User:GPSLeo/protected areas

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Plan for a consistent category structure and naming for protected areas in Germany.

Naming convention


The general rule is: Area Type + Name for the area. If the area type has more than one word an abbreviation is used. For German specific areas the area type is in German. For the higher categories the English translation is used.

Name German Name English Abbreviation Prefix to use for sites Prefix to use for all higher cats Comment
Naturschutzgebiet Nature reserve NSG Naturschutzgebiet Nature reserves
Landschaftsschutzgebiet Protected landscape area LSG Landschaftsschutzgebiet Protected landscape areas
Nationalpark National park NLP/NP Nationalpark National parks
Nationale Naturmonumente National natural monument NNM NNM National natural monuments
Naturpark Nature park NRP/NP Naturpark Nature parks
Geschützte Landschaftsbestandteile Protected landscape element gLB/GLB INDIVIDUAL Protected landscape elements As this protection type is a bit different adding a prefix is not always useful.
Naturdenkmal Natural monument ND INDIVIDUAL Natural monuments As this protection type is a bit different adding a prefix is not always useful.
FFH-Gebiet Special Area of Conservation SAC SAC Special Areas of Conservation Areas are in a procedure before becoming declared as "Special Areas of Conservation" for convenient naming this term in used for areas in all stages.
Vogelschutzgebiet Special Protection Area SPA SPA Special Protection Areas
Biosphärenreservat Biosphere reserve - no common abbreviation Biosphärenreservat Biosphere reserves
Bannwald/Naturwaldreservat/Naturwald Protected forest - no common abbreviation Term used in the state the area is in Protected forests For different names in the German states see de:Naturwaldreservat
UNESCO-Weltnaturerbe World Heritage Site - no common abbreviation World Heritage Site World Heritage Sites IMPORTANT: Only include photos of the site areas itself not the area around. Do not categorize the hole national park/nature reserve under "World Heritage Sites".
Ramsargebiet Ramsar site - no common abbreviation Ramsar site Ramsar sites Info on area definition needed

Structure of collective cats


* National: National park, National natural monument, Nature park, Biosphere reserve, World Heritage Site, Ramsar site

* State: (For City states and Bezirke as replacement for Municipalities)

* District: Nature reserve, Protected landscape area, Protected landscape element, Special Area of Conservation, Special Protection Area, Protected forest

* Municipality: Natural monument

Former areas


Protected areas no longer existing or as an other with a new name and/or type should be part of the regular structure. Those categories should only contain images taken during the time the area existed.

Same area


I some cases different types of areas share the exact same shape. If every square meter of the areas are the same then there should only be one category. This category is named after the most common name for this area. Here are some ruler of frequent cases:

  • Nature reserve + Special Areas of Conservation -> Nature reserve
  • Nature park + any other type -> Nature park
  • National park + any other type -> National park
  • Biosphere reserve + any other type -> Biosphere reserve
  • Protected forest + any other type -> the other type
  • Special Areas of Conservation + Protected landscape area -> Special Area of Conservation

A category for every site


Every protected area should have a category whether there is a category for the geographical feature or not. Protected areas can be categorized under the geographical feature or other protected area and geographical features can be categorized under the protected area. There it should always by ensured that images in the subcategory are showing the protected area.

This does not apply to nature monuments and protected landscape elements where in many cases no area is defined.

