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New Creators
[edit]26 février 2013
[edit]25 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:André Gide
- Creator:Paul Cirou
- Creator:René Boylesve
- Creator:Noël Bellemare
- Creator:Giuseppe Cesare Abba
- Creator:Vittoria Madurelli Berti
- Creator:Angelo Mazzi
- Creator:Abraham van der Wayen Pieterszen
- Creator:Gaspar Peeter Verbruggen (I)
- Creator:François Xaver Henri Verbeeck
- Creator:Gillis van Valckenborch
24 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Otto Karmin
- Creator:François Joseph Corneille Haseleer
- Creator:Antonio Bosa
- Creator:Domenico Banti
- Creator:Francesco Barzaghi
23 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Ștefan Zeletin
- Creator:Ștefan Vasilie Episcopescul
- Creator:Ștefan Petică
- Creator:Ștefan Octavian Iosif
- Creator:Ștefan Laday
- Creator:Ștefan Dimitrie Grecianu
- Creator:Ștefan Călinescu
- Creator:Ștefan C. Michăilescu
- Creator:Ștefan C. Hepites
- Creator:Zamfir C. Arbure
- Creator:Zacharia C. Panțu
- Creator:Zacharia Boiu
- Creator:Xenophon C. Gheorghiu
- Creator:Visarion Macri
- Creator:Vintilă I. C. Brătianu
- Creator:Vintilă Dongoroz
- Creator:Victor Crăsescu
- Creator:Victor Babeș
- Creator:Victor Anestin
- Creator:Vicențiu Babeș
- Creator:Veronica Micle
- Creator:Vasilie Popp
- Creator:Vasile Sion
- Creator:Vasile Pârvan
- Creator:Vasile Pogor
- Creator:Vasile Grigore Borgovan
- Creator:Vasile Gr Pop
- Creator:Vasile G. Morțun
- Creator:Vasile Demetrius
- Creator:Vasile Cuțarida
- Creator:Vasile Conta
- Creator:Vasile Caloianu
- Creator:Vasile Boerescu
- Creator:Vasile Bianu
- Creator:Vasile Alexandrescu Urechia
- Creator:Vasile Alecsandri
- Creator:Vasile Aaron
- Creator:Valeriu Branisce
- Creator:Tudor Pamfile
- Creator:Trandafir G. Djuvara
- Creator:Traian Demetrescu
- Creator:Titu Maiorescu
- Creator:Timotei Cipariu
- Creator:Thoma Ionnescu
- Creator:Thoma Gugea
- Creator:Theodor M. Stoenescu
- Creator:Theodor G. Rosetti
- Creator:Theodor Dimitrie Speranția
- Creator:Theodor D. Speranția
- Creator:Teohari Antonescu
- Creator:Teodor V. Ștefanelli
- Creator:Teodor V. Păcățian
- Creator:Teodor T. Burada
- Creator:Teodor C. Văcărescu
- Creator:Teodor Bălășel
- Creator:Teodor Botiș
- Creator:Take Ionescu
- Creator:Stoica Nicolaescu
- Creator:Spătarul Nicolae Milescu
- Creator:Spiru C. Haret
- Creator:Simion Florea Marian
- Creator:Simion C. Mihălescu
- Creator:Simion Bărnuțiu
- Creator:Silvestru Morariu-Andrievici
- Creator:Samuil Micu-Klein
- Creator:Sabba Ștefănescu
- Creator:Radu Rosetti
- Creator:Radu Ionescu
- Creator:Petru Poni
- Creator:Petre Teulescu
- Creator:Petre S. Aurelian
- Creator:Petre P. Carp
- Creator:Petre Liciu
- Creator:Petre Ispirescu
- Creator:Petre Andrei
- Creator:Ovid Densușianu
- Creator:Ovid Densusianu
- Creator:Octavian Goga
- Creator:Octavian C. Tăslăuanu
- Creator:Nifon Bălășescu
- Creator:Nicolae Țincu
- Creator:Nicolae Șuțu
- Creator:Nicolae Xenopol
- Creator:Nicolae Văcărescu
- Creator:Nicolae Titulescu
- Creator:Nicolae T. Orășanu
- Creator:Nicolae Suțu
- Creator:Nicolae S. Basilescu
- Creator:Nicolae N. Beldiceanu
- Creator:Nicolae Moret Blaramberg
- Creator:Nicolae Michăilescu
- Creator:Nicolae Leon
- Creator:Nicolae Kalinderu
- Creator:Nicolae Istrati
- Creator:Nicolae I. Duma
- Creator:Nicolae Ghica
- Creator:Nicolae Gane
- Creator:Nicolae Filimon
- Creator:Nicolae Drăganu
- Creator:Nicolae Dobrescu
- Creator:Nicolae Costin
- Creator:Nicolae Bălcescu
- Creator:Nicolae Brânzeu
- Creator:Nicolae Alevra
- Creator:Nestor Urechia
- Creator:Nerva Hodoș
- Creator:Narcis Crețulescu
- Creator:Muzeul Municipal din Iași
- Creator:Miron Costin
- Creator:Mircea C. Demetriad
- Creator:Mircea C. A. Rosetti
- Creator:Mihail Zotta
- Creator:Mihail Zamfirescu
- Creator:Mihail Kogălniceanu
- Creator:Mihail G. Boiagi
- Creator:Mihail Dragomirescu
- Creator:Mihail Demetrescu
- Creator:Mihail C. Șuțu
- Creator:Mihail C. Vlădescu
- Creator:Mihai Lupescu
- Creator:Mihai Eminescu
- Creator:Mihai C. Brăneanu
- Creator:Matilda Cugler-Poni
- Creator:Mateiu I. Caragiale
- Creator:Matei Millo
- Creator:Marian Haralambie Georgescu
- Creator:Maria Cunțan
- Creator:Marcel T. Djuvara
- Creator:Lazăr Șăineanu
- Creator:Iuliu Traian Mera
- Creator:Iuliu A. Zanne
- Creator:Iosif Vulcan
- Creator:Iosif Naniescu
- Creator:Iosif Blaga
- Creator:Ionică Tăutul
- Creator:Ion Ursu
- Creator:Ion Tanoviceanu
- Creator:Ion Sîrbu
- Creator:Ion Popovici-Bănățeanu
- Creator:Ion Neculce
- Creator:Ion N. Lahovari
- Creator:Ion N. Angelescu
- Creator:Ion M. Rîureanu
- Creator:Ion Ionescu de la Brad
- Creator:Ion I. Heliade Rădulescu
- Creator:Ion I. C. Brătianu
- Creator:Ion Heliade Rădulescu
- Creator:Ion Ghica
- Creator:Ion Gheorghe Duca
- Creator:Ion Creangă
- Creator:Ion C. Fundescu
- Creator:Ion C. Brătianu
- Creator:Ion Budai-Deleanu
- Creator:Ion Balași Athanasiad
- Creator:Ion A. Lăpedatu
- Creator:Ioan Văcărescu
- Creator:Ioan Tomici
- Creator:Ioan Teodorovici-Nica
- Creator:Ioan Sârbu
- Creator:Ioan Strat
- Creator:Ioan Solomon
- Creator:Ioan Slavici
- Creator:Ioan S. Nenițescu
- Creator:Ioan Pușcariu
- Creator:Ioan Procopie Dumitrescu
- Creator:Ioan Prale
- Creator:Ioan Piuariu-Molnar
- Creator:Ioan Nădejde
- Creator:Ioan N. Șoimescu
- Creator:Ioan Molnar
- Creator:Ioan M. Bujoreanu
- Creator:Ioan I. Mironescu
- Creator:Ioan G. Valentineanu
- Creator:Ioan G. Bibicescu
- Creator:Ioan Eremia
- Creator:Ioan Dragoslav
- Creator:Ioan Dafin
- Creator:Ioan D. Negulici
- Creator:Ioan Costin
- Creator:Ioan Catina
- Creator:Ioan Cantacuzino
- Creator:Ioan C. Bianu
- Creator:Ioan C. Bacalbașa
- Creator:Ioan Budai-Deleanu
- Creator:Ioan Bogdan
- Creator:Ioan Bianu
- Creator:Ioan Barac
- Creator:Ilie Benescu
- Creator:Ienăchiță Văcărescu
- Creator:Iancu Văcărescu
- Creator:Iacob Lahovary
- Creator:Iacob Felix
- Creator:Iacob C. Negruzzi
- Creator:Henriette Eminescu
- Creator:Henri H. Stahl
- Creator:Haralambie Fundățeanu
- Creator:Grigore Ureche
- Creator:Grigore Pleșoianu
- Creator:Grigore Mithridate Buiucliu
- Creator:Grigore G. Tocilescu
- Creator:Grigore Alexandrescu
- Creator:Gregoriu Ștefănescu
- Creator:Gib Mihăescu
- Creator:Gherasim Piteșteanu Timuș
- Creator:Gheorghe Șincai
- Creator:Gheorghe Tăutu
- Creator:Gheorghe Sion
- Creator:Gheorghe Nicolaiasa
- Creator:Gheorghe Munteanu Murgoci
- Creator:Gheorghe Marinescu
- Creator:Gheorghe Lazăr
- Creator:Gheorghe I. Cantacuzino
- Creator:Gheorghe Em Filipescu
- Creator:Gheorghe D. Mărdărescu
- Creator:Gheorghe Constantin Roja
- Creator:Gheorghe Brancovici
- Creator:Gheorghe Bogdan-Duică
- Creator:Gheorghe Bibescu
- Creator:Gheorghe Bengescu
- Creator:Gheorghe Balș
- Creator:Gheorghe Asachi
- Creator:Gheorghe Adamescu
- Creator:Ghenadie Enăceanu
- Creator:Georgiu Radu Melidon
- Creator:George Vâlsan
- Creator:George T. Buzoianu
- Creator:George Rădulescu
- Creator:George Radu Melidon
- Creator:George Panu
- Creator:George Mihail Zamfirescu
- Creator:George Ioan Lahovari
- Creator:Gheorghe Ionescu-Gion
- Creator:George I. Gibescu
- Creator:George Cristureanu
- Creator:George Coșbuc
- Creator:George Brătianu
- Creator:George Bibescu
- Creator:George Barițiu
- Creator:George B. Știrbei
- Creator:Garabet Ibrăileanu
- Creator:Euseviu Popovici
- Creator:Eugeniu Carada
- Creator:Eugen C. Decusară
- Creator:Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi
- Creator:Emil Pop
- Creator:Emil Gârleanu
- Creator:Eftimie Murgu
- Creator:Dumitru Teleor
- Creator:Dumitru Brănescu
- Creator:Dumitru Alessiu
- Creator:Duiliu Zamfirescu
- Creator:Dionisie O. Olinescu
- Creator:Dimitrie Țichindeal
- Creator:Dimitrie S. Nenițescu
- Creator:Dimitrie R. Rosetti
- Creator:Dimitrie R. Ioanițescu
- Creator:Dimitrie Pappazoglu
- Creator:Dimitrie Iarcu
- Creator:Dimitrie Gusti
- Creator:Dimitrie Grecescu
- Creator:Dimitrie G. Nanu
- Creator:Dimitrie G. Brândza
- Creator:Dimitrie F. Caianu
- Creator:Dimitrie D. Pătrășcanu
- Creator:Dimitrie D. Dăscălescu
- Creator:Dimitrie Ciocârdia-Matila
- Creator:Dimitrie Cantemir
- Creator:Dimitrie Brândza
- Creator:Dimitrie August Laurian
- Creator:Dimitrie Anghel
- Creator:Dimitrie Alexandrescu
- Creator:Dimitrie A. Sturdza
- Creator:Demetriu August Laurian
- [[Creator:Dem. D. Stoenescu
- Creator:Damaschin Bojincă
- [[Creator:Cristu S. Negoescu
- Creator:Costache Stamati
- Creator:Constantin Negruzzi
- Creator:Costache Conachi
- Creator:Costache Caragiale
- Creator:Costache Bălăcescu
- Creator:Corneliu Chiseliță
- Creator:Constanța Hodoș
- Creator:Constantin Șăineanu
- Creator:Constantin V. Buțureanu
- [[Creator:Constantin Stere
- Creator:Constantin Sion
- Creator:Constantin Sandu-Aldea
- Creator:Constantin N. Hamangiu
- Creator:Constantin N. Brăiloiu
- Creator:Constantin Litzica
- Creator:Constantin I. Istrati
- Creator:Constantin I. Brătianu
- Creator:Constantin Giurescu
- Creator:Constantin G. Rătescu
- Creator:Constantin G. Dissescu
- Creator:Constantin Essarcu
- Creator:Constantin Esarcu
- Creator:Constantin Erbiceanu
- Creator:Constantin Dobrogeanu-Gherea
- Creator:Constantin Dimitrescu-Iași
- Creator:Constantin Diaconovici-Loga
- Creator:Constantin D. Aricescu
- Creator:Constantin C. Diculescu
- Creator:Constantin C. Bacalbașa
- Creator:Constantin C. Arion
- Creator:Constantin Alimăneștianu
- Creator:C. A. Rosetti
- Creator:Christea N. Țapu
- Creator:Calistrat Hogaș
- Creator:Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu
- Creator:Bartholomeiu Baiulescu
- Creator:Barbu Ștefănescu Delavrancea
- Creator:Barbu Paris Mumuleanu
- Creator:Barbu Catargiu
- Creator:Badea Cireșeanu
- Creator:Aurel C. Popovici
- Creator:Aurel Babeș
- Creator:August Treboniu Laurian
- Creator:Aron Densușianu
- Creator:Armand Călinescu
- Creator:Anton Pann
- Creator:Anton Naum
- Creator:Anton Holban
- Creator:Anton Bacalbașa
- Creator:Antioh Cantemir
- Creator:Anghel Demetriescu
- Creator:Andrei Mureșanu
- Creator:Alexe Marin
- Creator:Alexandru Ștefulescu
- Creator:Alexandru Zamfir Sihleanu
- Creator:Alexandru Vlahuță
- Creator:Alexandru V. Gîdei
- Creator:Alexandru Sturdza
- Creator:Alexandru Sahia
- Creator:Alexandru Sadi-Ionescu
- Creator:Alexandru Philippide
- Creator:Alexandru Papiu-Ilarian
- Creator:Alexandru Odobescu
- Creator:Alexandru Marghiloman
- Creator:Alexandru Lambrior
- Creator:Alexandru I. Philippide
- Creator:Alexandru I. Odobescu
- Creator:Alexandru Hrisoverghi
- Creator:Alexandru Grama
- Creator:Alexandru Geanoglu Lesviodacs
- Creator:Alexandru G. Djuvara
- Creator:Alexandru Depărățeanu
- Creator:Alexandru Davila
- Creator:Alexandru D. Xenopol
- Creator:Alexandru Christian Tell
- Creator:Alexandru Babeș
- Creator:Alexandru Averescu
- Creator:Alexandru A. C. Sturdza
- Creator:Alexandru A. Beldiman
- Creator:Alessandru Pelimon
- Creator:Alecu Văcărescu
- Creator:Alecu Russo
- Creator:Agatha Bârsescu
- Creator:Onofrio Panvinio
- Creator:Carlo Goldoni
- Creator:Luigi Cibrario
- Creator:Henry Moore
- Creator:Gabriel Fauré
- Creator:Claude Debussy
- Creator:Maurice Ravel
22 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Luigi Tatti
- Creator:Leopoldo Pullè
- Creator:Alexandre Scot
- Creator:Carl Kronberger
- Creator:Giuseppe Gioachino Belli
- Creator:Andrea Pasta
- Creator:Cesare Arici
- Creator:Alfred Tennyson
- Creator:François Bernier
- Creator:Pierre Gassendi
- Creator:Michel Odieuvre
- Creator:Louis Auguste Aiguier
- Creator:Antonio Brandimarte
- Creator:Johann Gottfried Ebel
- Creator:Wilhelm Ostwald
- Creator:Francesco Lana de Terzi
- Creator:Pietro Tessieri
- Creator:Gian Rinaldo Carli
- Creator:Adolphe Quételet
- Creator:Théodore Jourdan
- Creator:Maria Pezzé-Pascolato
- Creator:Franco Sacchetti
- Creator:Giovanni Boccaccio
21 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Athanasius Kircher
- Creator:Guiseppe Ninci
- 1783 creator:Felice Polanzani [AC] d:Q3742194 (FC/PD 20120221)
- 1897 creator:Gabriele Rosa [AC] d:Q3756674 (FC/PD)
- Creator:Adolphe Niel
- Creator:Giacomo Castrucci
- Creator:Edmund Wunderlich
- Creator:Corrado Ricci
- Creator:Adrian Stoenică
- Creator:Nicolae Ambrozie
- Creator:Eilif Peterssen
- Creator:William Lake Price
- Creator:Étienne-Frédéric Lignon
- Creator:Jean Pesne
- Creator:Charles Errard
- Creator:Vincenzo Maria Cimarelli
20 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Paul Desjardins
- Creator:René Lochon
- Creator:Pierre Letuaire
- Creator:Paja Jovanović
===19 février 2013===
- Creator:Titus Livius
- Creator:Carlo Botta
- Creator:Jorge Luis Borges
- Creator:Goffredo Mameli
- Creator:Aimé Morot
- Creator:Valeriu Pantazi
18 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Iginio Gentile
- Creator:Muzio Oddi
- Creator:Walt Whitman
- Creator:Zéphyrin Belliard
- Creator:Hermann Brandseph
- Creator:Wim Delvoye
- Creator:Anton Stevens
- Creator:Jan Frans van Son
- Creator:Peter Snijers
- Creator:Dominicus Smouts
- Creator:Jan Baptist Saive (II)
- Creator:David Pièrre Giottino Humbert de Superville
- Creator:Nicolaes van Haeften
- Creator:Vekoslav Kramarič
- Creator:Henry Dawson
- Creator:Jean Frosne
- Creator:Alfred Fouillée
- Creator:Charles Adam
- Creator:Paul Tannery
- Creator:Marsilio Ficino
17 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Plato
- Creator:Jean-François Ducis
- Creator:Cristina Trivulzio di Belgiojoso
- Creator:Santorre di Santa Rosa
- Creator:Adrien Baillet
- Creator:René Descartes
- Creator:Victor Cousin
- Creator:Ludovico Dolce
- Creator:Soběslav Pinkas
- Creator:Antonín Lhota
- Creator:Vilém Kandler
- Creator:Gian Domenico Romagnosi
- Creator:Pierre Parrocel
- Creator:Slava Raškaj
===16 février 2013===
- Creator:Jørgen Roed
- Creator:Witold Rolla-Piekarski
- Creator:Fran Pavlin
15 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Joseph Höger
- Creator:Ignaz Franz Castelli
- Creator:Pierre Picquet
- Creator:Louis Eustache Audot
- Creator:Louis XVI of France
- Creator:Marjan Ciglič
- Creator:Jonas Heiska
- Creator:Ercole Luigi Morselli
- Creator:Reynold Brown
14 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Pope Pius VII
- Creator:Léon Printemps
- Creator:Katalin Jánosi
- Creator:Friedrich Karl Ströher
- Creator:Domenico Marolì
- Creator:Adolf Gancwol-Ganiewski
- Creator:Giovan Battista Quagliata
- Creator:Hélène Bertaux
- Creator:Elżbieta Łaniewska-Łukaszczyk
- Creator:Wincenty Szober
- Creator:Edward Świderski
- Creator:Jerzy Świderski
- Creator:Jacques Mellet
- Creator:Filippo Tancredi
- Creator:Mariano Riccio
- Creator:Alonzo Rodriguez
- Creator:Girolamo Alibrandi
- Creator:Jules Benoit-Lévy
- Creator:Henri Valentin
- Creator:Barthélémy Lauvergne
- Creator:Karl Menser
- Creator:August von Siegen
- Creator:Amédée de Noé
- Creator:Stepan Russov
- Creator:Gabriel Shershenevich
- Creator:Karl Sterio
13 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:André Dunoyer de Segonzac
- Creator:Jan Baptist Saive (I)
- Creator:Adriaen Lievensz. van der Poel
- Creator:Nikolay Mikhaylovich Korkunov
- Creator:Stepan Gedeonov
- Creator:Friedrich Ernst Fehsenfeld
- Creator:Feodor Moroshkin
- Creator:Hermann Ottomar Herzog
- Creator:Evgeny Trubetskoy
- Creator:Alexander Chertkov
- Creator:Pierre Claude François Delorme
- Creator:Jean Nicolas Laugier
- Creator:Karl Friedrich Steinhardt
- Creator:Søren L. Lange
12 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Severyn Obst
- Creator:Adolf Kašpar
- Creator:Francesco Podesti
- Creator:John Wilmot
- Creator:Johann Michael Neder
- Creator:Rudolf Gaupmann
11 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Friedrich Lieder
- Creator:Leopold Fischer
- Creator:Nicolae Iorga
- Creator:Luis Gabriel Moraes Dias
- Creator:Just a test
- Creator:Jules Van Biesbroeck
- Creator:Nicolaes de Vree
- Creator:Zygmunt Krasiński
- Creator:Friedrich John
- Creator:Cornelis Johannes van Hulstijn
- Creator:Herbert Allen Giles
- Creator:Feodor Chaliapin
- Creator:Moritz Bodenehr
- Creator:Octave Uzanne
10 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Armand Silvestre
- Creator:Albert Tournier
- Creator:Antoine de Favray
- Creator:Louis Ducis
- Creator:Davide Riccardi
- Creator:Jacques Peuchet
- Creator:Flavius Claudius Iulianus
- Creator:Antoine Arnauld
- Creator:Jean Georges Daniel Arnold
- Creator:Martinus Josephus Geeraerts
- Creator:Thorleif Wardenær
- Creator:Agosti Xaho
- Creator:Bernard Etxepare
9 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Georg Philipp Schmitt
- Creator:Nicolas Eustache Maurin
- Creator:Anne Brontë
- Creator:Jacques-François Ancelot
- Creator:Claude Anet
- Creator:Josef Matyáš Trenkwald
- Creator:Ferdinand Engelmüller
===8 février 2013 ===
- Creator:Auguste Angellier
- Creator:Édouard d’Anglemont
- Creator:Laurent Angliviel de La Beaumelle
- Creator:Oleksandr Murashko
- Creator:Guillaume Apollinaire
- Creator:Jacques Amyot
- Creator:François d'Amboise
- Creator:Georges Trubert
- Creator:Ladislav Benesch
- Creator:Freddy Driel
- Creator:Piero Della Francesca
- Creator:Thomas Daniell
7 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Jacques-Ange Corbel
- Creator:Alfred Lenoir
- Creator:Tony Smith
- Creator:Pirie MacDonald
- Creator:Herbert Adams
6 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Theodor Josef Hubert Hoffbauer
- Creator:Jean Aicard
- Creator:Emmanuel Aegerter
- Creator:Raymond De la Haye
- Creator:Paul Bourde
- Creator:Jean Moréas
- Creator:Paul Acker
- Creator:T. G. Purvis
- Creator:François Abgrall
- Creator:Charles Dana Gibson
- Creator:Alfred Leete
- Creator:Per Wilhelm Cedergren
- Creator:Pavle Šubic
- Creator:Jernej iz Loke
- Creator:Arnoldus Montanus
- Creator:Adolf van der Laan
- Creator:Joseph Hickel
- Creator:Franz Schubert
4 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Gaspard Duchange
- Creator:Franz de Hamilton
- Creator:Léon Fredericq
- Creator:Franc Mihael Strauss
- Creator:Lionel Walter Rothschild
- Creator:Edmond Plumier
- Creator:Philip Fruytiers
- Creator:Gillis Peeters
- Creator:Willem van Ingen
- Creator:Izaäk Schmidt
- Creator:Abraham Fresco
3 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Ernst Hartert
- Creator:Eduard von Bauernfeld
- Creator:Leopold Kupelwieser
- Creator:Otto Gutfreund
- Creator:Philippe Tanneur
- Creator:Norbert Grund
- Creator:Hanuš Schwaiger
- Creator:Ellisif Wessel
- Creator:Mintern
- Creator:Théodore Gruyère
- Creator:Émile Louis Truffot
2 février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Christian Olsen
- Creator:Jules Gervais-Courtellemont
- Creator:Nathaniel Hone the Elder
- Creator:John S. Johnston
- Creator:John Farey, Jr.
- Creator:Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo
1er février 2013
[edit]- Creator:Sir Henry Cheere
- Creator:José Navarro Llorens
- Creator:Philippe Grass
- Creator:Amvrosiy Zhdakha
- Creator:Franz Kurz zum Thurn und Goldenstein
- Creator:Erik Bodom
- Creator:Nils Bergslien
- Creator:Peter McKenzie
- Creator:Frank Gowen
- Creator:Lorenzo Mascheroni
- Creator:Simon Ogrin
- Creator:Peter Žmitek
- Creator:Miroslav Tomec
31 janvier 2013
[edit]- Creator:Adrien Louis Marie Cavelier
- Creator:Enrique Piñeyro
- Creator:Charles Lock Eastlake
- Creator:Henry Houssaye
- Creator:Arthur Haeghebaert
- Creator:Alberto Vianetti
- Creator:Carl Friedrich Lehmann-Haupt
- Creator:Mark Lidzbarski
- Creator:Antonio Tiraboschi
- Creator:Srečko Magolič
- Creator:Ludvik Grilc
- Creator:Pavel Künl
- Creator:Lovro Janša
- Creator:Joseph Neugebauer
- Creator:Emil von Gerliczy
- Creator:Janez Frančišek Gladič
- Creator:Jožef Čeferin
- Creator:Henrik Dejak
- Creator:Štefan Dolinar
- Creator:Charles-Louis Bazin
- Creator:Louis René Letronne
- Creator:Pierre Daret
- Creator:Franjo Kopač
- Creator:Lucien Jonas
- Creator:Léon Broquet
- Creator:Blasius Höfel
- Creator:Gregor Perušek
- 15:10 Creator:Janez Borovski
- 15:03 Creator:Henrika Langus
- 14:41 Creator:Janez Mihael Reinwaldt
- 13:37 Creator:Matija Koželj
- 12:44 Creator:Clemente Spera
- 09:57 Creator:Frančišek Karel Remb
- 09:45 Creator:Roman Fekonja
- 09:35 Creator:Marie-Victoire Jaquotot
30 janvier 2013
[edit]- 21:21 Creator:Andrew J. Russell
- 19:53 Creator:Master Georgius
- 18:59 Creator:Master of the Drapery Studies
- 17:49 Creator:Henrika Šantel
- 10:04 Creator:Ferenc Márkos
- 09:49 Creator:Otto Piene (hist)
- 07:50 Creator:Pierre-Antoine Lemoine
29 janvier 2013
[edit]- 15:30 Creator:Matija Bradaška
- 12:55 Creator:Alexandre Du Mège
- 12:51 Creator:James Duffield Harding
- 12:46 Creator:Raymond de Saint-Martin-Beyrie
- 09:21 Creator:Ivan Žabota
- 06:55 Creator:Rudolph Hoffmann
- 05:46 Creator:Domenico Fiasella
- 04:37 Creator:James Clerk Maxwell
28 janvier 2013
[edit]- 13:37 Creator:Ivan Franke
- 12:28 Creator:Marija Auersperg Attems
- 10:50 Creator:Janez Aquila
- 10:22 Creator:Thamine Tadama-Groeneveld
- 10:12 Creator:Peeter Bolckman
- 10:00 Creator:Matej Brodnik
- 09:49 Creator:Jaques van de Kerckhove
- 09:40 Creator:Hans Georg Geiger
- 09:35 Creator:Godfried Maes
- 09:30 Creator:Alexander Casteels (I)
- 09:24 Creator:Frans Xavery
- 02:54 Creator:Henriette Lorimier
- 00:03 Creator:Julian Scott
27 janvier 2013
[edit]- 21:19 Creator:Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges
- 20:44 Creator:Emil Mayer
- 19:24 Creator:António Soares dos Reis
- 17:00 Creator:Alfred-Nicolas Normand
- 12:11 Creator:Filip Fröhlich
26 janvier 2013
[edit]- 23:06 Creator:Cor van Teeseling
- 20:57 Creator:Per Krafft the Elder
- 20:36 Creator:Monogrammist LAM
- 19:04 Creator:Matthias Quad
- 15:15 Creator:Daniel Specklin
- 09:28 Creator:Frans Vervloet
- 03:47 Creator:Gilbert Parker
25 janvier 2013
[edit]- 19:33 Creator:William Duckett
- 19:11 Creator:Władysław Barwicki
- 18:54 Creator:Ernest J. Rowley
- 18:41 Creator:Christophe Tassin
- 15:10 Creator:Abraham de Bruyn
- 14:50 Creator:Josip Egartner
- 13:24 Creator:Almanach
- 13:08 Creator:Franjo Sterle
24 janvier 2013
[edit]- 22:17 Creator:Moses ter Borch
- 22:09 Creator:Jan Willemsz. Lapp
- 21:55 Creator:Hans Döring
- 21:47 Creator:Luigi Cremona
- 21:33 Creator:William Rimmer
- 20:45 Creator:Agustín Esteve
- 15:44 Creator:Janez Potočnik
- 14:32 Creator:Janez Andrej Herrlein
- 13:24 Creator:Charles Spindler
- 13:15 Creator:Fred C. Würtele
- 11:53 Creator:Francis Bourgeois
- 11:36 Creator:Alfred Touchemolin
- 10:50 Creator:Joseph Wencker
- 07:48 Creator:Gyula Mártonfy
- 06:32 Creator:Alexander Vasilievich Loganovsky
- 00:00 Creator:Peter Monamy
23 janvier 2013
[edit]- 23:15 Creator:Pellegrino Aretusi
- 22:40 Creator:Pierre Filloeul
- 20:54 Creator:Edmond Hédouin
- 18:33 Creator:Paul Mecet Ciuciumiş
- 18:20 Creator:Solon Borglum
- 11:46 Creator:Jožef Anton Lerchinger
- 11:43 Creator:Jean-Baptiste Claude Odiot
- 10:46 Creator:Valentin Metzinger
22 janvier 2013
[edit]- 21:03 Creator:Henry Sargent
- 20:12 Creator:Antonio Cavallucci
- 14:22 Creator:Perrin Remiet
- 09:34 Creator:Daniël Mijtens (II)
- 00:47 Creator:Ramsay Traquair
21 janvier 2013
[edit]- 23:05 Creator:John Ritto Penniman
- 22:18 Creator:Ceraiolo
- 20:30 Creator:Friedrich Geselschap
- 20:15 Creator:Karl Ferdinand Wimar
- 19:04 Creator:John Robert Dicksee
- 18:27 Creator:Margaret Dicksee
- 17:45 Creator:Achille Martinet
- 12:09 Creator:Johann Martin Weiss
- 10:55 Creator:Emil Anner
- 10:51 Creator:Lieven van Lathem
- 10:42 Creator:Franz Sodar
- 10:41 Creator:Giacomo Cestaro
- 10:33 Creator:Adriaan de Weerdt
- 10:28 Creator:Isaac Duchemin
- 10:18 Creator:Boëthius a Bolswert
- 09:53 Creator:Giuseppe Chiesa
- 09:41 Creator:Karl Otto Götz
- 09:34 Creator:Tom Manders
- 09:21 Creator:Pieter Oyens
- 09:03 Creator:Pieter Gaal
- 08:54 Creator:Jan Visser jr.
- 08:43 Creator:Jan Adam Zandleven
- 08:33 Creator:Colantonio
- 00:38 Creator:Johann Gottfried Auerbach
20 janvier 2013
[edit]- 23:01 Creator:Jacob Cornelis Gaal
- 22:54 Creator:Willem Carel Nakken
- 22:34 Creator:Bogdan Pavlovich Willewalde
- 22:18 Creator:Samuel Gustaf Hermelin
- 18:31 Creator:Cees Tromp
- 18:17 Creator:August Willem van Voorden
- 17:14 Creator:Georg Michael Schneider
- 12:45 Creator:Émile Schweitzer
19 janvier 2013
[edit]- 20:00 Creator:Francesco Foschi
- 17:12 Creator:William Henry Johnson (artist)
- 16:45 Creator:Morris Kantor
- 15:56 Creator:Elbridge Ayer Burbank
- 15:34 Creator:Henry Fitch Taylor
- 12:45 Creator:Johann Nepomuk Ott
- 12:06 Creator:Camille Germain de Montauzan
- 11:15 Creator:Joseph Henry Sharp
- 03:05 Creator:William Gilbert
18 janvier 2013
[edit]- 22:38 Creator:Edward L. Mooney
- 18:08 Creator:Antonín Dvořák
- 17:37 Creator:Ivan Trush
- 17:31 Creator:Diogo de Contreiras
- 15:28 Creator:Janez Svetokriški
- 15:21 Creator:Marko Pohlin
- 14:04 Creator:Johan Meyer
- 14:02 Creator:Charles Langlois
- 13:37 Creator:Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
- 11:20 Creator:Rudolf Maister
- 10:23 Creator:Janez Cigler
- 10:15 Creator:Matija Čop
- 09:38 Creator:Sigmund Zois
- 07:19 Creator:Robert Owen
= 17 janvier 2013
[edit]- 15:33 Creator:Francesco Capella
- 15:16 Creator:Kornylo Ustyjanovych
- 15:05 Creator:Aleksander Borawski
- 14:02 Creator:Peder O. Aune
- 10:05 Creator:Johann Friedrich Dietler
- 08:44 Creator:Bartholomeus Eggers
- 02:11 Creator:Ludwig van Beethoven
16 janvier 2013
[edit]- Creator:Dennis Oppenheim
- Creator:Zadok Ben-David
- Creator:Jean François De Boever
- Creator:Johannes Baptista Van Acker
- Creator:Uko Post
- Creator:Michal Na'aman
- Creator:Michael Gross
- Creator:Itzhak Danziger
- Creator:Nahum Tevet
- Creator:Ch'ing-yen T'ang Tai
- Creator:Tametsugu
- Creator:Kinmichi II
- Creator:Kiyoshige
- Creator:Moriyoshi
- Creator:Yoshihiro
- Creator:George Henry Ford
- Creator:Georges François Marie Gabriel
15 janvier 12013
[edit]- Creator:Ossip Zadkine
- Creator:Charles Cottet
- Creator:James Henry Beard
- Creator:Dixie Selden
- Creator:Léon Augustin Lhermitte
- Creator:Kyukoku
- Creator:Shurai
- Creator:Ranka
- Creator:Anton Krempl
- Creator:Yutokusai Gyokkei
- Creator:Tachibana Hogyokusa
- Creator:Hirata Haruyuki
- Creator:Christian Votteler
14 janvier 2013
[edit]- Creator:Bruno Dürigen
- Creator:John Hauser
- Creator:William James Linton
- Creator:Federico Grisone
- Creator:Otto Henry Bacher
- Creator:Matthias Jansz. van Geuns
- Creator:Félix Sanzel
- Creator:Jan Vermeulen
- Creator:Jan van Amstel
- Creator:George Pletser
- Creator:Frits Maris
- Creator:Willem Hendrik Hoogkamer
- Creator:Just Havelaar
- Creator:Johan Hendrik Doeleman
13 janvier 2013
[edit]- Creator:Seth Eastman
- Creator:Allan Österlind
- Creator:Clement John Barnhorn
- Creator:Samuel Percy
- Creator:Moses Jacob Ezekiel
- Creator:Charles Henry Niehaus
- Creator:Robert Forell
- Creator:Angelo Vescovali
- Creator:Utagawa Kuninao
- Creator:Jose L. Sanchez
- Creator:Henri Julien
- Creator:Louis-Honoré Fréchette
12 janvier 2013
[edit]- 22:53 Creator:Carl Probst
- 20:51 Creator:Oda Krohg
- 18:28 Creator:David von Krafft
- 15:25 Creator:Johann Georg Weinhold
- 10:10 Creator:Gunther Stilling
- 02:38 Creator:Axel Törneman
- 00:54 Creator:Gabriello Chiabrera
11 janvier 2013
[edit]- 19:06 Creator:Domenico Scarlatti
- 18:48 Creator:Penthesilea Painter
- 17:24 Creator:Antonio Herrera Toro
- 15:28 Creator:Richard Caton Woodville, Jr.
- 14:40 Creator:Hans Cranach
- 12:23 Creator:Tomislav Nikolić
- 11:11 Creator:Arthur S. Goss
- 07:01 Creator:Winsor McCay
10 janvier 2013
[edit]- 19:20 Creator:Anton Ebert
- 17:54 Creator:Lexden Lewis Pocock
- 16:47 Creator:Michael Christoph Hagelgans
- 13:47 Creator:Alberto Orrego Luco
- 13:42 Creator:Jean Bodin
- 07:36 Creator:George Herriman
- 00:41 Creator:James Fittler
9 janvier 2013
[edit]- 20:42 Creator:Ignacio Baz
- 20:31 Creator:Ramón Silva
- 20:28 Creator:Benjamín Franklin Rawson
- 20:18 Creator:Jorge Bermudez
- 19:39 Creator:Teófilo Castillo
- 19:32 Creator:Pablo Alborno
- 19:28 Creator:Juan Anselmo Samudio
- 19:21 Creator:Julián de la Herrería
- 19:02 Creator:Guillermo Da Re
- 18:36 Creator:Cayetano Descalzi
- 04:16 Creator:Pedro Figari
- 04:02 Creator:Guillermo Facio Hebequer
8 janvier 2013
[edit]- 23:59 Creator:Henry Robertson Blaney
- 19:55 Creator:Felice Cavallotti
- 19:51 Creator:Alfredo Guttero
- 19:32 Creator:Emilio Gola
- 19:21 Creator:Daniel Hallé
- 19:18 Creator:Tancredi Scarpelli
- 19:10 Creator:Reynaldo Giudici
- 18:57 Creator:Gregorio Ibarra
- 18:42 Creator:Pierre-François Le Roy
- 17:17 Creator:Girolamo Mirola
- 17:10 Creator:Graciano Mendilaharzu
- 16:52 Creator:Alexis-Joseph Mazerolle
- 11:14 Creator:Théodore Botrel
- 10:59 Creator:David Ossipovitch Widhopff
- 08:46 Creator:Pieter Stevens
- 02:33 Creator:Fernando Fader
- 01:51 Creator:Martín Malharro
- W 1870 Creator:John Wood [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS (FC/PD)
- H 1616 Creator:Richard Hakluyt [AC] d:Q185510 (FC/PD)
- P 1626 Creator:Samuel Purchas [AC] d:Q921942 (FC/PD)
7 janvier 2013
[edit]- 22:20 Creator:Walter de Navazio
- 22:06 Creator:Severo Rodríguez Etchart
- 22:00 Creator:Félix Revol
- 21:37 Creator:Jacob Thompson (painter)
- 21:32 Creator:Jacob Thompson
- 21:07 Creator:Édouard Viénot
- 20:44 Creator:Frédéric Martens
- 19:30 Creator:Henry Sheridan
- 19:09 Creator:Eduardo Schiaffino
- 19:04 Creator:Salvador Sánchez Barbudo
- 18:55 Creator:Valentín Thibon de Libian
- 18:52 Creator:Marcelino de Unceta
- 18:43 Creator:Víctor Cúnsolo
- 18:38 Creator:Adolphe d'Hastrel
- 18:30 Creator:Ignacio Manzoni
- 18:25 Creator:Henry d'Arles
- 18:07 Creator:Ángel Della Valle
- 17:58 Creator:Augusto Ballerini
- 10:59 Creator:Albert Lambert
- 10:38 Creator:Philip Aguirre
- 10:24 Creator:Alfons Van Meirvenne
- 10:01 Creator:Cornelis Mahu
- 09:47 Creator:Thomas Lefèbvre
- 09:20 Creator:Anna Francisca de Bruyns
- 08:57 Creator:Maurice Wilmotte
- 08:54 Creator:Gisèle van Waterschoot van der Gracht
- 08:33 Creator:Alfred-Charles Lenoir
- 08:30 Creator:Gillis Smak Gregoor
- 08:22 Creator:Johan Ernst Bäumer
6 janvier 2013
[edit]- 23:24 Creator:Jean Nicolas Ventadour
- 22:50 Creator:Fritz Neubauer
- 22:32 Creator:Jakob Ludwig Buhl
- 21:51 Creator:Johann Caspar Zehender
- 21:48 Creator:Vilhelm Østergaard
- 21:14 Creator:Pietro Saltini
- 20:30 Creator:Pierre-Simon Laplace
- 20:20 Creator:Ole Rømer
- 20:11 Creator:Kirstine Meyer
- 20:04 Creator:Jérôme Lalande
- 19:52 Creator:Joseph-Louis Lagrange
- 19:07 Creator:Luplau Janssen
- 16:22 Creator:Henry Peacham
- 15:14 Creator:Henry Thomson
- 13:36 Creator:John Charlton
- 13:12 Creator:Harvey Ellis
- 12:55 Creator:John Gregory Crace
5 janvier 2013
[edit]- 23:31 Creator:Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- 14:50 Creator:Franciszek Smiadecki
- 14:30 Creator:Henry Thomas Alken
- 14:18 Creator:Samuel Henry Alken
- 13:29 Creator:Rosa Campbell Praed
- 12:43 Creator:Alphonse Le Hénaff
- 12:28 Creator:John Hassell
- 12:16 Creator:Samuel Rickards
- 12:00 Creator:James Pollard
- 11:18 Creator:Edward Barrett Warman
- 09:16 Creator:Robert Hartley Cromek
- 08:10 Creator:Adolfo De Carolis
- 08:07 Creator:Ettore Romagnoli
- 1714 Creator:Cristóbal de Villalpando [AC] d:Q674866 (FC/PD)
- 02:23 Creator:George Lambert
- 1865 Creator:John Frederick Herring, Sr. [AC] d:Q1686932 (FC/PD)
- 01:43 Creator:Guillaume Budé
- 00:31 Creator:Friedrich Wilhelm Keyl
- 00:26 Creator:George Price Boyce
4 janvier 2013
[edit]- 21:55 Creator:Berend Reinders
- 20:24 Creator:Henry Tonks
- 18:26 Creator:Edward Percy Moran
- 18:18 Creator:Claude Sauvageot
- 16:21 Creator:François Courboin
- 14:00 Creator:Pol Potier de Courcy
- 05:04 Creator:Édouard-Jean Niermans
3 janvier 2013
[edit]- 23:47 Creator:Giuseppe Troni
- 17:27 Creator:Jean Nicot
- 15:43 Creator:Edward Francis Rimbault
- 11:53 Creator:Jeff Koons
- 00:40 Creator:Hans Thøger Winther
2 janvier 2013
[edit]- 21:53 Creator:Francesco Polazzo
- 21:08 Creator:Louis-Vincent Raoul
- 16:45 Creator:Alfred Krausse
- 15:59 Creator:Augustin François Lemaître
- 12:59 Creator:Zhu Xi
- 12:14 Creator:Wang Xizhi
31 décembre 2012
[edit]- 20:51 Creator:Dirck Wijntrack
- 20:47 Creator:Maria Withoos
- 20:40 Creator:Hans Savery (I)
- 20:32 Creator:Hans Savery (II)
- 20:25 Creator:Antonie Sminck Pitloo
- 20:06 Creator:Pieter Nijs
- 19:52 Creator:Zacharias Paulusz.
- 19:47 Creator:Jan van Nickelen
- 19:42 Creator:Jan Mortel
- 19:35 Creator:Frans Menton
- 19:31 Creator:Jan Martszen de Jonge
- 19:24 Creator:Johannes Leemans
- 19:20 Creator:Hendrik van Oort
- 19:15 Creator:Lambertus Johannes Hansen
- 19:11 Creator:Pieter Gallis
- 19:03 Creator:Jan Jansz. Westerbaen (I)
- 17:36 Creator:Reynaud Levieux
- 17:06 Creator:Huang Tingjian
- 16:30 Creator:Guiseppe Canella
- 16:11 Creator:Théophile Vauchelet
- 15:48 Creator:Park & Co
- 14:54 Creator:Anthonie van Ravesteyn
- 14:53 Creator:Pierre Joseph Célestin François
- 14:46 Creator:Jan Schüler
- 14:34 Creator:Wacław Wąsowicz
- 14:26 Creator:Pierre Adolphe Valette
- 14:21 Creator:Jan Trampota
- 14:19 Creator:Louis Tinayre
- 14:12 Creator:Frederic Storck
- 14:00 Creator:Peter Sellemond
- 13:51 Creator:Hendrik de Winter
- 13:51 Creator:Balthasar Schmitt
- 13:45 Creator:Carel Nicolaas Storm van 's-Gravesande
- 13:44 Creator:Frederick Ruckstull
- 13:35 Creator:Tadeusz Pruszkowski
- 13:22 Creator:Yva
- 13:20 Creator:Paul Bodifée
- 13:16 Creator:Sava Šumanović
- 13:06 Creator:Jean Restout
- 13:05 Creator:Konstantin Pankov
- 12:54 Creator:Jules-Alexis Muenier
- 12:48 Creator:Gerard Westermann
- 12:45 Creator:Burr McIntosh
- 12:40 Creator:Jacob Merkelbach
- 12:39 Creator:Willem de Famars Testas
- 12:38 Creator:Martin Meyer-Pyritz
- 12:33 Creator:Georges Malissard
- 12:23 Creator:Louis Joseph Watteau
- 11:52 Creator:Bohumil Kafka
- 11:38 Creator:Paul Jobert
- 11:32 Creator:Giuseppe Graziosi
- 11:25 Creator:Julio González
- 11:19 Creator:Hans Dammann
- 11:13 Creator:William Couper
- 11:10 Creator:Léon Carré
- 11:04 Creator:Ludovico Cavaleri
- 11:03 Creator:Emmanuel Champigneulle
- 11:01 Creator:Rose Clark
- 10:55 Creator:José Moreno Carbonero
- 10:54 Creator:Jan Custers
- 10:52 Creator:Jorge Colaço
- 10:49 Creator:Leyba Antokolʹskiy
- 10:41 Creator:Leendert Bolle
- 10:38 Creator:Hermann Blumenthal
- 08:44 Creator:Carl Alexander Simon
- 08:06 Creator:Caran d'Ache
- 04:30 Creator:Sandra Eisert
- 04:24 Creator:Baltasar Gracián
- 03:38 Creator:Friedrich Schiller
- 31 décembre 2012 d:Q786094 Creator:Leo Kobilinski-Ellis
30 décembre 2012
[edit]- NO WIKILINKS Creator:Joseph-Laurent Bouvier
- d:Q528753 Creator:Bertall
- d:Q2069144 Creator:Benjamin Roubaud
- d:Q982064 Creator:Louis Petit de Bachaumont
- NO WIKILINKS Creator:Louis Petit I
- NO WIKILINKS Creator:John Reuben Chapin
- d:Q767233 Creator:Auguste de Châtillon
- d:Q322291 Creator:Thomas Somerscales
- d:Q2067717 Creator:Cosme San Martín (no Authority Control)
- d:Q943854 Creator:Konstantin Gorbatov
- d:Q1531988 Creator:Alberto Valenzuela Llanos
- d:Q2048640 Creator:Alonzo Chappel
- d:Q2068541 Creator:Edna Worthley Underwood
- d:Q2068694 Creator:George Rapall Noyes
29 décembre 2012
[edit]- 23:44 Creator:Władysław Mickiewicz
- 23:34 Creator:Maude Ashurst Biggs
- 23:15 Creator:Richard Gibson
- 21:42 Creator:Frieda Amerlan (hist) [768 octets] PigeonIP
- 19:49 Creator:Moritz Hensoldt [733 octets] Raymond
- 19:05 Creator:Wilhelm Claudius [681 octets] FA2010
- 19:00 Creator:Sabine Lepsius [673 octets] FA2010
- 18:38 Creator:Guillermo Gómez Gil [631 octets] FA2010
- 18:35 Creator:Guido Oppenheim [636 octets] FA2010
- 18:31 Creator:Francisco Fortuny [632 octets] FA2010
- 18:28 Creator:Fyodor Buchholz [702 octets] FA2010
- 18:18 Creator:Clara Arnheim [644 octets] FA2010
- 18:09 Creator:Stefan Zweig [890 octets] FA2010
- 18:07 Creator:Viktor Rolín [610 octets] FA2010
- 18:02 Creator:Marie Sandholt [657 octets] FA2010
- 17:57 Creator:Paul Kayser (painter) [651 octets] FA2010
- 17:48 Creator:Max Tilke [676 octets] FA2010
- 17:39 Creator:Jaroslav Král [668 octets] FA2010
- 17:36 Creator:Émile Oscar Guillaume [654 octets] FA2010
- 17:34 Creator:Eugène Benet [676 octets] FA2010
- 17:27 Creator:Franz von Matsch [724 octets] FA2010
- 17:22 Creator:Fernand Piet [691 octets] FA2010
- 17:20 Creator:Hobbe Smith [597 octets] FA2010
- 17:17 Creator:Helene von Taussig [659 octets] FA2010
- 17:13 Creator:Heinrich Vogeler [825 octets] FA2010
- 17:09 Creator:Jindřich Štyrský [716 octets] FA2010
- 17:06 Creator:Kasia von Szadurska [764 octets] FA2010
- 16:53 Creator:Walter Spies [755 octets] FA2010
- 16:51 Creator:Walter Sickert [780 octets] FA2010
- 16:46 Creator:Séraphine de Senlis [732 octets] FA2010
- 16:42 Creator:Kazimierz Sichulski [674 octets] FA2010
- 16:40 Creator:Tavík František Šimon [734 octets] FA2010
- 16:36 Creator:Theo Schmuz-Baudiß [710 octets] FA2010
- 16:33 Creator:Angelo Dall'Oca Bianca [690 octets] FA2010
- 16:27 Creator:Hermann Hahn [707 octets] FA2010
- 16:24 Creator:Rudolf Hellwag [641 octets] FA2010
- 16:22 Creator:Hans Herrmann [688 octets] FA2010
- 16:18 Creator:Heinrich Hermanns [648 octets] FA2010
- 16:16 Creator:Ludwig Jonas (painter) [666 octets] FA2010
- 16:13 Creator:Alois Kolb [650 octets] FA2010
- 16:03 Creator:Fritz Erler (painter) [684 octets] FA2010
- 16:02 Creator:Heinrich Franz [624 octets] FA2010
- 16:00 Creator:Franz Erler [586 octets] FA2010
- 15:57 Creator:Josef Eberz [683 octets] FA2010
- 15:56 Creator:Leo Diet [607 octets] FA2010
- 15:50 Creator:Mykola Burachek [744 octets] FA2010
- 15:48 Creator:Bruno Diamant [629 octets] FA2010
- 15:44 Creator:Hans Blum (painter) [630 octets] FA2010
- 15:39 Creator:Robert Weir Allan [619 octets] FA2010
- 07:18 Creator:Väinö Hämäläinen [702 octets] Jarekt
- 07:13 Creator:Luigi Crosio [536 octets] Jarekt
- 02:41 Creator:William Henry Bartlett [969 octets] Rd232
- 01:18 Creator:Johann Christoph Frisch [787 octets] Botaurus
- 00:13 Creator:Peter Edward Stroehling [665 octets] Ecummenic
27 décembre 2012
[edit]- 16:56 Creator:Gerhard Friedrich Müller [1 096 octets] Butko
- 16:55 Creator:John Robert Parsons
- 16:29 Creator:Georges Ohnet
- 16:24 Creator:Dmitry Bagaley [820 octets] Butko
- 14:55 Creator:Henry Wyndham Phillips
- 14:36 Creator:Émile Bayard
26 décembre 2012
[edit]- 23:35 Creator:Auguste Chauvigné [613 octets] Léna
- 22:56 Creator:Hans Besser [689 octets] Mattes
- 22:43 Creator:Martin de Soria
- 21:03 Creator:Zhang Xuan
- 20:10 Creator:Bernardo di Stefano Rosselli
- 19:14 Creator:Louis-Jules Dumoulin
- 18:33 Creator:Adolfo Farsari
- 17:38 Creator:Fotiy Krasytskyi [1 213 octets] Zozula
- 13:25 Creator:Pierre Roche [688 octets] Jastrow
- 13:17 Creator:Otto Neurath [642 octets] M0tty
- 10:34 Creator:Charles-Amédée de Boret [1 188 octets] Robert.Allen
- 08:32 Creator:Johann de Cordua [935 octets] Mattes
- 03:49 Creator:Eugène-Ernest Hillemacher [1 361 octets] Robert.Allen
- 02:33 Creator:Artur Nikutowski [756 octets] Holger1959
- 01:04 Creator:Eugène Delâtre [1 176 octets] Robert.Allen
25 décembre 2012
[edit]- 23:07 Creator:Auguste Delâtre [1 523 octets] Robert.Allen
- 21:15 Creator:Frédéric-Désiré Hillemacher [1 337 octets] Robert.Allen
- 20:58 Creator:Siegfried Laboschin [694 octets] Togamek
- 19:19 Creator:Giovan Gioseffo dal Sole [689 octets] Mattes
- 18:40 Creator:Isaac Gosschalk [738 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 18:33 Creator:Antoni Caba [748 octets] Mattes
- 17:23 Creator:Ernst Seger [731 octets] Togamek
- 13:01 Creator:Johannes Anthonius Moesman [704 octets] Sonty567
24 décembre 2012
[edit]- 22:56 Creator:Carlo Manieri [606 octets] Mattes
- 16:12 Creator:Samuel Peploe
- 15:40 Creator:John Dickson Batten
- 15:27 Creator:Jacopo di Cione
- 14:45 Creator:Alfred William Parsons
- 11:06 Creator:Pierre-Charles Levesque [1 286 octets] Robert.Allen
- 10:24 Creator:Charles-Marie Caffiéri [1 272 octets] Robert.Allen
- 10:24 Creator:Alfred-Philippe Roll [689 octets] Kilom691
- 04:05 Creator:Domenico Tiepolo
- 03:40 Creator:Auguste François-Marie Gorguet
- 02:56 Creator:John Ford Paterson
- 02:44 Creator:Thomas Shields Clarke [761 octets] Rd232
- 02:35 Creator:François Sallé
- 02:20 Creator:Edward Linley Sambourne
- 01:48 Creator:Henry Herschel Hay Cameron
- 01:35 Creator:Robert Wiedemann Browning
- 01:27 Creator:Josiah J. Hawes
- 01:04 Creator:Thomas Buchanan Read
- 00:38 Creator:Romualdo Alinari
23 décembre 2012
[edit]- 19:38 Creator:Michele Gordigiani
- 19:18 Creator:Robert Browning
- 18:48 Creator:Pan Painter [1 081 octets] Jastrow
- 18:11 Creator:Heins, IJ.Th. [753 octets] Basvb
- 17:45 Creator:Wal, A.J. van der [771 octets] Multichill
- 12:29 Creator:Ignace Spiridon
- 10:37 Creator:Charles Edwin Fripp
- 02:41 Creator:Ferdinand Mulnier
- 02:26 Creator:Mathys Schoevaerdts [1 473 octets] Robert.Allen
- 00:46 Creator:Solomon Hart
- 00:27 Creator:Eugène Bidau
22 décembre 2012
[edit]- 23:48 Creator:Walter Howell Deverell
- 22:15 Creator:Henri Théophile Hildibrand [761 octets] Rd232
- 21:59 Creator:Pasqualino Veneziano [626 octets] Mattes
- 21:55 Creator:Herbert William Weekes
- 21:18 Creator:Charles Allston Collins
- 19:03 Creator:David Wilkie Wynfield
- 18:59 Creator:Francesco Righetti [675 octets] JÄNNICK Jérémy
- 18:58 Creator:Nikolai Shulpinov [889 octets] Proktolog
- 18:57 Creator:Gilles Guérin [655 octets] JÄNNICK Jérémy
- 18:56 Creator:Simon Challe [649 octets] JÄNNICK Jérémy
- 18:53 Creator:Thomas Boudin [646 octets] JÄNNICK Jérémy
- 18:30 Creator:Amédée Daudenarde [785 octets] ~Pyb
- 18:14 Creator:Thomas Stewardson
- 17:42 Creator:Francis Chantrey
- 17:36 Creator:Henry Corbould
- 17:08 Creator:William Boxall
- 17:01 Creator:Michel Angelo Pittatore
- 16:51 Creator:James Leakey
- 15:37 Creator:Anthony Sands
- 15:09 Creator:Joseph Swain
- 14:57 Creator:Adolphe Willette [721 octets] Kilom691
- 13:37 Creator:Henry Holiday
- 13:27 Creator:William Michael Rossetti
- 13:25 Creator:Ryūtei Tanehiko [737 octets] Rd232
- 05:07 Creator:Edmond Yon [747 octets] Rd232
- 03:20 Creator:Charles Laplante [630 octets] Rd232
- 03:12 Creator:Paul Philippoteaux [822 octets] Rd232
- 03:03 Creator:François Pannemaker [647 octets] Rd232
- 03:01 Creator:Henri de Montaut [676 octets] Rd232
- 02:30 Creator:Georges Tiret-Bognet [700 octets] Rd232
- 02:25 Creator:Gédéon Baril [698 octets] Rd232
- 02:14 Creator:Jules Férat [632 octets] Rd232
- 01:12 Creator:Gregório Lopes [656 octets] Mattes
- 00:19 Creator:Hans Rudi Erdt
21 décembre 2012
[edit]- 23:31 Creator:Emil Schmidt
- 23:19 Creator:John Seymour Lucas
- 23:04 Creator:Henry Macbeth-Raeburn
- 22:10 Creator:Theodore Blake Wirgman
- 21:28 Creator:Jacob Hilsdorf
- 20:52 Creator:William Carpenter [678 octets] Rd232
- 20:15 Creator:Pasquale Ottino [615 octets] Mattes
- 20:03 Creator:Martin Luther [857 octets] Rd232
- 18:38 Creator:Auguste Hervieu
- 18:32 Creator:Samuel Laurence
- 18:24 Creator:Anthony Trollope
- 17:34 Creator:Giuseppe Fagnani
- 15:44 Creator:Mikhail Malakhov [1 646 octets] Jarekt
- 15:06 Creator:Wilkie Collins
- 00:38 Creator:Giovanni Battista Ortolano [753 octets] Mattes
20 décembre 2012
[edit]- 23:29 Creator:Nishimura Shigenobu [666 octets] Jastrow
- 23:28 Creator:Niccolò Soggi [706 octets] Mattes
- 20:29 Creator:Shikibu Terutada [653 octets] Jastrow
- 19:24 Creator:Johannes Glauber [1 268 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 15:11 Creator:John Montresor [744 octets] Zeete
- 15:09 Creator:John Kay [735 octets] Rd232
- 09:57 Creator:Albert Guillaume [727 octets] FA2010
- 04:38 Creator:Allen Robert Branston [734 octets] Geagea
- 02:35 Creator:John Reinhard Weguelin [684 octets] Mattes
- 02:20 Creator:Wilhelm August Rieder [686 octets] Mattes
- 01:47 Creator:Georg Dehio [816 octets] Rd232
- 00:54 Creator:Philip Jean [719 octets] Ecummenic
19 décembre 2012
[edit]- 23:41 Creator:Pablo Rabiella y Díez de Aux [693 octets] Mattes
- 20:45 Creator:Francesco Monti [960 octets] Maria.martelli
- 18:46 Creator:Jean-Bernard Descomps [630 octets] Coyau
- 16:46 Creator:Frederick Ferdinand Schafer [977 octets] Botaurus
- 16:34 Creator:Henry Constantine Richter [910 octets] Kersti Nebelsiek
- 11:13 Creator:Heinz Rall [554 octets] Gerd Leibrock
18 décembre 2012
[edit]- 19:20 Creator:Émile Lévy [717 octets] Rd232
- 17:35 Creator:Albert Ludovici, Sr. [686 octets] Rd232
- 12:57 Creator:Anders Andersen-Lundby [866 octets] Rd232
- 08:58 Creator:Józef Hałas [671 octets] Togamek
- 06:26 Creator:George Engleheart [691 octets] Ecummenic
- 03:23 Creator:Ernst Stückelberg [780 octets] Mattes
17 décembre 2012
[edit]- 23:31 Creator:John Dixon
- 19:42 Creator:Lebrecht Wilhelm Schulz
- 18:59 Creator:Eugène Cornu
- 10:12 Creator:Bili Bidjocka
- 10:04 Creator:Blanche Hennebutte-Feillet
- 09:52 Creator:Henri Falange
- 08:50 Creator:TINKEBELL
- 08:45 Creator:Ties ten Bosch
- 00:09 Creator:Bernard Coclers
16 décembre 2012
[edit]- 22:02 Creator:Jules Girardet
- 19:09 Creator:Victor Chavet
- 17:49 Creator:Louis Autreau
- 15:23 Creator:John Hayls
- 15:17 Creator:Edmund Waller
- 14:33 Creator:Isaac Seeman
- 14:31 Creator:Lancelot Blackburne
- 14:01 Creator:James Beckett [731 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 13:13 Creator:Christian Friedrich Zincke
- 12:58 Creator:William Kent
- 12:22 Creator:Michael Vandergucht
- 11:44 Creator:Thomas Murray
- 10:01 Creator:Paolo Fidanza
15 décembre 2012
[edit]- 23:43 Creator:Domenico Cafaggi
- 23:35 Creator:Domenico di Niccolò dei Cori
- 16:51 Creator:Benedetto di Bindo
- 15:12 Creator:Bernardino Fungai
- 14:53 Creator:Andrea Piccinelli
- 14:45 Creator:Carlo di Andrea Galletti
- 14:11 Creator:Dietisalvi di Speme
- 14:05 Creator:Bartolomeo di David
- 13:21 Creator:Andrea di Niccolò
- 11:18 Creator:Agnolo di Ventura
- 11:03 Creator:Agostino di Giovanni
- 09:48 Creator:Alessandro Varotari
- 09:22 Creator:Jean-Baptiste Descamps
14 décembre 2012
[edit]- 22:48 Creator:Daniel Seyter [742 octets] Mattes
- 19:51 Creator:Cesare Zocchi [630 octets] Jaqen
- 18:47 Creator:Giacomo Bresadola [706 octets] Jaqen
- 15:05 Creator:Elisabeth Meyer [582 octets] Anne-Sophie Ofrim
- 13:49 Creator:Christian Skredsvig [737 octets] Anne-Sophie Ofrim
- 13:17 Creator:Robert Charles Wilse [567 octets] Anne-Sophie Ofrim
- 12:26 Creator:Carl Christian Wischmann [585 octets] Anne-Sophie Ofrim
- 12:01 Creator:Truls Teigen [606 octets] Anne-Sophie Ofrim
- 11:54 Creator:Rigmor Dahl Delphin [560 octets] 4ing
- 11:50 Creator:Adolf Klügmann [666 octets] Carlomorino
- 02:40 Creator:Henri Millot [713 octets] Ecummenic
13 décembre 2012
[edit]- 22:27 Creator:Jean Turpin
- 19:30 Creator:Henry Tanworth Wells
- 18:08 Creator:Paul Otlet [698 octets] Jean-Frédéric
- 17:47 Creator:Karl von Blaas [664 octets] Rd232
- 17:11 Creator:Paul Vidal de La Blache [709 octets] Rd232
- 15:38 Creator:Antonio Fabres
- 15:04 Creator:John Bard
- 14:32 Creator:Paul Cornoyer
- 13:51 Creator:Simeon Smith Jocelyn
- 13:33 Creator:Henry Cheever Pratt
- 13:02 Creator:Fritz Holland [598 octets] Anne-Sophie Ofrim
- 11:50 Creator:Ferdinand Justi [677 octets] Emha
- 11:49 Creator:Charles Bridges
- 11:02 Creator:Claude Niquet
- 10:57 Creator:Amélie de la Noue Cordelier
- 10:43 Creator:Charles-Gustave Housez
- 10:38 Creator:François Bunel
- 10:05 Creator:Jacob Bunel
- 09:45 Creator:Henri Bellange
- 09:31 Creator:Thierry Bellange
- 02:45 Creator:Adam Olearius [859 octets] Rd232
- 00:19 Creator:André Fontaine (painter) [729 octets] Raoli
12 décembre 2012
[edit]- 23:59 Creator:Louis de Nameur
- 23:18 Creator:Estienne Gantrel
- 23:06 Creator:Jean de Troy
- 22:40 Creator:Brodero Matthisen [897 octets] BurgererSF
- 22:23 Creator:Cornelis Martinus Vermeulen
- 22:05 Creator:Gérard Edelinck
- 21:00 Creator:Samuel Richards
- 15:07 Creator:Christoffer Gade Rude [573 octets] Anne-Sophie Ofrim
- 06:31 Creator:Alexander Veltman [1 370 octets] Дмитрий Кошелев
- 06:14 Creator:Jean Benner [763 octets] Proktolog
11 décembre 2012
[edit]- 19:10 Creator:Heinrich Matthäi [771 octets] Miebner
- 17:27 Creator:Arcadi Mas i Fontdevila [922 octets] Botaurus
- 13:22 Creator:Nicolas II de Larmessin [626 octets] Ancalagon
- 09:26 Creator:Andrew Grima [640 octets] Zolo
- 09:23 Creator:François van Knibbergen [984 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 09:13 Creator:Albert Capraro [764 octets] Zolo
- 09:04 Creator:Jean-Bernard Restout [688 octets] Ecummenic
- 08:35 Creator:Jean-Antoine-Théodore Giroust [703 octets] Ecummenic
- 08:16 Creator:Henri de Favanne [772 octets] Ecummenic
- 07:36 Creator:Carl Lutherer [718 octets] Miebner
- 01:30 Creator:Federico Cervelli [707 octets] Ecummenic
10 décembre 2012
[edit]- 22:04 Creator:Ernesto de la Cárcova [843 octets] Ezarate
- 21:05 Creator:Santiago Rusiñol [848 octets] Bukk
- 20:54 Creator:Jacques Raymond Brascassat [1 213 octets] Botaurus
- 20:09 Creator:Marius Vasselon [622 octets] Kilom691
- 18:55 Creator:Luis Estévez [720 octets] Zolo
- 13:33 Creator:William Sadler II [686 octets] DutchHoratius
- 11:01 Creator:Impossible Sites dans la rue [1 065 octets] Iopensa
- 10:35 Creator:Rudi Bogaerts [678 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 10:27 Creator:Matthias de Visch [763 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 10:10 Creator:Digman Meynaert [701 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 09:49 Creator:Johannes Baptista Petrus Coclers [963 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 06:25 Creator:Benjamin Marshall [768 octets] Ecummenic
9 décembre 2012
[edit]- 21:42 Creator:James Holmes
- 21:36 Creator:William Derby
- 21:33 Creator:William Henry Mote
- 20:55 Creator:William Owen
- 20:48 Creator:William Haines
- 20:32 Creator:Samuel William Reynolds II
- 19:30 Creator:Theodoor van der Schuer [1 260 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 19:22 Creator:Goddy Leye [813 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 19:14 Creator:Albert van Spiers [800 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 19:08 Creator:Jacob Coning [922 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 19:02 Creator:Jan Gerard Waldorp [926 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 18:51 Creator:Jules Gélibert [696 octets] Ecummenic
- 16:16 Creator:Guillam Dubois [968 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 15:58 Creator:Frits Jansen [811 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 12:54 Creator:Robert Muller
- 01:33 Creator:Thomas Luny [790 octets] Ecummenic
8 décembre 2012
[edit]- 22:57 Creator:Daniel Georg Nyblin [551 octets] Anne-Sophie Ofrim
- 22:25 Creator:Cesare Tallone [921 octets] Austriacus
- 14:51 Creator:Rudolf Lehmann [965 octets] Botaurus
- 14:45 Creator:Ernest Normand [595 octets] Kilom691
- 14:22 Creator:William Henry Margetson [683 octets] Kilom691
7 décembre 2012
[edit]- 23:29 Creator:Daniel Gittard [1 020 octets] Robert.Allen
- 12:38 Creator:Rudolf Schiestl [697 octets] FA2010
- 11:22 Creator:Benedetto Coda [725 octets] Mattes
- 10:50 Creator:Aurel Stein [813 octets] Andrew Gray
- 10:07 Creator:Albin Mattenheimer [686 octets] FA2010
- 07:42 Creator:Robert de Cotte [1 701 octets] Robert.Allen
- 05:55 Creator:Philippe Lallemand [928 octets] Robert.Allen
- 02:53 Creator:Giovanni Niccolò Servandoni [1 713 octets] Robert.Allen
6 décembre 2012
[edit]- 19:47 Creator:Joseph-Bernard Abadie [652 octets] Léna
- 19:42 Creator:Paul Lafond [634 octets] Léna
- 19:33 Creator:Jean-Joseph-Jules Defer [700 octets] Léna
- 19:27 Creator:Eugène de Malbos [613 octets] Léna
- 19:23 Creator:Paul-Jean-Pierre Gélibert [669 octets] Léna
- 18:42 Creator:Victor Jean-Baptiste Petit [641 octets] Léna
- 18:34 Creator:Louis-Julien Jacottet [658 octets] Léna
- 18:24 Creator:Charles Mercereau [631 octets] Léna
- 18:20 Creator:Pierre Gorse [586 octets] Léna
- 16:36 Creator:Charles Gadenne [775 octets] Jean-Frédéric
- 03:04 Creator:William Aiken Walker [761 octets] Rd232
- 02:48 Creator:Charles Soule, Jr. [611 octets] Rd232
- 00:25 Creator:Robert Tait McKenzie [944 octets] Evrik
5 décembre 2012
[edit]- 20:47 Creator:Frederik Bouttats
- 19:15 Creator:John Wykeham Archer
- 17:26 Creator:Mansel Lewis [895 octets] Bukk
4 décembre 2012
[edit]- 21:50 Creator:Charles Grignion II
- 21:47 Creator:Charles Grignion I
- 18:17 Creator:Bruno Tschötschel [720 octets] Togamek
- 14:33 Creator:Georg Caspar Prenner [725 octets] Jean-Frédéric
- 14:23 Creator:Hryhoriy Skovoroda [2 006 octets] Butko
- 11:46 Creator:Edvin Bauthler [555 octets] Anne-Sophie Ofrim
3 décembre 2012
[edit]- 23:42 Creator:William Woollett
- 23:33 Creator:Philip Fishbourne Wharton
- 22:48 Creator:William Dickinson
- 22:25 Creator:John Plott
- 22:21 Creator:John Keyse Sherwin
- 22:17 Creator:Joseph Grozer
- 22:09 Creator:David Martin [794 octets] Ecummenic
- 21:15 Creator:Adolfus Robert Venables
- 20:46 Creator:Gerard Altmann [814 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 20:37 Creator:Adrian Vanson [662 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 20:34 Creator:Michael Angelo Immenraet [830 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 20:25 Creator:Pieter Hofman [879 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 20:06 Creator:William Edward West
- 19:56 Creator:Theodoor van Heil [771 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 19:44 Creator:Daniël van Heil [776 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 19:39 Creator:Jacob van Hal [685 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 19:32 Creator:Jan Frans van Bredael (I) [767 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 19:28 Creator:Abraham van Blyenberch [776 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 18:54 Creator:Hendrik Rietschoof [731 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 18:52 Creator:Thomas Herbert Maguire
- 18:46 Creator:Stephen Robert Koekkoek [781 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 18:41 Creator:Antonio Triva [804 octets] Mattes
- 18:38 Creator:Maxim Gauci [617 octets] Hsarrazin
- 16:17 Creator:Francesco Bissolo [829 octets] Mattes
- 14:40 Creator:Aloys Zötl [708 octets] FA2010
- 13:15 Creator:Maria Margrita van Os [730 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 13:06 Creator:Piet van Mook [758 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 12:59 Creator:Antonie Louis Koster [1 032 octets] Vincent Steenberg
- 12:52 Creator:Ole Tobias Olsen [661 octets] Anne-Sophie Ofrim
- 11:36 Creator:Pierre-Simon Fournier [965 octets] Rd232
- 11:20 Creator:Caroline Colditz [531 octets] Anne-Sophie Ofrim
- 06:00 Creator:Louis Hersent [712 octets] Ecummenic
- 05:35 Creator:Richard Rothwell [724 octets] Ecummenic
- 00:11 Creator:John Boydell
2 décembre 2012
[edit]- 23:51 Creator:William Holl
- 23:42 Creator:Samuel Shelley
- 23:35 Creator:William Nutter
- 23:28 Creator:William Redmore Bigg
- 23:23 Creator:William Humphrey
- 23:03 Creator:Wilson Lowry
- 22:53 Creator:Strickland Lowry
- 21:41 Creator:Owen Bailey
- 21:12 Creator:D. George Thompson
- 17:56 Creator:James William Edmund Doyle
- 16:43 Creator:Léon Belly [653 octets] Rd232
- 16:09 Creator:Albert Braut [741 octets] Onderwijsgek
- 15:09 Creator:George Keating
- 14:36 Creator:Thomas Davies [737 octets] Zeete
- 12:51 Creator:Guillaume Lejean [849 octets] Rd232
- 12:28 Creator:Louis Bertin Parant [684 octets] Jastrow
- 11:06 Creator:Jean Bahuet [840 octets] BurgererSF
- 10:47 Creator:Pere Juan Poch [639 octets] Jastrow
- 09:59 Creator:Frederick William Burton [732 octets] Kilom691
- 03:03 Creator:James Tingle
- 02:55 Creator:William Leighton Leitch
- 02:46 Creator:William Bernard Cooke
- 02:38 Creator:E. Bocquet
- 02:21 Creator:Henry Edridge
- 01:52 Creator:Harold Crease
- 01:47 Creator:Thomas Trotter
- 01:35 Creator:Francis William Wilkin
- 01:19 Creator:John William Wright
- 01:07 Creator:Thomas Leeming
- 00:50 Creator:Joseph Barney
1 décembre 2012
[edit]- 23:57 Creator:John Abbot
- 23:50 Creator:William Say
- 23:45 Creator:James Ramsay
- 23:35 Creator:George Perfect Harding
- 23:20 Creator:Samuel Lane
- 23:04 Creator:David Lucas
- 22:44 Creator:Saint-John Lucas
- 22:36 Creator:John Lucas
- 22:27 Creator:Henry Cousins
- 20:27 Creator:Horace Castelli
- 18:37 Creator:Félix Benoist [745 octets] Rd232
- 15:39 Creator:Francesco Guarino [651 octets] Bukk
- 10:18 Creator:Leif Ørnelund [541 octets] Anne-Sophie Ofrim
- 03:01 Creator:Fred Humiston [641 octets] AdamBMorgan
30 novembre 2012
[edit]- 20:33 Creator:James Lonsdale [725 octets] Ecummenic
- 19:42 Creator:Edmond Lepelletier
- 19:38 Creator:Edouard Brisebarre
- 19:36 Creator:Auguste Anicet-Bourgeois
- 16:09 Creator:Johannes Holmsen [552 octets] Anne-Sophie Ofrim
- 14:45 Creator:Byron Harmon [697 octets] Andrew Gray
- 14:20 Creator:Gustaf Munch-Petersen [662 octets] Palnatoke
- 13:35 Creator:Terry Cavanagh [682 octets] Jean-Frédéric
- 08:09 Creator:Pierre Contant d'Ivry [1 409 octets] Robert.Allen
- 05:33 Creator:Jean Bodin [748 octets] Doug
- 02:57 Creator:Jacques Gondouin [1 179 octets] Robert.Allen
- 00:58 Creator:Vincent Brooks [752 octets] Billinghurst
- 00:15 Creator:Claude-René-Gabriel Poulleau [949 octets] Robert.Allen
[edit]- A 1942 Creator:Robert Weir Allan [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD)
- B 1861 Creator:Isidore Bourdon [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - - (FS/PD 2012-12-28)
- B 1910 Creator:Maurice Bourguin [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD 2012-12-28)
- B 1917 Creator:Giacomo Barzellotti [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD 2012-12-28)
- B 1935 Creator:Raymond Bouyer [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD 2012-12-28)
- B 1941 Creator:Julius Bauer [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD)
- B alive creator:Lard Buurman (AC) d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD)
- D alive creator:Delemarre, G.Th. [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD)
- D 1905 Creator:Auguste Dietrich [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS (FC/PD 2012-12-28)
- D 1942 Creator:Leo Diet [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS (FC/PD)
- D alive creator:Gerard Dukker [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD)
- E 1942 Creator:Franz Erler (AC) d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD 20120102)
- F alive creator:Ted Felen [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD 2012-12-28)
- G alive Creator:H. van Gool [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD)
- G alive Creator:Paul van Galen [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD)
- H alive creator:Karl Harstad (AC) d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD)
- H 1887 Creator:Henry Augustus Homes [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD)
- K 1688 Creator:Andreas Kieser [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD)
- K 1894 Creator:Kassylda Kulikowska d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD)
- K 1896 creator:Claus Peter Knudsen (AC) d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD 2012-12-28)
- M 1752 Creator:Johann Daniel Meyer d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD)
- M -030 Creator:Menelaos [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD)
- M 1877 Creator:Edmond-Denis de Manne [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD 2012-12-28)
- M 1919 Creator:Joachim Merlant [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD 2012-12-28)
- P 19.. Creator:Albert Philippin [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD 2013-01-02)
- R alive Creator:Kris Roderburg (AC) d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD)
- S 1653 creator:Pieter Dircksz. Santvoort [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD 2012-12-28)
- T alive creator:Loek Tangel [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD)
- V 1941 Creator:Charles Vetter [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS - (FC/PD)
- F 1942 Creator:Heinrich Franz (AC) d:NO WIKILINKS (FC/PD 2012-01-02)
- H 1942 Creator:Heinrich Hermanns [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS (FC/PD)
- H 1942 Creator:Hans Herrmann [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS (FC/PD)
- S 1942 Creator:Theo Schmuz-Baudiß [AC] d:NO WIKILINKS (FC/PD)