User:Jheald/BL18C/batch 09 (GB county features)

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# Best guess Zoom Proposed file name Sysnum
Category:Old maps of
1 13 File:Gravesend Block-House and Parts adjacent with the Proposed Batteries marked in Yellow - Thomas Hyde Page, 1725 - BL Maps K.Top.16.56 (BLL01004977432).jpg 004977432

East Midlands
Category:Old maps of the East Midlands
2 14 File:RATÆ Coritanorum, 8. Sep, 1722 - William Stukeley, 1722 - BL Maps K.Top.19.6 (BLL01004875444).jpg 004875444
3 13 File:A NEW PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NOTTINGHAM from an Accurate SURVEY by Jn.o Badder & Tho.s Peat - Thomas Peat, 1744 - BL Maps K.Top.33.32 (BLL01004902884).jpg 004902884
Category:Old maps of Lincolnshire
4 13 File:Banovallum. Sept 1 1722 - William Stukeley, 1724 - BL Maps K.Top.19.28 (BLL01004860191).jpg 004860191
5 13 File:A Plan Of the Borough & Port of Boston, In the County of Lincoln - Robert Hall, 1742 - BL Maps K.Top.19.22 (BLL01004807112).jpg 004807112
6 13 File:The Ichonography of ye Lord Burghleys Hospital, as it stood Anno 1597 - 1785 - BL Maps K.Top.32.32.a (BLL01004936453).jpg 004936453
Category:Old maps of Northamptonshire
7 13 [[File:A Plan of the Forest of Whittlewood in the County of Northampton Surveyed by Order of the Commissioners of the Land Revenue appointed by Act of Parliament XXVI Geo III and laid down from a Scale of Ten Chains to an Inch by Richard Davis Land Surveyor 1787 - Richard Davis, 1787-1791 - BL Maps K.Top.32.5.3.TAB (BLL01004979976).jpg]] 004979976
8 13 File:A Plan of the Town of Kettering in Northamp-tonshire - Thomas Eayre, 1791 - BL Maps K.Top.32.9.a (BLL01004870406).jpg 004870406
9 14 File:A MAP of the parish of KELMARSH in the County of NORTHAMPTON - 1730-1790 - BL Maps K.Top.32.30.a (BLL01004869734).jpg 004869734
10 16 [[File:A Plan of the Gardens at Boughton in Northampton Shire, containing 110 Acres. One of the Seats of the most Noble John Duke of Montague, Earl of Montague, Viscount Mount Herman & Baron Montague of Boughton. L.d Lieutenant of the County of Northampton, and Custos Rotolorum & Ld Lieut.t of the County of Warwick. Captain of the Band of Gentlemen Petitioners. L.d Proprietor and Cap.t General of the Isles of St. Vincent and St. Luce. Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter, & Knight & Grand Master of the most hon.ble order of the Bath & F.R.S - W. H. Toms, 1740-1749 - BL Maps K.Top.32.16.1 (BLL01004807515).jpg]] 004807515
11 13 File:A Plan of Salcey Forest in the County of Northampton Surveyed by Order of the Commissioners of the Land Revenue appointed by Act of Parliament XXVI. Geo. IIIrd. by R. Davis 1787 - Richard Davis, 1787-1790 - BL Maps K.Top.32.5.2.TAB (BLL01004979974).jpg 004979974
12 15 File:The East View of HARROWDON MAGNA in the County of NORTHAMPTON one of the Seats of the Honourable S.r Thomas Wentworth Knight of the Bath - 1725-1728 - BL Maps K.Top.32.18 (BLL01004856721).jpg 004856721

East of England
Category:Old maps of the East of England
13 13 [[File:To The Right Honourable William, Earl of March & Ruglen, Vice Admiral of Scotland, one of the Lords of his Majestys Bed Chamber, Knight of the Most Antient & Noble Order of the Thistle &c. &c. This Plan of Newmarket, Is Humbly Inscribed By his Lordships Most Humble & Obedient Servant I. Chapman - J. Chapman, 1787 - BL Maps K.Top.8.74 (BLL01004898879).jpg]] 004898879
14 13 File:Plan of the Town of Newmarket, Surveyed by I. Chapman - J. Chapman, 1787 - BL Maps K.Top.8.75 (BLL01004898880).jpg 004898880
Category:Old maps of Bedfordshire
15 14 File:A Plan & View of the Buildings & Garden at Rest the Seat of his Grace The Duke of Kent in Bedfordshire - John Rocque, 1735 - BL Maps K.Top.7.11.a (BLL01004965309).jpg 004965309
16 14 File:A Plan & View of the Buildings & Garden at Rest the Seat of his Grace The Duke of Kent in Bedfordshire - John Rocque, 1737 - BL Maps K.Top.7.11.b (BLL01004965310).jpg 004965310
17 14 File:Ground Plott, Of A new Building at ye end of His Grace ye Duke of Kents Gardens in Bedfordshire An.o Dom.i. 1711 - 1711 - BL Maps K.Top.7.11.e (BLL01004965308).jpg 004965308
18 14 File:The Plan of his Grace the Duke of Kent's Garden Pavilion. = Plan D'un Nouveau Batiment au Iardin du Monseigneur le Duc de Kent - 1711 - BL Maps K.Top.7.11.f (BLL01004965311).jpg 004965311
Category:Old maps of Essex
19 13 File:Harwitsh - Bernard De Gomme, 1680 - BL Maps K.Top.13.15.2 (BLL01018241381).jpg 018241381
20 13 File:Harwith - Bernard De Gomme, 1680 - BL Maps K.Top.13.15.3 (BLL01004977515).jpg 004977515
21 13 File:A PLAN of LANDGUARD FORT with the TOWN and HARBOUR of HARWICH 1725 - 1725 - BL Maps K.Top.39.61 (BLL01004977516).jpg 004977516
22 13 File:PRESENT STATE of the NEW WORKS at LANDGUARD FORT - Jan.y 1781 - 1781 - BL Maps K.Top.39.63 (BLL01004977526).jpg 004977526
23 14 File:((Plan of part of the Marr Ditch at Purfleet)) - 1770 - BL Maps K.Top.13.48.c (BLL01004977441).jpg 004977441
24 14 File:((Plan of Ordnance Office buildings at Purfleet)) - 1770 - BL Maps K.Top.13.48.d (BLL01004977450).jpg 004977450
25 14 File:Projected Plan of the MAGAZINE DOORS at PURFLEET - 1750-1775 - BL Maps K.Top.13.48.h (BLL01004977448).jpg 004977448
26 13 File:An Exact SURVEY of the LANDS necessary to be purchased by the CROWN pursuant to an Act of PARLIAMENT for Erecting MAGAZINES and other Buildings at PURFLEET in the County of ESSEX - 1760 - BL Maps K.Top.13.48.b (BLL01004977434).jpg 004977434
27 13 File:Mr. Artificers Quarters for 2 ((...)) - 1760-1775 - BL Maps (BLL01004977454).jpg 004977454
28 13 File:General Section thro' the Sea Wall belonging to the King's Land at Purfleet - Shewing the Height of the extraordinary Tide which happend the 2.d of January 1767 - 1767 - BL Maps K.Top.13.48.q (BLL01004977440).jpg 004977440
29 13 File:((Plan of two proposed houses at Purfleet)) - 1760-1775 - BL Maps K.Top.13.48.y (BLL01004977452).jpg 004977452
Category:Old maps of Hertfordshire
30 15 File:The Rye House - 1670-1730 - BL Maps K.Top.15.81.a (BLL01004922725).jpg 004922725
31 13 [[File:Ne Cineres etiam Verolamij penitus aboleantur. Vestigia Romanorum in Municipio olim celeberrimo quantum ex ruderibus fieri potest adumbrata, velut Tantæ Urbis Centotaphium. Societatii Antiquariæ Londinensi ejus impensis æri incisum - William Stukeley, 1721 - BL Maps K.Top.15.47 (BLL01004923130).jpg]] 004923130
32 13 File:A Plan of the Town of St. Albans - M Wren, 1766 - BL Maps K.Top.15.48 (BLL01004923131).jpg 004923131
Category:Old maps of Norfolk, England
33 13 File:PLAN of GREAT YARMOUTH - Henry Swinden, 1779 - BL Maps K.Top.31.39.3 (BLL01004966026).jpg 004966026
Category:Old maps of Suffolk
34 13 File:A NEW and Accurate PLAN of the Ancient Borough of Bury Saint Edmunds in the County of Suffolk By Alexander Downing. 1740 - Alexander Downing, 1761 - BL Maps K.Top.39.11 (BLL01004811927).jpg 004811927
35 13 [[File:To his Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, The Noblemen & Gentlemen Members of the Jockey Club, This Print of Newmarket Heath. Is by Permission dedicated by their most obedient humble Servant John Bodger - John Bodger, 1787 - BL Maps K.Top.8.72 (BLL01004898883).jpg]] 004898883
36 13 File:A PLAN Exhibiting the Remains of the antient City of Dunwich, A.D. 1587. Also it's River, Part wherof is Southwold Haven, with Places of Note bordering thereon - John Joshua Kirby, 1753 - BL Maps K.Top.39.(15.) (BLL01004831304).jpg 004831304

Greater London

North East England
Category:Old maps of County Durham
37 14 File:The Geometrical Plan of the Park and Plantations of Rookby, in the County of York - Paul Fourdrinier, 1741 - BL Maps K.Top.45.26.a (BLL01004920093).jpg 004920093
Category:Old maps of Northumberland
38 13 File:A PLAN of BERWICK upon TWEED 1725 - 1725 - BL Maps K.Top.32.46 (BLL01004977640).jpg 004977640
39 14 File:PLAN of part of Close House Estate the Property & Seat of Calverly Bewicke Esqr - Ralph Beilby, 1777-1797 - BL Maps K.Top.33.4 (BLL01004821645).jpg 004821645
40 13 File:PLAN of the HERMITAGE near Hexham, the seat of John Hunter Esq.r - Ralph Beilby, 1777-1797 - BL Maps K.Top.33.7 (BLL01004858251).jpg 004858251
Category:Old maps of North East England
41 14 File:A PLAN of TINMOUTH TOWN and CASTLE and CLIFFORD FORT, Scituate at the Entrance of the RIVER TINE - 1720 - BL Maps K.Top.33.22 (BLL01004977588).jpg 004977588

North West England
Category:Old maps of Cumbria
42 14 File:A PLAN of the TOWN & HARBOUR OF WHITEHAVEN in the County of CUMBERLAND from an actual Survey. Anno 1790 - J. Howard, 1791 - BL Maps K.Top.10.23 (BLL01017417249).jpg 017417249
43 13 File:An Accurate MAP of the matchless LAKE of DERWENT - Peter Crosthwaite, 1782 - BL Maps K.Top.10.10 (BLL01017413185).jpg 017413185
44 15 File:BRATHEY HALL, LANCASHIRE. Seat of J. Harden Esqr - 1813 - BL Maps K.Top.18.87-2 (BLL01004808293).jpg 004808293
Category:Old maps of Greater Manchester
45 13 File:Reverendo Willo Ella A.M. vicario Rampton vicuum - Elisha Kirkall, 1724 - BL Maps K.Top.33.44 (BLL01004877571).jpg 004877571
Category:Old maps of North West England
46 15 File:To the Encouragers of this Work This South Prospect of Prescot in Lancashire, is humbly inscribed by their Obedient Servt. William Winstanley - W. H. Toms, 1744 - BL Maps K.Top.18.82 (BLL01004914923).jpg 004914923
Category:Old maps of Lancashire
47 16 File:THE SOUTH VIEW OF CLITHERO CASTLE, IN THE COUNTY OF LANCASTER - Samuel Buck, 1727 - BL Maps K.Top.18.68 (BLL01004821605).jpg 004821605
Category:Old maps of North West England
48 14 File:A PLAN, of the Town of Warrington: in the COUNTY PALATINE of Lancaster - J. Wallworth, 1773 - BL Maps K.Top.18.85.11 TAB (BLL01004954275).jpg 004954275
49 15 File:A View of the TOWN of Warrington from a HOUSE near Atherton's Quay - Thomas Kitchin - BL Maps K.Top.18.86 (BLL01004954281).jpg 004954281

South East England
Category:Old maps of South East England
50 13 File:A Geometrical Plan & North West Elevation Of His Majesty's Dock-Yard at Chatham with ye. Village of Brompton adjacent - Thomas Milton, 1755 - BL Maps K.Top.16.41.1 (BLL01004818682).jpg 004818682
51 13 File:A PLAN OF HIS MAJESTY'S NAVAL YARD AT CHATHAM - 1774 - BL Maps K.Top.16.41.2 (BLL01004977397).jpg 004977397
52 14 File:Plan of the Pier Heads of Dover Harbour - John Smeaton, 1769 - BL Maps (BLL01004829955).jpg 004829955
53 15 File:A Plan of Silchester in Hampshire measured A.o 1741 with a Chain - John Stairs, 1741 - BL Maps K.Top.14.85.b (BLL01004978812).jpg 004978812
54 15 File:A Plan of the Ancient City of Silchester in Hampshire - John Wright, 1745 - BL Maps K.Top.14.85.d (BLL01004978816).jpg 004978816
55 16 File:A PLAN OF MR RICH'S HOUSE AND PARK AT SUNNING - c. 1770 - BL Maps K.Top.7.69 (BLL01004938842).jpg 004938842
Category:Old maps of Berkshire
56 16 File:Kirtens Farme in Burfild in Com:t Berks Surveyed For Susanna Robinson of Highbury Place Islington - c. 1770 - BL Maps K.Top.7.56 (BLL01004977738).jpg 004977738
57 14 [[File:To the most Noble CHARLES, DUKE of MARLBOROUGH, Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter, &c. &c. &c. This PLAN of the TOWN and CASTLE of WINDSOR and LITTLE-PARK, TOWN and COLLEGE of ETON - William Collier, 1742 - BL Maps K.Top.7.39.b (BLL01017400018).jpg]] 017400018
58 15 File:PLAN Du Chateau et Parc de Windsor dans la Conté de Berk - John Rocque, 1738 - BL Maps K.Top.7.39.a (BLL01017399925).jpg 017399925
59 14 File:PLAN of PART of CRANBOURN CHACE, &c, in Windsor Forest - Nathaniel Kent, 1796 - BL Maps K.Top.7.31.3 (BLL01004977779).jpg 004977779
60 14 File:((A plan of Windsor Great Park)) - John Vardy, 1750 - BL Maps K.Top.7.38.2.b.(1) (BLL01017403660).jpg 017403660
61 14 File:((A tinted plan, unfinished, of the gardens of Cumberland Lodge, in Windsor Great Park)) - John Vardy, 1750 - BL Maps K.Top.7.38.2.b.(2) (BLL01004977780).jpg 004977780
62 14 File:A PLAN OF THE GARDENS and Part of WINDSOR GREAT PARK The SEAT of His ROYAL HIGHNESS the DUKE of CUMBERLAND - John Vardy, 1750 - BL Maps K.Top.7.38.2.b.11 TAB (BLL01004977782).jpg 004977782
63 15 File:A PLAN OF THE GARDENS IN GREAT WINDSOR PARK Belonging to HIS ROYAL HIGNESS THE Duke of Cumberland. 1747 - M. H., 1747 - BL Maps K.Top.7.38.2.a.11 TAB (BLL01004977781).jpg 004977781
Category:Old maps of Buckinghamshire
64 14 File:Plan of the Little Marlow Estate for Sale at Garraway in Eleven Lots June 1810 - 1810 - BL Maps K.Top.8.32.1 (BLL01004887324).jpg 004887324
Category:Old maps of South East England
65 13 File:PLAN of the Lines designed to inclose His Majesty's Dock Yard and Ordnance Wharfe of CHATHAM - Hugh Debbieg, 1755 - BL Maps K.Top.16.39 (BLL01004977395).jpg 004977395
66 13 File:PLAN of the INTRENCHMENT Inclosing his MAJESTY'S DOCK YARD and ORDNANCE WHARF at CHATHAM. 1756 - Hugh Debbieg, 1756 - BL Maps K.Top.16.40 (BLL01004977396).jpg 004977396
Category:Old maps of Hampshire
67 13 File:Plan of the Town of Gosport - J. P. Desmaretz, 1748 - BL Maps K.Top.14.22 (BLL01004977180).jpg 004977180
68 13 File:Plan of the Town of Gosport - J. P. Desmaretz, 1751 - BL Maps K.Top.14.23 (BLL01004977181).jpg 004977181
69 13 File:Plan of Gosport - J. P. Desmaretz, 1757 - BL Maps K.Top.14.24 (BLL01004977187).jpg 004977187
70 14 File:A Plan and Profiles of Portsea Bridge Fort as Erected Anno 1747 - J. P. Desmaretz, 1747 - BL Maps K.Top.14.65 (BLL01004977248).jpg 004977248
71 14 File:A Plan and Profil's of Portsea Bridge Fort as Erected Anno 1747 - J. P. Desmaretz, 1747 - BL Maps K.Top.14.66 (BLL01018316349).jpg 018316349
72 15 File:Vindoma. 4. Aug. 1722 - William Stukeley, 1724 - BL Maps K.Top.14.85.a (BLL01004932779).jpg 004932779
73 15 File:The Ruins of the Ancient City and Amphitheatre at Silchester in Hampshire - 1742 - BL Maps K.Top.14.85.c (BLL01004978813).jpg 004978813
74 16 File:A Plan of the Boundaries and interiour Buildings of Forton Hospital, near Gosport, taken in November, 1756, - 1755 - BL Maps K.Top.14.77 (BLL01004977174).jpg 004977174
75 16 File:A PLAN OF CALSHOT CASTLE 1725 - 1725 - BL Maps K.Top.14.55 (BLL01004977162).jpg 004977162
Category:Old maps of Kent
76 13 File:An Accurate Plan of the Town of Faversham In the County of Kent. An Antient Member of the Cinque Ports - Edward Jacob, 1774 - BL Maps K.Top.16.53 (BLL01004840896).jpg 004840896
77 13 File:A Specimen of a Philosophico Chorographicall Chart of East Kent - Christopher Packe, 1737 - BL Maps K.Top.16.32.2 (BLL01004814760).jpg 004814760
78 13 File:A Map of Several Pieces of Marsh Land, lyeing in ye N.W. Level in ye. Isle of Grain in ye County of Kent; The Estate of Mr. Iohn Spong - John Bryant, 1726 - BL Maps K.Top.18.26.2.a (BLL01004977349).jpg 004977349
79 13 File:A Map of Two Pieces of Land, lyeing in ye. Isle of Grain in ye County of Kent; The Estate of Mr. Iohn Spong - John Bryant, 1726 - BL Maps K.Top.18.26.2.b (BLL01004977351).jpg 004977351
80 13 File:A PLAN for PEIRS to make an HARBOUR at RAMSGATE in the COUNTY of KENT - James Mynde, 1749 - BL Maps K.Top.17.5.2 (BLL01004917197).jpg 004917197
81 13 File:A PLAN for making a HARBOUR at RAMSGATE - 1755 - BL Maps K.Top.17.6 (BLL01004917198).jpg 004917198
82 14 File:VIEW From the Points A, B, on Marams Court Hill - Robert Johnstone, 1778 - BL Maps K.Top.17.43.c.1 (BLL01004979248).jpg 004979248
83 13 File:The New fort of Sheernesse - Bernard De Gomme, 1667 - BL Maps K.Top.17.12 (BLL01004977353).jpg 004977353
84 13 File:A PLAN of SHEERNESS. 1732 - 1732 - BL Maps K.Top.17.15.1 (BLL01004977361).jpg 004977361
85 13 File:PLAN of the Present State of SHEERNESS - 1780 - BL Maps K.Top.17.17 (BLL01004977365).jpg 004977365
86 13 File:A Geometrical Plan & West Elevation Of His Majesty's Dock Yards and Garrison, at Sheerness, with the Ordnance, Wharfe &c - Thomas Milton, 1753 - BL Maps K.Top.17.18 (BLL01004931382).jpg 004931382
87 13 File:((Elevation of the wharf at Sheerness)) - 1740 - BL Maps K.Top.17.19.f (BLL01004977377).jpg 004977377
88 13 File:((Plan and elevation of the wharf at Sheerness)) - 1740 - BL Maps K.Top.17.19.g (BLL01017923655).jpg 017923655
Category:Old maps of Surrey
89 14 [[File:A SURVEY of the House, Gardens & Park of CLAREMOUNT. One of the Seats of his Grace the Duke of Newcastle = Plan des Jardins & Parc de CLAREMOUNT, une des Maisons de Plaisance du Duc de Newcastle - John Rocque, 1750 - BL Maps K.Top.40.19.c (BLL01004821313).jpg]] 004821313
90 14 File:A PLAN of the Garden & House of the R.t Honourable ye EARL of LINCOLN at Weybridge in the County of SURRY - Bartholomew Rocque, 1737 - BL Maps K.Top.40.26.a (BLL01004903617).jpg 004903617
91 13 [[File:Plan of a Pavilion erected for a FÊTE CHAMPÊTRE in the Garden of the Earl of Derby at the Oaks in Surry, the of June. 1774. = Plan d'un Pavillon érigé pour une FÊTE CHAMPÊTRE dans le Jardin du Comté de Derby à Oaks en Surry, le de Juin, 1774 - John Roberts, 1780 - BL Maps K.Top.40.25.a (BLL01004903597).jpg]] 004903597
92 13 File:CHERTSEY ABBEY IN SURRY - 1801 - BL Maps K.Top.40.11.a (BLL01004819091).jpg 004819091
93 15 File:HOMEBOROUGH CAMP - 1720-1780 - BL Maps K.Top.40.44 (BLL01004859784).jpg 004859784
Category:Old maps of West Sussex
94 13 File:A PLAN of the Borough of NEW SHOREHAM in the County of SUSSEX, from an Actual Survey taken in the Year 1789 - 1789 - BL Maps K.Top.42.23.3 (BLL01004931981).jpg 004931981

South West England
Category:Old maps of South West England
95 14 File:A PLAN of the Town and Citadel OF PLYMOUTH - Richard Cowl, 1780 - BL Maps K.Top.11.83.2 TAB (BLL01004912033).jpg 004912033
96 15 File:((A drawn Plan of the Town and Citadel of Plymouth)) - c. 1672 - BL Maps K.Top.11.81.2 TAB (BLL01004977019).jpg 004977019
Category:Old maps of Cornwall
97 13 File:((A colored view of St. Michael's Mount and the adjacent coast, taken from the sea; with a plan of the coast of Cornwall from Penzance to Merazion)) - c. 1800 - BL Maps K.Top.9.41.i (BLL01004976946).jpg 004976946
98 14 File:A PLAN of PENDENIS CASTLE with its Avenues - 1725 - BL Maps K.Top.9.42.b (BLL01004976960).jpg 004976960
99 15 File:A PLAN OF ST. MAWES CASTLE with its AVENUES - 1725 - BL Maps K.Top.9.35.1.b (BLL01004976965).jpg 004976965
Category:Old maps of Devon
100 13 File:Plan de la ville et faubourgs D'EXETER - John Rocque, 1744 - BL Maps K.Top.11 68.2 TAB (BLL01017151994).jpg 017151994
Category:Old maps of Dorset
101 14 File:Paynes' place - Henry Lily, 1620-1640 - BL Maps K.Top.12.23.2 TAB (BLL01004978477).jpg 004978477
102 14 [[File:TO THE Right Honourable ANTHONY, ASHLEY COOPER, Earl of Shaftesbury; Baron Ashley of Winborne St. Giles; Baron Cooper of Powlett in the County of Somerset; Lord of the Manor of SHAFTESBURY, and Patron of the Churches there, this PLAN of the TOWN, is by Permission humbly dedicated by His obedient Servant Wm. Upjohn - William Upjohn, 1799 - BL Maps K.Top.12.9.2 (BLL01004931077).jpg]] 004931077
103 14 File:SKETCH of CROOK HILL and its ENVIRONS - Alexander D. Cameron, c. 1800 - BL Maps K.Top.12.18 (BLL01004977051).jpg 004977051
Category:Old maps of Gloucestershire
104 13 File:TOWN OF CHELTENHAM - Edward Mitchell, 1810 - BL Maps K.Top.13.66.1 (BLL01004818897).jpg 004818897
Category:Old maps of South West England
105 13 File:A Plan of the COUNTY and TOWN of POOLE - Thomas Reekes, 1751 - BL Maps K.Top.12.9.1 (BLL01004913034).jpg 004913034
106 14 File:A Plan of Lands at Parkson belonging to Sr. Thomas Webb Barnt: and Mr. Thomas Cload - Thomas Bishop, 1748 - BL Maps K.Top.12.22 (BLL01004978462).jpg 004978462
Category:Old maps of Somerset
107 15 File:A PLAN OF THE CITY OF WELLS - William Simes, 1735 - BL Maps K.Top.38.9 (BLL01004955124).jpg 004955124
108 15 File:ISCHALIS. 17 Aug. 1723 - William Stukeley, 1724 - BL Maps K.Top.38.7.1 (BLL01004862103).jpg 004862103
Category:Old maps of Wiltshire
109 16 File:Cunetio Castrum 6 July. 1723 - William Stukeley, 1724 - BL Maps K.Top.43.36.b (BLL01004887297).jpg 004887297
110 16 File:A PLAN OF REDLYNCH PARK In the County of SOMERSET - Edward Grant, 1738 - BL Maps K.Top.38.16 (BLL01004917827).jpg 004917827
111 15 File:An Accurate Plan Of the Ancient Borough DEVIZES - Edward Dore, c. 1759 - BL Maps K.Top.43.33 (BLL01004828685).jpg 004828685
112 14 File:An EXACT PLAN OF THE Gardens and Park at Wilton - John Rocque, 1746 - BL Maps K.Top.43.41.a.3 (BLL01017158872).jpg 017158872
113 14 File:Plan du Chateau Jardin et Parc de Wilton la Terre du Comte de Pembroke situeé dans le Comté de Wilts, à 75 Miles de LONDRES - John Rocque, 1754 - BL Maps K.Top.43.41.b (BLL01004957291).jpg 004957291

West Midlands
Category:Old maps of Herefordshire
114 16 File:ARCONIVM 9th. Sept. 1721 - William Stukeley, 1721 - BL Maps K.Top.15.110.1 (BLL01004869794).jpg 004869794
Category:Old maps of Shropshire
115 15 [[File:PLAN of the most remarkable Effects of the EARTHQUAKE, Which happened ye 27th of May, 1773; at the Birches, in the Parish of Buildwas and near Coalbrookdale in the County of SALOP, Upon the Estate of Walter Acton Moseley, Esqr,, Survey'd & Drawn By George Young - George Young, 1773 - BL Maps K.Top.36.24.2.b (BLL01004811063).jpg]] 004811063
Category:Old maps of the West Midlands
116 15 File:A PLAN of the IRON WORKS at Madeley Wood, In SHROPSHIRE - George Perry, 1772 - BL Maps K.Top.36.16.1 (BLL01004980367).jpg 004980367
Category:Old maps of Worcestershire
117 15 File:An EXACT PLAN of KIDDERMINSTER - John DOHARTY, 1753 - BL Maps K.Top.43.62 (BLL01004870683).jpg 004870683

Yorkshire and the Humber
Category:Old maps of North Yorkshire
118 15 File:A Plan Of Ye South Prospect Of Ye Ancient Burrough Of Richmond. Seated On Ye River Swake In Ye North Riding Of Ye County Of York - B. Cole, 1724 - BL Maps K.Top.44.44 (BLL01004919158).jpg 004919158
119 13 File:A PLAN OF THE SPAW &C. AT SCARBOROUGH BEFORE AND SINCE THE ACCIDENT - Jonathan Haynes, 1738 - BL Maps K.Top.44.47.k (BLL01004928564).jpg 004928564
Category:Old maps of Yorkshire and the Humber
120 14 File:A PLAN of PONTEFRACT in York-Shire - Paul Jollage, 1742 - BL Maps K.Top.44.42 (BLL01004912971).jpg 004912971

Isle of Man

Channel Islands
Category:Old maps of the Channel Islands
121 14 File:Plan of Elizabeth Castle in the Island of Iersey - J Manson, 1755 - BL Maps K.Top.55.76.a (BLL01004977686).jpg 004977686
122 14 File:The Isle of Man - Daniel King, 1656 - BL Maps K.Top.55.85 (BLL01004886093).jpg 004886093
123 13 File:Survey of the Bay of. St. Hellier in the Island of Jersey - Abraham d' Aubant, 1737 - BL Maps K.Top.55.73 (BLL01004977680).jpg 004977680
124 13 File:((Plan of the Town of St. Peters and Castle Cornet in the Island of Guernsey)) - Martin Beckman, 1694 - BL Maps K.Top.55.61 (BLL01004977656).jpg 004977656
125 13 File:Bouche de Vall - Martin Beckman, 1694 - BL Maps K.Top.55.68 (BLL01004977668).jpg 004977668

Category:Old maps of Ireland
126 13 File:A ground plott of ye Narrow part of ye River And ye Worke Designed for ye hill Over Passage - 1680 - BL Maps K.Top.55.11 (BLL01018622832).jpg 018622832
127 13 File:Plan of the Narrow part of the River of Waterford and the Works designed for the Hill over Passage - 1680 - BL Maps K.Top.55.12 (BLL01004982506).jpg 004982506
Category:Old maps of County Kilkenny
128 13 File:A Survey of the City of Kilkenny - John Rocque, 1758 - BL Maps K.Top.54.4 (BLL01004870939).jpg 004870939
Category:Old maps of County Westmeath
129 13 File:Athlone - 1690 - BL Maps K.Top.55.25 (BLL01004982511).jpg 004982511
130 13 File:Athlone - 1691 - BL Maps K.Top.55.26 (BLL01004795432).jpg 004795432
131 13 File:((Plan of Athlone)) - 1690-1700 - BL Maps K.Top.55.27 (BLL01004982517).jpg 004982517
132 13 File:Athlone - 1691 - BL Maps K.Top.55.28 (BLL01004982512).jpg 004982512
133 13 File:Athlone - 1690-1700 - BL Maps K.Top.55.29 (BLL01004982514).jpg 004982514
134 13 File:Athlone - 1691 - BL Maps K.Top.55.30 (BLL01004982513).jpg 004982513
135 13 File:Sketch of Athlone - William Eyres, 1752 - BL Maps K.Top.55.31 (BLL01004982515).jpg 004982515
136 13 File:Athlone - 1700-1760 - BL Maps K.Top.55.(32.) (BLL01004795431).jpg 004795431
137 14 File:Plan of the Town and Fort of Ballymore - 1692 - BL Maps K.Top.55.34 (BLL01004982519).jpg 004982519
Category:Old maps of County Wexford
138 14 File:Duncannon - 1690 - BL Maps K.Top.55.37.2 (BLL01004982521).jpg 004982521
139 14 File:Duncannon - 1690 - BL Maps K.Top.55.37.3 (BLL01018623393).jpg 018623393
140 14 File:Duncannon - Thomas Philips, 1690 - BL Maps K.Top.55.38 (BLL01004982522).jpg 004982522
141 14 File:Duncannon Fort - 1690 - BL Maps K.Top.55.39 (BLL01004982523).jpg 004982523
142 14 File:Duncannon - 1690-1700 - BL Maps K.Top.55.40 (BLL01004982524).jpg 004982524
143 14 File:Plan du Fort de Duncannon - 1690-1700 - BL Maps K.Top.55.41 (BLL01018623491).jpg 018623491
Category:Old maps of County Cork
144 13 File:A drawn Plan of the Town of Kinsale with the old and new Fort - 1690 - BL Maps K.Top.52.26 (BLL01004982374).jpg 004982374
145 13 File:A map of Kinsale Harbour - 1690 - BL Maps K.Top.52.25 (BLL01004982369).jpg 004982369
146 14 File:Plan Des Deux Forts De Kinsale - 1690 - BL Maps K.Top.52.27 (BLL01004982375).jpg 004982375
147 14 File:Plan Pour Le Project De La Fortification Des Forts De Kinsale - 1692 - BL Maps K.Top.52.28 (BLL01004982376).jpg 004982376
148 14 File:A drawn Plan of the proposed new Fort (Charles) at Kinsale with Castle Park Fort &ct - 1680 - BL Maps K.Top.52.29 (BLL01004982373).jpg 004982373
149 16 File:Plan of Charles Fort at Kinsale - 1680 - BL Maps K.Top.52.32 (BLL01004982378).jpg 004982378
150 16 File:A Ground Plan of Charles's Fort, near Kinsale Ireland - Lewis Bellew, 1700 - BL Maps K.Top.52.35 (BLL01004982380).jpg 004982380

Northern Ireland
Category:Old maps of Northern Ireland
151 13 File:Charlemont - 1680 - BL Maps K.Top.51.52 (BLL01004982340).jpg 004982340
152 13 File:Charlemount - 1690 - BL Maps K.Top.51.54 (BLL01004982341).jpg 004982341
153 13 File:Charliamount Fort - 1744-1747 - BL Maps K.Top.51.55 (BLL01004818421).jpg 004818421
Category:Old maps of County Down
154 13 File:A Plan Of The Town Of Downpatrick 1729 - 1729 - BL Maps K.Top.52.47.1 (BLL01004830090).jpg 004830090
Category:Old maps of County Londonderry
155 14 File:Cullmore Fort - 1680-1700 - BL Maps K.Top.52.44.1 (BLL01018547483).jpg 018547483
156 14 File:Plan of Culmore Fort - 1680-1690 - BL Maps K.Top.52.44.2 (BLL01004982402).jpg 004982402

Category:Old maps of Scotland
157 13 File:PLAN of the BARRACK of BERNERA and PARTS adjacent. 1725 - 1725 - BL Maps K.Top.50.44.2 (BLL01004982187).jpg 004982187
Category:Old maps of Angus
158 13 File:A PLAN of the Town & Harbour of Montrose - Daniel Paterson, 1746 - BL Maps K.Top.49.21 (BLL01004982179).jpg 004982179
Category:Old maps of Scotland
159 14 File:A Plan of Bruntisland Town, Harbour & Fortifications - John Elphinstone, 1745 - BL Maps K.Top.49.85.1 (BLL01004982166).jpg 004982166
Category:Old maps of Dumfries and Galloway
160 15 File:PLAN OF BURNSWORK=HILL IN ANNANDALE WITH THE CAMPS & POSTS adjoining to it supposed to be the CASTRA EXPLORATORUM OF THE ROMANS - William Roy, 1753 - BL Maps K.Top.49.54.3 (BLL01004982130).jpg 004982130
Category:Old maps of Highland council area
161 13 File:A Plan & Perspective view of the Improved Land of MINGARY - John Cowley, 1734-1740 - BL Maps K.Top.49.30 (BLL01016828184).jpg 016828184
162 13 File:A PLAN of the POINT of ARDERSIER and Two Miles of Ground round it with ye Number of Acres Contain'd therein Expressing the Different Soils and Person's Possessions - 1750 - BL Maps K.Top.50.25 (BLL01004982228).jpg 004982228
163 13 File:A PLAN OF the Point of ARDERSEER and two Miles of Ground round it With the Number of Acres Contain'd therein Expressing the sifferent Soils and Persons Possession - 1750 - BL Maps K.Top.50.26 (BLL01016950802).jpg 016950802
164 14 File:A PLAN OF the POINT of LAND at ARDERSEER with The DESIGN'D FORT as TRAC'D THEREON BY WILLIAM SKINNER Director of ENGINEERS - 1749 - BL Maps K.Top.50.27 (BLL01004982229).jpg 004982229
165 15 File:FORT GEORGE - Charles Tarrant, 1752-1755 - BL Maps K.Top.50.28 (BLL01004982236).jpg 004982236
166 15 File:A PLAN of FORT GEORGE at ARDERSEER POINT in NORTH BRITAIN 1750 - 1750 - BL Maps K.Top.50.29 (BLL01004982230).jpg 004982230
167 15 File:A PLAN of FORT GEORGE NORTH BRITAIN - 1763 - BL Maps K.Top.50.32 (BLL01004982235).jpg 004982235
168 15 File:A PLAN of FORT GEORGE on ARDERSEER POINT 1755 - William Skinner, 1755 - BL Maps K.Top.50.33 (BLL01004982233).jpg 004982233
169 15 File:A PLAN of FORT GEORGE NORTH BRITAIN - 1763 - BL Maps K.Top.50.34 (BLL01004982234).jpg 004982234
170 16 File:A PLAN of the Principal Front of FORT GEORGE - 1751 - BL Maps K.Top.50.35 (BLL01004982231).jpg 004982231
171 14 File:A PLAN of the BARRACK at KILIWHIMAN Anno 1725 - 1725 - BL Maps K.Top.50.11 (BLL01004982197).jpg 004982197
172 14 File:((Fort Augustus and environs showing a proposed scheme of works)) - 1729 - BL Maps K.Top.50.12.a (BLL01004982195).jpg 004982195
173 14 File:A PLAN of FORT AUGUSTUS in the HIGHLANDS of SCOTLAND, with the adjacent Lands 1750 - 1750 - BL Maps K.Top.50.13 (BLL01004982201).jpg 004982201
174 15 File:A PLAN of FORT AUGUSTUS with the LAND Adjacent - 1750 - BL Maps K.Top.50.14 (BLL01004982203).jpg 004982203
175 15 File:PLAN of FORT AUGUSTUS. With all its Additional works and Repairations since the Year 1746. as also it's. Comandments and Environs - William Floyer, 1746-1749 - BL Maps K.Top.50.16 (BLL01004982200).jpg 004982200
176 16 File:Plan of Fort Augustus - James Mercer, 1750 - BL Maps K.Top.50.19 (BLL01004982204).jpg 004982204
177 13 File:((A Plan of part of Loch Eil, with the mouth of the River Lochy)) - 1700 - BL Maps K.Top.50.5 (BLL01004982244).jpg 004982244
178 13 [[File:To His Royall Highness Prince William DUKE of CUMBERLAND &c This Plan of the Ground adjacent to Fort William, Is humbly dedicated by his Royall Highness's Most Faithfull, most obedient and Oblig'd humble Servant - John Elphinstone, 1748 - BL Maps K.Top.50.37.1 (BLL01004982210).jpg]] 004982210
179 15 File:A PLAN of FORT WILLIAM and MARYBURGH at INVERLOCHY in LOCHABOR 1725 - 1725 - BL Maps K.Top.50.41.a (BLL01004982214).jpg 004982214
180 15 File:A PLAN of FORT WILLIAM INVERLOCHY and MARY-BURGH with the Fields and Waters thereabout. 1740 - 1740 - BL Maps K.Top.50.42 (BLL01004982216).jpg 004982216
181 15 File:Fort William in Lochquaber - Theodore Dury, 1696 - BL Maps K.Top.50.40 (BLL01004982213).jpg 004982213
182 16 File:INNERLOCHIE or Obrian Fort, in LOCHABOR = Desine for INNERLOCHIE - John Slezer, 1689 - BL Maps K.Top.50.37.2 (BLL01004982211).jpg 004982211
183 16 File:Innerlochie - 1689 - BL Maps K.Top.50.38 (BLL01016937587).jpg 016937587
184 16 File:Draught of William Town in Lochquaber alias Inverlochie - Theodore Dury, 1696 - BL Maps K.Top.50.39 (BLL01004982212).jpg 004982212
185 14 File:A PLAN of the BARRACK at RUTHVEN in BADENOCH. 1725 - 1725 - BL Maps K.Top.50.45 (BLL01004982246).jpg 004982246
Category:Old maps of Perth and Kinross
186 15 File:This Plan of the Castle Gardens Plantations &c of BLAIR in ATHOLL a Seat of his Grace James Duke of Atholl is most humbly insribed to his Grace by his most humble Servant - John Tinney, 1746 - BL Maps K.Top.50.78.a (BLL01004805300).jpg 004805300
187 14 File:PLAN OF THE ROMAN CAMPS AND POSTS NEAR ARDOCH IN STRATHALLAN - William Roy, 1755 - BL Maps K.Top.50.79.2.a (BLL01004982276).jpg 004982276
188 16 File:PLAN OF THE ROMAN POST AT ARDOCH IN STRATHALLAN - William Roy, 1755 - BL Maps K.Top.50.79.2.b (BLL01004982277).jpg 004982277
189 14 File:PLAN OF THE ROMAN CAMP AT DALGINROSS Near Combrea Kirk in Glen-Earn - William Roy, 1755 - BL Maps K.Top.50.79.3 (BLL01004982278).jpg 004982278
190 14 File:PLAN OF THE ROMAN POST AT STRATHGETH near Inverpeffery in Strathearn - William Roy, 1755 - BL Maps K.Top.50.83.3 (BLL01004982288).jpg 004982288
191 14 File:A Plan of Kinloch in Ranech - John Lesslie, 1756 - BL Maps K.Top.50.80.1 (BLL01004982282).jpg 004982282
Category:Old maps of Stirling council area
192 14 File:A PLAN of the BARRACK at INVERSNAIT 1725 - 1725 - BL Maps K.Top.50.99 (BLL01004982296).jpg 004982296

Category:Old maps of Monmouthshire
193 14 File:A MAP OF ABERGAVENNY. 1760 - Thomas Lewis, 1760 - BL Maps K.Top.31.5.a (BLL01004979840).jpg 004979840
Category:Old maps of Pembrokeshire
194 13 File:Plan of Milford Haven - William Roy, 1756 - BL Maps K.Top.47.80 (BLL01004976904).jpg 004976904
195 13 File:Plan of Millford Haven - William Roy, 1756 - BL Maps K.Top.47.81.a (BLL01018436643).jpg 018436643
196 13 File:Plan of the Stack Rock in Milford Haven - William Roy, 1756 - BL Maps K.Top.47.81.b (BLL01018436652).jpg 018436652
197 13 File:Plan of Milford Haven - William Roy, 1756 - BL Maps K.Top.47.82 (BLL01018436661).jpg 018436661
198 13 File:((Plan of the Country between Milford and Haverford West. )) - 1750-1800 - BL Maps K.Top.47.84 (BLL01004857244).jpg 004857244
Category:Old maps of Wales
199 13 File:The Town Hill of St. Heliers, in Jersey, as proposed to be fortified. 1756 - David Slack, 1756 - BL Maps K.Top.55.74 (BLL01004977681).jpg 004977681