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The photographs pseudonym is Joshua, and taken from the dog, Joshua.


Upcoming projects



Upplands regemente
Pictures of the former infantry regiment Upplands regemente in Uppsala in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 12th of September 2012.

Upplands artilleriregemente
Pictures of the former artillery regiment Upplands artilleriregemente in Uppsala in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 3rd of May 2015.

Försvarets läroverk



Pictures of the former infantry regiment Älvsborgs regemente in Borås in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 29th of April 2014.



Pictures of the former infantry regiment Västernorrlands regemente in Sollefteå in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 31st of March 2013.



Pictures from the former Airforce wing Kungl. Södermanlands flygflottilj (Royal Södermanland Air Force Wing) in Nyköping, Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 27th of August 2012.



Pictures from the former Airforce wing Kungl. Hälsinge flygflottilj (Royal Häslinge Air Force Wing) in Söderhamn, Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 7th of April 2012.

See also



Pictures of fighters and attack aircrafts, outside Airforce wing Kungl. Skaraborgs flygflottilj (Royal Skaraborg Air Force Wing) located near Lidköping in western Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 31st of April 2012.



Pictures from the former Roslagens luftvärnsregemente in Norrtälje in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 25th of March 2012.





Pictures from the former Airforce wing Kungl. Svea flygflottilj (Royal Svealand Air Force Wing) in northwest of Stockholm in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 26th of October 2011 and 17th ofJune 2012.



Pictures from the former Airforce wing Kungl. Roslagens flygflottilj (Royal Roslagen Air Force Wing) in northeast of Stockholm in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 17th ofJune 2012.



Pictures of the former engineer regiment Svea ingenjörregemente (Svealand Engineer Regiment) outside Södertälje in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 20th of august 2011.



Pictures from Karlsborg Fortress and the former Airforce wing Royal Västergötland Air Force Wing (F 6) in Karlsborg in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 26th of July 2011



Pictures from the former Airforce wing Royal Västergötland Air Force Wing (F 6) in Karlsborg in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 28th of March 2009.

Uploaded with license


Pictures from the former Airforce wing Royal Västergötland Air Force Wing (F 6) in Karlsborg in Sweden. The pictures was created by Lena Ljungberg in November 2010 and uploaded with permission the 10th of August 2011.



Pictures of the former infantry regiment Värmlands regemente and former artillery regiment Bergslagens artilleriregemente in Kristinehamn in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 12th of February 2011.



Pictures of the former meeting and exercise place at Sannaed in Kumla, Sweden, for the former infantry regiment Livregementets grenadjärer and the existing cavalry regiment Livregementets husarer. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 29th of June 2010 and 10th of September 2011.





Pictures of the former Airforce wing Royal Västmanland Air Force Wing in Västerås in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 12th of May 2010



Pictures of the former infantry regiment Västmanlands regemente in Västerås in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 31st of August 2014.



Pictures of the former infantry regiment Hälsinge regemente in Gävle in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 7th of May 2010



Pictures of the former infantry regiment Dalregementet in Falun in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 6th of May 2010.



Pictures of the former infantry and later armored regiment Södermanlands regemente in Strängnäs in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 20th of May 2009.



Pictures of the former infantry regiment Livregementets grenadjärer in Örebro in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 23rd of May 2009.

Pictures of the former army corps Svea trängkår in Örebro in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 23rd of May 2009.



Pictures of Villingsbers skjutfält, a military training ground in Sweden. The pictures was created by Joshua06 the 21st July 2008.





Mixed pictures created by Joshua06 during 2010.



Mixed pictures created by Joshua06 during 2009.