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User:JJMC89 bot/report/BSicons/logs/move/2013-11

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Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
uexKRZr.svg   (uexKRZr) 72895473 2013-11-02T08:11:41Z Denniss
uTUNNELlu   (utSTRaq) 72944248 2013-11-02T20:48:59Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#Transition to tunnel]]
uTUNNELru   (utSTReq) 72944263 2013-11-02T20:49:12Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#Transition to tunnel]]




Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
utv-STRq   (ut-STRq) 73079747 2013-11-04T08:31:28Z YLSS
utvSTRq-   (utSTRq-) 73080983 2013-11-04T09:01:39Z YLSS
tv-STRq   (t-STRq) 73081016 2013-11-04T09:02:30Z YLSS
tvSTRq-   (tSTRq-) 73081021 2013-11-04T09:02:34Z YLSS
eKRZur   (eKRZuxr) 73087670 2013-11-04T11:00:57Z YLSS branch out of use
eKRZor   (eKRZoxr) 73089048 2013-11-04T11:28:46Z YLSS branch out of use
eKRZul   (eKRZuxl) 73089097 2013-11-04T11:29:58Z YLSS branch out of use
eKRZu+l   (eKRZu+xl) 73089156 2013-11-04T11:31:12Z YLSS branch out of use
exKRZor   (exKRZoxr) 73090616 2013-11-04T11:59:33Z YLSS branch out of use
eKRZol   (eKRZoxl) 73092255 2013-11-04T12:26:18Z YLSS branch out of use
ABZ3lf LUECKE   (LABZql) 73097885 2013-11-04T14:01:11Z YLSS
vxKBHFe-BHF   (vexKBHFe-BHF) 73101211 2013-11-04T15:05:26Z YLSS
vKBHFra   (vKBHF-La) 73101846 2013-11-04T15:15:34Z YLSS
vBHFm   (vBHF-M) 73113498 2013-11-04T17:34:42Z YLSS
dtKRZ   (tdKRZ) 73117684 2013-11-04T18:05:40Z YLSS
exdBHFl   (exdBHF-R) 73121014 2013-11-04T18:42:17Z YLSS
eKRZo+r   (eKRZo+xr) 73126649 2013-11-04T20:15:07Z YLSS branch out of use


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
exKRZor(!)   (exKRZor) 73185689 2013-11-05T11:38:53Z YLSS
SBHFr   (SBHF-R) 73199438 2013-11-05T15:06:31Z YLSS
SBHFl   (SBHF-L) 73199657 2013-11-05T15:08:36Z YLSS
TUNNELql   (tSTRagq) 73212793 2013-11-05T18:20:08Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#Transition to tunnel]]
exTUNNELlu   (extSTRaq) 73218839 2013-11-05T20:40:06Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#Transition to tunnel]]
extvÜST   (extvÜSTx) 73222304 2013-11-05T21:54:29Z YLSS crossover out of use
TUNNELqr   (tSTRefq) 73226536 2013-11-05T23:48:25Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#Transition to tunnel]]
TUNNELf   (tSTRag) 73226641 2013-11-05T23:50:52Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#Transition to tunnel]]
TUNNELg   (tSTRef) 73226676 2013-11-05T23:51:45Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#Transition to tunnel]]


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
TUNNELl   (tSTRaq) 73229141 2013-11-06T00:28:42Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#Transition to tunnel]]
TUNNELr   (tSTReq) 73230424 2013-11-06T00:45:20Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#Transition to tunnel]]
exTUNNELru   (extSTReq) 73233445 2013-11-06T01:35:57Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#Transition to tunnel]]
uexTUNNELru   (uextSTReq) 73233485 2013-11-06T01:36:44Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#Transition to tunnel]]
uexTUNNELlu   (uextSTRaq) 73233491 2013-11-06T01:36:52Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#Transition to tunnel]]
DAMML   (DAMM-L) 73295018 2013-11-06T22:53:51Z YLSS


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
uexKDSTCCa   (uextKDSTeo) 73331382 2013-11-07T12:28:11Z YLSS should be uexKDSTCCe; temp renaming
uexKDSTCCe   (uexKDSTCCa) 73335301 2013-11-07T13:59:39Z YLSS


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
uextKDSTeo   (uexKDSTCCe) 73379937 2013-11-08T08:21:28Z YLSS














Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
lexvKMW-   (exlvKMW-) 73895091 2013-11-15T12:04:42Z YLSS
edBHFm   (edBHF-M) 73923407 2013-11-15T19:48:39Z YLSS


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
ENDExr   (ENDExeq) 73971851 2013-11-16T10:43:54Z YLSS
exdBHFr   (exdBHF-L) 73972364 2013-11-16T10:51:07Z YLSS
exdBHFm   (exdBHF-M) 73972549 2013-11-16T10:53:24Z YLSS
ENDExl   (ENDExaq) 73976571 2013-11-16T12:15:11Z YLSS
tABZ2   (tABZg2) 73977806 2013-11-16T12:40:11Z YLSS
tABZ+4   (tABZg+4) 73977814 2013-11-16T12:40:16Z YLSS
DAMMR   (DAMM-R) 73990084 2013-11-16T16:19:42Z YLSS
DAMMal   (DAMM-Ra) 73990255 2013-11-16T16:22:14Z YLSS
DAMMel   (DAMM-Re) 73990273 2013-11-16T16:22:33Z YLSS
CUTL   (CUT-L) 73990288 2013-11-16T16:22:50Z YLSS
DAMMl   (DAMMaq) 73990339 2013-11-16T16:23:44Z YLSS
DAMMr   (DAMMeq) 73990354 2013-11-16T16:23:53Z YLSS
exDAMMl   (exDAMMaq) 73990371 2013-11-16T16:24:03Z YLSS
exDAMMr   (exDAMMeq) 73990381 2013-11-16T16:24:15Z YLSS
uDAMMl   (uDAMMaq) 73990395 2013-11-16T16:24:31Z YLSS
uDAMMr   (uDAMMeq) 73990400 2013-11-16T16:24:38Z YLSS
uexDAMMr   (uexDAMMeq) 73990414 2013-11-16T16:24:50Z YLSS
uexDAMMl   (uexDAMMaq) 73990424 2013-11-16T16:25:00Z YLSS
uexFEEDlf   (uexnSTRlf) 73992589 2013-11-16T16:59:31Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#BL]]
uexFEEDlg   (uexnSTRlg) 73992596 2013-11-16T16:59:38Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#BL]]
uexFEEDrf   (uexnSTRrf) 73992606 2013-11-16T16:59:49Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#BL]]
uexFEEDrg   (uexnSTRrg) 73992618 2013-11-16T16:59:58Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#BL]]
vDST-KBFa   (vDST-KBHFa) 73994169 2013-11-16T17:24:35Z YLSS
exBUE legende   (exlBUE) 73994630 2013-11-16T17:31:26Z YLSS
BHFqt   (BHF-Rq) 74019002 2013-11-16T23:02:06Z YLSS


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
KRZ Arg   (KRZxlr+rxl) 74074139 2013-11-17T16:09:26Z YLSS sane name
dBUE legende   (ldBUE) 74080571 2013-11-17T18:15:44Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming]]
BUE legende   (lBUE) 74080580 2013-11-17T18:15:55Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming]]




Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
exkKRZuxrl+xrl   (exkKRZuxlr+xlr) 74199222 2013-11-19T12:30:59Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#kKRZ: Naming conflict]]
exkKRZuxrl+xr   (exkKRZuxlr+xr) 74199226 2013-11-19T12:31:05Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#kKRZ: Naming conflict]]
ABZ3rf LUECKE   (LABZqr) 74199664 2013-11-19T12:40:04Z YLSS
vSTRc1(!)   (v-SHI2l) 74206126 2013-11-19T14:34:23Z YLSS parallel tracks: nothing + shift by 2/4 to left
vxKBHFa-BHF   (vexKBHFa-BHF) 74207573 2013-11-19T14:53:17Z YLSS


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
lCONTrf   (lCONTggq) 74261591 2013-11-20T11:21:48Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#CONTrf inconsistency]]
lCONTlf   (lCONTffq) 74261601 2013-11-20T11:22:01Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#CONTrf inconsistency]]
exlCONTgf   (exlCONTgg) 74261736 2013-11-20T11:26:06Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#CONTrf inconsistency]]
exlCONTlf   (exlCONTffq) 74261749 2013-11-20T11:26:23Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#CONTrf inconsistency]]
exlCONTrf   (exlCONTggq) 74261754 2013-11-20T11:26:34Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#CONTrf inconsistency]]
l-CONTlf   (l-CONTffq) 74261775 2013-11-20T11:27:04Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#CONTrf inconsistency]]
lCONTgf   (lCONTgg) 74261783 2013-11-20T11:27:24Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#CONTrf inconsistency]]
DST-DST   (DSTq-DSTq) 74286741 2013-11-20T19:08:24Z YLSS
vDST-xSTR   (vDST-exSTR) 74286746 2013-11-20T19:08:27Z YLSS
veDST-xSTR   (veDST-exSTR) 74286755 2013-11-20T19:08:35Z YLSS
vHST-xSTR   (vHST-exSTR) 74293486 2013-11-20T20:39:47Z YLSS


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
vxSTR-KDSTa   (vexSTR-KDSTa) 74351895 2013-11-21T17:49:56Z YLSS
vxSTR-KDSTxa   (vexSTR-KDSTxa) 74351905 2013-11-21T17:49:59Z YLSS
vxSTR-KDSTe   (vexSTR-KDSTe) 74351910 2013-11-21T17:50:00Z YLSS
vxSTR-KDSTxe   (vexSTR-KDSTxe) 74351912 2013-11-21T17:50:03Z YLSS
vKDSTa-xSTR   (vKDSTa-exSTR) 74351915 2013-11-21T17:50:06Z YLSS
vKDSTxa-xSTR   (vKDSTxa-exSTR) 74351918 2013-11-21T17:50:09Z YLSS
vKDSTe-xSTR   (vKDSTe-exSTR) 74351922 2013-11-21T17:50:11Z YLSS
vKDSTxe-xSTR   (vKDSTxe-exSTR) 74351925 2013-11-21T17:50:15Z YLSS
vxSTR-xABZgl   (vexSTR-xABZgl) 74354929 2013-11-21T18:50:04Z YLSS
tABZ3rf   (tABZqr) 74361147 2013-11-21T20:48:01Z YLSS
uxABZ3rf   (uxABZqr) 74361171 2013-11-21T20:48:07Z YLSS


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
vKBHFa-BHFr   (vKBHFa-BHF-L) 74398474 2013-11-22T10:45:34Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming#Parallel interchange]]
CONTr   (CONTgq) 74399092 2013-11-22T11:01:06Z YLSS getting rid of the "l"/"r" conundrum
CONTl   (CONTfq) 74399097 2013-11-22T11:01:10Z YLSS getting rid of the "l"/"r" conundrum
vSTRr2l   (vSHI2l-) 74423661 2013-11-22T18:01:44Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
exvSTRr2l   (exvSHI2l-) 74423993 2013-11-22T18:07:39Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
exvSTRag+l   (exvSTRag+xl) 74426713 2013-11-22T19:01:52Z YLSS branch out of use
exvSTRag+r   (exvSTRag+xr) 74426718 2013-11-22T19:01:57Z YLSS branch out of use
exvSTRegr   (exvSTRegxr) 74426721 2013-11-22T19:02:01Z YLSS branch out of use
dKRWc4   (dSHI4c4) 74426942 2013-11-22T19:06:22Z YLSS shift for 4/4
tvBS2l   (tSHI1l) 74432488 2013-11-22T20:34:56Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
vBS2+l   (SHI1+l) 74434495 2013-11-22T20:59:36Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
vSTRc2   (SHI1c2) 74434966 2013-11-22T21:05:16Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
vBS2r-   (vSHI1r-) 74435261 2013-11-22T21:09:29Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
vSTRc1   (SHI1c1) 74435568 2013-11-22T21:13:40Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
vBS2+r-   (vSHI1+r-) 74435745 2013-11-22T21:16:09Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
vBS2+r   (SHI1+r) 74436056 2013-11-22T21:19:47Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
vBS2r   (SHI1r) 74436432 2013-11-22T21:23:55Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
exvDSTl legende   (exlv-DST) 74437242 2013-11-22T21:32:53Z Marcus Cyron [[COM:FR#reasons|File renaming criterion #6]]: Harmonize file names of a set of images (so that only one part of all names differs) to ease their usage in templates (e.g. diagram symbols, scans of pages of a book, maps, etc.).Scheduled BSicon "legende"...
vSTR-xDST   (vSTR-exDST) 74437427 2013-11-22T21:35:00Z Marcus Cyron [[COM:FR#reasons|File renaming criterion #6]]: Harmonize file names of a set of images (so that only one part of all names differs) to ease their usage in templates (e.g. diagram symbols, scans of pages of a book, maps, etc.).Scheduled BSicon renaming....
vSTRc3   (SHI1c3) 74437778 2013-11-22T21:39:45Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
vSTRer   (vSHI1r) 74444001 2013-11-22T22:44:25Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
vSTRar   (vSHI1+l) 74444369 2013-11-22T22:48:39Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
vSTRc4   (SHI1c4) 74444770 2013-11-22T22:52:37Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
vBS2l   (SHI1l) 74445654 2013-11-22T23:02:27Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
dBS2+r   (dSHI1+r) 74446566 2013-11-22T23:20:03Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
dBS2l   (dSHI1l) 74446575 2013-11-22T23:20:16Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
tvBS2r   (tSHI1r) 74448253 2013-11-22T23:51:13Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
tdKBHFle   (tdKBHF-Re) 74448566 2013-11-22T23:57:12Z YLSS


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
vBHFr legende   (lvBHF-) 74452588 2013-11-23T01:24:18Z Marcus Cyron [[COM:FR#reasons|File renaming criterion #6]]: Harmonize file names of a set of images (so that only one part of all names differs) to ease their usage in templates (e.g. diagram symbols, scans of pages of a book, maps, etc.).Scheduled BSicon "legende"...


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
exCONTr   (exCONTgq) 74600709 2013-11-24T20:29:42Z YLSS getting rid of the "l"/"r" conundrum












Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
SHI2+lq   (SHI4+lq) 74998847 2013-11-30T16:20:46Z YLSS correct myself
SHI2+rq   (SHI4+rq) 74998851 2013-11-30T16:20:49Z YLSS correct myself
SHI2lq   (SHI4lq) 74998855 2013-11-30T16:20:54Z YLSS correct myself
SHI2rq   (SHI4rq) 74998862 2013-11-30T16:21:01Z YLSS correct myself
exSHI2+lq   (exSHI4+lq) 74998866 2013-11-30T16:21:05Z YLSS correct myself
exSHI2+rq   (exSHI4+rq) 74998873 2013-11-30T16:21:09Z YLSS correct myself
exSHI2lq   (exSHI4lq) 74998877 2013-11-30T16:21:13Z YLSS correct myself
exSHI2rq   (exSHI4rq) 74998880 2013-11-30T16:21:17Z YLSS correct myself
exCONTgq   (exCONTr) 75020828 2013-11-30T21:46:32Z Billinghurst [[COM:FR#reasons|File renaming criterion #6]]: Harmonize file names of a set of images (so that only one part of all names differs) to ease their usage in templates (e.g. diagram symbols, scans of pages of a book, maps, etc.).Please move the file back ...
LCONTl   (LCONTfq) 75021171 2013-11-30T21:54:08Z YLSS getting rid of the "l"/"r" conundrum
LCONTr   (LCONTgq) 75021176 2013-11-30T21:54:15Z YLSS getting rid of the "l"/"r" conundrum
vSTRl2rq   (SHI2rq-) 75022852 2013-11-30T22:27:46Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
vSTRg+lq   (SHI1rq-STR+rq) 75023018 2013-11-30T22:31:52Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
vSTRqr   (STRr-SHI1lq) 75024040 2013-11-30T22:56:00Z YLSS per [[Talk:BSicon/Renaming/SPL]]
SHI1rq-STR+rq   (SHI1rq-STR+r) 75024063 2013-11-30T22:56:26Z YLSS q not needed
uxENDEe   (uENDExe) 75026696 2013-11-30T23:56:17Z YLSS "x" would have "ex" stub, non-"ex" brick