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Hi, I'm Norwegian and thus I mostly contribute on the Norwegian Wikipedia. After a friend, and fellow contributor on Wikipedia, made me aware that some articles were lacking photographs, I decided to create an account here and do something about it.

My Wikimages


My most recent images:

Pictures taken with a Nikon D60.

Pictures from in and around Tromsø:

Pictures from Drøbak:

Thanks to my ex girlfriend, Mogop med i, for lending me a Nikon D100 to get these pictures taken!

Concert pictures from Tromsø, taken while freelancing for Kulturnett Troms:

Most if not all of the concert pictures are taken with a Nikon of the CoolPix series.

All images in the gallery are my own works, and in the Public Domain. All images taken in Norway, unless stated otherwise.

Many more images are pending, but I've just gotta churn them trough Photoshop first ;o)