the population is vaccinated every day, at an average. We could do even more if we had more vaccines. From April the Moderna vaccine will be also used. Blood clots are not caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine; that is now proved. 44 cases per 100,000 and positivity rate is 3.9%. Kent variant is still the dominant virus. On Monday we will be lifting retail restrictions, also garden centres. Self contained accommodation, hopefully will reopen by Easter; that will be confirmed by the end of next week.
17.03.2021 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
Special bonus payment will be made to all 220,000 NHS and social care staff etc (inc. NI their tax) and £735 per person. This reflects our immense thanks to the staff for their extraordinary work in keeping Wales safe. 42 cases per 100,000. Cases are higher in Conwy, Anglesey and Merthyr Tydfil. There are still just under 1000 patients with Coronavirus in hospitals. We are now relaxing restrictions. 4 people from 2 diff households can meet outside. 40 cases of blood clots in 17 million - which is less than the rest of the pop. (not vaccinated).
15.03.2021 Kirsty Williams
Education Minister
and Chris Jones,
Deputy Chief Medical Officer
Wales continues its early steps from lockdown. All primary pupils and those in qualification years will have returned by today. Schools can optionally bring in years 11 and 12, as can some students in colleges. Higher ed: we have not seen large transmission in the last few weeks. On Friday, the restrictions moved from 'Stay at home' to 'Stay local'. From 12 April Students and staff can return. Students are offered tests before they return to universities, and twice weekly at the college. Classes over 11 years old: all pupils will wear face coverings.

Today we have c. 40 cases per 100,000 people. Vaccination: >1.4 million have had their 1st dose, and > 264,000 have also had their 2nd dose. 10% of Wales is fully protected.

12.03.2021 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
4th review of the 'stay at home' measures. Things are improving: 41 cases per 100,000 cases; lowest level since mid September last year. 4.3% positivity rate. ONS infection survey suggests that Wales has the lowest rates in the UK. But we have a more infectious Kent variant. Our approach: careful and cautious; step by step. Stay Local from now on, rather than 'Stay at home'. Outdoor sports facilities will reopen from 13th and care home visits allowed. 15th March: back to school for all primary pupils and some older pupils and students. Hairdressers will also open from Monday. 22 March: small non-essential retail shops will reopen as will gardening centres.

If things improve: self contained accommodation and children's facilities and libraries will reopen on 27th March. All children back in school by 12 April and on this date we will review traveling restrictions. Extra £115 million will be available for those businesses which are closed. We have made over £2 billion available to businesses over the pandemic: this is over and above what the UK Government is funding.

10.03.2021 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
We are thinking of a 'Stay local' policy: announcement on Friday. Stay local period now kicks in. Kent variant is more than 70% more infectious than other viruses. Test, trace, protect has been pivotal. Extra £60 million to extend this local service. We have a team of 2,000 people who have successfully contacted 97% of their contacts. We are from today taking our testing system even further. Everyone admitted to hospitals will now be tested. Yesterday we passed 1 million 1st dozes of vaccine. Long Covid. Modelling: effectiveness of the vaccines.
8.03.2021 Kirsty Williams
Education Minister
International Women's Day. Youngest pupils have started to return to primary schools. We hope we will see the return of all learners by the end of the Easter Break. Extra £72 million to schools. In England all children are going back this week; Sage suggests a phased return to schools - that's what we're doing in Wales.
05.03.2021 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
50 cases per 100,000 people; all local authority areas have fewer than 100 cases per 100,000. Positivity rate fallen to 5.4%. Number of people in hospital with coronavirus is fewer than 450 people - lowest sine 17th October. Reduction of people with coronavirus in critical care. We will not be lifting all the restrictions next week. Kent strain is dominant in Wales. There are 24 cases of the South African in Wales. We have the best vaccination rate in the UK.

[9:50]NHS pay rise: we will not be putting a ceiling (as the UK Government have done). I understand why so many NHS staff [in England] ar angry and upset with the level of pay the UK Government have provided. WG Election: we're considering whether leaflet delivery and canvasing can happen.

01.03.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Today is St David's Day. Wales beat England at rugby, and had another Triple Crown win. The 100,000'th vaccine was given on Friday evening. > 100,000 have had both doses of the Vaccine - a higher proportion than any other part of the UK. 64 cases per 100,000. These figures are significantly better than in England (1:04:58). In 5 local authorities it is below 50 cases. Number of Coronavirus related patients is below 1,500 for the first time since early November. Today we have launched the Concordat between Wales and the Republic of Ireland. £682 million new money will be available to the NHS and local authorities.

Brazilian Variant is in Scotland and England. I do ask the Prime Minister very carefully about this. Inviting people to think about international travel in May is not on. Cardiff Airport will not take passengers from the red list of countries. I would do it in the opposite way to the UK: we shouldn't have international, but here's a list where people are not a threat to us.

The last 12 months has made it clear to people that they have here a Senedd and a Government, that has very significant powers, ability to act independently, with advisers of our own. Wales has chartered our way through this pandemic with success because of those powers we have. Devolution has been brought home to people that the use of these powers has saved lives in Wales. Here in wales, we've taken action early and seriously; back in April 2020 we were the 1st government to offer children school meals during school and holiday time.

People believe in devolution, and want it strengthened. The First Minister in favour of Home Rule for Wales, a recognition that sovereignty should be dispersed to all 4 nations. Last week, we were told that the "levelling up fund" would not come to Wales, but shared by Westminster, and the Welsh Parliament will have no say in this. Home Rule would prevent this from happening. Westminster Government is more interested in clawing powers back to itself, rather than respecting the devolution settlement, confirmed in two referendums.

26.02.21 Frank Atherton,
Chief Medical Officer of Wales
Andrew Goodall,

75 cases per 100,000. Since January, there's been a drop of 70% reduction of gp consultations re. covid; Ambulance demand re Covid by 9% (from 20%). 70 Corona virus admitions per day. Critical care: 60 patients; still 110% occupancy. Over 902,000 have had their 1st dose of vaccine; over 80,000 have had their 2nd dose - 2.7% of the adult population, the highest across the UK. Over 1 million vaccines will have been done by tomorrow. Our aim is to vaccinate everyone by mid July. 7% of Covid contracted last week were in hospitals.

24.02.21 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
7-day case is 76 per 100,000 people, falling. Wales still top country as far as vaccination is concerned- 878,000 have had their 1st dose of vaccine (28%) of the population. Weekly tests for all workplace workers: priority to those with higher risk. Vaccine will be offered to all adults in Wales by 31 July, as long as the supply continues. We look carefully at the plans of the governments in England and in Scotland, but we will always take decisions in Wales based on the best interest of the people of Wales.
22.02.21 Kirsty Williams
Education Minister
Dr Chris Jones
Deputy Chief Medical Officer
7-day case rate in Wrexham is down to 80 per 100,000 people (300 cases 3 weeks ago). Hospitalisation: numbers are down. R-number is between 0.6-0.9. More than 860,000 have had their 1st doze (>25%) and >42,000 have had their 2nd dose. Wales' performance, so far above the other 3 nations. From 15 March we hope that all primary children will be back in schools. Also years 10 and 12. Education staff are tested twice per week. We're taking a cautious approach, where the lowest risk children will return first. Secondary school children will not return at the same time.
19.02.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
This is the 3rd review since we went into Level 4 'stay at home' during this lockdown.

We do have headroom, and we will use it to get children back to school, in a phased and flexible way. Cases are around 84 out of 100,000 pop. Total number of people in hospital is under 1800 - the smallest since early December; intensive care is 50% lower than at the beginning of the pandemic. Almost 840,000 people have had their 1st vaccination (1/3 of pop); > 25,000 have had their 2nd dose. Overarching 'stay at home' measures will stay in place for another 3 weeks. From tomorrow >4 people from 2 different households will be able to exercise (not socialising). Next week we shall change the law so that weddings and civil partnerships can happen. Also looking at more visits to care homes. Next review: 8th March.

17.02.21 Eluned Morgan
Minister for Mental Health,
and the Welsh Language
More than 807,000 have had their 1st vacination; that's 1/3 of the population. Children: >20,000 children took part in our 2nd survey. Anger, loneliness and worries and not being able to meet friends. Getting children bak to school is our main priority. Younger children (3 to 7 year olds) will return to school next week. As things improve other / more children will follow. Creative sector. Last year was the toughest on record; barely any live performance in the last 12 months. £63million was made available for the creative arts individuals and organisations. Nant Gwrthyrn. 3,300 freelancers will receive funding. £1.3 million to support the Urdd. Festival of Voice, Focus Voice, and two other festivals will come together to create 'Gwyl 2021'; broadcasted online free of charge. 36% of the pop. are lonely most of the time. 7-day rate: 88 per 100,000 now. Kent variant of the virus is still dominant in Wales

The relationship between the Welsh Government and UK government are various: sometimes they are happy to engage with us and other times they don't speak to us for months. At the end of the day we will do what is right and best in Wales. We're determined to follow the science and the data; that's not the case in other countries of the UK. Boris Johnson has just visited Cwmbran; we in Wales have a 'stay at home'; not sure if Boris Johnson's visit to Wales is 'essential'.

15.02.21 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
Almost 785,000 (one in 4 people) have received the vaccines. We hit our first milestone ahead of time. Priority groups 5 and 6 is our next milestone at the same time as delivering the 2nd vaccination ie people 65-69, people 16-64 with an underlying health condition, young adults in residential care settings and unpaid carers. We will include local pharmacies. Supply - will slow, and pick up again in March. Groups 5-9 by the end of April.

We hope foundation school children to restart next Monday. 7-day average is below 100 per 100,000 for the first time in months. There are new and more infectious strains; the Kent variant is most dominant. 13 cases of the South African variant. Recovery: low cost steroid dexamethasone reduces death by 1/3 in severely respiratory complications.

12.02.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Dr Sally Lewis
Wales was one of the first countries in the world to start vaccinating. 66 days later we have reached our first milestone: we have vaccinated all 4 priority groups, front line workers, care homes and vulnerable people. > 758,000 people have had their 1st dose of vaccine.
10.02.21 Andrew Goodall,
Chief Executive of NHS Wales
c. 110 cases per 100,000 people. Situation is precarious. We have 4 levels of escalation. Today there are 8 hospitals reporting levels 3 and 4. There are c. 2,200 COVID related patients in hospitals. 84 people in critical care with Coronavirus out of a total of 177. We've now opened a number of field hospitals.

Up to now, around 175,000 people hve been tested positive; 30,000 across Wales admitted to hospitals. We need a clear plan to resume normal services. There is a backlog of referrers and demands. Workforce: staff have worked under extreme pressures; stresses and strains on their physical and mental health. We need to support them

08.02.21 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
604,000 have received the vaccine. 43 mass vaccination centres and > 400 GP clinics and 38 hospitals offering vaccines. Discussions with faith leaders will happen from tomorrow. The vaccine does not contain pork products and is safe for all minority and faith communities. We're considering making it available in mosques and Asian and ethnic communities. 115 cases per 100,000; in Ceredigion it is 56 cases per 100,000. Positivity rate is down to 10%. The R number is between 0.7 and 0.9. Number of people with confirmed Coronavirus in hospitals is the lowest since 8th November. The lockdown we're in is not easy for anyone. Wales has had more deaths than China.
05.02.21 Kirsty Williams,
Education Minister
Dr Chris Jones,
Deputy Chief Medical Officer
Half a million people have been vaccinated in Wales. Education. Relaxing the restrictions is limited, even though the R number is under 1. Case numbers, positivity rates are decreasing over the last few weeks. 127 cases per 100,000 today. After half term (22 February) foundation learners will start to return to schools. Children of critical workers and vulnerable learners as well as those taking exam and assessments, and those in special schools will continue their schooling. Small numbers of vocational pupils, including apprentices, will also return. Again, this is due to difficulties with remote learning. There will be twice weekly testing for staff members, and financial support for face coverings, and we're providing an additional £5M to keep remises safe. Plea to parents outside schools to keep their distance etc.
03.02.21 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
462,000 have had their 1st vaccination. Last week we vaccinated more people than the other 3 nations of the UK. More people are also receiving their 2nd dose. The South African Strain of Coronavirus is one of 3 strains of concern. The other two originated in Brazil. More than 25,000 genetic sequencing was done in Wales last year - one of the highest in the world. 13 cases of the South African variant have been found in Wales. Public Health Wales is carrying out a detailed and forensic investigation into every one. The Kent Strain is still the dominant strain in Wales. 3rd week in February - our next review. Number positive - 125 per 100,000; England is 280.
01.02.21 Eluned Morgan
Minister for Mental Health,
and the Welsh Language
416,000 (13% of the pop.) have reiceived vaccine, and all care homes have been offered the vaccine. 80% mental health issues start in childhood; we've increased support over the epidemic; today we're investing 9.4 million to support children and young people; £4 million will be for mental health and wellbeing in schools. The rest will be for young people in the community, counciling etc. 4.6% are in unemployment.

www.welshforparents launched today. Prison Berwyn - not happy that people are not allowed to speak Welsh there. We will contact the Home Office immediately. The National Library of Wales Budget. The process is ongoing, and we will look into the matter.

29.01.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
We have vaccinated 362,000 people: over the last week one every 5 second. We have more than 400 GP practices vaccinating, 34 centres and 17 hospitals are vaccinating. This means we are in front of the other 3 nations of the UK. We are seeing steady falls in the numbers with Coronavirus: only 175 cases per 100,000 people today, but that is still high. The highly contagious Kent strain is now dominant in Wales. There are 1,300 people in hospitals very ill with CV and a similar number recovering. We will therefore remain in lockdown for a further 3 weeks. 2 small changes today: from tomorrow 2 people from different households will be able to exercise together. Secondly, people will be able to change their support bubble due to change in circumstances.

We hope children will return after half term (22 February) starting with the youngest pupils; same with students, in a phased and flexible return. Business funding package; we need to ensure that the Furlough scheme does not come to and end. "I have told the UK Government that they are doing the least they can get away with rather than the most needed to be done. I think they have done the minimum this week..."

27.01.21 Frank Atherton
and Dr Rob Walford
Starting to see improvement: 7-day case rate is around 200 per 100,000 - a third of what it was two weeks before Christmas. Case positivity rate is around 14% and the R number is between 0.7 and 0.9. We're still not out of the woods - especially as far as NHS Wales is concerned, but some signs of stabilisation. Critical care is also stable. Vaccinated 313,000 people (just under 10% of the population). On course. Restrictions: 21 day review will be given on Friday; if we relax our measures too soon, we know the Coronavirus will shoot up. Mutations rise naturally; as a results 1000s of mutations have risen. Kent variant have made it more contagious and possibly more deadly. It is now 50% through Wales; there have been 10 cases of the African variant. Thanks to Public Health Wales, percentage of samples sequenced in Wales is the highest globally.
25.01.21 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
Almost 271,000 people have had their first dose of the vaccine; 8.7% of the population in 7 weeks. Vaccination is our no. 1 priority. Have we vaccinated 70% of the care home population? We don't have the data back, yet, more than 70% of care home workers have been vaccinated. Many vaccination centres and GP clinics were closed over the weekend due to snow. We have 329 GP practices now offering vaccines. From tomorrow we shall be publishing new data such as how many vaccines we have received. Cwm Taf Health Board's Maternity Centre's independent report. 160 cases between Jan 2016 and Sept 2018, involving women who needed urgent care.
22.01.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
By yesterday over 212,000 people have received the COVID vaccine. More people vaccinated than have tested positive for Coronavirus. We're on target with vaccination. Cases are falling: from over 650 before Christmas to 270 cases per 100,000 people (100 points lower than last week). These are still very high rates; c. 16% of tests are coming back positive. 90% of tests (tests, trace. protect) are done in one day. Next review of restrictions (the '3-week review) is next week. Critical care remain under enormous pressure. We are closely monitoring 4 variants of the virus. Our 1st priority is children and young people. Next week we will review package of support for businesses; next week a further £200 million will be made available to support businesses. We have so far committed 2 billion pounds. 1.7 billion has already reached those businesses. This is the most generous business package throughout the UK.
20.01.21 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
Vaccination is our number one priority. No vaccines are being held back; we're vaccinating as fast as possible. The Pfizer vaccine was introduced 6 weeks ago. Almost 176,000 have had their first dose of the vaccine. 7 people vaccinated every minute in Wales. >5% of the pop has been vaccinated. A week ago I published our vaccination strategy. Good progress in our 1st milestone (to be reached by mid Feb): front line health and care staff, everyone living and working in care homes, everyone over 70 and all those shielding (130,000). 28 vaccinations centres are open today; > 100 GP surgeries providing vaccines, which will rise to over 250 in the next fortnight; developing vaccination centres - 9 out of 10 are open 7 days a week.

Supplies of the Asta Zenica vaccine - we expect double the amount this week as we had in the first fortnight of AZ being made available. We're vaccinating almost a 1,000 care homes residence every day. We have a very low wastage rates in Wales: only around 1% of vaccines have not been used. Long Covid: today we're launching a new bilingual app which advises long term COVID users. We're starting to see a fall in the COVID incidence rate is below 300 cases per 100,000 people.

The 3 Conservative members of the Senedd have not been suspended for drinking (alcohol) together at the Senedd bar, against the regulations, the one Labour member has been suspended. There is an ongoing Senedd inquiry into the accusations.

18.01.21 Kirsty Williams
Health Minister
Higher education and universities. Much disruption over the year. The majority of students are working from home. Financial pressures on students: accommodation and unable to access part time jobs. All universities have now offered refunds to all students in halls of residence. Today Welsh Government offer $40 million to universities to support students facing financial hardship. It is in addition to £40 million which went to universities earlier this year. Tuition fees: unis have employed additional staff to teach online. Students should have a quality package from the universities; if not they should approach the universities directly. Private rental accommodation: if the student is in hardship, then they can claim from our new fund.

We're not holding vaccinations back. Last week there were 22 mass centres; next week there will be 45.

15.01.2021 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
This week we passed some very sobering milestones. The number of Coronavirus patients double the peak in the 1st wave. The number of people in critical care with Coronavirus is almost the same as the number of beds we have normally. And this weak we passed 5,000 deaths. We will put into the law the measures (re retail) currently set out in guidance. For example, all retailers will need signs to help, sanitizers available, systems to limit the number of people in the store at any one time. Workplaces: It will be a legal requirement for all business to carry out a Covid risk assessments eg social distancing, face covering, ventilation measures, ppe and that the maximum number of people work from home. But there are improvements to be seen all over Wales.

Pharmacies will begin to vaccinate in the next few days, and some pharmacists will also help at mass vaccination sites. International travellers, from this week, arriving at Cardiff airports will have to have a pre-departure test. Rate now 365 per 100,000.

13.01.21 Frank Atherton,
Chief Medical Officer of Wales
Andrew Goodall,
Encouraging signs that the virus is stabilising in Wales; but we must still be cautious. The rate is 410 per 100,ooo people. Particularly high rates in Wrexham and Flintshire. Rate of positive tests has dropped from 1 in 4 to 1 in 5. 101,000 have had their vaccine. Yesterday the number of deaths past 5,000. We still have concerns at the NHS: the numbers admitted to hospital is 2,870 COVID-19 related patients - double the peak we experienced in April. 1/3 beds are for COVID-19 patients. Critical care: 150 people with COVID-19; highest level in the 2nd wave. Average age in critical care is 59, and twice as many men than women. We are on 152% critical care normal capacity: we do this by opening more cc beds. Commitment of all staff is incredible.
11.01.21 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
Today I'm publishing our vaccination plan. We aim to vaccinate 2.5 million adults by late autumn. By yesterday, more than 86,000 people had their 1st dose. The plan set out today have 3 milestones, but depends on Wales receiving our share of vaccination. We have > 250,000 vaccines of the Pfizer vaccine. The Pfizer vaccine is mainly given to front line and care homes resident staff and older people. We had 7 centres in December, today we have 22 centres and will increase to 25 centres in the next few weeks. We received 44,000 doses of the Ox-AstraZenica vaccine and assurance that this will be increased rapidly. It is being used in care homes and the over 80s; more than 100 GP practices will also be delivering the vaccines, increasing to 250 GP practices by the end of this month.
08.01.21 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
We have been in lockdown since 1 week before Christmas; the rest of the UK have since followed and are now also in lockdown. Rate on Monday was 440 cases per 100k people and today is 460: the virus is therefore increasing. More than 2,700 Coronavirus related patients are in hospitals and there are 143 people with Coronavirus in critical care - the highest at any moment of the pandemic. We will now strengthen Level 4 measures in 3 areas: supermarkets and retailers, the workplace and in schools and colleges. Until 29th January, most young people will work online; children of critical care workers will continue to have face to face learning and child care.

A minority still knowingly break the rules; in these case action will be taken. The police have had thousands of people, stopped hundreds of cars and issued over 300 fines; this will now be stepped up. Around 50,000 people have received their vaccine; today we have 22 vaccination centres, and this will increase to 35. At start of next week 75 GP practices will be vaccinated, and up to 250 by the end of the month. All front line ambulance staff will have been vaccinated by next week. On Monday we shall publish daily vaccination figures. Wales has been supplying other parts of the Uk with PPE; we have never ran out of PPE. Our ttp (testing) is the most successful in the UK.

06.01.21 Frank Atherton,
Chief Medical Officer of Wales
Andrew Goodall,
Situation is still very serious; incidence is still high (480 on a 7-day average) due to population mixing and the severity of the new strain which identified firstly in London and the S-E of England. Slide of 2 maps. There are clusters in Wales eg N-E. The new strain spreads more easily, but is no worse than the other strain. We, like the other 3 nations, are now on Level 5. NHS under pressure; the number of people admitted to hospital with Coronavirus (almost 2,800) has increased; 4% higher than last week. 1/3 beds are COVID related. 140 people in critical care. More important than ever to follow the rules, guidance and legal requirements we have in Wales: 1. a legal requirement to stay at home 2. really importantly we don't mix outside household 3. social distancing and 4. test and isolate.
04.01.21 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
5 days ago we received news of a 2nd vaccine for use in the UK. The Oxford-AstraZeneca will be 1st used today in Wales... and we have received 22,000 doses. The new strain continues to spread through Wales, but as can be seen on this chart, things have improved since Christmas. Rates fallen from 636 cases per 100,000 people on 17 December to 446 cases per 100,000 people today; still too high. Testing positivity is around 25%. There are almost 2,700 people with Coronavirus symptoms in Welsh hospitals; 208 patients in critical care today, more than half with Coronavirus: very close to the peek in Spring last year. 35,000 people have been vaccinated in the last 3 weeks - mainly health care staff; we have 13 vaccination centres. [Some] over 80s and care home residents have also been vaccinated. Over the next weeks the number of vaccination centres will be increased to 22 and more than 60 GP practice surgeries and mobile units; we will also take the new vaccine into every care home. We have plans to use dentists and pharmacists.
21.12.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Dr Chris Jones
Deputy Chief Medical Officer
A new mutated strain of the virus has been identified; it is more infectious and is moving quickly in Wales. The new strain is easily transmitted from person to person. Mainly in London and the Midlands. Wednesday last week, there were 10 cases. The new variant are in 60% of the cases in Wales. Today, 623 people with symptoms per 100,000 people. NHS and front line staff are stretched to the limits. Over this weekend alone, Public Health Wales reported more than a 100 deaths.

Yesterday (Sat), the Welsh Government Cabinet met, and we took immediate action to bring forward the alert level for restrictions. We extended the business fund by an extra £110 million and £180 million for hospitality etc. All retailers will be able to offer click and collect services. We're in Tier 4 restrictions since 12.00 pm yesterday. Over 600 of the new variant, and this is a significant understatement. Our modelling is done by Swansea University.

16.12.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Announcement of tighter restrictions and full lockdown (Level 4) from 28th December. 1 in 5 people are testing positive. Number of people in hospitals with Coronavirus has risen to record levels: more than 2,100 people. 98 people with Coronavirus in intensive care. All non-essential retail and services (+ leisure and fitness centres) will close at end of trading on Christmas eve. All hospitality venues will close at on Christmas Day. On 28th, at the end of the 5-day Christmas period, tighter restrictions on household mixing, holiday accommodation and travel will come into force. £340 million will be made available to help businesses into the new year. Everyone should work from home, if they can do so. Local authorities now need to make decisions at to their services: libraries, recycling centres etc. We now will strengthen the enforcement of the Coronavirus regulations. Here in Wales, the advise is for only 2 households should come together to form an exclusive Christmas bubble for the 5-day Christmas period.

Vaccination will continue. In January we will start using the rapid results test. An extended (single) household can join the two household over the 5-day Christmas period.

11.12.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Situation very serious indeed. Number of Coronavirus related patients in hospitals is over 1,900, rising. At this rate there will be 2,500 people in hospitals by Christmas day. Yesterday Health Minister agreed that health boards can postpone some appointments and procedures. All schools and colleges will revert to online learning by Monday. Hubs of children to open of vulnerable and children of essential workers. Outdoor attractions to close as from today. 4 alert levels; today we are on level 3; traffic light is red: high. If these measures do not succeed then its inevitable that we will move to level 4 just after Christmas. Message is simple: don't mix with people out of your household. Brexit: The UK must strike a deal; a no deal exit will be disastrous for Wales; we're more exposed than almost any other part of the UK.
09.12.2020 Frank Atherton,
Chief Medical Officer of Wales
We're in a very serious situation; it's happening quicker than anticipated. All-Wales figures: 21 / 22 local authorities rising; almost 350 per 100,000 people affected; in 10 areas the rate is > 400. It's affecting all age groups. Serious pressures on the NHS: hospitals, ambulances and intensive care. Yesterday, > 1800 Coronavirus related cases in hospitals; 1100 confirmed cases. 77 patience in intensive care (a decrease on yesterday). Good news: yesterday we started vaccinating almost 1500 people. We don't know how long the vaccination lasts. Relaxation of rules over 5 day period (joint 4-nation decision). Personally, I won't be going to any pubs or restaurants or visit any of my children or family.
07.12.2020 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
Impact on NHS. The situation is very serious; health service is under considerable and sustained pressure, due to the numbers being admitted to hospitals. Per 100,000 people, (7-day incidence rate) the rates of infection are: all-Wales rate is 70 points higher than Friday. There are local authorities with > 400 cases, and > 500 in Blaenau Gwent and > 600 in Neath Port Talbot. There is today a record numbers in hospitals. >1800 Coronavirus related patients in hospitals; highest number ever recorded; 400 more than the peak in April. Almost 1000 confirmed cases; a quarter will be in hospitals for over 3 weeks. We strengthened our restrictions on Friday. We may need to take further actions to reduce the infection rate. The Health service has more working staff than at any other period in history. Payments to those with Coronavirus. Conservatives this week are asking us to lift the restrictions.

Vaccination: discussions happening on care homes. Brexit: medication - arrangements, much by UK Gov, expecting to fly them in. It's a hugely unwelcome distraction in the NHS. Schools: closing schools causes real harm to children.

04.12.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
We have plans to begin vaccinating from Tuesday of next week. However, the position today is very serious. 2/3 of our local authorities have 7-day incidence rate of 150 cases per 100,000 people. In two places, that number is over 400 cases. Rates are rising. % of positive tests increasing. R number = between 1 and 1.1. Record number of Coronavirus patients in hospital; NHS Wales under sustained pressure: ambulances now at a critical level. We must act now: from 6.00 pm restrictions will apply: no alcohol will be served after 6.00pm. We are providing a £340 million package for businesses. Health and social care staff will now have rapid testing twice a week. We have agreed that over Christmas, those living alone will be allowed to have a single carer / family member in addition to the 3 households coming together, here in wales. We strongly advise people not to travel to England or overseas.
02.12.2020 Dr Frank Atherton
Dr Gill Richardson.
Dr Frank Atherton, Chief Medical Officer and Dr Gill Richardson, Chair of Covid-19 Vaccine Programme Board. Pandemic: wide circulation of the virus; just over 1500 new cases yesterday, and we had 51 further deaths. Rate of transmission, in all health boards increasing. Fire-break was successful, but the rate of spread has now crept up: from 160 cases per 100,000 people to 226. Hence the new restrictions as of Friday.

Vaccines: normally takes 10 years to produce a vaccine. There are currently 4 vaccines under consideration by us: 1) Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE, 2) Moderna and 3) Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. A fourth is being trialled at Phase 3 in Cardiff and a 5th is recruiting participants in the North. The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has been approved for use in the UK and will need to be stored at ultra low temperatures (under -70C). UK Government has ordered 10s of millions of the Pfizer/BioNTech and the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, and we will be offering these, initially, to first line workers, the over 80s and then care homes. Potential side effects: sore arm, raised temperature; from the studies serious side effects are rare.[2]

30.11.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Further restrictions: hospitality. Unless we act now, the scientific and medical advice is that the numbers in hospital by 12 January could rise to 2,200, and 1,000 - 1,700 preventable deaths could occur over the winter period. On Friday, the 7-day incidence rate was 187 cases per 100,000 people; today it is almost 210 cases. Over the weekend, the cabinet agreed with the following measures, which come into effect 6pm on Friday 6 January. Bars, pubs, restaurants will close by 6pm and will not be allowed to serve alcohol. Also indoor entertainment venues such as cinemas, bowling alleys, bingo halls, amusements arcades etc. + museums, galleries will close; outdoor attractions can remain open. No changes to any other regulations e.g. travel, number of households you can meet. Cross-border travel still not allowed for leisure. Welsh Government will provide £180 million assistance specifically for tourist, leisure and hospitality businesses; that is in addition to financial support by the UK Government. Grants linked to the numbers employed, available through Business Wales.[3]
27.11.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Over the last 7 days we have seen the Coronavirus rise again. There was a steep fall in cases after at the end of the Firebreak. 187 cases per 100,000 of the population, rising. The R number has now risen from under 1 to around 1.4; the ground we gained is being eroded. The hospitals are under sustained pressure. Christmas: relaxing the restrictions will happen, with 3 families allowed to meet. We now need to use the coming weeks to reduce the spread of Coronavius: targeted action, not a national lockdown. We will build upon SAGE advice. Cinemas and other venues will close. Hospitality - measures will come into force from next week. There will be a major financial package to the hospitality industry. The arrangements will be nationally. Non-essential retail: hairdressers, gyms, leisure centres etc. will continue to operate, as now. Hospitality: Welsh Government will discuss over the weekend whether places close at 6.00pm. UCAC has called for schools to close on 11 December; however it is important for schools to work right up to Christmas.

Pubs: we've always had a different system in Wales. In lots of places in England, pubs are closed completely. We in Wales serve alcohol up to 10.00pm.[4]

23.11.2020 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
Overall the 7-day incidence is 175 cases per 100,000 people. Rate for Blaenau Gwent, Caerffili and Newport has risen. Over 25 year olds have also risen (see slide); it fell over the firebreak, but has now started to increase; however, the over 75s age group is falling. Merthyr Tydfil is a pilot for Coronavirus testing. Care homes - just under half of care homes have not reported any incidences. Around 225 million ppi items have been handed to social care since March + extra funding, staffing, funding... Today we're announcing 1) tests (similar to the ones in Merthyr Tydfil) with results in 20 minutes 2) providing more space for visits (pods) to homes, worth £3 million. We are discussing household mixing, in advance of Christmas, similar to Scotland.
20.11.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Impact of the Firebreak. Slide shows how quickly the Coronavirus has fallen. 7-day case incidence has fallen to 160 cases per 100,000 people. Blaenau Gwent is now the highest in Wales. Merthyr has fallen from 770 to 250 cases per 100,000. Our fist mass testing in Merthyr will start over this weekend. R number a week ago was between 0.9 and 1.2. Number of people with Coronavirus has fallen 40% since the beginning of the Firebreak. Rate of hospital admissions with Coronavirus is stable; > 50 hospital wards full of Coronavirus. Deaths: NOS - 3,100 deaths this year. Christmas: all 4 nations working on a plan. In Wales, we plan first and announce the plans second.

The Chancellor is looking at freezing public sector pay to pay for the pandemic: I hope this is not true. Costs should not be placed on e.g. teachers and is wrong. Freeze on wages means that these people would not therefore spend money and thus stimulate the economy. If this happens, we will face very difficult dilemmas, but they will be dilemmas of the UK Governments making. My message to the Chancellor is: don't go down that path.

18.11.2020 Andrew Goodall,
Yesterday, Public Health Wales reported 705 new cases of Coronavirus. Overall, we're seeing a fall in the rate, since the end of the Firebreak. Over the last month, there were 532 deaths. We have 4 levels of escalation in the NHS; today 18 hospitals are reporting levels 3 and 4 - the highest levels of pressure. Hospital admission: 1,654 COVID related patients: 8% higher than last week. 62 people in critical care: lower than a week ago. 25% of those admitted with COVID-19 will be still in hospital in 21 days or more. The NHS remains open for essential treatment and emergencies, and routine care. Outpatients numbers are a third lower than their normal level; waiting lists are increasing.

First mass testing in Wales will be in Merthyr Tydfil over the weekend. R rate = between 0.9 and 1.2.

16.11.2020 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
Downward trend continues; 7-day incidence rate is 160 cases per 100,000 people. Merthyr Tydfil: rate has halved. Mass testing has only been available since the summer. In the first 2 weeks of November Public Health Wales have recorded more than 250 deaths from Coronavirus. This is why we're taking action. Difference between COVID-19 and flu. > 1.3 million people across the world have died. We still don't know if people can be immune. Death rate is much higher than flu. Care homes: Lighthouse Labs - an improvement; we also use our own labs, and free PPI is guaranteed to care homes.
13.11.2020 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
No reduction in the percentage of people dying of Coronavius: number of cases were rising until the last few days. 170 cases per 100,000. Ceredigion cases numbers rising, due to a care home. Too early to see the impact of the Firebreak. Contact tracing is organised by us in Wales: service is locally run, and we have contacted 9 out of 10 contacts received from people who have been infected. Announcing today a new surge team, and £15.7 million for this; 1,300 contact tracers and advisers to identify new hotspots and contact infected people.

There are examples whereby the initial positive test by Lighthouse Labs (UK based) have been overturned by Public Health Wales' 2nd test, and this happens at a level well above the level recommended by Welsh Government technical advisers. We do regularly take up issues on false positives with the UK Dept of Health regarding accuracy of the tests run by the Lighthouse Labs programme. Accuracy is very important.[5]

11.11.2020 Kirsty Williams,
Education Minister
No end of year exams, instead there will be teacher managed assessments. Universities: we have agreed that students will be able to return home at the end of the term, for Christmas break. We are arranging mass testing of students and staff at our universities. If you have symptoms, or have been asked to do so, don't travel. Students studying out of Wales will also be allowed to return home.
9.11.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Over the weekend new quarantine rules have been introduced for people coming in from Denmark, following the discovery of a new, mutated strain of COVID-19 in mink. Firebreak has been 17 days, and difficult for everyone. We have further strengthened our test, trace, protect by supporting our local teams and opening our 3 Welsh laboratories. We have brought forward our field hospital capacities in Ysbyty Seren in Cwm Taf Morgannwg, Ysbyty Selwyn in Carmarthenshire, the Deeside Field hospital and the Grange University will open on 17 December. There are early signs that numbers of people are staying at home, and the number of cases has fallen down from 250 cases per 100,000 to just 220 cases. Hospital admissions >1,400 - which is higher than in April. From today, national restrictions will replace the firebreak restrictions, and these will be reviewed in 2 weeks.

Other governments: Cabinet Office have said that they would like weekly engagements with us. As Firebreak comes to an end, targeted action / local restrictions are possible in the future, working with local health teams. TTP: contact tracing: 38% testing are done in 24 hours. Further investment will be announced later this week. The Conservative party has voted against the Regulations; very odd to hear them now calling for further restrictions.[6]

6.11.2020 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
We're about to start the final weekend of out Firebreak period. Latest info: 1,272 new confirmed cases (PHW). NOS survey suggests that 1 person out of 110 had Coronavirus (CV) in the last week in October. High rates in Merthyr Tydfil, Rhondda Cynnon Taf and Blaenau Gwent. 252 cases per 100,000 people. This week NHS admissions past the April peak point: the numbers by now have fallen slightly. Currently 1,365 people with CV in hospitals - 169 higher than last week. Our NHS, however, is not overwhelmed.

Test, trace and protect (NHS Wales) - national surge team, deployed when numbers rise sharply. Also we're releasing the £500 self isolation payments and piloting new testing technology. 39% testing done in 24 hours; 90% of our testing is done in 48 hours. We are still not satisfied with the Lighthouse testing and will continue to do our own Public Health Wales testing.

5.11.2020 Ken Skates,
Economy Minister
The Welsh Government's Support Package for Businesses is the most generous anywhere in the UK, and worth more than 1.7 billion pounds. Our economic Resilience fund has helped 17,000 businesses across Wales and has helped to protect more than 100,000 jobs: phase 3 (worth £300 million) started last week. Details on other funds available by Welsh Government e.g. to individuals. Furlough is now available until March 2021.
4.11.2020 Eluned Morgan,
Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing
1200 additional cases today. Public Health Wales today: 44 new deaths. In Wales, we spend more on mental health than on any other aspect of the NHS: £700 million per year. 67% tests go through Loughthouse Labs which have not been as successful as the NHS Wales approach to testing. Our test, track and trace are also significantly better than England.
3.11.2020 Andrew Goodall,
How Coronavirus is effecting the NHS. Today: 1,275 Covid related patience in hospitals: the highest since April. There are 57 people in critical care units. 16,000 have been admitted to hospitals with CV. Rates highest in Cwm Taf. Non-CV patients are now being admitted. Day care admission in September increased by 160% as compared with April. Out patients higher. Primary care services in GP practices and pharmacies have been open all year round. 300,000 people since March have seen their dentist.
2.11.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Unexpected lockdown announcement by the Prime Minister yesterday. The English lockdown has an impact on Wales; we will be coming out of our firebreak as England begins its month long lockdown. It's really important that Wales doesn't become an escape by people seeking to circumvent the new tighter restrictions imposed by the PM, in England. When the fire break comes to an end on the 9th, there will be restrictions in place. We need to do the minimum, not the maximum possible. From the 9th Nov, two households will be able to join together in a bubble. Up to 15 people will be able to take part indoors, and 30 outdoors. Schools will reopen in full and all business premises will reopen. There will be no travel restrictions within Wales, but there will be travel restrictions from outside Wales. We have over 1000 beds in hospitals.

Furlough: unfair that when we asked for flexible... it wasn't possible, yet when England went into lockdown, that flexibility was found. The Treasury is the treasury for the whole of the United kingdom, and not just one part of it. Travel for work is acceptable if essential over the border. Visitors in England can not travel to Wales, as the measures in England do not allow them to come to Wales.

26.10.2020 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
Today we start the first full week of the firebreak period here in Wales. This weekend has been dominated by what can and what can't be sold in supermarkets. One supermarket told a woman that she couldn't buy period products; this is simply wrong! Supermarkets can sell the everyday items that we need, but there are some items not to be sold for the next two weeks. These are items that high street shops, currently closed, can not sell at the moment.

There have been 43,000 cases of Coronavirus since the start of the pandemic in March. Last week 60 people died. We have the highest number of people in hospitals with Coronavirus since June.

23.10.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
This evening we will begin the 2 week firebreak period (Welsh: "Clo Bach"). The law requires everyone to stay at home and work from home where possible. All nonessential shops, leisure, hospitality and tourism are shut. Number of deaths: 45 this week. The number in hospital has doubled since the start of this month. There are 47 people in critical care, which has doubled in one week. This week, we've held a press briefing every day. The UK Treasury: yet to see a reply from the UK Chancellor. We shall take measures today to help people during the firebreak period, as no reply has been received, with Welsh money.
22.10.20 Kirsty Williams,
Education Minister
Thursday. Firebreak comes in tomorrow and will have an impact on education. Primary and special schools will open as normal, as will years 7 and 8 in secondary schools. Others, as well as students, will work from home. School attendance = constant at 87%. Confirmed cases at schools: 74% with no cases. We are gathering information on annual exams, and will provide an update on 10 November. We are looking at options which will allow students in other countries of the UK to return home.
21.10.20 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
Latest figures: 895 Covid related cases, that's up 26% from same time last week - highest since June; 43 in critical care - 72% higher since last week. Virus is moving from younger age group to older age group. R number = between 1.1 and 1.4. Firebreak will start this Friday. Hospital infections. Staff test results in care homes - some are taking two weeks to come back - this is due to failures in the UK Lighthouse Labs; we are therefore doing our own (Public Health Wales) tests. Only 50% of care homes have faith in the Government.
20.10.20 Ken Skates,
Economy Minister
Economic measures to help businesses. The First Minister has written again to the Chancellor to asking him to pay furlough over this lockdown period in Wales. HMRC will not share their data with us, so we can not administer or give money, instead of the UK Government. Businesses will therefore need to apply to for different grants, rather than our suggestion: one grant.
19.10.20 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Monday. We have held discussions over the weekend, as virus spreads rapidly across Wales. If we don't act, our NHS could be overwhelmed and more people would die. Decision is to introduce a 2-week firebreak period starting at 6pm Friday this week, and will include the half term and end on the 9th November. Between Friday 23 October and 9th Nov, everyone in Wales will be required to stay at home: working from home, unless you are critical workers. All tourism businesses, non-essential retail, places of worship, recycling centres, libraries etc. will close. Childcare, primary Schools and Year 7 and 8 secondary schools will remain open; other students to work from home. Students to stay in their uni accommodation. No gatherings with people you don't live with, other than single parents and people who live alone.

There will be a financial package to support businesses; we've created an extra fund of almost £300million. The £80million announced last week to increase to £100 million. I wrote to the Chancellor on Friday to ask him to give businesses early access to the newly expanded job support scheme from Friday of this week.

Critical workers will be allowed to cross the border with England. Visitors{ evidence does show that people traveling bring in Coronavirus. We therefore ask people not to travel into Wales.[7]

16.10.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
In just a few weeks Coronavirus has spread to all parts of Wales. We are facing a very serious situation. Th R number is 1.4 and c. 2500 people are getting infected every day. We are still in a better place in Wales than any other part of the UK. Yesterday we had 800 people in hospitals with CV. We are looking at introducing a time limited 'fire break', also known as a 'circuit breaker'. This could slow down the spread. A short, sharp, shock to the virus. We are considering a two or three week fire break. We will report the outcome of our discussions on Monday. Doing nothing is not an option.

Cross border travel: I received a letter from the PM (Boris Johnson): he does not agree that people shouldn't travel to Wales. The fewer journeys we make, the safer we are. Keeping schools is a top priority. Testing by UK Lighthouse Labs: results take 4 days: equipment falls down etc. We saw an improvement in volume of tests last week. But turnaround times need to be improved.[8]

12.10.2020 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
We have seen Coronavirus move from East to West across the UK and from E to W across Wales. We have local measures in place, but these are not enough; this week we expect stronger measures in England. This morning the First Minister and myself joined the UK Cobra meeting. We potentially face a very difficult month ahead of us. The R number is estimated to be 1.3. The NHS estimates that 1/500 people have CV. There are > 330 in hospital with CV - 100 more than the previous week. CV has had more impact in low income bands. Welsh care homes (4th Oct): 127 cases in staff in over 1000 care homes.

We are considering a national lockdown: possibly a fire break. The First Minister and myself are very disappointed that the PM is still only giving guidance as to whether people in highly infected areas can travel across the border to Wales. We do understand that there has been infestation from England. It doesn't appear to be that there is a resolution on this with England, which would have been the right choice to make... Sadly the Prime Minister has chosen not to act. We did not get clarity this morning in the Cobra meeting that metrics are used how people move from one tier / level to another in England's traffic light system. Advice we're receiving from our own Chief Medical Officer is that the 3 tier traffic light system will not be enough to bring the R number below 1.

Welsh ministers will meet later on today to have legal advice; we do have public health powers. I'm disappointed that we haven't had a more definitive response from England on travel, as we know that travel does carry Coronavirus.

9.10.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Mental health and well-being. Now we allow children to take part in organised sports if these are outside their county boundaries. The numbers are: those admitted to hospitals are up, as well as the number dying. We can not yet relax restrictions. Awaiting to hear from the Treasury of the UK Gov that they will support those areas in Wales under lockdown. Our aim is to find out what is driving the numbers; where hospitality is the cause, then we will take action. We are collecting the number of cases from many places.

Q "This week the president of the USA retweeted criticism of the welsh government's approach with regards to lockdowns. Reaction?" A: "He said that If Biden was elected, then many people would be delighted, they had our levels of Coronavirus, if they had the health services we have here etc..."

"In many parts of the UK, things are getting worse. We are told that on Monday the UK Government will tighten restrictions in England, where the levels of the virus are higher than anywhere in Wales." People in English hotspots can still come over to Wales: when will that change? Yet to receive a response to my letter to the Prime Minister, which is very disappointing. We are preparing what action we will take; we shall wait to hear from UK Gov. We have the powers to stop people coming into Wales.[9]

6.10.2020 Frank Atherton, CMO Frank Atherton,
Chief Medical Officer of Wales. August: 2- 30 cases; yesterday we had 752. There is more testing, but also more transmission; that's why there are restrictions in 15 local authorities and Llanelli for the last 4 weeks. Some evidence that the restrictions are improving the picture. The resurgence of the virus was mainly in the younger generation.
5.10.2020 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
Over the last month Coronavirus has increased significantly. We have introduced new measures. Video by Sail databank, Swansea University. End of August: hardly any Coronavirus: as month goes on, CV spreads quickly, first south, then north. 8 out of 10 schools have not had the virus since start of Autumn term. General tips on how to avoid CV.

"The reason we asked UK Government to introduce travel restrictions is because we do know that travel does bring additional risks. We know that if people from Liverpool come (to Wales) and mix, in the same pub... We have quarantine restrictions for other countries, and we are considering the next steps."

2.10.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
For the 1st time since April: no major changes to the National regulations. 1 change regarding local restrictions: this is in order to prevent loneliness. We will now allow people who live alone to join up with one other household to create a temp bubble.

Cases have risen sharply since August. 350 new cases; 66 admitted to hospital and 21 in intensive care; after weeks of falling deaths, yesterday 6 deaths were reported. 66,500 tests in last week of September; signs last week that the Lighthouse Labs system is improving. 9 out of 10 are being traced and contacted.

Regarding my letter to the Prime Minister of the UK Government: "I've not had a reply to my letter... all I'm asking for is to put in place in England the rule we already have in Wales. If you're living in a restricted area in Wales, you can't travel to an area where Coronavirus remains low... and yet you can travel from an area in England where the figures are higher than any parts of Wales. I don't think that is sensible; and I've asked the Prime Minister to implement in England the same rule that we have here in Wales.

30.09.2020 Kirsty Williams,
Education Minister
Appeal to students not to meet outdoors (other than immediate household) or go out of the local authority area without a good reason. If you have symptoms, you must self isolate; don't go back home. Schools opened a month ago. Attendance constant at around 80%. Number of schools which have reported cases of COVID-19: 12,000 had no cases, 183 had 1 case, 47 had 2 cases and 22 had 3 or more cases.
28.09.2020 Ken Skates,
Economy Minister
We have secured more than 100,000 jobs through the first two phases, through the Economic Resilience Fund. Between Welsh Government direct support and the Development Bank of Wales we've come to the aid of 14,000 businesses. With local authority partners we've made >64,000 awards, providing almost £770 million support. We've pressed the UK Government to continue the furlough scheme. Last week the UK Chancellor listened to us. Today, a further £140 m to support businesses in Wales. Today we have 9 local authorities under restrictions will increase to 12.
25.09.2020 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
As from last night, all licensed places without table service (food) must stop serving alcohol at 10.00pm throughout Wales. Caerphilly was the first area to be placed under local restrictions: there, levels of Coronavius have fallen steadily, but as with Rhondda Cynon Taf, restrictions will remain. Llanelli is high, as is Swansea; there appear to be links with close household / family contacts. Also a steady increase in Cardiff and Glamorgan. Local restrictions will therefore be at Cardiff, Swansea and Llanelli. Cases in north Wales are much lower than the south. A new testing area has opened in Trefforest. Everyone must work at home, where possible.

The UK Government will not financially support places under restrictions in Wales. The app was rolled our across Wales and England yesterday. 50% of Wales is now under local restrictions. Students to be allowed into colleges from next week. Holidaying is not a reasonable excuse to travel.[10]

23.09.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Pubs, restaurants and other venues to stop serving alcohol at 11.00pm. Only 6 people (extended household) can meet indoors. Child care is a 'reasonable' reason to travel. No specific number, just like funerals. Now under lockdown, we are considering shielding. We have take a cautious approach here in Wales. So far, no evidence that visitors bring in the virus.[11]
21.09.2020 Vaughan Gething, Health Minister Updated info on Caerphilly County Burrough and Rhondda Cynon Taf. There has been, despite measures by local authorities, a rapid increase in Coronavirus in 4 other areas from 6.00pm on Tuesday in Bridgend, Blaenau Gwent, Merthyr Tydfil and Newport. Local restrictions will therefore be introduced: no traveling, unless for work or education. Only meet outdoors; no extended households. All pubs to close at 11.00pm.
18.09.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
This has been a sobering week as the Coronavirus has worsened across Wales. New restrictions came into force last night in the Rhondda Cynon Taf authority. Newport and Merthyr Tydfil under close watch. Position across Wales is complex, but rising. The R number is between 0.7 and 1.2. We're testing >9,500 people every day but the speed of the results is hampered by the well publicised problems caused by the UK Lighthouse Labs system. After many days with no deaths, Public Health wales yesterday reported 3 deaths due to Coronavirus. Today, Wrexham has a very low number of cases.

Numerous problems with UK wide testing system. "All these issues need to be discussed by the 4 governments working together. As far too often in this crisis that opportunity has not been there. Once again, I repeat my calls to the Prime Minister for proper engagement with the devolved Governments of the UK. In this most difficult week, there has been no meeting offered of any sort. Since the 28th of May, months ago now, there has been just one brief telephone call from the Prime Minister. I think that that is simply unacceptable... We need a regular, reliable rhythm of engagement... There is a vacancy at the heart of the United Kingdom."

"Very often we don't know what the word 'national' means in when used by the UK Government, to my reading of it they mean 'England' in that context." And some of the things they are contemplating, we are already doing on a national basis here in Wales.

14.09.2020 Vaughan Gething,
Health Minister
Due to BBC cuts, briefings will now happen 3 times a week. Parts of Wales which are of concern: restrictions were introduced at Caerphilly last week; other places of concern include Merthyr Tudfil, Rhondda Cynnon Taf, Newport. We know of cases from holiday travel. Cases are rising, overall: pattern is similar to that in early February. Either we take action now or we face full lockdown. From today face coverings must be worn in all public places; only six people from one extended home to meet indoors. Ongoing issues by Lighthouse Labs (UK Gov testing) and came to an end over this weekend. There are other issues at UK testing therefore we are using Welsh labs.

See also briefing of 11 September [12]

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31.7.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
The virus continues to be in decline in Wales; step by step, cautiously we can begin lifting the lockdown. For the next 3 weeks we shall relax restrictions on people meeting. (Following an earlier brieing on 10 July,)[13] From Monday, pubs, bars, venues will be able to reopen; distancing remains at 2 meter distance. Swimming pools, leisure centers and children's playgrounds will reopen. Indoors - half the cases in July were linked to indoor contacts. So, we are moving into the green light of our traffic light system. We will take action to enforce the legal requirements, when people's behaviour becomes a threat to people's health. We are working with our local authorities to enhance their powers to ensure that premises comply with the rules and requirements. My advice to those traveling over the border is to make sure they abide by the guidance we have in Wales. In Wales, we plan first and announce second.
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03.06.2020 Kirsty Williams,
Education Minister
It is now 77 days since we closed our schools. Schools will reopen 29 June. There will be a phased return, with around a 1/3rd pupils present at any one time. It will prepare pupils and staff for the new normal in September. Teachers will be a new group in our antibody testing. It will be a chance for pupils to prepare for the Summer holiday, and for September; this will support online learning.[14]
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10.05.2020 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
This evening, the Prime Minister has set out the minor changes in the lockdown rules in England, over the next 3 weeks. I set out the modest changes to the stay at home regulations here in Wales on Friday; these will come into force tomorrow afternoon. Here in Wales we will change the regulations so that people can exercise more often and allow garden centres to open if they can comply with social distancing regulations.

Our advise has NOT changed in Wales. Wherever you can, you should stay at home. If you need to leave home, for work, exercise or shopping, you should stay local and stay alert. The way we behave over the weeks ahead will continue to have a profound impact on our NHS and our ability to save lives.

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16.04.20 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister
Earlier this afternoon along with the First Ministers of Scotland and Northern Ireland I attended with the UK government a meeting of the Cobra committee. We each confirmed our decisions that the current restrictions on movement to protect the NHS, and so to save lives should continue for another three week. This is based on expert scientific analysis of the latest data on the corona virus outbreak right across the United Kingdom. Now I know that the last three weeks have been very difficult for many people.

I wanted to thank everyone in Wales for the way in which each of us has dealt with these very challenging circumstances. And while we have seen some positive signs in the data it is still too early to change course in dealing with this deadly virus. Many more lives are still at stake and too many families have already lost loved ones. Nevertheless the decision to extend the lockdown is not one that has been taken lightly; but I am clear that we cannot risk throwing away all the sacrifices we have made here in Wales over the last few weeks by lifting those restrictions too soon. That could mean more deaths and in the long run even greater impact on people's jobs and livelihoods. Our approach will continue to be driven by the best information and the best advice we can secure. We will go on taking the decisions that are right for Wales and at the right time so that together we go on protecting our NHS and so to save lives.

23.03.20 Mark Drakeford,
First Minister

Over the last few weeks we have asked everyone in Wales to make changes in the way we live our lives. We have asked you to stay at home. We've asked you to work from home if you can and not to travel unless it is absolutely necessary. We've done this to slow the spread of Coronavirus in Wales to save lives and to protect our NHS. But now we have to introduce more even tighter measures.

From now on all high street shops will be closed except those having food, pharmacies, banks, and post offices. Local NHS services including your GP will continue to be open, but all social events including weddings, baptisms and other ceremonies as well as gatherings of more than two people in public should not take place. Funerals will continue to be held, but only with closest family present. We are asking everyone to stay at home please, only go out once a day to shop for basic food if you have to, and to exercise close to home.

Everyone should now also work from home if you can. Now these are really big changes for all of us. We are making them because of the speed the virus is continuing to spread. Please help us to protect you and to save lives together. We can do this.


  1. Welsh Government / Llywodraeth Cymru account on You Tube. You Tube. Welsh Government / Llywodraeth Cymru. Retrieved on 3 December 2020.
  2. Live Covid-19: Welsh Government update 2 December 2020,, accessed 10 December 2020
  3. Live Covid-19: Welsh Government update 30 November 2020,, accessed 10 December 2020
  4. Live coronavirus updates as First Minister Mark Drakeford announces tough new hospitality restrictions. First Minister Mark Drakeford said new restrictions were needed as the R number had reached 1.4 and coronavirus infections were increasing again 27 November 2020,, accessed 10 December 2020
  5. Live Covid-19: Welsh Government update 13 November 2020,, accessed 10 December 2020
  6. Live Covid-19: Welsh Government update 9 November 2020,, accessed 10 December 2020
  7. Live Covid-19: Welsh Government update 19 October 2020,, accessed 10 December 2020
  8. Live Covid-19: Welsh Government update 16 October 2020,, accessed 10 December 2020
  9. Live Coronavirus in Wales: Updates on 9 October 2020, accessed 10 December 2020
  10. Live Covid: Welsh Government update 23 September 2020,, accessed 10 December 2020
  11. Live Covid: Welsh Government update 23 September 2020,, accessed 10 December 2020
  12. Live Covid-19: Welsh Government update "it is not inevitable things will worsen further" 11 October 2020,, accessed 10 December 2020
  13. Coronavirus: Welsh pubs and cafes to reopen indoors on 3 August 10 July 2020,, accessed 10 December 2020
  14. Live Coronavirus in Wales: Updates on Wednesday 3 June, accessed 9 December 2020