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Hi, I'm Karma1998. I'm a law student, but I also like studying history, philosphy and theology. I joined Wikipedia in 2017.



I was born in Trieste on 25 June 1998, but I lived most of my life in Gonars, a village in the province of Udine. After completing middle school in Gonars, I have studied for five years at the Liceo linguistico "Caterina Percoto" in Udine, where I earned my secondary school diploma in August 2017. Since October 2017 I have been studying Law at the University of Trieste, where I currently live.

I am a Roman Catholic and I attend church in a Jesuit Parish of Trieste; I also attend church in the university chapel and, more sporadically, at the local church of Gonars. Despite Law being my faculty, I am also interested in the topics of philosophy, theology and history.

I am openly gay and I am currently in a relationship with another university student.

Important books I have read
