User:Jheald/BL18C/batch 05 (British Isles etc)

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Category:Old maps of Scotland
1 Scotland 6 File:SCOTIA REGNVM - Willem Janszoon Blaeu, 1634-1647 - BL Maps K.Top.48.1 (BLL01004929136).jpg 004929136
2 Scotland 6 File:SCOTIAS REGNVM cum insulis adjacentibus - Joan Blaeu, 1654-1667 - BL Maps K.Top.48.2 (BLL01016748377).jpg 016748377
3 Scotland 6 File:Novissima REGNI SCOTIAE Septentrionalis et Meridionalis TABULA divisae in Ducatus, Comitatus, Vice-Comitatus, Provincias, Praefecturas, Dominia et Insulas - Carel Allard, 1740 - BL Maps K.Top.48.3 (BLL01004929161).jpg 004929161
4 Scotland 6 File:MAGNAE BRITANNIAE Pars Septentrionalis qua REGNUM SCOTIAE in Suas Partes et subjacentes Insulas divisum ACCURATA TABULA - Johann Baptist Homann, c. 1710 - BL Maps K.Top.48.4 (BLL01016748644).jpg 016748644
5 Scotland 6 File:EXACTISSIMA REGNI SCOTIAE TABULA tam in SEPTENTRIONALEM et MERIDIONALEM quam in minores earumdem Provincias, Insulasq, ei undique praetensas accurate divisa - Petrus Schenk, 1705-1759 - BL Maps K.Top.48.5 (BLL01016758733).jpg 016758733
6 Scotland 6 File:SCOTIA REGNUM divisum in partem SEPTENTRIONALEM et MERIDIONALEM Subdivisas in COMITATUS, VICECOMITATUS PROVINCIAS PRAEFECTURAS DOMINIA et INSULAS - Frederik de Wit, 1680 - BL Maps K.Top.48.6 (BLL01016759845).jpg 016759845
7 Scotland 6 File:A New Map of SCOTLAND With the Roads - Robert Greene, 1679-1689 - BL Maps K.Top.48.8 (BLL01004929599).jpg 004929599
8 Scotland 6 File:LE ROYAUME D'ESCOSSE Divisé en deux Parties, Subdivisées en provinces etc - Jean Baptiste Nolin, 1708 - BL Maps K.Top.48.9 (BLL01004929159).jpg 004929159
9 Scotland 6 File:The NORTH PART of GREAT BRITAIN Called SCOTLAND with Considerable Improvements and many Remarks not Extant in any Map - Herman Moll, 1733 - BL Maps K.Top.48.10 (BLL01016762645).jpg 016762645
10 Scotland 6 [[File:A DESCRIPTION of the HIGHLANDS of SCOTLAND The Situation of the several CLANS and the NUMBER of MEN able to bear ARMS, as also y.e FORTS lately Erected and ROADS of COMMUNICATION or Military Ways carried on by his MAJESTY's COMMAND, with the Seats of the most Considerable NOBILITY in the Low Country - C. Lemprière, 1731 - BL Maps K.Top.48.12 (BLL01004982007).jpg]] 004982007
11 Scotland 6 File:A new MAP of NORTH BRITAIN, with the Islands thereunto belonging - John Cowley, 1734 - BL Maps K.Top.48.13 (BLL01016765040).jpg 016765040
12 Scotland 6 File:A Display of the Coasting Lines of SIX Several MAPS of NORTH BRITAIN - John Cowley, 1734 - BL Maps K.Top.48.14 (BLL01016765154).jpg 016765154
13 Scotland 6 File:LE ROYAUME D'ESCOSSE Divisé en Parties Septentrionale & Meridionale - Alexis Hubert Jaillot, 1693 - BL Maps K.Top.48.15 (BLL01004929151).jpg 004929151
14 Scotland 6 File:A NEW AND EXACT MAPP OF SCOTLAND OR NORTH=BRITAIN - Henry Overton, 1745 - BL Maps K.Top.48.16 (BLL01004929172).jpg 004929172
15 Scotland 6 File:A New & Correct MERCATOR'S MAP OF NORTH BRITAIN carefully laid down from the Latest Surveys and Most approved Observations - John Elphinstone, 1746 - BL Maps K.Top.48.17 (BLL01004981997).jpg 004981997
16 Scotland 6 File:A New & Correct MERCATOR'S MAP OF NORTH BRITAIN carefully laid down from the Latest Surveys and Most approved Observations - John Elphinstone, 1746 - BL Maps K.Top.48.18 (BLL01016766125).jpg 016766125
17 Scotland 6 File:A New & Correct MERCATOR'S MAP OF NORTH BRITAIN carefully laid down from the Latest Surveys and Most approved Observations - John Elphinstone, 1746 - BL Maps K.Top.48.19 (BLL01016766151).jpg 016766151
18 Scotland 6 File:A New & Correct MERCATOR'S MAP OF NORTH BRITAIN carefully laid down from the Latest Surveys and Most approved Observations - John Elphinstone, 1746 - BL Maps K.Top.48.20 (BLL01016766190).jpg 016766190
19 Scotland 6 File:A New & Correct MERCATOR'S MAP OF NORTH BRITAIN carefully laid down from the Latest Surveys and Most approved Observations - John Elphinstone, 1746 - BL Maps K.Top.48.21 (BLL01016766213).jpg 016766213
20 Scotland 5 File:A New Map of North Britain Done by Order of The Right Honourable The Earl of Albemarle Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Forces in Scotland - John Elphinstone, 1746 - BL Maps K.Top.48.22 (BLL01004981998).jpg 004981998
21 Scotland 6 File:L'ECOSSE Suivant les Nouvelles Observations - Georges-Louis Le Rouge, 1746 - BL Maps K.Top.48.23 (BLL01004929175).jpg 004929175
22 Scotland 6 File:A NEW & ACCURATE MAP OF SCOTLAND OR NORTH BRITAIN Drawn from Surveys, & Most Approved Maps & Charts; exhibiting the Kings Roads &c - Emanuel Bowen, 1746 - BL Maps K.Top.48.24 (BLL01004929607).jpg 004929607
23 Scotland 5 File:MAPPA BRITANNIÆ SEPTENTRIONALIS FACIEI ROMANÆ Secundum Fidem Monumentorum - William Roy, 1773 - BL Maps K.Top.48.25.1g (BLL01016770924).jpg 016770924
24 Scotland 6 File:A General Map of SCOTLAND and ISLANDS thereto belonging From new Surveys - James Dorret, 1750 - BL Maps K.Top.48.26.8 TAB.END (BLL01016782636).jpg 016782636
25 Scotland 6 File:L'ECOSSE divisée en SHIRES ou COMTÉS - Gilles Robert de Vaugondy, 1751 - BL Maps K.Top.48.27 (BLL01004929179).jpg 004929179
26 Scotland 6 File:A COMMERCIAL MAP of SCOTLAND - John Knox, 1782 - BL Maps K.Top.48.29 (BLL01016771072).jpg 016771072
27 Scotland 6 File:A COMMERCIAL MAP of SCOTLAND - John Knox, 1784 - BL Maps K.Top.48.30 (BLL01004929613).jpg 004929613
28 Scotland 6 File:SCOTLAND DRAWN AND ENGRAV'D from a series of Angles and ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS - John Ainslie, 1789 - BL Maps K.Top.48.31.8 TAB.END (BLL01016782793).jpg 016782793
29 Scotland 6 [[File:MAP of SCOTLAND Constructed from Original Materials obtained under THE AUTHORITY of The Parliamentary Commissioners For making Roads and building Bridges In the HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND - Aaron Arrowsmith, 1807 - BL Maps K.Top.48.32.8 TAB.END (BLL01004929216).jpg]] 004929216
30 Scotland 6 File:A MAP OF SCOTLAND DRAWN CHIEFLY FROM THE TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS OF M.R JOHN AINSLIE AND FROM THOSE OF THE LATE GENERAL ROY &c. &c - William Faden, 1807 - BL Maps K.Top.48.33 (BLL01016773498).jpg 016773498
31 Scotland 6 File:A GENERAL MAP of the Roads of SCOTLAND - George Taylor, 1776 - BL Maps 6 TAB.10 (BLL01016834796).jpg 016834796
32 Scotland 6 File:SCOTIA ANTIQVA - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016773579).jpg 016773579
33 Scotland 6 File:SCOTLAND Divided into its SHIRES - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016773597).jpg 016773597

Category:Old maps of whole Wales (alone)
34 Wales 7 File:Cambriæ Typus - Joan Blaeu, 1648 - BL Maps K.Top.46.1 (BLL01018457582).jpg 018457582
35 Wales 7 File:Wales - John Speed, 1676 - BL Maps K.Top.46.2 (BLL01004953414).jpg 004953414

Category:Old maps of Ireland
36 Ireland 6 File:Hibernia - Bolognino Zaltieri, 1566 - BL Maps K.Top.51.1 (BLL01004864368).jpg 004864368
37 Ireland 6 File:Hiberniae Britannicae Insvlæ, Nova Descriptio - Abraham Ortelius, 1573 - BL Maps K.Top.51.2 (BLL01004864364).jpg 004864364
38 Ireland 6 File:Hibernia Regnvm Vulgo Ireland - Willem Janszoon Blaeu, 1634 - BL Maps K.Top.51.3 (BLL01004864363).jpg 004864363
39 Ireland 6 File:Irlande Royaume - Nicolas Sanson, 1665 - BL Maps K.Top.51.4 (BLL01004864392).jpg 004864392
40 Ireland 6 File:Regnum Hiberniæ - Frederik de Wit, 1665 - BL Maps K.Top.51.6 (BLL01004864393).jpg 004864393
41 Ireland 6 File:Hyberniæ - Carel Allard, 1710 - BL Maps K.Top.51.7 (BLL01004864424).jpg 004864424
42 Ireland 6 File:An Epitome of Sr. William Petty's Large Survey of Ireland - William Petty, 1689 - BL Maps K.Top.51.11 (BLL01004864416).jpg 004864416
43 Ireland 6 File:Hiberniæ Regnum - William Petty, 1695 - BL Maps K.Top.51.12 (BLL01004864413).jpg 004864413
44 Ireland 6 File:Hiberniæ Regnum - Johann Baptist Homann, 1730 - BL Maps K.Top.51.14 (BLL01004864423).jpg 004864423
45 Ireland 6 File:The Kingdom of Ireland - William Robinson, 1700 - BL Maps K.Top.51.15 (BLL01004864714).jpg 004864714
46 Ireland 6 File:Ireland - William Robinson, 1700 - BL Maps K.Top.51.16 (BLL01004864713).jpg 004864713
47 Ireland 6 File:A General Map Of the Kingdom of Ireland - Edwin Sandys, 1685 - BL Maps K.Top.51.17 (BLL01004864362).jpg 004864362
48 Ireland 6 File:Le Royaume d'Irlande - Georges-Louis Le Rouge, 1745 - BL Maps K.Top.51.21 (BLL01004864431).jpg 004864431
49 Ireland 6 File:Royaume d'Irlande - Gilles Robert de Vaugondy, 1750 - BL Maps K.Top.51.22 (BLL01004864433).jpg 004864433
50 Ireland 6 File:A New and Accurate Map of the Kingdom of Ireland - Thomas Jefferys, 1759 - BL Maps K.Top.51.23.a (BLL01004864438).jpg 004864438
51 Ireland 6 File:A New Map of Ireland - Alexander Taylor, 1793 - BL Maps K.Top.51.26 (BLL01004864467).jpg 004864467
52 Ireland 6 File:Bowles's New One-Sheet Map of the Kingdom of Ireland - 1790 - BL Maps K.Top.51.28 (BLL01004864471).jpg 004864471
53 Ireland 6 File:Taylor and Skinner's maps of the roads of Ireland - George Taylor, 1778 - BL 118.c.17. ((Maps K.Top.51.32.)) (BLL01018878970).jpg 018878970
54 Ireland 6 File:An Hibernian atlas; or general description of the Kingdom of Ireland - Bernard Scale, 1776 - BL 118.c.22. ((Maps K.Top.51.24.)) (BLL01018880541).jpg 018880541