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Hi this is Kenneth Hong and this is my Wikipedia home page. I'm very active in wikipedia and I'm a Biotech student. My field covers the science of biology, genetics and cell metabolism. Specially i have studied subjects like, general biology, principle of biology, principle of genetics, metabolic chemistry, concept in chemistry,

My interest are varied and they mostly related to creativity. I love literary works and i enjoy most of my time imaginating ideas and thoughts which will become my work. My works of art can be found at DeviantArt user name kenplz.

   "The secret to really be sucessful is to think sucessfully"

Business Studies


Study tour takes Swinburne Sarawak students to top firms in KL, Bangkok and Singapore -

My reasearch on Malaysia Companies. [1]

Malaysian Public listed companies are starting to incorporate Intellectual Capital Management

[edit] - Writing good content for the web

Wikiusers that i like =
